姓名 | 周三栋 |
教师编号 | 75456 |
性别 | 发明专利4999代写全部资料 |
学校 | 中国地质大学 |
部门 | Email:zhousandong@cug.edu.cn |
学位 | 在职信息:在职 |
学历 | 学位:博士 |
职称 | 周三栋 (教授) |
联系方式 | 【发送到邮箱】 |
邮箱 | 【发送到邮箱】 |
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个人简历 教授,博士生导师,2022年入选湖北省人才计划,2020年入选地大学者,美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学访问学者。长期从事煤层(岩)气和页岩油气沉积储层地质与开发工程的教学和研究工作,主要涉及沉积学、油气岩石力学、岩石物理、成岩作用、流固界面特征及流体微观行为等领域。主持和参与国家自然科学基金、中国博士后面上基金、中国石油科技创新基金等项目10项;在IJCG、FUEL、SPEJ、TIPM及《石油与天然气地质》等刊物发表第一/通讯作者学术论文30余篇(含1篇ESI高被引),第一作者出版学术专著1部,申请专利10余项。担任《地球科学》、《煤炭科学技术》、《中国海上油气》等期刊青年编委,JPSE和地球科学等刊物审稿专家。中国煤炭学会和中国地质学会会员。教育部学位中心评审专家、国家自然科学基金评审专家。曾获优秀博士后(2021年)等校级以上荣誉20余项。个人主页: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9887-830X;https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Sandong-Zhou欢迎优秀青年学子(高年级本科生、硕士生、博士生、博士后)加盟我们RGE课题组,每年招收1-2名博士研究生,2-4名硕士研究生,希望你:乐观正直、有团队精神、积极上进、有较好油气地质、数理化基础及计算机能力。可推荐至海外一流科研团队和实验室交流访问!2024-2026年重点攻关:(1)深部煤层(岩)气成藏与开发工程(2)低渗储层(致密油、页岩油)“甜点区/段”评价标准与技术(3)超临界二氧化碳压裂-驱替-封存机理与技术在研项目:1. 松辽盆地长岭凹陷页岩油重点井甜点层测井二次解释与评价. 中石油吉林油田分公司. 2023-2024.2. 鄂尔多斯盆地纳林1H区块煤岩气富集规律与生产特征研究. 中石油长庆油田分公司. 2023-2024.3. 超临界CO2作用下深部巨厚煤多场耦合的渗透率垂向变化机理. 国家自然科学基金. 2022-2024.4. 海上深层/超深层低渗储层压裂改造微观地质机理研究服务. 中海油深圳分公司. 2022-2024.5. 古龙页岩油油藏工程理论、CO2提产机理及合理排采制度研究. 黑龙江省第一批“揭榜挂帅”科技攻关项目. 2021-2025.6. 构造抬升-降温阶段海相深层页岩气赋存状态动态演化过程. 国家自然科学基金. 2022-2025.已完成项目:油气沉积与储层地质项目:1. 西湖凹陷斜坡内带平湖组储层条件研究及有利目标优选. 中海石油东海西湖石油天然气作业公司. 2022-2023.2. 珠三坳陷层序约束下的沉积体系演化及储盖组合分布. 中国海油重大三外项目. 2019-2021.3. 大庆长垣杏南地区葡萄花油层扩边潜力研究. 中国石油大庆油田. 2013-2015.4. 杏南周边地区葡萄花油层井震结合砂体预测技术研究. 大庆油田有限责任公司. 2013--20145. 二连盆地阿南洼槽阿尔善-腾格尔组层序地层及沉积相研究. 中国石油天然气集团有限公司. 2013-2015.非常规油气储层地质与工程项目:1. 伊通盆地鹿乡断陷页岩油地质与评价. 中石油吉林油田分公司. 2022-2023.2. 页岩储层纳米孔隙中超临界CO2/CH4-水相互作用研究. 中国石油科技创新基金. 2020-2022.3. 注CO2过程中海相页岩储层流体微观作用的动态地质效应. 海洋地质资源湖北省重点实验室开放基金. 2021-2023.4. 泥页岩水吸附分析. 东北石油大学.2021-2022.5. 五峰-龙马溪组页岩裂缝脉体成岩环境演化与裂缝发育主控因素研究. 中国石油科技创新基金. 2019-2021. 6. 鄂西页岩储层纳米孔隙中超临界CO2/CH4-水相互作用研究. 湖北省博士后面上基金. 2019-2020.7. 富有机质页岩类型及其沉积-成岩控制因素. 国家自然科学基金. 2016-2020. 8. 煤层气储层流体微观动力学机理研究. 国家自然科学基金. 2019-2023.9. 深部煤储层双压缩性及其对渗透率的影响. 构造与油气资源教育部重点实验室. 2019-2020.10. 煤储层双压缩系数及其对储层物性的影响机制. 中国博士后面上基金. 2019-202011. 低阶煤储层微纳米孔隙中多相流体运移机制研究. 中央高校基本科研业务费专项. 2016-2017.12. 准噶尔盆地南缘中低煤阶煤储层物性非均质与可改造性研究. 国家科技重大专项. 2016-2020.13. 多级孔裂隙介质约束下的煤层气扩散-渗流联动效应研究. 国家自然科学基金. 2016-2018.14. 沁南地区煤储层物性平面分布特征及开发中的动态变化规律. 中国石油华北油田公司. 2014-2016.15. 山西省不同构造单元煤层气储层特征及定量描述. 山西省煤基重点科技攻关项目. 2014-2016.16. 低煤级煤层气储层孔裂隙非均质性及对甲烷吸附/渗流的控制机理. 国家自然科学基金. 2013-2015.17. 煤储层特性区块尺度精细描述技术. 国家科技重大专项. 2010-2015.专著与教材 1. 周三栋,严德天,刘大锰,等. 低阶煤储层物性非均质特征及煤岩学控制机理. 地震出版社,2023. 2. 杨曙光,李瑞明,汤达祯,等. 准噶尔盆地南缘中低煤阶煤层气成藏地质及有利区评价.中国地质大学出版社,2020.(参编)论文成果Published and accepted1. Sandong Zhou, Qiaoyun Cheng, Jianhua Li, Detian Yan, and Bobo Li*. Apparent Permeability of Clayey Shale Gas Reservoirs: Simultaneous Effects of Stress and Slippage. Energy Fuels 2024, 38(1), 258–268.2. Weixin Zhang, Sandong Zhou*, Shaoqiu Wang, Dameng Liu, Zhejun Pan, Detian Yan. Digital rock characterization and CO2 flow simulation of high-volatile bituminous coal: An application to carbon geosequestration. International Journal of Coal Geology,2023, 280, 104389.3. Xianwei Zeng, Bobo Li *, Jianhua Li, Sandong Zhou*, Haosheng Song, Shulei Duan, and Yunna Ding. New Model for Gas Transport in Microfractures in Shale Reservoirs: Integration of Effective Stress, Gas Adsorption, and Second-Order Slippage. Energy & Fuels, 2023, 37, 18, 13880-138974. Shaoqiu Wang, Sandong Zhou∗, Zhejun Pan, Derek Elsworth, Detian Yan, Hua Wang, Dameng Liu, Zhazha Hu. Response of pore network fractal dimensions and gas adsorption capacities of shales exposed to supercritical CO2: Implications for CH4 recovery and carbon sequestration. Energy Reports, 2023, 9, 6461-6485.5. Qiaoyun Cheng, Sandong Zhou*, Bobo Li, Zhejun Pan, Dameng Liu, Detian Yan. Integrating embedment and creep behavior for multisize proppant in shale: conceptual model and validation. SPE Journal, 2023, SPE-215844-PA.6. Junfeng Zhang, Detian Yan, Sandong Zhou∗, Hua Wang, Yong Deng, Entao Liu, Guangzeng Song. Sedimentological and diagenetic effects on petrophysical characteristics and hydraulic flow units of Zhujiang sandstones in the Pearl River Mouth Basin, south China Sea. Energy, 2023, 282, 128942.7. Junfeng Zhang, Yong Deng, Detian Yan, Hua Wang, Sandong Zhou*. Chlorite characterization and diagenetic evolution as primary controls on Zhuhai Formation sandstone reservoir quality in Zhu-III sag, Pearl River Mouth Basin, south China sea. Geoenergy Science and Engineering, 2023, 222, 211414.8. Junfeng Zhang, Detian Yan, Hua Wang, Sandong Zhou*, Yong Deng, Wanle Liang. Prediction of diagenetic facies via well logs and petrophysical properties in tight sandstone from Zhu-III sag, Pearl River Mouth Basin, South China Sea. J. Energy Eng., 2022, 148(6): 04022037.9. Sandong Zhou, Yong Deng, Hua Wang, Zhejun Pan, Detian Yan. Connectivity and permeability of Zhuhai tight sandstone heterogeneous reservoirs from western Pearl River Mouth Basin (China) by nuclear magnetic resonance. Applied Geochemistry, 2022, 143, 105381.10. Sandong Zhou, Hua Wang, Sirui Jiang, Detian Yan, Dameng Liu, Ziyu Zhang, Guoqing Li. A Novel Approach to Obtain Fractal Dimension in Coals by LFNMR: Insights from the T2 Peak and T2 Geometric Mean. J. Energy Eng., 2022, 148(3): 0402200911. Sandong Zhou, Jiguang Tang, Yidong Cai. Reservoir characterization of the Upper Cretaceous shale for the Changling Sag, Southern Songliao Basin, NE China. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2021, 14, 708.12. Sandong Zhou, Dameng Liu, Zuleima T. Karpyn, Yidong Cai, Yanbin Yao. Dual compressibility characteristics of lignite, subbituminous, and high-volatile bituminous coals: A new insight into permeability. Transport in Porous Media, 2021, 136, 295–317.13. Sandong Zhou, Dameng Liu, Yidong Cai, Yingjin Wang, Detian Yan. Occurrence characteristics of mineral and the effect on micro- and nano-scale pore-fractures of low rank coal: A case study from Zhundong Coalfield, NW China. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2021, 21, 460–471.14. Detian Yan, Shuangjian Li, Haijiao Fu, David M. Jasper, Sandong Zhou, Xiangrong Yang, Bao Zhang, Hassan Nasir Mangi. Mineralogy and geochemistry of Lower Silurian black shales from the Yangtze platform, South China. International Journal of Coal Geology, 2021, 237, 103706.15. Rui Yang, Aoqi Jia, Sheng He, Qinhong Hu, Mengdi Sun, Tian Dong, Yuguang Hou, Sandong Zhou. Experimental investigation of water vapor adsorption isotherm on gas-producing Longmaxi shale: Mathematical modeling and implication for water distribution in shale reservoirs. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 406, 125982.16. Sandong Zhou, Detian Yan, Jiguang Tang, Zhejun Pan. Abrupt change of pore system in lacustrine shales at oil- and gas-maturity during catagenesis. International Journal of Coal Geology, 2020, 228, 103557.17. Sandong Zhou, Dameng Liu, Yidong Cai, Zuleima T. Karpyn, Yanbin Yao. Comparative analysis of nanopore structure and its effect on methane adsorption capacity of Southern Junggar coalfield coals by gas adsorption and FIB-SEM tomography. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2018, 272, 117–128.18. Sandong Zhou, Dameng Liu, Zuleima T. Karpyn, Yidong Cai, Yanbin Yao. Effect of coalification jumps on petrophysical properties of various metamorphic coals from different coalfields in China. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2018, 60, 63–76.19. Sandong Zhou, Dameng Liu, Yidong Cai, Zuleima T. Karpyn, Yanbin Yao. Petrographic Controls on Pore and Fissure Characteristics of Coals from the Southern Junggar Coalfield, Northwest China. Energies, 2018, 11, 1556.20. 周三栋,刘大锰,蔡益栋等.低阶煤吸附孔特征及分形表征[J].石油与天然气地质,2018,39(02):373-383.21. 王小垚,曾联波,周三栋等.低阶煤储层微观孔隙结构的分形模型评价[J].天然气地球科学,2018,29(02):277-288.22. Sandong Zhou, Dameng Liu, Yidong Cai, Yanbin Yao. Effects of the coalification jump on the petrophysical properties of lignite, subbituminous and high-volatile bituminous coals. Fuel, 2017, 199, 219–228.23. Sandong Zhou, Dameng Liu, Yidong Cai, Yanbin Yao. 3D characterization and quantitative evaluation of pore-fracture networks of two Chinese coals using FIB-SEM tomography. International Journal of Coal Geology, 2017, 174, 41–54.24. Sandong Zhou, Dameng Liu, Yidong Cai, Yanbin Yao. Multi-scale fractal characterizations of lignite, subbituminous and high-volatile bituminous coals pores by mercury intrusion porosimetry. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2017, 44, 338–350.25. 刘大锰,周三栋,蔡益栋等.地应力对煤储层渗透性影响及其控制机理研究[J].煤炭科学技术,2017,45(06):1-8+23.26. 郑司建,王小垚,周三栋.准噶尔盆地南缘低煤阶煤储层孔隙分形特征[J].煤炭技术,2017,36(07):133-135.27. Sandong Zhou, Dameng Liu, Yidong Cai, Yanbin Yao. Gas sorption and flow capabilities of lignite, subbituminous and high volatile bituminous coals in the Southern Junggar Basin, NW China. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2016, 34, 6–21.28. Sandong Zhou, Dameng Liu, Yidong Cai, Yanbin Yao. Fractal characterization of pore–fracture in low-rank coals using a low-field NMR relaxation method. Fuel, 2016, 181, 218–226.29. Sandong Zhou, Jiguang Tang, Dameng Liu, Yidong Cai. Shale oil potential of the Upper Cretaceous in the Changling area, Southern Songliao Basin, NE China: perspectives of geochemistry and petrology. International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology, 2016, 13, 215–245.30. Sandong Zhou, Dameng Liu, Yidong Cai, Jiguang Tang. Pore structure characteristics of shale gas reservoir of Yingcheng Formation in Lishu Depression, Songliao Basin. ACTA GEOLOGICA SINICA (English Edition), 2015, 89, 142.31. 周三栋,刘大锰,孙邵华等.准噶尔盆地南缘硫磺沟煤层气富集主控地质因素及有利区优选[J].现代地质,2015,29(01):179-189.32. 李臣臣,刘大锰,蔡益栋, 周三栋.新疆准南地区煤储层显微裂隙特征及矿物控因分析[J].煤炭科学技术,2015,43(12):144-151.Presentations at National and International Symposia33. Sandong Zhou, Junfeng Zhang, Hua Wang, Detian Yan, 2022. “An integrated workflow for diagenetic facies, microfacies analysis and petrophysical characterization of Zhuhai Formation tight sandstone from Zhu III sag, Pearl River Mouth Basin, South China Sea”. The 21st International Sedimentological Congress (21st ISC). China University of Geosciences, Beijing, China, August 22-27. (Invited Talk)34. Shaoqiu Wang, Sandong Zhou*, Dameng Liu, Zhejun Pan, 2022. “Evolution of pore structure and gas adsorption properties in coal and shale by supercritical CO2”. The 21st International Sedimentological Congress (21st ISC). China University of Geosciences, Beijing, China, August 22-27.35. Junfeng Zhang, Sandong Zhou*, 2022. “Chlorite characterization and diagenetic evolution as primary controls on Zhuhai Formation tight sandstone reservoir quality in Zhu-III sag, Pearl River Mouth Basin, South China Sea”. The 21st International Sedimentological Congress (21st ISC). China University of Geosciences, Beijing, China, August 22-27.36. Sandong Zhou, Hua Wang, Detian Yan, 2021. “Dual compressibility and its influence on petrophysical properties of coal reservoir”. The 12th Annual Youth Academic Conference. China Petroleum Society, Daqing, China, August 15-17.37. Sandong Zhou, Hua Wang, Detian Yan, 2021. “Static characterization and dynamic evolution of pores and fissures in organic- rich lacustrine shale”. The Fifth National Youth Geological Conference. The Geological Society of China, Guizhou, China, April 23-26. (Invited Talk)38. Sandong Zhou, Dameng Liu, Zhejun Pan, Detian Yan, 2020. “Heterogeneity of pore-fissures for low rank coalbed methane reservoir and its geological controlling factors”. National Youth Geological Forum on Coal and Associated Mineral Resources. Taiyuan University of Technology, Taiyuan, China, September 12–14.39. Sandong Zhou, Dameng Liu, Zhejun Pan, Zuleima T. Karpyn, Detian Yan, 2019. “3D microstructure anisotropy of cleats in deep coals”. 71st Annual Meeting of the International Committee for Coal and Organic Petrology. The Hague, Netherlands, September 16–20.40. Yidong Cai, Sandong Zhou*, Dameng Liu, Zhejun Pan, 2018. “Mechanical properties constrained by coal structures: Impact on hydraulic fracturing”. 1st National Forum of Youth Scholars in Energies and Resources. China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, China, November 16–18.41. Sandong Zhou, Dameng Liu, Yidong Cai, 2018. “A novel approach to obtain fractal dimension in coals by LFNMR”. 9th International Symposium of State Key Laboratory of Oil & Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation. Chengdu University of Technology, China. October 29–31.42. Sandong Zhou, Dameng Liu, Zuleima T. Karpyn, Yidong Cai, 2018. “3D microstructure anisotropism of pore-cleats in southern Junggar Basin coal samples: Insight by X-ray computed tomography fractal analysis”. 10th InterPore Annual Meeting and Jubilee (InterPore2018). New Orleans, USA, May 14–17.43. Sandong Zhou, Dameng Liu, Yidong Cai, Jiguang Tang, Yuehua Hou, 2015. “Reservoir Characterization of the Upper Cretaceous Shale for the Changling Sag, Southern Songliao Basin, NE China”. CHINA SHALE GAS 2015. Wuhan, China, September 6–8.44. Sandong Zhou, Dameng Liu, Yidong Cai, Jiguang Tang, 2015. “Pore structure characterization of gas shale of K1sh and K1y Formations in Lishu Depression, Songliao Basin”.3rd Unconventional Petroleum Geology Evaluation. China University of Petroleum, Qingdao, China, June 27–30.指导本科生、研究生及博士后指导本科生5人(2人获“寻找李四光”专项基金资助)、硕士研究生7人、博士生1人,协助指导博士和硕士研究生3人。 教育经历 [1] 2017.9-2018.9 Pennsylvania State University | Unconventional Reservoir Characterization 导师:Zuleima Karpyn教授、Derek Elsworth院士 [2] 2015.9-2019.6 中国地质大学(北京) | 矿产普查与勘探 | 工学博士学位 | 博士研究生 导师:刘大锰教授 [3] 2013.9-2015.6 中国地质大学(北京) | 矿产普查与勘探 | 工学硕士学位 | 硕士研究生 导师:刘大锰教授 [4] 2009.9-2013.6 长江大学 | 资源勘查工程 | 工学学士学位 | 大学本科 导师:汤济广教授 工作经历 [1] 2021.3-至今 中国地质大学(武汉) | 资源学院 | 特任教授 | 团队负责人:王华教授、严德天教授 [2] 2019.7-2021.3 中国地质大学(武汉) | 资源学院 | 讲师/博士后 | 合作导师:严德天教授、Zhejun Pan教授 社会兼职 [1] 2023.1-2025.5 《地球科学》、《煤炭科学技术》、《中国海上油气》等期刊青年编委。 [2] 2022.1-至今 教育部学位中心评审专家、国家自然科学基金评审专家以及中国教育发展战略学会人才发展专业委员会—学术桥评审专家等。 [3] 2015.11-至今 JPSE、Energy Fuel、FUEL、Natural Resources Research、Fuel Processing Technology、Journal of Earth Science、International Journal of Energy Research等期刊审稿专家 [4] 2022.1-至今 2022年非常规油气地质国际学术会议组织委员会成员。2022年第二届、2023年第三届、2024年第四届全国煤层气生物工程学术研讨会组织委员会委员。 研究方向 [1] (a)油气储层地质与评价;(b)非常规油气地质理论与评价;(c)煤与煤层气地质 [2] (a)低渗储层成因特征及孔隙演化;(b)泥页岩储层表征与非常规油气成藏;(c)泥页岩古沉积环境重建与优质烃源岩发育机理 联系方式 [1] 邮编: [2] 传真: [3] 通讯/办公地址: 主楼628B [4] 办公室电话: [5] 移动电话: [6] 邮箱: zhousandong@cug.edu.cn 团队成员 沉积盆地与煤系气共探合采 教授6名,其中1人为澳大利亚CSIRO能源所研究员,1人为美国USGS研究员,1人获全国优秀博士论文指导教师,1人入选教育部青年长江学者特聘教授。另含讲师1名,博士研究生15名,硕士研究生40余名。主持国家科技重大专项、973项目子专题、国家自然科学基金(重大、重点、杰出青年、优秀青年、面上、国际合作、青年)项目、中石油科技创新基金项目、教育部新世纪人才项目、全国优秀博士论文作者专项基金项目、北京市英才计划支持项目等省部级以上科研项目50余项。 |