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个人简介 讲师管理科学与工程专业博士2019年6月硕博毕业于天津大学 研究方向:能源资源政策与环境经济近年来一直致力于资源管理与政策、能源经济与环境方面的科研和教学工作,在能源经济学、电力系统环境效率评价、能源与电力发展规划等方面取得了多项创新性的研究成果。近年来主持并参与多项重要科研项目,其中作为主持人负责浙江省社科项目1项目,作为研究骨干参加包括国家重点研发计划、国家社科重点项目、国家自然科学基金项目、天津市“十三五”能源发展规划、青海省清洁能源示范省项目等多项课题。作为第一或通讯作者在《Energy Policy》、《Journal of Environmental Management》、《Energy and buildings》、《Building and Environment》、《Environmental Science and Pollution Research》等国内外权威期刊发表多篇论文。 教学与课程 1.环境经济学2.文献检索与论文写作3.能源系统模拟与经济分析4.气候变化应对与国际能源政策 育人成果 “新安杯”青年教师教学竞赛优秀奖 科研项目 1.浙江省人才引进项目:生态目标约束下产业高质量发展路径研究,2020.11-2023.11.(主持)2.国家重点研发计划子课题: 研究我国城市建设绿色低碳发展技术路线图—公共建筑用能强度定量分析模型及控制目标, 2018.7-2020.12.(参与)3.国家自然科学基金项目:环境效率视角下电力系统节能减排优化策略研究,2014.1-2017.12.(参与)4.青海清洁能源示范省项目:清洁能源供需与基于大数据分析的能源消费模式研究, 2019.7-2020.12.(参与)5.天津市发改委项目:天津市十三五能源发展规划, 2014.12-2015.8.(参与)6.住房与城乡建设部项目:建筑业技术中心标准化体系建设效率评估及政策影响预测研究, 2012.9-2015.9.(参与) 科研成果 1.Jia-Jun Ma*. Who shapes the embodied carbon dioxide emissions of interconnected power grids in China? A seasonal perspective [J].Journal of Environmental Management, 2022,324: 116422. SCIQ1, ABS 三星. IF:8.912.Liang-Jun Wang, Pei-Ling Yang, Jia-Jun Ma*, Zhen-Ning Zhu, Zhi-Hua Tian. Digital economy and industrial energy efficiency performance: evidence from the city of the Yangtze River Delta in China [J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2022. SCIQ2. IF:5.053. 通讯作者.3.Bai-Chen Xie,Zhai Jia-Xin, Sun Peng-Cheng, Ma Jia-Jun*. Assessment of energy and emission performance of a green scientific research building in Beijing, China [J]. Energy and Buildings, 2020: 110248. SCIQI/SSCI, IF:7.02.通讯作者.4.Jia-Jun Ma, Gang Du, Bai-Chen Xie. CO2 emission changes of China's power generation system: Input-output subsystem analysis, Energy Policy [J], 2019,124, 1-12, SCI/SSCIQ1. IF:7.57. ESI 高被引5.Jia-Jun Ma, Gang Du, Zeng-Kai Zhang, Pei-Xing Wang,Bai-Chen Xie*, Life cycle analysis of energy consumption and CO2 emissions from a typical large office building in Tianjin, China [J], Building and environment, 2017, 117: 36-48. SCI 二区/SSCI. IF:7.09.6.Jia-Jun Ma, Li-Qiu Liu, Bin Su, Bai-Chen Xie. Exploring the critical factors and appropriate polices for reducing energy consumption of China's urban civil building sector [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2015, 103(1): 446-454. SCI 二区/SSCI. IF: 11.07.7.Bai-Chen Xie, Jie-Yong Wang, Jia-Jun Ma, Na Duan*. Efficiency evaluation of China’s provincial power systems based on the dynamic network slacks-based measure model [J], Journal of cleaner production, 2018, 174, 650-660. SCI 二区/SSCI. IF: 11.07.8.Zhen-Yu She, Qing-Sun, Jia-Jun Ma, Bai-Chen Xie*. What are the barriers to widespread adoption of battery electric vehicles? A survey of public perception in Tianjin, China [J], Transport Policy, 2017, 56: 29-40. SSCIQ1,IF: 1.522. ESI 高被引论文9.Jia-Jun Ma, Gang Du, Bai-Chen Xie*, Zhen-Yu She, Kui Jiao. Energy consumption analysis on a typical office building: case study of the Tiejian Tower, Tianjin. The 7th International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE), 28th -31st Mar., 2015, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. 社会服务 |