
主页 > 浙江省 > 浙江工业大学


姓名 徐亮
性别 发明专利4999代写全部资料
学校 浙江工业大学
部门 教育科学与技术学院
学位 博士
学历 教育科学与技术学院
职称 讲师
联系方式 畅远楼三楼
邮箱 xuliang@zjut.edu.cn
集群智慧云企服 / 知识产权申请大平台
急速申请 包写包过 办事快、准、稳

个人简介       徐亮,男,心理学博士。主要研究涉及人机交互、心理行为大数据分析、反诈骗、音乐情绪建模、环境心理等领域。近三年在《Journal of Environmental Psychology》、《Psychology of Music》、《International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction》、《Journal of Research in Personality》、《Computers & Security》等国内外学术期刊发表论文二十余篇,参与多项与华为、支付宝、OPPO等企业合作的产学研联合创新项目,兼职多本SSCI、SCI期刊审稿人。教育经历2015年9月-2020年6月:直博,基础心理学,浙江大学,导师钱秀莹教授。2011年9月-2015年6月:本科,应用心理学,浙江大学。工作经历2022年7月-至今:浙江工业大学教育科学与技术学院应用心理研究所,讲师。2020年7月-2022年7月:浙江大学心理与行为科学系,博士后。 科研成果 学术论文(* 通讯作者)2024Xu, L., Pan, C., Xu, B., Sun, Z., Zhou, K., Yan, R., Weng, K., Wu, Y.*, & Li, H.* (2024). A Qualitative Exploration of a User-Centered Model for Smartwatch Comfort Using Grounded Theory. International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, advance online publication. (SSCI-Q1) Jiang, Z., Xu, L., & Qian, X.* (2024). Examining Short-Term and Long-Term Effects of Self-Esteem on Relationship Satisfaction Using a Dyadic Response Surface Analysis. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, advance online publication. (SSCI-Q2) 2023Xu, L.*, Zeng, S., Jiang, Z., Sun, Z., Li, H.*, & Xu, L.* (2023). From peaks to people: The association between physical topography and generalized trust in China. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 91, 102136.  (SSCI-Q1; 中科院一区Top)Xu, L.*, & Chao, C.* (2023). Exploring Robot Personality through Big Data Mining: A Century-long Analysis from Google Books. International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, advance online publication. (SSCI-Q1) Xu, L.*, Xu, M., Jiang, Z., Wen, X., Liu, Y., Sun, Z., Li, H.*, & Qian, X.* (2023). How have music emotions been described in Google books? Historical trends and corpus differences. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 10, 346. (SSCI-Q1/AHCI)Wen, X., Xu, L.*, Ye, S., Sun, Z., Huang, P., & Qian, X.* (2023). Personality Differences between Children and Adults over the Past Two Centuries: Evidence from Corpus Linguistics. Journal of Research in Personality, 102, 104336.  (SSCI-Q2)Sun, Z.*, Li, Q., Luo, F., & Xu, L. (2023). Mental Time Travel Ability Influences the Representation of Events and Emotional Expressions: Evidence from Microblogs. BMC Psychology, 11, 57. (SSCI-Q2)Chao, C., Chen, Y., Wu, H., Wu, W., Yi, Z., Xu, L., & Fu, Z.* (2023). An Emotional Design Model for Future Smart Product Based on Grounded Theory. Systems, 11(7), 377. (SSCI-Q2)Zhang, C., Zhang, Y., Zhang, J., Yao, J., Liu, H., He, T., Zheng, X., Xue, X., Xu, L., Yang, J., Wang, Y., & Xu, L.* (2023). A Deep Transfer Learning Toponym Extraction and Geospatial Clustering Framework for Investigating Scenic Spots as Cognitive Regions. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 12(5), 196. (SCI-Q2)徐亮, 陆洋, 孙造诣, 李宏汀*. (2023). 基于自动驾驶汽车接受度的个性化用户研究. 包装工程, 44(20), 42-58. (北大核心)孙造诣, 许苇婧, 徐亮, 李宏汀*. (2023). 调节定向对App用户隐私披露的影响. 心理科学进展 , 31(7), 1160-1171. (CSSCI)孙造诣, 许苇婧, 陈思恬, 徐亮, 李宏汀*. (2023). 算法还是专家?任务类型对人机信任和价值感知的影响. 包装工程, 44(20), 18-24. (北大核心)2022Wen, X., Huang, Z., Sun, Z., & Xu, L.* (2022). What a Deep Song: The Role of Music Features in Perceived Depth. PsyCh Journal, 11(5), 673-683. (SSCI-Q3)Xu, L., Yun, Z., Sun, Z., Wen, X., Qin, X., & Qian, X.* (2022). PSIC3839: Predicting the Overall Emotion and Depth of Entire Songs. In Design Studies and Intelligence Engineering (pp. 1-9). IOS Press. (EI)Xu, L., Luo, Y., Wen, X., Sun, Z., Chao, C., Xia, T., & Xu, L.* (2022). Human Personality is Associated with Geographical Environment in Mainland China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19, 10819. (SSCI-Q1/SCI-Q2)Xu, L., Wang, J., Xu, D., & Xu, L.* (2022). Integrating Individual Factors to Construct Recognition Models of Consumer Fraud Victimization. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(1), 461. (SSCI-Q1/SCI-Q2)Wang, J., Shi, J., Wen, X., Xu, L., Zhao, K., Tao, F., Zhao, W., & Qian, X.* (2022). The Effect of Signal Icon and Persuasion Strategy on Warning Design in Online Fraud. Computers & Security, 121, 102839. (SCI-Q2)Wen, X., Xu, L., Wang, J., Gao, Y., Shi, J., Zhao, K., ... & Qian, X.* (2022). Mental States: A Key Point in Scam Compliance and Warning Compliance in Real Life. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(14), 8294. (SSCI-Q1/SCI-Q2)2021Xu, L., Wen, X., Shi, J., Li, S., Xiao, Y., Wan, Q., & Qian, X.* (2021). Effects of Individual Factors on Perceived Emotion and Felt Emotion of Music: Based on Machine Learning Methods. Psychology of Music, 49(5), 1069-1087. (SSCI-Q2/AHCI)Xu, L., Sun, Z., Wen, X., Huang, Z., Chao, C. J., & Xu, L.* (2021). Using Machine Learning Analysis to Interpret the Relationship between Music Emotion and Lyric Features. PeerJ Computer Science, 7, e785. (SCI-Q2)Xu, L., Zheng, Y., Xu, D., & Xu, L.* (2021). Predicting the Preference for Sad Music: The Role of Gender, Personality, and Audio Features. IEEE Access, 9, 92952-92963. (SCI-Q2)Xu, L., Wang, J., Wen, X., Sun, Z., Sun, R., Xu, L., & Qian, X.* (2021). Physiological State Can Help Predict the Perceived Emotion of Music: Evidence from ECG and EDA Signals. American Journal of Life Sciences, 9(5), 105-119.Xu, L., Li, L., Jiang, Z., Sun, Z., ..., & Qian, X.* (2021). A Novel Emotion Lexicon for Chinese Emotional Expression Analysis on Weibo: Using Grounded Theory and Semi-Automatic Methods. IEEE Access, 9, 92757-92768. (SCI-Q2)Sun, Z., Xu, L., Zhong, Q., & Qian, X.* (2021). Chinese App User's Needs Profile: From Questionnaire Measurement to Behavior Analysis. Frontiers in Psychology, 12: 655612. (SSCI-Q1)发明专利一种地理区域的社会功能的识别方法与终端设备, CN107103037A, 已授权. 学术交流音乐、情绪、个体差异和应用. OPPO Talk (特邀报告), 2023, 4, 深圳 (直播到其它地区).音乐、情绪与个体差异. 华为终端用户体验技术大会 (特邀报告), 2021, 12, 上海 (直播到其它地区).基于机器学习的音乐情感及深度预测研究. 第二十一届全国心理学学术会议, 2018, 11, 北京.Big Data Analysis and Qualitative Research: A Model of Office Workers' Smartphone Use in China. Poster presentation at the Asian Conference on Psychology & the Behavioral Sciences, 2018, 3, Japan.Factors Influencing Smartphone Use in Different Context. Oral presentation at 7th Annual International Conference on Cognitive and Behavioral Psychology, 2018, 1, Singapore. 教学与课程 研究生课程主讲课程:《高级心理学研究方法》、《Python在心理学中的应用》教学团队成员:《应用心理学专题》、《高级用户研究方法》、《智能人机交互及人因研究》本科生课程主讲课程:《人力资源管理》、《普通心理学》教学团队成员:《心理学文献检索与论文写作》、《心理与教育研究方法》、《心理学研究前沿(双语)》、《社会心理学》 育人成果 研究生培养2023级:续建涛(合作指导)2022级:许敏(合作指导)、徐冰霏(合作指导)、潘骋(合作指导)、曾韶然(合作指导)本科生培养2022级:来力扬、林清民、徐弘毅2021级:林德奇、罗仁杰、姜衎人、潘佳担任应用心理学2301班班主任 科研项目 主持的科研项目2023,诈骗受害者心理因素分析及干预方式研究,横向课题,杭州拱墅区朝晖办作为核心成员参与的科研项目2022-至今,智能手表人因参数研究1-2期,横向课题,OPPO2019-2021,基于用户心理特征的欺诈管控项目1-2期,横向课题,蚂蚁金服(支付宝)2015-2021,心理行为大数据分析项目1-4期,横向课题,华为 社会服务 中国心理学会会员、浙江省心理学会会员、世界华人华侨人机交互协会(ICACHI)会员SSCI/SCI期刊审稿人:《Crime & Delinquency》、《World Journal of Pediatrics》、《Humanities and Social Sciences Communications》等
