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姓名 张闪闪
教师编号 73236
性别 发明专利4999代写全部资料
学校 浙江工业大学
部门 管理学院
学位 博士
学历 管理学院
职称 讲师
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个人简介 浙江工业大学管理学院校聘副教授,香港城市大学哲学博士,中国科学技术大学管理学博士。主要研究方向为:电子商务、社交媒体的使用和影响、电子健康平台上的游戏化、企业中的技术压力。研究兴趣为:情景实验和现场实验在信息系统中的应用。发表论文19篇,包括11篇国际期刊论文、1篇国内期刊论文和7篇国际和国内会议论文。以第一作者和通讯作者在国际知名ABS三星级期刊Information and Management、Internet Research、Information Technology & People上发表论文六篇,JCR二区SCI论文一篇,SSCI期刊论文2篇。主持国家社会科学基金青年项目、教育部人文社科青年基金项目、浙江省自然科学基金青年项目、浙江工业大学人文社科项目、学科预研项目、教学改革项目等课题。积极参与学生指导和竞赛工作,获学院“优秀班主任”称号,所指导学生获浙江省“民生民意杯”大学生统计调查方案设计大赛三等奖、浙江工业大学创新创业训练计划项目立项、浙江工业大学院挑战杯大赛二等奖、电子商务三等奖、运河杯三等奖等。 工作经历               1. 2023.01-至今,国家自然科学基金委,借调2. 2019.03-至今,浙江工业大学管理学院工商管理系,校聘副教授3. 2017.10-2019.02,香港城市大学商学院信息系统系,博士后4. 2017.04-2017.10,香港城市大学商学院信息系统系,助理研究员教育背景1. 2012.09-2019.02,香港城市大学商学院,信息系统专业,博士毕业(导师:Paul Benjamin Lowry; Ron Chi-Wai Kwok)2. 2013.09-2018.12,中国科学技术大学管理学院,工商管理专业,博士毕业(导师:刘志迎)3. 2011.09-2013.08,中国科学技术大学管理学院,工商管理专业,硕士研究生(导师:洪进)                         教学与课程 -- 本科生课程:《管理学》《营销战略管理》《现代管理》;-- 研究生课程:《管理理论与前沿》《营销管理》;-- 留学生课程:《管理学》(本科生,英文)《商业研究方法》(硕士生,英文) 科研成果 学术论文(*通讯作者):1.  Shanshan Zhang, Fengchun Huang, Lingling Yu*, Jeremy Fei Wang, Paul Benjamin Lowry. A dual-process model to explain self-disclosure on online social networking sites: Examining the moderating effect of enjoyment, Internet Research, 2023, SSCI/SCI, https://doi.org/10.1108/INTR-08-2021-0545. JCR一区, ABS3*, IF:7.9.2.  Shanshan Zhang, Ron Kwok, Paul Benjamin Lowry, Zhiying Liu, & Ji Wu*. The Influence of Role Stress on Self-disclosure on Social Networking Sites: A Conservation of Resources Perspective, 2019, Information & Management, SSCI/SCI, 56(7), 103147, JCR一区, ABS3*, IF:10.7.3.  Shanshan Zhang*, Ron Kwok, Paul Benjamin Lowry & Zhiying Liu. Does more accessibility lead to more disclosure? Exploring the influence of information accessibility on self-disclosure in online social networks, 2019, Information Technology & People, SSCI, JCR二区, ABS3*, 32(3), pp. 754-780, IF:4.8.4.  George Wong, Ron Kwok, Shanshan Zhang*, Gabriel Lai, Jessica Cheung. Mutually Complementary Effect of Cyberloafing and Cyber-Life-Interruption on Employee Emotional Exhaustion, Information & Management, 2023, SSCI/SCI, 60(2), 103752, JCR一区, ABS3*, IF:10.75.  Lingling Yu, Ying Chen, Shanshan Zhang*, Bao Dai, Suqin Liao. Excessive use of personal social media at work: antecedents and outcomes from dual-system and person-environment fit perspectives, Internet Research, 2022, SSCI/SCI, 3(3), pp. 1202-1227. JCR一区, ABS3*, IF:7.9.6.  George Wong, Ron Kwok, Shanshan Zhang*, Gabriel Lai, Jessica Cheung, Yanyan Li. Exploring the Consequence of Information Communication Technology-enabled Work during Non-Working Hours: A Transition Model of Stress Perspective, Information Technology & People, 2023, SSCI, JCR二区, ABS3*, IF:4.8.7.  Wentao Yu, Ning Lan, Xiaolan Tan*, Shanshan Zhang*, Jinyan Chen. Does the digital economy drive low-carbon urban development? The role of transition to sustainability. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 2023, SCI, JCR二区8.  Shanshan Zhang, Fengchun Huang, Yuting Zhang*, Qiwen Li. A Person-Environment Fit Model to Explain Information and Communication Technologies-Enabled After-Hours Work-Related Interruptions in China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2023.9.  Yanyan Li*, Ron Kwok, Shanshan Zhang, Shanxing Gao. How could firms benefit more from absorptive capacity under technological turbulence? The contingent effect of managerial mechanisms, 2020, Asian Journal of Technology Innovation, SSCI, 28(1), 1-20.10.  Suqin Liao, Zhiying Liu*, Shanshan Zhang. Technology innovation ambidexterity, business model ambidexterity, and firm performance in Chinese high-tech firms, 2018, Asian Journal of Technology Innovation, SSCI, 26(3), 325-345.11.  Clara Wong, Ron Kwok, *Shanshan Zhang, mHealth application as physical activity intervention: a case study on physical activity, emotional exhaustion, and work performance, 2023, Journal of Information Technology Case and Application Research, 25(1), 58-85.12.  Lai, G. C. H., Kwok, R. C. W., Rochelle, T., Leung, A. C. M., Li, Y., Shanshan Zhang, ... & Lu, A. The Moderating Effect of Different Types of Internet Use on the Relationship between Transitional Aging Changes and Self-esteem of Older Adults. In Proceedings of the 53rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), pp. 3799-3808. 2020, IEEE.13.  C. Yang, J. Sun, J. Ma, Shanshan Zhang, Gang Wang, & Zhongsheng Hua. Scientific Collaborator Recommendation in Heterogeneous Bibliographic Networks. 2015 48th Hawaii international conference on system sciences (HICSS), pp. 552-561. 2015, IEEE. 14.  Shanshan Zhang*, Ron Chi-Wai Kwok, & Zhiying, Liu. Reward-based Crowdfunding: A Study of Online Investment Behaviors among China Funders, Advances in Social and Behavioral Sciences, ISBN: 978-981-11-2562-1, Volume 18, ISSN: 2339-5133, pp. 9-15, Proceedings of 2017 2nd ACSS International Conference on the Social Sciences and Teaching Research (ACSS-SSTR 2017), June 28-29, 2017, Moscow, Russia, Harry Zhang (Ed.), Published.15.  Shanshan Zhang, Fengchun Huang*. Reflection or Rumination? — Research on Influencing Factors in Social Media Users' Intermittent Discontinuance Process, CNAIS, October 15-17, 2021, Changsha, China.16.  Lingling Yu, Ying Chen*, Shanshan Zhang. The antecedents and outcomes of excessive social media use at work: A dual-system perspective, CNAIS, October 15-17, 2021, Changsha, China.17.  Shanshan Zhang*, Paul Benjamin Lowry, & Zhiying Liu. Measuring Social Capital Accumulation in Various SNS Platforms: Experimental Observations of Effects of Medium Features on Information Disclosure Behaviors, 2016, 10th USTC-CityU PhD Student Workshop (Hefei).18.  Shanshan Zhang*, Paul Benjamin Lowry, & Zhiying Liu. User Behaviors on Social Networking Services across China and US: Examining the Implicit Privacy Choices of Online Lurkers, 2014, 8th USTC-CityU PhD Student Workshop (Hefei).  育人成果 --    积极参与教学改革,作为第一和第二负责人承担校教改项目“人机交互时代信息技术压力下的学习环境开发与探索”和“管理理论与前沿研究生课程思政课程建设”;所承担课程管理学(英)获校优课优酬;--    指导本科生获浙江省“民生民意杯”大学生统计调查方案设计大赛三等奖,指导本科生创新创业训练校计划项目立项,指导本科生获院挑战杯大赛二等奖、电子商务三等奖、运河杯三等奖等;--    主动参与本科生班主任工作,获院“优秀班主任”称号。每学期开展不定期的线上线下交流,关心学生和指导学生;目前指导研究生两名(含留学生),本科生十名,一名硕士研究生和九名本科生已顺利毕业。定期开展科研研讨机制,联合培养学生,扩大科研交流,培养学生的积极思维和创新意识。 科研项目 2023年,国家社科基金青年项目,20万,项目主持人,在研2022年,教育部社科基金青年项目,8万,项目主持人,在研2022年,浙江省自然科学基金青年项目,6万,项目主持人,在研2021年,浙江工业大学本科生教学改革一般项目,项目主持人,5k,已结题2021年,浙江工业大学研究生教学“课程思政”改革试点课程建设项目,项目参与者,1.5万2021年,浙江工业大学校基本科研业务费-跨学科研究专项,项目参与者,20万2020年,国社科项目:基于“精密调度+柔性智造”构建全国统一应急物资保障体系的模式与路径研究,20万,项目参与人员2020年,国家自科面上项目:智能服务系统视觉信息设计和用户体验优化研究,47万,项目参与人员2019年,浙江工业大学人文社科项目,2万,项目负责人,已结题2019年,浙江工业大学工商管理学科预研项目,6万,项目负责人,已结题2019年,浙江省社科规划重点项目,15万,子课题负责人,已结题2017.04-2019.02,Design and Implementation of Gamified Artifacts of a Fitness Application,项目参与人员2017.04-2019.02,Keep Learning for life: Knowledge & Education Exchange Platform 2.0,项目参与人员                             2017.08-2017.10,Depression and Suicidal Ideation: The Moderation Effect of Physical Activity with Gamified Cues,项目参与人员 社会服务 近些年来,受邀担任Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Information & Management, Information Systems Journal, Internet Research, Journal of Knowledge Management, Information Technology & People, Behaviour & Information Technology, Journal of Information Technology Case and Applications Research等期刊;ICIS (International Conference on Information Systems), Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Hawaii international conference on system sciences (HICSS) 等国际会议审稿人。
