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姓名 蒋永光
教师编号 74816
性别 发明专利4999代写全部资料
学校 中国地质大学
部门 Email:jiangyg@cug.edu.cn
学位 在职信息:在职
学历 学位:理学博士学位
职称 蒋永光 (副教授)
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个人简历 蒋永光,男,山东泰安人,博士,副教授,“地大学者”青年优秀人才,博士生导师。本科毕业于武汉大学药学院,2014年在中国科学院水生生物研究所获得博士学位。2014年至2017年,在深圳大学从事博士后研究工作。长期从事环境微生物生物技术与微生物分子生态学研究,研究内容涉及微生物的合成生物学改造及环境应用,水环境微生物生态学及其在水污染生态修复中的应用。先后主持和参与国家重点研发计划子课题、国家自然科学基金项目、博士后科学基金项目等多项。已发表高水平研究论文40余篇,以第一作者或通讯作者在“Environmental Microbiology”,“Microbial Biotechnology”,“Biotechnology for Biofuels”,“Applied and Environmental Microbiology”,“Harmful Algae”,“Environmental Microbiology Report”等刊物上发表学术论文17篇。担任河南师范大学学报青年编委,Frontiers in Microbiology, Microorganisms等期刊审稿人。 研究方向 [1]  环境微生物与生物技术;[2]  合成生物学技术及其在科研、环境和工业领域的应用;[3]   微生物驱动地球元素循环的分子机理。 招生方向 [1]  生物学学术硕士[2]  资源与环境专业硕士教育和工作经历 2017年至今,中国地质大学(武汉),环境学院生物系,教学科研工作;2014年—2017年,深圳大学,从事博士后研究工作,主要研究方向为微藻组学和藻类生物技术;2014年,毕业于中国科学院水生生物研究所,水生生物学专业,获理学博士学位;2007年,毕业于武汉大学药学院,药学专业,获理学学士学位。 主持和参与的科研项目 [1]   国家自然科学基金面上项目,42277065 微生物异化还原碘酸盐的分子机制及其对地下水碘富集的影响,2023/01–2026/12,在研,主持[2]   科技部“合成生物学”国家重点研发计划项目,2018YFA0901300,“电能细胞双向电子传递系统的设计与强化”,2019/07–2024/06,在研,参加[3]   国家自然科学基金重点项目,91851211,金属还原地杆细菌到巴氏甲烷八叠球古菌种间直接电子传导的分子机理,2019/01–2022/12,在研,参加[4]   国家自然科学基金面上项目,31670116,模式蓝细菌Synechocystis PCC 6803中响应高盐胁迫的假定蛋白基因功能解析,2017/01–2020/12,已结题,参加[5]   国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,31500071,莱茵衣藻的高通量基因组编辑技术研究,2016/01–2018/12,已结题,主持[6]   中国博士后科学基金特别资助项目,2016T90801,纤细裸藻遗传转化体系的建立及应用研究,2016/06–2017/06,已结题,主持[7]   中国博士后科学基金面上项目,2015M572350,拟柱胞藻的产毒动态对无机磷限制的响应机制研究,2015/06–2017/06,已结题,主持[8]   国家自然科学基金面上项目,31170189,蓝藻拟柱胞藻属和尖头藻属的分类和分子系统的研究,2012/01–2015/12,已结题,参加获奖情况环境学院青年学术研讨会青年创新奖中国地质大学本科学位论文优秀指导教师湖北省优秀博士论文优秀共产党员“三全育人”先进教学集体成员 已发表的科技论文 1.    Zheng, L.; Liu, Y.; Li, R.; Yang, Y.; Jiang, Y., Recent advances in the ecology of bloom-forming Raphidiopsis (Cylindrospermopsis) raciborskii: expansion in China, intraspecific heterogeneity and critical factors for invasion. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2023, 20, (3), 1984.2.     Wang, Z.; Hu, Y.; Dong, Y.; Shi, L.; Jiang, Y., Enhancing electrical outputs of the fuel cells with Geobacter sulferreducens by overexpressing nanowire proteins. Microbial Biotechnology 2023, 16, (3), 534-545.3.     Jiang, Z.; Huang, M.; Jiang, Y.; Dong, Y.; Shi, L.; Li, J.; Wang, Y., Microbial Contributions to Iodide Enrichment in Deep Groundwater in the North China Plain. Environmental Science & Technology 2023.4.     蒋永光; 王志高; 王纯波, 拟柱孢藻毒素生物合成的分子基础与进化特征. 河南师范大学学报(自然科学版) 2022, 50, (03), 47-58.5.     Zhang, H.; Jiang, Y.; Zhou, C.; Chen, Y.; Zheng, L.; Yu, G.; Guan, H.; Li, R., Occurrence of mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs) from the bloom-forming cyanobacteria Aphanizomenon strains. Molecules 2022, 27, 1734.6.     Song, C.; Chen, Z.; Zheng, X.; Yang, S.; Duan, X.; Jiang, Y.; Tu, X.; Gan, J.; Jiang, S., Growth Characteristic Analysis of Haematococcus pluvialis in a Microfluidic Chip Using Digital in-Line Holographic Flow Cytometry. Analytical chemistry 2022, 94, (15), 5769-5775.7.     Peng, Z.; Liu, Z.; Jiang, Y.; Dong, Y.; Shi, L., In vivo interactions between Cyc2 and Rus as well as Rus and Cyc1 of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans during extracellular oxidization of ferrous iron. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 2022, 173, 105453.8.     Guo, J.; Jiang, Y.; Hu, Y.; Jiang, Z.; Dong, Y.; Shi, L., The roles of DmsEFAB and MtrCAB in extracellular reduction of iodate by Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 with lactate as the sole electron donor. Environmental Microbiology 2022, 24, (11), 5039-5050.9.     Guo, J.; Jiang, J.; Peng, Z.; Zhong, Y.; Jiang, Y.; Jiang, Z.; Hu, Y.; Dong, Y.; Shi, L., Global occurrence of the bacteria with capability for extracellular reduction of iodate. Frontiers in Microbiology 2022, 13.10.   Shi, M.; Xia, K.; Peng, Z.; Jiang, Y.; Dong, Y.; Shi, L., Differential degradation of BDE-3 and BDE-209 by the Shewanella oneidensis MR-1-mediated Fenton reaction. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 2021, 158, 105165.11.   钟雯; 蒋永光; 石良, 细菌与古菌之间的直接电子传递. 微生物学报 2020, 60, (9), 2030-2038.12.   Yang, R.; Wang, H.; Shi, M.; Jiang, Y.; Dong, Y.; Shi, L., Biosurfactant rhamnolipid affacts the desorption of sorbed As(III), As(V), Cr(VI), Cd(II) and Pb(II) on iron (oxyhydr)oxides and clay minerals. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 2020, 153, 105019.13.   Jiang, Y.; Xiao, P.; Yu, G.; Song, G.; Li, R., Revealing cryptic changes of cyanobacterial community structure in two eutrophic lakes using eDNA sequencing. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2020, 17, (17), 6356.14.   Jiang, Y.; Chen, Y.; Yang, S.; Li, R., Phylogenetic relationships and genetic divergence of paralytic shellfish toxin- and cylindrospermopsin- producing Cylindrospermopsis and Raphidiopsis. Harmful Algae 2020, 93, 101792.15.   Shi, M.; Jiang, Y.; Shi, L., Electromicrobiology and biotechnological applications of the exoelectrogens Geobacter and Shewanella spp. Science China-technological Sciences 2019, 62, (10), 1670-1678.16.   Jiang, Y.; Shi, M.; Shi, L., Molecular underpinnings for microbial extracellular electron transfer during biogeochemical cycling of earth elements. Science China-life Sciences 2019, 62, (10), 1275-1286.17.   Gu, Y.; Gao, X.; Jiang, Y.; Peng, X.; Li, R., Molecular characterization and toxin quantification of Microcystis panniformis: A microcystin producer in Lake Taihu, China. Journal of Environmental Sciences 2019, 76, 359-367.18.   杨瑞杰; 蒋永光; 石良, 微生物与核废料的长期管理. 地球科学 2018, 43, (S1), 127-135.19.   宋丹丹; 蒋永光; 石良, 页岩气开采与深地微生物的相互影响. 微生物学报 2018, 58, (4), 699-705.20.   邵青; 蒋永光; 雷安平; 胡章立; 王江新, 裸藻遗传转化技术的研究进展. 水生生物学报 2018, 42, (3), 655-662.21.   蒋永光; 石良, 人类活动对深地微生物的影响. 科学通报 2018, 63, (36), 3920-3931.22.   Yang, L.; Chen, J.; Qin, S.; Zeng, M.; Jiang, Y.; Hu, L.; Xiao, P.; Hao, W.; Hu, Z.; Lei, A.; Wang, J., Growth and lipid accumulation by different nutrients in the microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Biotechnology for Biofuels 2018, 11, (1), 40.23.   Hu, L.; Xiao, P.; Jiang, Y.; Dong, M.; Chen, Z.; Li, H.; Hu, Z.; Lei, A.; Wang, J., Transgenerational Epigenetic Inheritance Under Environmental Stress by Genome-Wide DNA Methylation Profiling in Cyanobacterium. Frontiers in Microbiology 2018, 9, (1479).24.   Wang, R.; Li, J.; Jiang, Y.; Lu, Z.; Li, R.; Li, J., Heterologous expression of mlrA gene originated from Novosphingobium sp. THN1 to degrade microcystin-RR and identify the first step involved in degradation pathway. Chemosphere 2017, (184), 159-167.25.   Jiang, Y.; Xiao, P.; Shao, Q.; Qin, H.; Hu, Z.; Lei, A.; Wang, J., Metabolic responses to ethanol and butanol in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Biotechnology for Biofuels 2017, 10, (1), 239.26.   Jiang, Y.; Xiao, P.; Liu, Y.; Wang, J.; Li, R., Targeted deep sequencing reveals high diversity and variable dominance of bloom-forming cyanobacteria in eutrophic lakes. Harmful Algae 2017, 64, 42-50.27.   Zeng, M.; Hao, W.; Zou, Y.; Shi, M.; Jiang, Y.; Xiao, P.; Lei, A.; Hu, Z.; Zhang, W.; Zhao, L., Fatty acid and metabolomic profiling approaches differentiate heterotrophic and mixotrophic culture conditions in a microalgal food supplement 'Euglena'. BMC Biotechnology 2016, 16, (1), 1.28.   Yang, Y.; Jiang, Y.; Li, X.; Li, H.; Chen, Y.; Xie, J.; Cai, F.; Li, R., Variations of growth and toxin yield in Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii under different phosphorus concentrations. Toxins 2016, 9, (1), 13.29.   Jiang, Y.; Zhu, Y.; Hu, Z.; Lei, A.; Wang, J., Towards elucidation of the toxic mechanism of copper on the model green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Ecotoxicology 2016, 25, (7), 1417-1425.30.   Chen, S.; Yuan, L.; Li, Q.; Li, J.; Zhu, X.; Jiang, Y.; Sha, O.; Yang, X.; Xin, J. H.; Wang, J., Durable antibacterial and nonfouling cotton textiles with enhanced comfort via zwitterionic sulfopropylbetaine coating. Small 2016, 12, (26), 3516-3521.31.   Xiao, P.; Jiang, Y.; Liu, Y.; Tan, W.; Li, W.; Li, R., Re-evaluation of the diversity and distribution of diazotrophs in the South China Sea by pyrosequencing the nifH gene. Marine and Freshwater Research 2015, 66, (8), 681-691.32.   Song, G.; Jiang, Y.; Yu, G.; Li, R., Genotypes of ITS region of rRNA in Microcystis (Cyanobacteria) populations in Erhai Lake (China) and their correlation with eutrophication level. Journal of Basic Microbiology 2015, 55, (10), 1203-1211.33.   Song, G.; Jiang, Y.; Li, R., Scytolyngbya timoleontis, gen. et sp. nov.(Leptolyngbyaceae, Cyanobacteria): a novel false branching Cyanobacteria from China. Phytotaxa 2015, 224, (1), 72-84.34.   Jiang, Y.; Song, G.; Pan, Q.; Yang, Y.; Li, R., Identification of genes for anatoxin-a biosynthesis in Cuspidothrix issatschenkoi. Harmful Algae 2015, 46, 43-48.35.   代志刚; 蒋永光; 谷依露; 胡晗华; 李仁辉, 异味物质 β-环柠檬醛降解菌的分离和鉴定. 水生生物学报 2014, 38, (2), 222-226.36.   Yu, G.; Jiang, Y.; Song, G.; Tan, W.; Zhu, M.; Li, R., Variation of Microcystis and microcystins coupling nitrogen and phosphorus nutrients in Lake Erhai, a drinking-water source in Southwest Plateau, China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2014, 21, (16), 9887-9898.37.   Shao, J.; Jiang, Y.; Wang, Z.; Peng, L.; Luo, S.; Gu, J.; Li, R., Interactions between algicidal bacteria and the cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa: lytic characteristics and physiological responses in the cyanobacteria. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 2014, 11, (2), 469-476.38.   Jiang, Y.; Xiao, P.; Yu, G.; Shao, J.; Liu, D.; Azevedo, S. M.; Li, R., Sporadic distribution and distinctive variations of cylindrospermopsin genes in cyanobacterial strains and environmental samples from Chinese freshwater bodies. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 2014, 80, (17), 5219-5230.39.   Jiang, Y.; Yu, G.; Chai, W.; Song, G.; Li, R., Congruence between mcy based genetic type and microcystin composition within the populations of toxic Microcystis in a plateau lake, China. Environmental Microbiology Reports 2013, 5, (5), 637-647.40.   Jiang, Y.; Xiao, P.; Yu, G.; Sano, T.; Pan, Q.; Li, R., Molecular basis and phylogenetic implications of deoxycylindrospermopsin biosynthesis in the cyanobacterium Raphidiopsis curvata. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 2012, 78, (7), 2256-2263.41.   Shao, J.; Xu, Y.; Wang, Z.; Jiang, Y.; Yu, G.; Peng, X.; Li, R., Elucidating the toxicity targets of β-ionone on photosynthetic system of Microcystis aeruginosa NIES-843 (Cyanobacteria). Aquatic Toxicology 2011, 104, (1), 48-55.42.   Jiang, Y.; Shao, J.; Wu, X.; Xu, Y.; Li, R., Active and silent members in the mlr gene cluster of a microcystin-degrading bacterium isolated from Lake Taihu, China. FEMS Microbiology Letters 2011, 322, (2), 108-114.
