姓名 | 王宇航 |
教师编号 | 75450 |
性别 | 发明专利4999代写全部资料 |
学校 | 中国地质大学 |
部门 | 发明专利包写包过 加急申请 |
学位 | 在职信息:在职 |
学历 | 学位:哲学博士学位 |
职称 | 王宇航 (教授(特聘)) |
联系方式 | 【发送到邮箱】 |
邮箱 | 【发送到邮箱】 |
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个人简历 王宇航,2022年11月加入中国地质大学(武汉)环境学院水资源与水文地质系。2020年8月在美国怀俄明大学获得博士学位。2020年9月至2022年8月在荷兰代尔夫特理工大学土木工程与地球科学学院和电气工程、数学与计算机科学学院从事博士后研究。主要研究方向是地下多孔介质流动中的实验观测、数学模型和数值模拟方法。研究领域包括建立基于物理观测的数学模型、开发可靠健壮的数值方法、预测不同尺度下多物理场耦合的多孔介质流动,进而探究和解决地下系统中与环境和能源密切相关的实际问题。负责/参与项目3. 场地非均质含水层污染物时空演化的高精度表征,国家重点研发计划,2023.12-2027.11,子课题负责2. 历史不规范填埋场土壤-地下水系统中微塑料形成机制与污染风险,国家重点研发计划青年科学家项目,2023.12-2026.11,任务负责1. 地质储氢中氢气与垫层气混合扩散规律表征及模拟研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目,2024.01-2026.12,主持发表论文第一作者/通讯作者12. Wang, Y., Zhang, Z., Vuik, C. and Hajibeygi, H. Simulation of CO2 storage using a parameterization method for essential trapping physics: FluidFlower benchmark study, Transport in Porous Media, 2023. link11. Zhao, M., Wang, Y., Gerritsma, M. and Hajibeygi, H. Efficient simulation of CO2 migration dynamics in deep saline aquifers using a multi-task deep learning technique with consistency, Advances in Water Resources 178: 104494, 2023. link10. Wang, L., Wang, Y., Vuik, C. and Hajibeygi, H. Accurate modeling and simulation of seepage in 3D heterogeneous fractured porous media with complex structures, Computers and Geotechnics 150: 104923, 2022. link9. Wang, Y., Vuik, C. and Hajibeygi, H. CO2 storage in deep saline aquifers:impacts of fractures on hydrodynamic trapping, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 113: 103552, 2022. link8. Wang, Y., Vuik, C. and Hajibeygi, H. Analysis of hydrodynamic trapping interactions during full-cycle injection and migration for CO2 in deep saline aquifers, Advances in Water Resources 159: 104073, 2022. link7. Liu, L., Wang, Y. and Aryana, S.A. Insights into scale translation of methane transport in nanopores, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 96: 104220, 2021. link 6. Wang, Y. and Aryana, S.A. Coupled confined phase behavior and transport of methane in slit nanopores, Chemical Engineering Journal 404: 126502, 2021. link5. Wang, Y., Mckinzie, J., Aryana, S.A. and Furtado, F. Scaling analysis of two-phase flow in fractal permeability fields, Water Resources Research 56: e2020WR028214, 2020. link4. Wang, Y. and Aryana, S.A. Pore-scale simulation of gas flow in microscopic porous media with complex geometries, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 81: 103441, 2020. link3. Wang, Y., Aryana, S.A. and Allen, M.B. An extension of Darcy's law incorporating dynamic length scales, Advances in Water Resources 129: 70–79, 2019. link2. Wang Y., Aryana, S.A., Furtado F. and Ginting V. Analysis of nonequilibrium effects and flow instability in immiscible two-phase flow in porous media, Advances in Water Resources 122: 291–303, 2018. link1. Wang Y. and Shahvali, M. Discrete fracture modeling using centroidal Voronoi grid for simulation of shale gas plays with coupled nonlinear physics, Fuel 163: 65–73, 2016. link共同作者6. Flemisch, B., Nordbotten, Jan M., Fernø, M., Juanes, R., etc. The FluidFlower validation benchmark study for the storage of CO2, Transport in Porous Media, 2023. link5. Zhao, Q., Wang, Y. and Chen, C. Numerical simulation of the impact of different sushion gases on underground hydrogen storage in aquifers based on an experimentally-benchmarked equation-of-state, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2023. link4. Mehmani, Y., Anderson T., Wang Y., Aryana, S.A., Battiato, I., Tchelepi, H.A. and Kovscek, A. Striving to translate shale physics across ten orders of magnitude: what have we learned, Earth-Science Reviews 223: 103848, 2021. link3. Wang, Z., Sun, J., Wang, Y., Guo, H. and Aryana, S.A. Optimum concentration of fly ash nanoparticles to stabilize CO2 foam for aquifer and soil remediation, Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 242: 103853, 2021. link2. Frouté, L., Wang, Y., Mckinzie, J., Aryana, S.A. and Kovscek, A. Transport simulations on scanning transmission electron microscope images of nanoporous shale matrix, Energies 13: 6665, 2020. link1. Guo, F., Aryana, S.A., Wang, Y., McLaughlin J.F. and Coddington, K. Enhancement of storage capacity of CO2 in megaporous saline aquifers using nanoparticle-stabilized CO2 foam, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 87: 134–141, 2019. link 教育经历 [1] 2015.9-2020.8 美国怀俄明大学 | 石油工程 | 哲学博士学位 | 博士研究生 [2] 2013.9-2015.7 美国塔尔萨大学 | 石油工程 | 理学硕士学位 | 硕士研究生 [3] 2009.9-2013.6 中国石油大学(北京) | 石油工程 | 工学学士学位 | 本科(学士) 工作经历 [1] 2022.11-至今 中国地质大学(武汉) | 环境学院 | 特任教授 [2] 2020.9-2022.8 荷兰代尔夫特理工大学 | 土木工程和地球科学学院 | 博士后 [3] 2019.8-2019.8 美国斯坦福大学 | 能源资源工程系 | 访问学者 社会兼职 [1] 会议分会场召集人:"Porous Media for a Green World: Energy & Climate", InterPore Annual Meeting, 2023, 2022"Embedded & Extended Discretization Methods for Coupled Processes in Fractured Porous Media", SIAM Conference on Mathematical & Computational Issues in the Geosciences, 2021 [2] 期刊审稿人:ACS Omega, Applied Mathematical Modeling, Energy, Computational Geosciences, Computers and Geosciences, Energies, Energy & Fuels, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, Geoenergy Science and Engineering, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Scientific Reports, SPE Journal, Water Resources Research. 研究方向 [1] 二氧化碳地质封存 [2] 氢能地质储存 [3] 地下水污染物运移 [4] 非常规能源开发与利用 联系方式 [1] 邮编: [2] 传真: [3] 通讯/办公地址: [4] 办公室电话: [5] 移动电话: [6] 邮箱: wangyuhang17@cug.edu.cn |