姓名 | 郝夏芝 |
教师编号 | 72443 |
性别 | 发明专利4999代写全部资料 |
学校 | 浙江工业大学 |
部门 | 理学院 |
学位 | 博士 |
学历 | 理学院 |
职称 | 讲师 |
联系方式 | 【发送到邮箱】 |
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个人简介 中共党员,校聘副研究员,博士,毕业于华东师范大学 教学与课程 大学数学,高等数学,线性代数,空间解析几何 育人成果 指导本科生的毕业设计担任本科生的学业导师2021级信计1班班主任 科研项目 主持:1.国家自然科学基金委员会, 青年项目,12301315,互反型高维可积系统及新可积分解方法研究,2024-01 至 2026-12,在研2. 浙江省自然科学基金委员会, 省自然科学基金/探索项目Q, LQ20A010009, 非线性微分系统的非局域对称, 2020-01 至 2022-12,在研3. 浙江省教育厅一般科研项目,Y201941009,非线性微分系统的非局域对称,2019-10至2021-10,结题参与:1. 国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 12071432, 非对称离散可积系统, 2021-01 至 2024-12,在研2. 国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 11675055, 非局域非线性系统的孤子激发及其相互作用, 2017-01 至 2020-12, 结题 科研成果 代表性成果:[1] X. Z. Hao, S. Y. Lou, Decompositions and linear superpositions of B-type Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equaitons, MathematicalMethods in the Applied Sciences (2022) 1–23.[2] X. Z. Hao, Nonlocal symmetries and molecule structures of the KdV hierarchy, Nonlinear Dyn. 104 (2021) 4277–4291.[3] X. Z. Hao, Nonlocal symmetries of some nonlinear partial differential equations with third-order Lax pairs, Theor.Math. Phys. 206 (2021) 119–127.[4] X. Z. Hao, X. Y. Li, Nonlocal symmetries and the nth finite symmetry transformations for the (2+1)-dimensionalKorteweg-de Vries equation, Mod. Phys. Lett. B 34 (2020) 2050432.[5] X. Z. Hao, Y. P. Liu, Z. B. Li, W. X. Ma, Painlevé analysis, soliton solutions and lump-type solutions of the(3+1)-dimensional generalized KP equaiton, Computers and Mathematics with Applications 77 (2019) 724–730.[6] X. Z. Hao, Y. P. Liu, X. Y. Tang, Z. B. Li, W. X. Ma, Nonlocal symmetries and the nth finite symmetry transformationof AKNS system, Modern Physics Letters B (2018) 1850332.[7] X. Y. Tang, Z. F. Liang, X. Z. Hao, Nonlinear waves of a nonlocal modified KdV equation in the atmospheric andoceanic dynamical system, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 60 (2018) 62–71.[8] X. Z. Hao, Y. P. Liu, X. Y. Tang, Z. B. Li, The residual symmetry and exact solutions of the Davey-Stewartson IIIequation, Computers and Mathematics with Applications 73 (2017) 2404–2414.[9] X. Z. Hao, Y. P. Liu, X. Y. Tang, Z. B. Li, Nonlocal symmetries and finite transformations of the fifth-order KdVequation, Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A 72 (2017) 441–448.[10] X. Y. Tang, X. Z. Hao, Z. F. Liang, Interacting waves of Davey-Stewartson III system, Computers and Mathematicswith Applications 74 (2017) 1311–1320.[11] X. Z. Hao, Y. P. Liu, X. Y. Tang, Z. B. Li, A Maple package for finding interaction solutions of nonlinear evolutionequations, Computers and Mathematics with Applications 72 (2016) 2450–2461.[12] X. Z. Hao, Y. P. Liu, X. Y. Tang, Z. B. Li, Nonlocal symmetries and interaction solutions of the Sawada-Koteraequation, Modern Physics Letters B 30 (2016) 1650293. 社会服务 担任ND,CMA,AML等期刊的审稿工作 |