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姓名 阮中远
教师编号 73067
性别 发明专利4999代写全部资料
学校 浙江工业大学
部门 网络空间安全研究院
学位 博士
学历 网络空间安全研究院
职称 副教授
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个人简介 浙江工业大学网络安全研究院讲师。毕业于华东师范大学物理系,曾在匈牙利中欧大学复杂网络研究中心从事博士后研究。主要研究兴趣包括复杂网络上的流行病传播、信息传播和交通网络等。已在Physical Review Letters, Physical Review E, Chaos, 《中国科学》等国内外著名期刊上发表论文近30篇,出版专著2部。联系邮箱:zyruan@zjut.edu.cn 教学与课程 《数学建模》《Linux系统及应用》《程序设计基础A》《数据挖掘》 科研成果 代表性论文:[1] Z. Ruan, M. Tang, Z. Liu, Epidemic spreading with information-driven vaccination, Phys. Rev. E, 86,036117 (2012).[2] Z. Ruan, M. Tang, Z. Liu, How the contagion at links influences epidemic spreading, The European Physical Journal B, 86, 149 (2013).[3] Z. Ruan, P. Hui, H. Lin, Z. Liu, Risks of an epidemic in a two-layered railway-local area traveling network, The European Physical Journal B, 86, 13 (2013).[4] Z. Ruan, G. Iniguez, M. Karsai, J. Kertesz, kinetics of social contagion, Physcal Review Letters, 115, 218702 (2015).[5] Z. Ruan, C. Wang, P. Hui, Z. Liu, Integrated travel network model for studying epidemics: interplay between journeys and epidemic, Scientific Reports, 5, 11401 (2015).[6] Z. Ruan, J. Xu, C. Gu, M. Tang, Epidemic spreading between two coupled subpopulations with inner-structures, Chaos, 27, 103104 (2017).[7] Z. Ruan, J. Wang, J. Xu, M. Zhang, Q. Xuan, C. Fu, Effect of indirect social ties on cascading diffusion of information, 2017 International Workshop on Complex Systems and Networks (IWCSN), 96-101 (2017).[8] Z. Ruan, J. Wang, Q. Xuan, C. Fu, G. Chen, Information filtering by smart nodes in random networks, Physical Review E, 98, 022308 (2018).[9] Z. Ruan, C. Song, X. Yang, G. Shen, Z. Liu, Empirical analysis of urban road traffic network: A case study in Hangzhou city, China, Physica A, 527, 121287 (2019).[10] 阮中远,复杂网络上的流行病传播,中国科学:物理学 力学 天文学,50, 010507 (2019). [11] Z. Ruan, B. Yu, X. Shu, Q. Zhang, Q. Xuan, The impact of malicious nodes on the spreading of false information, Chaos, 30, 083101 (2020).[12] Z. Ruan, B. Yu, X. Zhang, Q. Xuan, Role of lurkers in threshold-driven information spreading dynamics, Physical Review E, 104, 034308 (2021).
