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姓名 曾鸣
教师编号 75100
性别 发明专利4999代写全部资料
学校 中国地质大学
部门 发明专利包写包过 加急申请
学位 所在单位:材料与化学学院
学历 学位:博士
职称 曾鸣 (副教授)
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个人简历 曾鸣,中国地质大学(武汉)材料与化学学院副教授博士、留法博士后,研究生导师,教育部学位中心评议特聘专家。2004年毕业于武汉大学化学与分子科学学院获博士学位(导师:张俐娜院士)。2004年至今在中国地质大学(武汉)任教。2005-2006和2007-2008年分别获得法国研究委员会和国家留学基金委资助两度赴法国国家农业研究院(INRA)高分子相互作用与组装研究中心(BIA)进行博士后研究(合作导师:Denis Lourdin),成为进入此研究中心的第一个中国人。2010年获得教育部“高等学校青年骨干教师国内访问学者计划”资助,赴四川大学国家级教学名师顾宜教授课题组进行访问学习及合作研究。2011年入选“湖北省首届博士服务团”赴湖北富邦股份有限公司深入企业开展研发工作。2014年起担任中国地质大学(武汉)-绿洲高分子新材料校企共建研究所所长。2018年入选安徽省淮北市“555”创新团队,担任团队负责人。2019年入选湖南航天科工公司外聘专家。主持项目包括法国研究委员会资助项目、教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金项目、中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目、湖北省教育厅重点研究项目、安徽省淮北市“555”创新团队项目等,作为主要成员承担项目包括国家863高技术项目子课题、国家自然科学基金项目等,还主持企业横向项目四项,有产业化成果。合作出版本科生学习教材两种,合作出版学术专著四部,其中英文专著三部。长期担任十余部国际期刊的通信评审。已培养硕士研究生二十一名、博士研究生四名。研究成果已发表研究论文八十余篇,其中SCI收录论文四十篇,他引超过九百次。申请中国发明专利四十一项,已授权二十六项。获得湖北省技术发明二等奖,校第七届优秀教学成果三等奖,校优秀研究生指导教师等荣誉。目前主要从事面向5G、6G超高频通讯的功能高分子材料的研究。著 作1. Biopolymer nanocomposites: Processing, Properties and Applications, Wiley-blackwell, 2015 (英文,合著).2.Water in Agriculture: Challenges, Technological Solutions & Innovations,Science Press,2010(英文,副主编). 3.Monomers, Polymers and Composites from Renewable Resources, Elsevier, 2008(英文,合著). 4. 天然高分子改性材料及其应用,化学工业出版社,2006(合著)。 代表论文1. Ming Zeng*, Dengru Tan, Zijian Feng, Haoyu Luo, Xiang Lu, Yang Zhou, Yufang Shen, Faxi Liu, Qingyu Xu, A facile method to fabricate thermally stable methacrylate-terminated oligo(2,6-dimethyl-1,4-phenylene oxide)/ benzoxazine thermosetting resins with low dielectric constants and losses at 10 GHz, Journal of Applied Polymer Sciences, 2023 DOI: 10.1002/app.544212. Ming Zeng*, Dengru Tan, Zijian Feng, Haoyu Luo, Xiang Lu, Yang Zhou, Yufang Shen, Faxi Liu, Qingyu Xu, Preparation of high‑performance thermosetting films from novel diallyl bisphenol A/furfurylamine type benzoxazine and oligo(phenylene oxide, Journal of Polymer Research, 2023, 30, 140 (SCI)3. 卢翔,曾鸣*,谭登襦,曾丹黎,罗皓宇,沈玉芳,徐庆玉, 面向超高频通信应用的低介电聚苯醚树脂的研究进展, 绝缘材料, 2022, 55, 104. Zijian Feng, Ming Zeng*, Dengru Tan, Xiang Lu, Yufang Shen, Qingyu Xu, Dawei Meng, Two photosensitive chalcone-based benzoxazine monomers and their high-performance polymers from renewable sources. Journal of Materials Science, 2022, 57, 4895 doi.org/10.1007/s10853-022-06923-4 (SCI)5.  Ming Zeng*, Dengru Tan, Zijian Feng, Jiangbing Chen, Xiang Lu, Yiwan Huang, Qingyu Xu, Multistructural network design enables polybenzoxazine to achieve low-loss-grade super-high-frequency dielectric properties and high glass transition temperatures. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2022, 61, 115 DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.1c03846  (SCI)6. Zijian Feng, Ming Zeng*, Dawei Meng, Jiangbing Chen, Wanlin Zhu, Qingyu Xu, Junxia Wang, A novel bio-based benzoxazine resin with outstanding thermal and superhigh-frequency dielectric properties, J. Mater. Sci. Mater. El., 2020, 31, 4364 DOI: 10.1007/s10854-020-02995-7 (SCI)7. Zijian Feng, Ming Zeng*, Dawei Meng, Wanlin Zhu, Yuhui Liu, Xuqiao Huang, Novel recoverable porous magnetic carbons derived from biobased polybenzoxazine by self-foaming and activation treatment, Colloids and Surfaces A Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2020, 591, 124559 (SCI)8.    Ming Zeng*, Wanlin Zhu, Zijian Feng, Jiangbing Chen, Yiwan Huang, Qingyu Xu, Junxia Wang, Two novel halogen‐free, phosphorus‐free, and intrinsically flame‐retardant benzoxazine thermosets containing electron‐withdrawing bridge groups, Journal of Applied Polymer Sciences, 2020, 137, 49300 DOI: 10.1002/app.49300 (SCI)9.     Yiwan Huang, Longya Xiao, Ju Zhou, Xuefeng Li, Jianxin Liu, Ming Zeng*, Mechanical enhancement of graphene oxide-filled chitosan-based composite hydrogels by multiple mechanisms, Journal of Materials Science, 2020, 55, 14690 DOI: 10.1007/s10853-020-05063-x (SCI)10.      Tao Pang, Ming Zeng*, Zijian Feng, Jiangbing Chen, Yiwan Huang, Qingyu Xu, A facile method for the preparation of furfurylamine based benzoxazine resin with high-frequency low dielectric constants and ultra-low dielectric losses. J. Mater. Sci. Mater. El., 2019, 30, 8358 (SCI)11.  Jiangbing Chen, Ming Zeng*, Zijian Feng, Tao Pang, Yiwan Huang, Qingyu Xu, Design and preparation of benzoxazine resin with high-frequency low dielectric constants and ultra-low dielectric losses, ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 2019, 1, 625 (SCI)12.  Yiwan Huang, Ming Zeng*, Jiangbing Chen, Yanqing Wang, Qingyu Xu, Multi-structural network design and mechanical properties of graphene oxide filled chitosan-based hydrogel nanocomposites, Materials & design, 2018, 148, 104 (SCI)13.  Ming Zeng*, Jiangbing Chen, Qingyu Xu*, Yiwan Huang, Zijian Feng, Yi Gu, Facile preparation of aliphatic main-chain benzoxazine copolymers with high-frequency low dielectric constants. Polym. Chem., 2018, 9, 2913 (SCI)14.  Qingyu Xu, Ming Zeng*, Jiangbing Chen, Zijian Feng, Yiwan Huang, Chunjie Yan, Ranran Li, Yi Gu, Synthesis, polymerization kinetics, and high-frequency dielectric properties of novel main-chain benzoxazine copolymers, React. Funct. Polym., 2018, 122, 158 (SCI)15.  Ming Zeng*, Tao Pang, Jiangbing Chen, Yiwan Huang, Qingyu Xu, Yi Gu, Facile preparation of the novel castor oil-based benzoxazine-urethane copolymer with improved high-frequency dielectric properties, J. Mater. Sci. Mater. El., 2018, 29, 5391  (SCI)16.  冯子健,曾鸣﹡,刘程,庞涛,徐庆玉,孟大维,顾 宜,苯并噁嗪功能材料的研究进展,高分子材料科学与工程,2018, 1, 184  (EI)17.  Ming Zeng*, Zijian Feng, Yiwan Huang, Jianxin Liu, Jie Ren, Qingyu Xu, Liren Fan, Chemical structure and remarkably enhanced mechanical properties of chitosan-graft-poly(acrylic acid)/polyacrylamide double network hydrogels, Polymer Bulletin, 2017, 74, 55  (SCI)18.  徐庆玉, 殷蝶, 曾鸣﹡, 庞涛, 冯子健, 严春杰, 顾宜,低介电苯并噁嗪树脂的研究进展,高分子材料科学与工程,2017, 1, 165  (EI)19.  Qingyu Xu, Ming Zeng*, Zijian Feng, Die Yin, Yiwan Huang, Yin Chen, Chunjie Yan, Ranran Li, Yi Gu, Understanding of effects of carboxylated groups of functionalized graphene oxide on the curing behavior and intermolecular interactions of benzoxazine nanocomposites, RSC Advance, 2016, 6, 31484 (SCI)20.  Yiwan Huang, Ming Zeng*, Zijian Feng, Die Yin, Qingyu Xu, Liren Fan, Graphene oxide-based composite hydrogels with self-assembled macroporous structures, RSC Advance, 2016, 6, 3561 (SCI)21.  Liren Fan, Jiqing Song, Wenbo Bai, Shengping Wang, Ming Zeng, Xiaoming Li, Yang Zhou, Haifeng Li, Haiwei Lu, Chelating capture and magnetic removal of non-magnetic heavy metal substances from soil, Scientific Reports, 2016, 6, 21027 (SCI)22.  曾鸣﹡,李然然,吴明,刘建新,顾宜,苯并噁嗪/环氧树脂/酚醛树脂共混体系的催化固化行为研究进展,高分子材料科学与工程,2014,12, 172 (EI)23. Ming Zeng*, Yi Gu, The curing behavior and thermal property of graphene oxide/benzoxazine nanocomposites, Polymer, 2013, 54, 3107 (SCI)24.  Yaoqing Wu, Ming Zeng, Effects of glass-to-rubber transition on the temperature, load and speed sensitivities of nano-ZrO2 reinforced polybenzoxazine, Wear, 2013, 297,1025 (SCI)25.  Ming Zeng*, Yiwan Huang, Preparation and swelling properties of graphene oxide/poly(acrylic acid-co-acrylamide) super-absorbent hydrogel nanocomposites, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2012, 401, 97(SCI)26.  Yaoqing Wu, Ming Zeng*, Effects of glass-to-rubber transition on the friction properties of ZrO2 reinforced polybenzoxazine nanocomposites, Tribology Letter,2012, 47, 389 (SCI)27.  Yaoqing Wu, Ming Zeng*, Effects of glass-to-rubber transition of thermosetting resin matrix on the friction and wear properties of friction materials, Tribology International, 2012, 54, 51 (SCI)28.  Liren Fan, Ming Zeng﹡, Preliminary study of the relationship between water absorbency and zeta potentials of crosslinked poly(acrylic acid), Journal of Controlled Release, 2011, 152(1), e260 (SCI)29.  Ming Zeng*, Yiwan Huang, Liyuan Lu, Liren Fan, Denis Lourdin, Effects of filler-matrixmorphology on mechanical properties of corn starch-zein thermo-moulded films, Carbohydrate Polymers, 2011, 84, 323 (SCI)30.  Ming Zeng*, Yiwan Huang, Liyuan Lu, Cécile Mangavel, Liren Fan, Denis Lourdin, Mechanical properties of thermo-moulded biofilms in relation to proteins/starch interactions, Food Biophysics, 2011, 6, 49 (SCI)31.  曾鸣等,高分子材料研究方法综合实验课程”的教学探索,高分子材料科学与工程,2011, 27(10), 185(EI)32. 王静,范力仁,徐素梅,曾鸣,刘庆,MgO/不饱和聚酯树脂复合材料的制备与性能,复合材料学报,2011, 7, 2033.  Ming Zeng*, Yaoqing Wu, Huina Gao, Liren Fan, Cécile Mangavel, and Denis Lourdin, Influence of dehydration treatment on intermolecular interaction and morphology of pills prepared from proteins and corn starch, Science of Advanced Materials, 2010, 2, 514 (SCI)34.  Yaoqing Wu, Ming Zeng﹡, Synergistic effect of nano- and micro-meter size ceramic fibers on the tribological and thermal properties of automotive brake lining, Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 2010, 29,2732 (SCI)35.  Ming Zeng*, Huina Gao, Yaoqing Wu, Liren Fan, Aiping Li, Preparation and characterization of nanocomposite films from chitin whisker and waterborne poly(ester-urethane) with or without ultra-sonification treatment, Journal of Macromolecular Science – PAC, 2010, 47, 867 (SCI)36.  Ming Zeng*, Huina Gao, Yaoqing Wu, Liren Fan, Tihe Zheng, Dongfang Zhou,  Effects of ultra-sonification assisting polyethylene glycol pre-treatment on the crystallinity and accessibility of cellulose fiber, Journal of Macromolecular Science – PAC, 2010, 47, 1042 (SCI)37.  Sumei Xu, Liren Fan, Ming Zeng, Huina Gao, Yaoqing Wu, Swelling properties and kinetics of CaCl2/polyacrylamide hygroscopic hybrid hydrogels, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2010, 371, 59 (SCI)38.  吴耀庆,曾鸣﹡,多维复合增强汽车摩擦材料的研究,复合材料学报,2010,5, 7939.  Marcos A. Sabino, Ming Zeng, Influences of dehydration kinetics on the vitrification of corn protein, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2008, 110, 1 (SCI)40.  Ming Zeng, Lina Zhang, Effect of temperature on the crystallization behaviour for the composite films based on poly (ester-urethane) and nitrochitosan, Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 2006, 291, 248 (SCI)41.  Ming Zeng, Lina Zhang, Effect of reaction and cure temperatures on the crystallization behaviour of poly (ester-urethane), Journal of Applied Polymer Sciences, 2006, 100, 708 (SCI)42.  Ming Zeng, Lina Zhang, Intermolecular interaction and properties of cross-linked materials from poly(ester-urethane) and nitrochitosan, Carbohydrate Polymers, 2005,60, 399 (SCI)43.  Ming Zeng, Lina Zhang, Effects of substrate on casting waterborne polyurethane/carboxymethylchitin films, Polymer, 2004, 45, 3535 (SCI)44.  Dong Ruan, Ming Zeng, Microporous membranes prepared from cellulose in NaOH/thiourea aqueous solution, Journal of Membrane Science, 2004, 241, 265 (SCI)45.  Ming Zeng, Lina Zhang, Miscibility and properties of blend membranes of waterborne polyurethane and carboxymethylchitin, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2003,90,1233 (SCI) 欢迎对高分子及功能材料感兴趣的同学!
