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个人简介 吴乐园 Leyuan Wu博士,讲师研究领域:地球重力场高效计算;勘探地球物理;傅里叶分析及其应用实验室介绍:浙江省量子精密测量重点实验室理学院量子精密测量研究团队在量子精密测量领域深耕十余年,积累了丰富的研究基础和应用经验,其研制的ZAG系列量子绝对重力仪、重力梯度仪、量子心磁图仪、脑磁仪等仪器已在多个领域成功应用,产生了良好的应用效果。在此基础上建立的浙江省量子精密测量重点实验室在量子精密测量技术研究和仪器开发领域继续探索,拓展量子精密测量技术的应用领域,汇聚校内外、省内外优秀人才,建设具有影响力的国内量子精密测量技术研究中心和产业中心。量子精密测量协同创新中心量子精密测量协同创新中心由浙江工业大学牵头,联合中科院武汉物数所、中船重工第七〇七研究所、浙江省地震局、解放军三〇九医院等单位组成。中心以重力场、磁场的量子精密测量技术和应用作为技术创新的核心,汇聚各协同单位优势,建立涵盖基础研究、仪器研发、应用推广、生产销售的完整创新链条,探索和培育直接面向新型量子测量仪器需求的高效率协同创新机制,建成在国内外有影响力的精密测量技术研究机构,培养高层次人才,并拉动材料、光电、信息、生物、地球科学等相关领域的科技进步。 科研项目 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,负责人,“基于GAUSS-FFT法的三维重力密度界面高精度快速反演方法及其应用研究”,2016.1-2018.12,批准号41504089,22万元国家重点研发计划,参与人,“基于冷原子干涉测量技术的可移动式垂直和水平重力梯度仪工程样机研制”,2017.7-2021.12,批准号2017YFC0601602,1586万元广西自然科学基金项目,重点项目,参与人,“卷积型积分数值计算新方法及其在微重力溶洞探测中的应用”,2020.10-2024.09,批准号2020GXNSFDA238021,30万元 科研成果 期刊论文:Wu L.*. (2021). Modified Parker's Method for Gravitational Forward and Inverse Modeling Using General Polyhedral Models. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 126(10), e2021JB022553. https://doi.org/10.1029/2021JB022553Li W., Wu L., Ge Y., & Lü L. (2021). Magnetotail Configuration Under Northward IMF Conditions.  Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 126(2), e2020JA028634. https://doi.org/10.1029/2020JA028634Zhou Y., Wu L.*, Wu B., Cheng B., Wang H., Chen L., Gao S., & Lin Q. (2020). Fourier-domain modeling of gravity effects caused by a vertical polyhedral prism, with application to a water reservoir storage process. Geophysics, 2020, 85(6): G115-G127. Wu, L.*, Chen, L., Wu, B., Cheng B., & Lin Q. (2019). Improved Fourier modeling of gravity fields caused by polyhedral bodies: with applications to asteroid Bennu and comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Journal of Geodesy, 93(10), 1963-1984. Wu, L.* (2019). Fourier-domain modeling of gravity effects caused by polyhedral bodies. Journal of Geodesy, 93(5), 635-653. Wu, L.* (2018). Comparison of 3-D Fourier forward algorithms for gravity modelling of prismatic bodies with polynomial density distribution, Geophysical Journal International, 215(3), 1865-1886.Wu, L.* (2018). Efficient modeling of gravity fields caused by sources with arbitrary geometry and arbitrary density distribution, Surveys in Geophysics, 39(3), 401-434.Wu, L.*, & Lin, Q. (2017). Improved Parker’s method for topographic models using Chebyshev series and low rank approximation, Geophysical Journal International, 209(2), 1296-1325.Wu, L.* (2016). Efficient modelling of gravity effects due to topographic masses using the Gauss-FFT method, Geophysical Journal International, 205(1), 160-178.Wu, L.*, & Chen, L. (2016). Fourier forward modeling of vector and tensor gravity fields due to prismatic bodies with variable density contrast, Geophysics, 81(1), G13-G26.Wu, L.*, & Tian, G. (2014). High-precision Fourier forward modeling of potential fields, Geophysics, 79(5), G59-G68.Shi, Z., Tian, G., Hobbs, R. W., Wo, H., Lin, J., Wu, L., Liu, H. (2015). Magnetic gradient and ground penetrating radar prospecting of buried earthen archaeological remains at the Qocho City site in Turpan, China, Near Surface Geophysics, 13(5), 1-8.张志厚, 吴乐园. 位场向下延拓的相关系数法[J]. 吉林大学学报(地球科学版),  2012, 06: 1912-1919.张志厚, 吴乐园,王瑞赛,张金会. 位场向下延拓的CGNR法[J]. 中南大学学报(自然科学版), 2013, 08: 3273-3281.余海龙, 徐世浙, 李海侠, 吴乐园, 魏巍. 曲面上航磁异常与梯度分量的转换方法[J]. 浙江大学学报(工学版), 2011, 02: 397-404.张志厚, 徐世浙, 余海龙, 吴乐园. 位场向下延拓的迭代法的扩边方法[J]. 浙江大学学报(工学版), 2013, 05: 918-924.会议论文:Wu, L. Efficient 3D modeling of gravity fields using NUFFT-based fast summation method. GEM 2019 Xi’an: International Workshop on Gravity, Electrical & Magnetic Methods.Wu, L. A hybrid Rectangle-Gaussian grid for continuous convolution integrals: With application in gravity forward modelling, SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2017 教学与课程 本科生通识课:地理信息系统导论 育人成果 指导本科生毕业论文:2015级 胡建东 地球地形产生的重力场效应快速计算方法2015级 徐港  小行星重力场快速计算方法2016级 徐建安 地球地形重力场效应计算方法 社会服务 国际勘探地球物理学家学会(Society of Exploration Geophysicists,SEG)会员(ID: 000000449725)担任SCI期刊Geophysical Journal International, Geophysics, Surveys in Geophysics, Pure and Applied Geophysics, Geophysical Prospecting, Applied Geophysics, IEEE Transaction on Signal Processing等审稿人