姓名 | 李帅 |
教师编号 | 75309 |
性别 | 发明专利4999代写全部资料 |
学校 | 中国地质大学 |
部门 | Email:lishuai@cug.edu.cn |
学位 | 在职信息:在职 |
学历 | 学位:工学博士学位 |
职称 | 李帅 |
联系方式 | 【发送到邮箱】 |
邮箱 | 【发送到邮箱】 |
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个人简历 研究方向:l 岩-水界面作用过程及表征技术,自然电位法(SP)与频谱激电法(SIP)联合观测技术,微观岩石物理学及环境地球物理学等。l 欢迎有地球物理及物理化学背景, 愿进行交叉学科探索(环境,地质,石油,地下水)的同学报考研究生。期刊论文(1) Li, S.*, M. D. Jackson, A. Nicolas (2020) "Role of the calcite-water interface in wettability alteration during low salinity waterflooding." Fuel (276) 10.1016/j.fuel.2020.118097.(2) Li, S.*, H. Collini and M. D. Jackson (2018). "Anomalous Zeta Potential Trends in Natural Sandstones." Geophysical Research Letters 45(20): 11,068-11,073.(3) H Collini; Shuai Li; Matthew D. Jackson; Nicolas, Agenet; Bilal Rashid; John Couves; (2020) Zeta potential in intact carbonates at reservoir conditions and its impact on oil recovery during controlled salinity waterflooding, Fuel 2020 doi.org/10.1016/j.fuel.2019.116927 (4) P Leroy, A Maineult, Shuai Li, Jan Vinogradov, (2022) The zeta potential of quartz. Surface complexation modelling to elucidate high salinity measurements. Colloids and Surfaces A Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 650 (11) 10.1016/j.colsurfa.2022.129507(5) J. Cai; Z, Zhang; W Wei; D Guo; S. Li; P. Zhao. (2019) The critical factors for permeability-formation factor relation in reservoir rocks: Pore-throat ratio, tortuosity and connectivity. Energy (188) 116051 10.1016/j.energy.2019.116051(6) Shuai Li; Shumeng Hou (2019) A brief review of the correlation between electrical properties and wetting behaviour in porous media. Capillarity, 2019, 2(3): 53-56, doi: 10.26804/capi.2019.03.02(7) Leroy, P., Li, S.*, D. Jougnot, A. Revil and Y. X. Wu (2017). "Modelling the evolution of complex conductivity during calcite precipitation on glass beads." Geophysical Journal International 209(1): 123-140(8) Li, S., P. Leroy*, F. Heberling, N. Devau, D. Jougnot and C. Chiaberge (2016). "Influence of surface conductivity on the apparent zeta potential of calcite." Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 468: 262-275(9) Li, S.*, A. Raoof and R. Schotting (2014). "Solute dispersion under electric and pressure driven flows; pore scale processes." Journal of Hydrology 517: 1107-1113 发明专利一种岩样Zeta电位、激电信号及渗透率多参数测量平台,专利号:ZL 2022 1 0262837. 教育经历 [1] 2010.9-2014.11 荷兰乌特勒支大学 博士研究生 工作经历 [1] 2018.9-至今 中国地质大学(武汉) | 地球物理与空间信息学院 | 湖北 研究方向 [1] 岩石物理与水文地球物理,动电效应机理及应用 联系方式 [1] 邮编: 430074 [2] 传真: [3] 通讯/办公地址: 地大西区老珠宝楼519 [4] 办公室电话: [5] 移动电话: [6] 邮箱: lishuai@ATcug.edu.cn |