
主页 > 浙江省 > 浙江工业大学


姓名 陆涛
性别 发明专利4999代写全部资料
学校 浙江工业大学
部门 环境学院
学位 博士
学历 版权登记666包过 代写全部资料
职称 副教授
联系方式 浙江工业大学莫干山校区协同中心2号楼117
邮箱 lutao@zjut.edu.cn
集群智慧云企服 / 知识产权申请大平台
急速申请 包写包过 办事快、准、稳

个人简介 陆涛,博士,副教授,博士生导师2016年获得浙江大学工学博士学位近年发表科研论文60余篇,多篇入选ESI高被引/热点论文主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、青年项目,国家重点研发子课题等担任浙江省微生物生态专业委员会委员,浙江省微生物耐药与控制专业委员会委员2023年获得“简浩然环境微生物学基金”优秀论文奖喜欢站着办公,喜欢给大家做花式咖啡研究方向1. 土壤微生物群落基础研究,特别研究了根际微生物和植物的交互作用,以及土壤微生态物质循环;2. 环境因素(气候变化、外源污染物等)对微生物群落功能的扰动和对抗生素抗性基因的传播影响等。 工作经历                         2019.04 - 至今           浙江工业大学     副教授     2017.01 - 2019.03     浙江工业大学     博士后      个人代表作                          (1) Lu Tao#, Ke Mingjing#, Lavoie Michel, Jin Yujian, Fan Xiaoji, Zhang Zhenyan, Fu Zhengwei, Sun Liwei, Gillings Michael, Peñuelas Josep, Qian Haifeng*, Zhu Yong-Guan*. Rhizosphere microorganisms can influence the timing of plant flowering, Microbiome, 2018, 6, 231  (2) Lu Tao, Zhang Qi, Lavoie Michel, Zhu Youchao, Ye Yizhi, Yang Jun, Paerl Hans W., Qian Haifeng*, Zhu Yong-Guan*. The fungicide azoxystrobin promotes freshwater cyanobacterial dominance through altering competition, Microbiome, 2019, 7, 128  (3) Lu Tao#, Zhang Zhenyan#, Li Yan, Zhang Qi, Cui Hengzheng,Sun Liwei, Peijnenburg W.J.G.M., Peñuelas Josep, Zhu Lizhong, Zhu Yong-Guan, Chen Jianmeng, Qian Haifeng*, Does biological rhythm transmit from plants to rhizosphere microbes? Environmental Microbiology, 2021, 23(11): 6895-6906(4)  Yu Yitian, Zhang Qi, Kang Jian, Xu Nuohan, Zhang Zhenyan, Deng Yu, Gillings Michael, Lu Tao*, Qian Haifeng*, Effects of organic fertilizers on plant growth and the rhizosphere microbiome, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2023(5) Lu Tao, Zhu Youchao, Ke Mingjing, Peijnenburg W.J.G.M., Zhang Meng, Wang Tingzhang, Chen Jun, Qian Haifeng*, Evaluation of the taxonomic and functional variation of freshwater plankton communities induced by trace amounts of the antibiotic ciprofloxacin,Environment International, 2019, 126: 268-278                        科研成果 以第一作者/通讯作者发表论文20余篇,另参与发表论文多篇Scopus 个人主页:https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57224080283&eid=2-s2.0-85078075053 近年主要论文有:2024年(1) Yu Y., Zhang Q., Kang J., Xu N., Zhang Z., Deng Y., Gillings M., Lu T.*, Qian H.*, 2024. Effects of organic fertilizers on plant growth and the rhizosphere microbiome, Appl. Environ. Microb. 90, 01719-23. https://doi.org/10.1128/aem.01719-23(2) Lu, T., Lei, C.T., Gao, M.Y., Lu, L., Zhang, C.R., Qian, H.F., Tang, T., 2024. A risk entropy approach for linking pesticides and soil bacterial communities, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 469, 133970.  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhazmat.2024.133970 2023年(1) Yu Yitian, Zhang Qi, Zhang Zhenyan, Zhou Shuyudan, Jin Mingkang, Zhu Dong, Yang Xiaoru, Qian Haifeng, Lu Tao*, Plants select antibiotic resistome in rhizosphere in early stage, Science of the Total Environment, 2023, 858, 159847 (2) Wang Yan, Ni Kepin, Zhang Zhenyan, Xu Nuohan, Lei Chaotang, Chen Bingfeng, Zhang Qi, Sun Liwei, Chen Yiling, Lu Tao*, Qian Haifeng. Metatranscriptome deciphers the effects of non-antibiotic antimicrobial agents on antibiotic resistance and virulence factors in freshwater microcosms. Aquatic Toxicology. 2023, 258, 106513. (3)  Lu, T., Xu, N., Lei, C., Zhang, Q., Zhang, Z., Sun, L., He, F., Zhou, N.-Y., Peñuelas, J., Zhu, Y.-G., Qian, H., 2023. Bacterial biogeography in China and its association to land use and soil organic carbon. Soil Ecol. Lett. 5, 230172. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42832-023-0172-8 (4) Yu Z., Lu T.*, Qian H., 2023b. Pesticide interference and additional effects on plant microbiomes, Sci. Total Environ. 888, 164149. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.164149 (5) Zhang Fan, Xu Nuohan, Zhang Zhenyan, Zhang Qi, Yang Yaohui, Yu Zhitao, Sun Liwei, Lu Tao*, Qian Haifeng, Shaping effects of rice, wheat, maize, and soybean seedlings on their rhizosphere microbial community, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2023, 30, 35972–35984 (6) Yu Yitian, Zhang Qi, Zhang Zhenyan, Xu Nuohan, Li Yan, Jin Mingkang, Feng Guoqiang, Qian haifeng, Lu Tao*, Assessment of residual chlorine in soil microbial community using metagenomics, Soil Ecology Letters, 2023, 5, 55-782022年(1)  Deng Yu , Debognies Andries, Zhang Qi, Zhang Zhenyan, Zhou Zhigao, Zhang Jinfeng, Sun Liwei, Lu Tao*, Qian Haifeng. Effects of ofloxacin on the structure and function of freshwater microbial communities. Aquatic Toxicology. 2022, 244, 106084  高被引论文(2) Xu Nuohan; Zhao, Qianqiu, Zhang, Zhenyan, Zhang, Qi, Wang, Yan, Qin, Guoyan,; Ke, Mingjing, Qiu, Danyan, Peijnenburg W.J.G.M., Lu Tao*, Qian Haifeng*. Phyllosphere Microorganisms: Sources, Drivers, and Their Interactions with Plant Hosts. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2022, 80(16), 4860-4870   高被引论文 2021年(1) Lu Tao#, Zhang Zhenyan#, Li Yan, Zhang Qi, Cui Hengzheng, Sun Liwei, Peijnenburg W.J.G.M., Peñuelas Josep, Zhu Lizhong, Zhu Yong-Guan, Chen Jianmeng, Qian Haifeng*, Does biological rhythm transmit from plants to rhizosphere microbes? Environmental Microbiology, 2021, 23(11): 6895-6906 (2) Lu Tao, Zhang Qi, Zhang Zhenyan, Hu Baolan, Chen Jianmeng, Chen Jun, Qian Haifeng*, Pollutant toxicology with respect to microalgae and cyanobacteria. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2021, 99, 175-186  (3) Cui Hengzheng, Zhou Wenya, Deng Yu, Zheng Binyu, Zhang Qi, Zhang Zhenyan, Lu Tao*, Qian Haifeng, Meta-transcriptomic profiling of functional variation of freshwater microbial communities induced by an antidepressant sertraline hydrochloride. Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 786, 147434  (4) Yu Yitian, Zhang Qi, Liu Guangfu, Deng Yu, Kang Jian, Zhang Fan, Lu Tao*, Sun Liwei, Qian Haifeng. Proteomic analysis of zebrafish brain damage induced by Microcystis aeruginosa bloom. Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 795, 148865(5) Zhang Qi, Ye Yizhi, Qu Qian, Yu Yitian, Jin Mingkang, Lu Tao *, Qian Haifeng, Enantioselective metabolomic modulations in Arabidopsis thaliana leaf induced by the herbicide dichlorprop. Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 797, 149015 2020年(1) Lu Tao, Xu Nuohan, Zhang Qi, Zhang Zhenyan, Debognies Andries, Zhou Zhigao, Sun Liwei, Qian Haifeng*, Understanding the influence of glyphosate on the structure and function of freshwater microbial community in a microcosm, Environmental Pollution, 2020, 260: 114012  (2) Lu Tao, Qu Qian, Lavoie Michel, Pan Xiangjie, Peijnenburg W.J.G.M., Zhou Zhigao, Pan Xiangliang, Cai Zhiqiang*, Qian Haifeng*, Insights into the transcriptional responses of a microbial community to silver nanoparticles in a freshwater microcosm, Environmental Pollution, 2020, 258: 113727 2019年(1) Lu Tao, Zhu Youchao, Ke Mingjing, Peijnenburg W.J.G.M., Zhang Meng, Wang Tingzhang, Chen Jun, Qian Haifeng*, Evaluation of the taxonomic and functional variation of freshwater plankton communities induced by trace amounts of the antibiotic ciprofloxacin,Environment International, 2019, 126: 268-278 (2) Lu Tao, Zhang Qi, Lavoie Michel, Zhu Youchao, Ye Yizhi, Yang Jun, Paerl Hans W., Qian Haifeng*, Zhu Yong-Guan*. The fungicide azoxystrobin promotes freshwater cyanobacterial dominance through altering competition, Microbiome, 2019, 7, 128  (3) 陆涛, 李燕, 傅正伟, 钱海丰. 农药对根际微生物群落的影响及潜在风险. 农药学学报. 2019, 21(5-6): 865-870 2018年(1) Lu T., Ke M., Lavoie M., Jin Y., Fan X., Zhang Z., Fu Z., Sun L., Gillings M., Peñuelas J., Qian H., Zhu Y.-G., 2018. Rhizosphere microorganisms can influence the timing of plant flowering, Microbiome, 6, 231. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40168-018-0615-0 (2) Lu Tao, Ke Mingjing, Peijnenburg W.J.G.M., Zhu Youchao, Zhang Meng, Sun Liwei, Fu Zhengwei, Qian Haifeng*, Investigation of rhizospheric microbial communities in wheat, barley, and two rice varieties at the seedling stage, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2018, 66: 2645-2653(3) Lu Tao, Zhu Youchao, Xu Jiahui, Ke Mingjing, Zhang Meng, Tan Chengxia, Fu Zhengwei, Qian Haifeng*, Evaluation of the toxic response induced by azoxystrobin in the non-target green alga Chlorella pyrenoidosa, Environmental Pollution, 2018, 234: 378-388    科研项目 国家级科研项目:国家自然科学基金-面上项目,42377107,2024.01-2027.12 (主持,在研)国家自然科学基金-青年项目,41907210,2020.01-2022.12 (主持,已结题)国家重点研发项目-子课题,2021YFA0909504,2021.12-2026.12 (主持,在研)  省部级科研项目:浙江省“领雁”计划项目-子课题,2024C03232,2024.01-2026.12 (主持,在研) 浙江省“领雁”计划项目-子课题,2022C02046,2022.01-2024.12 (主持,在研) 中国博士后科学基金-面上项目,2018M632502,2018.01-2019.01(主持,已结题) 教学与课程 主讲课程2门:《分子生态毒理学》(研究生)《生物化学》(本科生)(两门课均获得学校优课优酬奖励) 育人成果 担任7名硕士研究生、1名博士研究生的导师,1人获国家奖学金担任20余名硕士、博士研究生的第二导师,8人获国家奖学金学生以第一作者发表SCI论文20余篇担任7名本科生的导师,1人获浙江省政府奖学金  日常关心学生的生活不定时犒劳辛苦做实验的同学带学生一同游玩 社会服务 担任浙江省微生物生态专业委员委员;浙江省微生物耐药与控制专业委员会委员;担任期刊《iMeta》青年编委;担任期刊《Frontiers in Microbiomes》Review Editor;担任Applied and Environmental Microbiology,  Environmental Pollution, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,Chemical Engineering Journal, Science of the Total Environment 等期刊审稿人
