姓名 | 戴兆毅 |
教师编号 | 75364 |
性别 | 发明专利4999代写全部资料 |
学校 | 中国地质大学 |
部门 | 东区老国重302 |
学位 | 工学博士学位 |
学历 | 博士研究生 |
职称 | 戴兆毅 (教授) |
联系方式 | 【发送到邮箱】 |
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个人简历 中国地质大学(武汉)地球科学学院教授,博士生导师。2012年毕业于北京大学环境科学与工程学院,获环境工程学士和统计学(双学位)学士学位;2013和2017年分别获美国莱斯大学硕士及博士学位,合作导师Prof. Mason Tomson;2017至2020年任美国Apache Corporation公司流动保障工程师及主任化学家;2020年至2021年任莱斯大学盐水化学研究会(Brine Chemistry Consortium,https://bcc.rice.edu/)Co-Director,共同指导多名博士及博士后。2019年起担任SPE国际石油化学年会(SPE Oilfield Chemistry Conference)主席团成员,同时担任三十多个知名期刊审稿人和美国NSF基金评审,已发表SCI论文36篇(22篇一作或通讯,包括Water Research、GCA等Nature-Index期刊),工作期间领导或参与多项地球化学、石油化学及石油废水水处理相关科研项目,参与开发维护的ScaleSoftPitzer软件是最为广泛使用的石油水化学软件之一;现加入谢树成院士课题组(http://www.geobiology.cn/home),重点关注流体-矿物-微生物相互作用的机理及工程应用。 研究兴趣及招生方向1. 水岩体系的热力学模型和反应迁移模型的开发2. 生物成矿、矿物成核、结晶、沉积和抑制的机理研究与动力学模型开发3. 阻垢化学品和材料的开发4. 地球水-矿物-微生物数据库的建立和应用5. CO2地质储存6. 油气及地热开发中的流动保障(结垢、腐蚀控制等)本研究小组的研究领域涵盖从实验到模拟,从深地到地表,从地质历史时期到当今社会,从基础科学问题到实际工程应用难题等多个方面,各位小组成员将找到合适自己的方向,也将有诸多机会与校内外和国内外学者进行合作交流,优秀者将会被推荐到其他国内外高校深造或交流(如Rice University, The University of Tulsa, University of Texas at Austin, Indiana State University, The State University of New York at Stony Brook,北京大学,南京大学,中国科学技术大学等)。欢迎地球化学、岩石矿物、地球生物学等地质学方向,或其他具有化学、环境工程、石油工程或数据与计算机等背景的学生来信咨询联系(daizhaoyi@cug.edu.cn)。 主要研究成果1. 基于大量热力学实验,开发了超常温压、高盐度条件下水-气-矿物体系的热力学模型,该模型能涵括不同的埋藏深度,包含矿物种类多(calcite, barite, halite, celestite, gypsum, anhydrite, FeS等)、离子种类多,温压范围大(0 - 250 C, 1 - 1500 atm),盐度高(0 - 6 m),因而在众多工程及科研领域具有十分广阔的应用前景,已被石油化工领域广泛采用。2. 通过结晶和沉积实验,开发了无机矿物成核、结晶、沉淀及表面沉积的定量化机理模型,率先实现了从饱和溶液到表面矿物沉积全过程的定量化描述,在石油化工、地热开发、膜处理技术等领域有广泛应用。3. 开发了抑制剂对结晶和沉积过程控制的机理模型,实现了对于抑制剂作用机理的定量化研究。4. 开发了结垢-腐蚀耦合模型,从水化学角度研究了结垢和腐蚀的相互影响和关联。 团队成员在校:冯昊天(博士,2023入学)王明杰(硕博,2022入学)陈婷(硕博,2022入学,合作培养)刘苏棋(硕士,2022入学)门溪川(本科,2020入学)张佳和(本科,2020入学)卓宝华(本科,2021入学)邵钲博(本科,2021入学)郝瀚(本科,2021入学)方以轩(本科,2022入学)毕业:涂凌峰(本科,2023毕业) 参与项目2024.01-2026.12,自然科学基金国家级青年人才项目,主持2023.01-2025.12,自然科学基金青年基金,白云石溶解度,主持2023.06-2025.06,低渗国家工程实验室开放课题,结垢胶结机理和过程模拟,主持2023.08-2024.08,中石油井下研究所,岩盐结垢预测和阻垢剂评价,主持2020.08-2021.12,莱斯大学卤水化学研究中心,JIP,共同主持2019.01-2020.06,Apache Corporation,公司应用科研项目,油田化学与废水回用技术开发,主持 发表文章(具体论文发表情况见Google Scholar主页: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=7RbOIgsAAAAJ&hl=en) Journal Papers:1. Dai, Z.*, Zhao, Y., Wang, X., Kan, A. T., Tomson, M., (2023). Novel Barite Crystallization and Inhibition Model Based on Surface Adsorption. SPE Journal, 28(04): 1818–1828. (石油类顶刊,IF:3.478)2. Zhao, Y., Dai, Z.*, Wang, X., Dai, C., Paudyal, S., Ko, S., Li, W., Kan, A.T. and Tomson, M., (2022). “Non-equilibrium BaxSr1-xSO4 solid solution compositions at elevated Sr2+ concentration, ionic strength, and temperature”. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 336: 113-130. (地球化学顶刊,NI,IF:5.921)3. Dai, Z.*, Zhao, Y., Paudyal, S., Wang, X., Dai, C., Ko, S., Li, W., Kan, A.T. and Tomson, M.B., (2022). “Gypsum scale formation and inhibition kinetics with implications in membrane system”. Water Research, 225:119166. (环境工程顶刊,NI,IF:11.236)4. Dai, Z.*, Ouyang, B., Wang, X., Li, W., Dai, C., Zhao, Y., Ko, S., Paudyal, S., Kan, A. and Tomson, M., (2022). “From water analysis to scale and corrosion control improvements: A Permian Basin example”. Chemical Geology, 610: 121077. (地球化学顶刊,IF:4.015)5. Li, W.*, Dai, Z.*, Wang, X., Ko, S., Paudyal, S., Yao, X., Leschied, C., Shen, Y.Y., Pimentel, D., Kan, A.T. and Tomson, M., (2022). “Observations of CO2 Corrosion-Induced Carbonate Scale Formation and Inhibition on Mild Steel”. SPE Journal, 27(05): 3206-3217. (石油类顶刊,IF:3.478)6. Dai, Z.*#, Ko, S.#, Wang, X., Dai, C., Paudyal, S., Zhao, Y., Li, W., Leschied, C., Yao, X., Lu, Y.T., Kan, A.T. and Tomson, M.B., (2022). “A New Kinetic Assay Method for Effective Scale Inhibitor Concentration Determination with Low Detection Limit”. SPE Journal, 27(05): 3196-3205. (石油类顶刊,IF:3.478)7. Dai, Z.*#, Paudyal, S.#, Dai, C., Ko, S., Zhao, Y., Wang, X., Li, W., Lu, Y.T., Kan, A.T. and Tomson, M.B., (2022). “A New CSTR Method for Scale Inhibitor Evaluation”. Chemical Engineering Journal, 437:135351. (化工类顶刊,IF:13.273)8. Wang, X., Dai, Z.*, Ko, S., Deng, G., Zhao, Y., Dai, C., Li, W., Paudyal, S., Yao, X., Kan, A.T. and Tomson, M. (2022). “Iron sulfide solubility measurement and modeling over wide ranges of temperature, ionic strength and pH”. SPE Journal, 27(02): 1263-1274. (石油类顶刊,IF:3.478)9. Zhao, Y., Dai, Z.*, Wang, X., Dai, C., Paudyal, S., Ko, S., Kan, A. and Tomson, M. (2022). “A New Mechanistic Model for Mineral Crystallization and Inhibition Kinetics and Its Application to Celestite”. SPE Journal, 27(03): 1553-1561. (石油类顶刊,IF:3.478)10. Liu, Y., Dai, Z.*, Kan, A. T., Tomson, M. B., & Zhang, P.* (2021). “Investigation of sorptive interaction between phosphonate inhibitor and barium sulfate for oilfield scale control”. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 208(2022): 109425. (石油类顶刊,IF:4.346)11. Dai C.*, Dai Z.*, Zhao Y., Wang X, Paudyal S, Ko S, Kan AT, Tomson M. (2021) “Prediction Models of Barite Crystallization and Inhibition Kinetics: Applications for Oil and Gas Industry”. Sustainability, 13(15): 8533. (环境科学JCR一区,IF: 2.966)12. Zhao Y, Dai Z*, Dai C, Paudyal S, Wang X, Ko S, Kan AT, Tomson M. (2021) “Semiempirical Model for Predicting Celestite Scale Formation and Inhibition in Oilfield Conditions”. Energy & Fuels, 35(14): 11285-11294. (能源类综合期刊JCR一区,IF:3.605)13. Dai, Z.*, Lu, Y., Kan, A., Leschied, C., Zhao, Y., Dai, C., Wang, X., Paudyal, S., Ko, S., Tomson, M. (2021). “A mechanistic software platform for mineral surface deposition and inhibition prediction under different flow conditions” Desalination, 509: 115071. (水处理顶刊,IF:9.501)14. Zhao, Y., Dai, Z.*, Wang, X., Dai, C., Paudyal, S., Ko, S., Yao, X., Kan, A., Tomson, M. (2021). “A semiempirical model for Ba-Sr-SO4 solid solution scale crystallization and inhibition kinetics at the oilfield” SPE Journal, 26(06): 4037-4050. (石油类顶刊,IF:3.478)15. Zhao, Y., Dai, Z.*, Wang, X., Dai, C., Paudyal, S., Ko, S., Kan, A., Tomson, M. (2021). “Evaluation of Silica and Related Matrix Ion Effects on Common Scale Inhibitors” Energy & Fuels, 35(3):2144–2152. (能源类综合期刊JCR一区,IF: 3.605)16. Dai, Z.*, Zhang, F., Zhao, Y., Dai, C., Wang, X., Paudyal, S., Ko, S., Leschied, C., Yao, X., Kan, A.T. and Tomson, M. (2020). “Predicting Calcite Crystallization and Inhibition Kinetics at up to 175° C Using a New Theoretical Inhibition Model.” Crystal Growth & Design, 20(12): 8090-8100. (晶体学顶刊,IF:4.076)17. Dai, Z.*, F. Zhang, A.T. Kan, G. Ruan, F. Yan, N. Bhandari, Z. Zhang, Y. Liu, Y.T. Lu, G. Deng and M. B. Tomson (2019). "Two-stage model reveals barite crystallization kinetics from solution turbidity. " Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 58(25): 10864-10874. (化工顶刊JCR一区,IF:3.720)18. Dai, Z.*, F. Zhang, N. Bhandari, G. Deng, A. T. Kan, G. Ruan, F. Yan, Z. Zhang, Y. Liu, A. Y.-T. Lu and M. B. Tomson (2017). "Development and application of a new theoretical model for additive impacts on mineral crystallization." Crystal Growth & Design, 17(7): 4006–4014. (晶体学顶刊,IF: 4.076)19. Dai, Z.*#, A. T. Kan#, W. Shi, F. Yan, F. Zhang, N. Bhandari, G. Ruan, Z. Zhang, Y. Liu, H. A. Alsaiari, A. Y.-t. Lu, G. Deng and M. B. Tomson (2017). "Calcite and barite solubility measurements in mixed electrolyte solutions and the development of a comprehensive model for water-mineral-gas equilibrium of the Na-K-Mg-Ca-Ba-Sr-Cl-SO4-CO3-HCO3-CO2 (aq)-H2O system at up to 250 oC and 1,500 bars." Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 56(23): 6548–6561. (化工顶刊JCR一区,IF: 3.720)20. Dai, Z.*, A. T. Kan, W. Shi, N. Zhang, F. Zhang, F. Yan, N. Bhandari, Z. Zhang, Y. Liu, G. Ruan and M. B. Tomson (2017). "Solubility measurements and predictions of gypsum, anhydrite, and calcite over wide ranges of temperature, pressure, and ionic strength with mixed electrolytes." Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 50(2): 327-339. (地质类JCR一区,IF:6.730)21. Dai, Z.*, A. Kan, F. Zhang and M. Tomson (2014). "A thermodynamic model for the solubility prediction of barite, calcite, gypsum, and anhydrite, and the association constant estimation of CaSO4 (0) ion pair up to 250 °C and 22000 psi." Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, 60(3): 766-774. (化工JCR二区,IF:2.694)22. Dai, Z. and Y. Li* (2013). "A multistage irrigation water allocation model for agricultural land-use planning under uncertainty." Agricultural Water Management, 129: 69-79. (水资源顶刊,IF:4.516)23. Ko, S., Zhao, Y., Wang, X., Dai, Z.J., Paudyal, S., Dai, C., Kan, A. and Tomson, M., (2022). “Deposit Prevention of Mineral Scales Using a Universal Dispersant of Carboxymethyl Cellulose”. SPE Journal, 28(01), 173-183. (石油类顶刊,IF:3.478)24. Yan, F., Y. Chu, K. Zhang, F. Zhang, N. Bhandari, G. Ruan, Z. Dai, Y. Liu, Z. Zhang and A. T. Kan (2015). "Determination of adsorption isotherm parameters with correlated errors by measurement error models." Chemical Engineering Journal, 281: 921-930. (化工类顶刊,IF:13.273)25. Jin, Y., Z. Dai, F. Liu, H. Kim, M. Tong and Y. Hou (2013). "Bactericidal mechanisms of Ag2O/TNBs under both dark and light conditions." Water Research, 47(5): 1837-1847. (环境工程顶刊,IF:11.236)26. Kan, A.T., Z. Dai, and M. B. Tomson (2020). "The state of the art in scale inhibitor squeeze treatment." Petroleum Science, 17(6): 1579-1601. (石油类2区,IF:4.09)27. Kan, A.T., Z. Dai, G. Deng, K. Harouaka, Y. T. Lu, X. Wang, Y. Zhao, and M. B. Tomson (2019). "Recent Advances in Scale Prediction: Approach and Limitations. " SPE Journal, 24(05): 2209-2220. (石油类顶刊,IF: 3.478)28. Zhang, F., Z. Dai, F. Yan, G. Ruan, N. Bhandari, Z. Zhang, Y. Liu, A. T. Kan and M. B. Tomson (2017). "Acid/base and metal complex solution chemistry of sulfonated polyacrylate copolymer versus temperature and ionic strength." Applied Geochemistry, 76: 1-8. (地球化学JCR二区,IF:3.524)29. Yan, F., Z. Dai, G. Ruan, H. Alsaiari, N. Bhandari, F. Zhang, Y. Liu, Z. Zhang, A. Kan and M. Tomson (2017). "Barite scale formation and inhibition in laminar and turbulent flow: A rotating cylinder approach." Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 149: 183-192. (石油类顶刊,IF:4.346)30. Liu, Y., Zhang, Z., Bhandari, N., Dai, Z., Yan, F., Ruan, G., Lu, A.Y.T., Deng, G., Zhang, F., Al-Saiari, H. and Kan, A.T., (2017). “A new approach to study iron sulfide precipitation kinetics, solubility and phase transformation.” Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 56(31): 9016–9027. (化工顶刊JCR一区,IF: 3.720)31. Zhang, F., Z. Dai, C. Yan, N. Bhandari, F. Yan, Y. Liu, Z. Zhang, G. Ruan, A. T. Kan and M. B. Tomson (2017). "Barite-scaling risk and inhibition at high temperature." SPE Journal, 22(01): 069-079. (石油类顶刊,IF: 3.478)32. Zhang, F., C. J. Hinrichsen, A. T. Kan, W. Wang, W. Wei, Z. Dai, F. Yan, Y. Liu, N. Bhandari and Z. Zhang (2016). "Calcium sulfate scaling risk and inhibition for a steamflood project." SPE Journal, 22(03): 881-891. (石油类顶刊,IF: 3.478)33. Bhandari, N., A. T. Kan, F. Zhang, Z. Dai, F. Yan, G. Ruan, Z. Zhang, Y. Liu, R. van Eldik and M. B. Tomson (2016). "Mineral precipitation kinetics: assessing the effect of hydrostatic pressure and its implication on the nucleation mechanism." Crystal Growth & Design, 16(9): 4846-4854. (晶体学顶刊,IF: 4.076)34. Liu, Y., A. Kan, Z. Zhang, C. Yan, F. Yan, F. Zhang, N. Bhandari, Z. Dai, G. Ruan and L. Wang (2016). "An assay method to determine mineral scale inhibitor efficiency in produced water." Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 143: 103-112. (石油类顶刊,IF: 4.346)35. Yan, F., F. Zhang, N. Bhandari, L. Wang, Z. Dai, Z. Zhang, Y. Liu, G. Ruan, A. Kan and M. Tomson (2015). "Adsorption and precipitation of scale inhibitors on shale formations." Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 136: 32-40. (石油类顶刊,IF: 4.346)36. Yu, P., J. Mathieu, M. Li, Z. Dai and P. J. Alvarez (2015). "Isolation of polyvalent bacteriophages using sequential multiple host approaches." Applied and environmental microbiology, 82(03): 02382-02315. (微生物顶刊JCR一区,IF:4.792)Peer-Reviewed Conference Papers:37. Zhao, Y., Dai, Z., Dai, C., Paudyal, S., Wang, X., Ko, S., Yao, X., Leschied, C., Kan, A. and Tomson, M., (2021). “A Semiempirical Model for Predicting Celestite Scale Formation and Inhibition in Oilfield Operating Conditions”. SPE International Conference on Oilfield Chemistry, Society of Petroleum Engineers.38. Paudyal, S., Ruan, G., Lee, J.Y., Wang, X., Lu, A., Dai, Z., Dai, C., Ko, S., Zhao, Y., Yao, X. and Leschied, C., (2021). “Development of Dynamic Tube Blocking Test Method to Study Halite Scale Deposition and Inhibition”. SPE International Conference on Oilfield Chemistry, Society of Petroleum Engineers.39. Dai, Z., Kan, A., Lu, Y.T.A., Leschied, C., Zhao, Y., Dai, C., Wang, X., Paudyal, S., Ko, S. and Tomson, M.. (2021). “Novel Mineral Scale Deposition Model Under Different Flow Conditions with or Without Scale Inhibitors”. SPE International Conference on Oilfield Chemistry, Society of Petroleum Engineers.40. Dai, C., Dai, Z., Paudyal, S., Ko, S., Zhao, Y., Wang, X., Yao, X., Kan, A. and Tomson, M., (2021). “New Kinetic Turbidity Test Method and Prediction Model for Calcite Inhibition”. SPE International Conference on Oilfield Chemistry, Society of Petroleum Engineers.41. Zhao, Y., Dai, Z., Dai, C., Wang, X., Paudyal, S., Ko, S., Yao, X., Leschied, C., Kan, A. and Tomson, M. (2021). “A quantitative study of Sr2+ impact on barite crystallization and inhibition kinetics”. SPE International Conference on Oilfield Chemistry, Society of Petroleum Engineers.42. Wang, X., Dai, Z., Dai, C., Liu, Y., Kan, A.T., Ko, S., Zhao, Y., Paudyal, S., Yao, X. and Tomson, M.B., (2021), April. “Development of Novel Iron Sulfide Control Model and Understanding of Iron Sulfide Dispersant Mechanism”. CORROSION 2021. OnePetro.43. Dai, C., Z. Dai, F. Zhang, Y. Zhao, G. Deng, K. Harouaka, X. Wang et al. (2019). “A Unified Experimental Method and Model for Predicting Scale Inhibition”. SPE International Conference on Oilfield Chemistry, Society of Petroleum Engineers.44. Deng, G., A. T. Kan, Z. Dai, A. Y.T. Lu, K. Harouaka, Y. Zhao, X. Wang, and M. B. Tomson. (2018). “Impact of High Calcium Concentration on Sulfate Scale Prediction at High Temperature from 120° C to 220 °C”. SPE International Oilfield Scale Conference and Exhibition, Society of Petroleum Engineers.45. Zhang, N., D. Schmidt, W. Choi, D. Sundararajan, Z. Reisenauer, J. Freeman, E. L. Kristensen, Z. Dai, A. Kan, andM. B. Tomson. (2018) “Halite Challenges and Mitigation in the Bakken-Experience of Managing High Saline Produced Water from Hydraulically Fractured Wells”. SPE International Oilfield Scale Conference and Exhibition, Society of Petroleum Engineers.46. Dai, Z.*, F. Zhang, F. Yan, N. Bhandari, G. Ruan, Z. Zhang, Y. Liu, H. A. Alsaiari, Y.-T. Lu and G. Deng (2017). “A new theoretical model for the induction time and scale inhibitor dosage predictions for calcite and barite over wide ranges of temperature, inhibition concentration and saturation index”. SPE International Conference on Oilfield Chemistry, Society of Petroleum Engineers.47. Zhang, F., Z. Dai, Z. Zhang, H. Al-Saiari, F. Yan, N. Bhandari, G. Ruan, Y. Liu, Y.-T. Lu and G. Deng (2017). “Scaling risk and inhibition prediction of carbonate scale at high temperature”. SPE International Conference on Oilfield Chemistry, Society of Petroleum Engineers.48. Kan, A. T., M. Garcia-Bermudes, Z. Dai, Y. Liu, Y.-T. A. Lu, N. Bhandari, F. M. Vargas, M. B. Tomson, N. Tatavalli-Mittadar and R. French (2017). “Modeling H2S partitioning in deep water production systems”. SPE International Conference on Oilfield Chemistry, Society of Petroleum Engineers.49. Yan, F., F. Zhang, N. Bhandari, G. Ruan, H. Alsaiari, Z. Dai, Y. Liu, Z. Zhang, Y.-T. Lu and G. Deng (2017). “The effect of turbulence on mineral scale control in oilfield”. SPE International Conference on Oilfield Chemistry, Society of Petroleum Engineers.50. Ruan, G., A. T. Kan, Z. Dai, F. Yan, F. Zhang, N. Bhandari, H. A. Alsaiari, Y. Liu, Z. Zhang and Y.-T. Lu (2017). “Fast and accurate screening and evaluation of halite scale inhibitors by two novel static bottle testing methods”. SPE International Conference on Oilfield Chemistry, Society of Petroleum Engineers.51. Liu, Y., Z. Zhang, N. Bhandari, F. Yan, F. Zhang, G. Ruan, Z. Dai, H. Alsaiari, A. Lu and G. Deng (2017). “Iron sulfide precipitation and deposition under different impact factors”. SPE International Conference on Oilfield Chemistry, Society of Petroleum Engineers.52. Bhandari, N., G. Ruan, Y. Liu, F. Zhang, F. Yan, H. Saiari, Z. Zhang, Z. Dai, Y. Lu and G. Deng (2017). “Identification of new chemical formulation for control of metal sulfides FeS, ZnS and PbS scale deposition” SPE International Conference on Oilfield Chemistry, Society of Petroleum Engineers.53. Dai, Z. *, A. T. Kan, F. Zhang, F. Yan, G. Ruan, N. Bhandari, Z. Zhang, Y. Liu, H. A. Al-Saiari and M. B. Tomson (2016). “A thermodynamic model for the solution density and mineral solubility predictions up to 250 °C, 1,500 bars for Na-K-Mg-Ca-Ba-Sr-Cl-CO3-HCO3-SO4-CO2aq systems”. SPE International Oilfield Scale Conference and Exhibition, Society of Petroleum Engineers.54. Zhang, Z., Y. Liu, Z. Dai, N. Bhandari, F. Zhang, F. Yan, G. Ruan, H. Alsaiari, Y.-T. Lu and G. Deng (2016). “Impact of FeIII/FeII on scale inhibition”. SPE International Oilfield Scale Conference and Exhibition, Society of Petroleum Engineers.55. Bhandari, N., A. Kan, Z. Dai, F. Zhang, F. Yan, G. Ruan, H. Alsaiari, Z. Zhang, Y. Liu and Y. Lu (2016). “Effect of hydrodynamic pressure on mineral precipitation kinetics and scaling risk at HPHT”. SPE International Oilfield Scale Conference and Exhibition, Society of Petroleum Engineers.56. Ruan, G., A. T. Kan, F. Yan, F. Zhang, N. Bhandari, H. A. Alsaiari, Z. Dai, Y. Liu, Z. Zhang and M. B. Tomson (2016). “Citrate assisted metal phosphonate colloidal scale inhibitors for long-term squeeze treatments”. SPE International Oilfield Scale Conference and Exhibition, Society of Petroleum Engineers.57. Yan, F., N. Bhandari, F. Zhang, G. Ruan, Z. Dai, Y. Liu, Z. Zhang, H. Alsaiari, A. Kan and M. Tomson (2016). “Scale formation and control under turbulent conditions”. SPE International Oilfield Scale Conference and Exhibition, Society of Petroleum Engineers.58. Zhang, F., C. J. Hinrichsen, A. T. Kan, W. Wang, W. Wei, Z. Dai, F. Yan, Y. Liu, N. Bhandari and Z. Zhang (2016). “Calcium sulfate scaling risk and inhibition for a steamflood project”. SPE International Oilfield Scale Conference and Exhibition, Society of Petroleum Engineers.59. Zhang, F., W. Wang, A. T. Kan, C. J. Hinrichsen, W. Wei, Z. Dai, Y. Liu, F. Yan, Z. Zhang and N. Bhandari (2016). “Calcium sulfate scale formation and inhibitor selection for a steamflood project”. CORROSION 2016, NACE International.60. Bhandari, N., A. Kan, G. Ruan, Y. Liu, F. Zhang, F. Yan, H. Alsaiari, Z. Zhang, Z. Dai and Y. Lu (2016). “Iron sulfide scale control: a novel chemical for growth inhibition and dispersion”. SPE International Oilfield Scale Conference and Exhibition, Society of Petroleum Engineers.61. Kan, A. T., Z. Dai, F. Zhang, N. Bhandari, F. Yan, Z. Zhang, Y. Liu and M. B. Tomson (2015). “Scale prediction and control at ultra HTHP”. SPE International Symposium on Oilfield Chemistry, Society of Petroleum Engineers.62. Zhang, Z., F. Zhang, Q. L. Wang, N. Bhandari, F. Yan, Y. Liu, Z. Dai, L. Wang, V. Bolanos and A. T. Kan (2015). “Ferrous iron impact on phosphonate and polymeric scale inhibitors at temperature ranging from 25 to 70 °C”. SPE International Symposium on Oilfield Chemistry, Society of Petroleum Engineers.63. Bhandari, N., A. T. Kan, F. Zhang, Z. Dai, F. Yan, Y. Liu, Z. Zhang, V. Bolanos, L. Wang and M. B. Tomson (2015). “The effect of pressure and tds on barite scaling kinetics”. SPE International Symposium on Oilfield Chemistry, Society of Petroleum Engineers.64. Yan, F., F. Zhang, N. Bhandari, Y. Liu, L. Wang, Z. Dai, Z. Zhang, V. Bolanos, A. Kan and M. Tomson (2015). “Interaction between scale inhibitors and shale and sandstone formations”. SPE International Symposium on Oilfield Chemistry, Society of Petroleum Engineers.65. Dai, Z. *, W. Shi, A. T. Kan, N. Zhang and M. B. Tomson (2014). “Improvement of thermodynamic modeling of calcium carbonate and calcium sulfates at high temperature and high pressure in mixed electrolytes”. SPE International Oilfield Scale Conference and Exhibition, Society of Petroleum Engineers.66. Dai, Z. *, W. Shi, A. T. Kan, N. Zhang and M. B. Tomson (2013). “Thermodynamic model improvements for common minerals at high temperature, high pressure and high TDS with mixed salts”. SPE International Symposium on Oilfield Chemistry, Society of Petroleum Engineers.67. Wang, L., F. Yan, Z. Dai, A. T. Kan, M. B. Tomson, Z. Zhang and Y. Liu (2014). “Field method for determination of bicarbonate alkalinity”. SPE International Oilfield Scale Conference and Exhibition, Society of Petroleum Engineers.68. Kan, A. T., Z. Dai, G. Deng, G. Ruan, W. Li, K. Harouaka, Y.-T. Lu, X. Wang, Y. Zhao and M. B. Tomson (2018). “Recent Advances in Scale Prediction, Approach, and Limitations”. SPE International Oilfield Scale Conference and Exhibition, Society of Petroleum Engineers. 教育经历 [1] 2012.8-2017.8 Rice University | 环境工程 | 工学博士学位 | 博士研究生 [2] 2008.9-2012.6 北京大学 | 环境工程 | 学士学位 | 本科(学士) [3] 2009.9-2012.6 北京大学 | 统计学 | 双学士 | 本科(学士) 工作经历 [1] 2020.8-2021.12 Rice University | Brine Chemistry Consortium | Co-Director, Research Scientist [2] 2017.7-2020.8 Apache Corporation | Flow Assurance Engineer, Staff Chemist | 负责油田化学品开发和使用,管道流动保障,废水处理和新技术开发 [3] 2016.5-2016.8 Statoil (现Equinor) | 实习生 | 负责Halite结垢控制软件开发和使用 社会兼职 [1] 多个期刊审稿人,包括Desalination, Chemical Engineering Journal, SPE Journal, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Journal of Petroleum science and engineering, Chemosphere, NACE, Energy & Fuels, CrysEngComm, SPE Production & Operations [2] 2019.12-至今 SPE International Oilfield Chemistry Conference主席团成员 研究方向 [1] 流体-矿物-生物相互作用 [2] 油气开采及地热开发领域的结垢、腐蚀、及水化学研究 [3] 流体-矿物体系热力学实验与模型开发 [4] 矿物成核、结晶、沉积与抑制 联系方式 [1] 邮编: [2] 传真: [3] 通讯/办公地址: [4] 办公室电话: [5] 移动电话: [6] 邮箱: daizhaoyi@cug.edu.cn |