姓名 | 俞伟婷 |
教师编号 | 73485 |
性别 | 发明专利4999代写全部资料 |
学校 | 浙江工业大学 |
部门 | 环境学院 |
学位 | 博士 |
学历 | 环境学院 |
职称 | 教授 |
联系方式 | 【发送到邮箱】 |
邮箱 | 【发送到邮箱】 |
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个人简介 俞伟婷,博士,教授,致力于低成本催化剂的设计及其在污染物资源化利用中的应用,包括(1)二氧化碳的催化转化,(2)工业废水中含氟有机污染物的脱氟反应,和(3)低成本催化剂的构建及其催化性能研究。以第一/通讯作者在Journal of the American Chemical Society, Chemical Reviews, Angewandte Chemie-International Edition, ACS Catalysis, Environmental Science&Technology 等期刊发表学术论文30余篇,被引3000余次。学习和工作经历 2018.01 - 至今 教授 浙江工业大学2014.09 - 2015.09 博士后 Lawrence Berkeley National Lab2013.09 - 2014.8 博士后 Columbia University2008.09 - 2013.08 博士 University of Delaware2004.09 - 2008.06 本科 浙江大学 科研项目 1. 高选择性还原二氧化碳制合成气的铜基低成本双金属催化剂的设计与性能测试,国家自然科学基金青年项目,2020.01-2022.12,主持2. NiCo2O4中间层修饰的Pd/泡沫Ni电极在多氯联苯电催化加氢脱氯中的应用,浙江省高校基本科研业务费项目,2020.12-2022.11,主持 科研成果 代表性论文:[1] Weiting Yu, et al. Glycolaldehyde as a Probe Molecule for Biomass-derivatives: Reaction of C-OH and C=O Functional Groups on Monolayer Ni Surfaces.Journal of the American Chemical Society 2011, 133 (50), 20528-20535.[2] Weiting Yu, et al. Review of Pt-based Bimetallic Catalysis: From Model Surfaces to Supported Catalysts.Chemical Reviews 2012, 112 (11), 5780-5817.[3] Weiting Yu, et al. Comparison of Reaction Pathways of Ethylene Glycol, Acetaldehyde and Acetic Acid on Tungsten Carbide and Ni-modified Tungsten Carbide Surfaces.The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2012, 116 (9), 5720-5729.[4] Weiting Yu, et al. Theoretical and Experimental Studies of C–C versus C–O Bond Scission of Ethylene Glycol Reaction Pathways via Metal-Modified Molybdenum Carbides.ACS Catalysis 2014, 4 (5), 1409-1418.[5] Weiting Yu, et al. Theoretical and Experimental Studies of the Adsorption Geometry and Reaction Pathways of Furfural over FeNi Bimetallic Model Surfaces and Supported Catalysts. Journal of Catalysis 2014, 317, 253-262.[6] Weiting Yu, et al. Reaction Pathways of Model Compounds of Biomass-Derived Oxygenates on Fe/Ni Bimetallic Surfaces. Surface Science 2015, 640, 159-164.[7] Weiting Yu, et al. CO2 Hydrogenation over Oxide-Supported PtCo Catalysts: The Role of the Oxide Support in Determining the Product Selectivity.Angewandte Chemie-International Edition 2016, 55 (28), 7968-7973. (共同一作)[8] Weiting Yu, et al. Enhanced electrocatalytic dechlorination of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid on in situ prepared Pd-anchored Ni(OH)2 bifunctional electrodes: synergistic effect between H* formation on Ni(OH)2 and dechlorination steps on Pd. Catalysis Science & Technology 2019, 9 (18), 5130-5141. (通讯作者)[9] Weiting Yu, et al. Designing an Electron-Deficient Pd/NiCo2O4 Bifunctional Electrocatalyst with an Enhanced Hydrodechlorination Activity to Reduce the Consumption of Pd.Environmental Science & Technology 2021, 55 (14), 10087-10096.[10] Weiting Yu, et al. Facile Treatment Tuning the Morphology of Pb with State-of-the-art Selectivity in CO2 Electroreduction to Formate.Chemical communications 2021, 57 (60), 7418-7421. 教学与课程 本科生课程:专业实验2,课程设计2,环境保护与生态文明研究生课程:环境催化技术,环境科学前沿 |