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姓名 何文佳
教师编号 72790
性别 发明专利4999代写全部资料
学校 浙江工业大学
部门 食品科学与工程学院
学位 博士
学历 食品科学与工程学院
职称 讲师
联系方式 【发送到邮箱】
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个人简介 何文佳,浙江德清人,工学博士,毕业于芬兰图尔库大学。研究方向为食品科学,主要从事发酵过程中代谢次级产物的产生及其生物活性、风味物质的组成与感官交互作用及食用多酚的组成与生物利用等方面。主持芬兰Niemi-säätiön、Tekniikan Edistämissäätiö、Turun Yliopistosäätiö基金会资助项目3项;近五年在Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,Food Chemistry,Food Research International国际权威期刊上发表论文10余篇,其中第一作者8篇,目前担任Food Bioscience客座编辑并在多个期刊承担审稿人工作。 科研成果 论文成果He, W., et al. (2023). Comparison of phenolic composition and sensory quality among pear beverages made using  Sacchraomyces cerevisiae and Torulaspora delbrueckii. Food Chemistry,136184. He, W., et al. (2023). Comparison of different ultrafiltration-recovered soy protein hydrolysate fractions and their effects  on the stability of mulberry anthocyanin extract. Food Bioscience, 53, 102624He, W., et al. (2022). Chemical composition of juices made from cultivars and breeding selections of European pear  (Pyrus communis L.). Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 70(16): 5137-5150. He, W., et al. (2022). Enzymatic hydrolysates of soy protein promote the physicochemical stability of mulberry  anthocyanin extracts in food processing. Food Chemistry, 386: 132811. He, W., et al. (2021). Phenolic compound profiles in Finnish Apple (Malus × domestica Borkh.) Juices and Ciders  Fermented with Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Schizosaccharomyces pombe strains. Food Chemistry, 131437. He, W., et al. (2021). Effect of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Schizosaccharomyces pombe strains on chemical  composition and sensory quality of ciders made from Finnish apple cultivars. Food Chemistry, 345, 128833. He, W., et al. (2021). Effect of preheated milk proteins and bioactive compounds on the stability of cyanidin-3-O-glucoside. Food Chemistry, 345, 128829. He, W., et al. (2018). Effect of preheat treatment of milk proteins on their interactions with cyanidin-3-O-glucoside. Food Research International, 107, 394-405.发表专利何志勇; 何文佳; 陈洁; 曾茂茂; 秦昉; 高大明一种提高矢车菊素-3-O-葡萄糖苷色素稳定性的方法。国家发明专利申请号:2018103120198
