时间:2024-04-27 21:07 来源: 作者: 点击:次
个人简介 侯晨煜,博士,浙江工业大学计算机科学与技术学院,讲师。2021年毕业于浙江工业大学计算机科学与技术学院,长期从事时空数据挖掘领域的研究。近年来,作为项目骨干成员参与了国家重点研发计划(智能服务适配过程使能技术-2018YFB1402802)、浙江省自然科学基金项目(面向流程自动化建模的推荐方法研究-LY19F020030)等科研项目。 近5年共发表论文15篇,其中SCI论文7篇,国内核心期刊论文3篇,其中包括CCF A类期刊论文2篇,CCF B类会议论文3篇,以第一作者身份(包括导师一作)发表论文10篇,相关研究发表在数据挖掘领域顶刊《IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering》、国内三大学报之一的《计算机学报》,以及国际权威会议 IEEE International Conference on Web Services和ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management等。授权发明专利2项。 教学与课程 研究生课程:分布式数据库原理(双语) 科研成果 论文:1. Chenyu Hou, Bin Cao, Jing Fan. A data‐driven method to predict service level for call centers. IET Communications, 16(10): 1241-1252. (2022, CCF C类期刊) 2. Chenyu Hou, Bin Cao, Sijie Ruan, Jing Fan: TLDS: A Transfer-Learning-Based Delivery Station Location Selection Pipeline. ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology. 12(4): 1-24. (2021, JCR-Q1) 3. Chenyu Hou, Bin Cao: SiaSL: A Siamese Neural Network for Service Level Prediction. ICWS 2021: 240-250 (2021, CCF B类会议). 4. Chenyu Hou, Jiawei Wu, Bin Cao, Jing Fan: A deep-learning prediction model for imbalanced time series data forecasting. Big Data Management and Analytics. 4(4): 266-278. (2021, SCI) 5. Bin Cao, Yuqi Liu, Chenyu Hou, Jing Fan, Baihua Zheng, Jianwei Yin: Expediting the Accuracy-Improving Process of SVMs for Class Imbalance Learning. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering. 33(11): 3550-3567. (2021, CCF A类期刊) 6. Bin Cao, Chenyu Hou, Liwei Zhao, Louai Alarabi, Jing Fan, Mohamed F. Mokbel, Anas Basalamah: SHAREK*: A Scalable Matching Method for Dynamic Ride Sharing. GeoInformatica, 24(4): 881-913. (2020, CCF B类期刊) 7. Bin Cao, Chenyu Hou, Hongjie Peng, Jing Fan, Jian Yang, Jianwei Yin, Shuiguang Deng: Predicting e-book ranking based on the implicit user feedback. World Wide Web 22(2): 637-655. (2019, CCF B类期刊) 8. Bin Cao, Chenyu Hou, Suifei Li, Jing Fan, Jianwei Yin, Baihua Zheng, Jie Bao: SIMkNN: A Scalable Method for in-MemorykNN Search over Moving Objects in Road Networks. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering. 30(10): 1957-1970.(2018, CCF A类期刊) 9. 曹斌,侯晨煜,范菁,程时伟,邱杰凡.面向最优时间窗口覆盖的查询服务[J].计算机学报,2018,41(08):1882-1895. (中文A类权威期刊, 三大学报之一,EI检索) 10. 侯晨煜,曹斌,王佳星,范菁.基于独立路径的流程差别检测算法[J].计算机集成制造系统,2018,24(07):1766-1773. (中文A类期刊, EI检索) 11. Jing Fan, Jinting Xu, Chenyu Hou, Bin Cao, Tianyang Dong, Shiwei Cheng: URoad: An Efficient Algorithm for Large-Scale Dynamic Ridesharing Service. ICWS 2018: 9-16. (2018, CCF B类会议) 12. Bin Cao, Kai Wang, Jinting Xu, Chenyu Hou, Jing Fan, Hangning Que: Dynamic Pricing for Resource Consumption in Cloud Service. Wirel. Commun. Mob. Comput. 2018: 4263831:1-4263831:11. 13. Bin Cao, Chenyu Hou, Jing Fan: Covering the Optimal Time Window Over Temporal Data. CIKM 2017: 687-696(CCF B类会议)专利:[1] 曹斌,侯晨煜,范菁. 一种面向社交活动组织的时间聚合查询方法(授权). ZL 201510779130.4[2] 曹斌,侯晨煜,范菁.一种最大化利益的热门商品榜单制定方法(授权). ZL 201810335230.1[3] 侯晨煜,尤澳晨,曹斌,范菁.一种试题难度增强的综合知识追踪方法(受理).[4] 侯晨煜,贺凯博,曹斌,范菁.一种基于启发式聚类算法的空间任务分配方法(受理). |