姓名 | 12221王轶 |
教师编号 | 42313 |
性别 | 女 |
学校 | 电子科技大学 |
部门 | 发明专利包写包过 加急申请 |
学位 | 理学博士学位,学院列表 01 信息与通信工程学院 02 |
学历 | 版权登记666包过 代写全部资料 |
职称 | 软件著作权666包写包过 |
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医学院 导师代码: 12221 导师姓名: 王轶 性 别: 女 特 称: 天府****计划·天府科技菁英 职 称: 教授 学 位: 理学博士学位 属 性: 专职 电子邮件: w_yi2022@163.com 学术经历: 2012年-2014年 美国俄亥俄州立大学/全美儿童医院 博士后; 2009年-2012年 四川大学生命科学学院生物化学于分子生物学,博士; 2003年-2007年 沈阳药科大学微生物与生化药学,硕士; 1998年-2002年 沈阳药科大学中药制药学,学士; 个人简介: 王轶,四川大学博士,美国俄亥俄州立大学/全美儿童医院博士后,电子科技大学附属医院·四川省人民医院,研究员、博士生导师;天府****·科技菁英、四川省学术和技术带头人后备人选、四川省卫健委学术技术带头人、四川省卫健委学术技术带头人后备人选、四川省卫健委新时代健康卫士。 研究成果被《科技日报》、《光明日报》、《人民日报》、《经济日报》、《CCTV》、新浪、网易、澎湃新闻等多家媒体报道。现担任国际异种移植学会(IXA)青年科学家委员会(YIC)委员(亚洲片区唯一当选的委员)、国际移植学会(TTS)会员、国际异种移植学会(IXA)会员、国际胰腺与胰岛移植学会(IPITA)会员、中国优生科学协会医学遗传学专委会常委、小儿药物基因组学学组副组长、四川省医促会营养学专委会副主委、四川省医学会临床药学专委会青年委员会委员、四川省老年医学会临床药学专委会常委、成都市药学会委员。Xenotransplantation杂志、BMC Pharmacology and Toxicology杂志编委、iMeta杂志、Acta Materia Medica杂志青年编委、Frontiers in Immunology, JoVE, Technology in Cancer Research & Treatment, Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, Frontiers in Pharmacology等杂志客座编辑。Nature Communication, Molecular Therapy, Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research等杂志特邀审稿人。 荣获四川省科技进步奖三等奖(2023)、四川省医学科技奖一等奖(2021年、2017年)、四川省医学会2019年度青年优秀论文奖、2018-2019年Xenotransplantation杂志下载量最高论文、四川省医院协会优秀论文奖等。先后9次受邀在国际会议上(美国糖尿病年会、国际移植年会、国际异种移植年会等)进行大会口头报道,并获得IPITA-IXA-CTRMS科学家奖(Scientific Award、中国唯一获奖人)、优秀青年科学家(Young Investigator Award)、优秀论文奖,多次受邀在国内会议担任主持或进行大会发言。 主要从事糖尿病和肿瘤领域研究,发表学术论著100余篇,其中在Seminars in Cancer Biology, Pharmacological Research, American Journal of Transplantation, Diabetes等杂志以第一作者或通讯作者发表SCI论著72篇,单篇最高影响因子17分。主持国家自然科学基金等国家级、省部级基金20余项。 科研项目: 主持科研项目: 1.四川省科技厅,国际港澳台科技创新合作项目,基因编辑和CAR-Treg共同诱导异种胰岛移植免疫耐受治疗糖尿病的研究 2.国家自然科学基金,ATM磷酸化PKM2在神经胶质瘤DNA损伤同源重组修复中的机制研究 3.成都市科技局技术创新研发项目,超声协同iRGD-外泌体-替莫唑胺靶向治疗神经胶质母细胞瘤的研究 4.四川省医学青年创新科研课题计划,GSK3β通过调节BRCA1参与乳腺癌DNA损伤修复的蒽环类耐药的研究 5.四川省科技厅应用基础面上项目, 53BP1调控PKM2促进肿瘤细胞DNA损伤修复的研究 6.成都市科技局重点研发支撑计划,GSK3β通过调控BRCA1诱导乳腺癌细胞DNA损伤HR修复的研究 7.个体化药物治疗四川省重点实验室开放课题基金,苦杏仁苷通过调节TGF-β1/Smad信号通路抑制动脉粥样硬化的研究 8.四川省卫生和计划生育委员会重点资助项目,芒果苷通过调节细胞周期因子和PDX-1的表达促进老龄鼠胰岛再生的研究 9.四川省科技厅资助项目,芒果苷通过调节p16INK4a-D cyclins-cdk4-Rb信号通路和PDX-1的表达诱导老龄小鼠胰岛再生促进胰岛素分泌的研究 10.四川省人社厅留学人员科技活动择优资助项目重点项目,芒果苷诱导老龄小鼠胰岛再生促进胰岛素分泌的研究 11.四川省人民医院资助院基金项目,芒果苷诱导老龄小鼠胰岛再生的研究 研究成果: 1. Qinan Yin, Xiaoqin Zhang, Suqing Liao, Xiaobo Huang, Chunpeng Wan, Yi Wang. Potential Anticoagulant of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Novel Targets for Anticoagulant Drugs. Phytomedicine, 2023, 110:154880. (co-corresponding author) 2. Li Zeng, Kai Chen, Feng Xiao, Chun-yan Zhu, Jia-ying Bai, Song Tan, Li Long, Yi Wang and Qiao Z. Potential common molecular mechanisms between Sj?gren syndrome and inclusion body myositis: a bioinformatic analysis and in vivo validation. Frontiers in Immunology, 2023, 14, 1161476. (co-corresponding author) 3. Pin Wang, Sen Lu, Yan Yang, Limei Liu, Guangpeng Zhou, Jieling Zhu, Diejing Niu, Yi Wang, Shaohua Wang. The severity of valvular heart disease in euthyroid individuals is associated with thyroid hormone levels but not with TSH levels. Frontiers in Endocrionlogy, 2023, 14:1193557. 4. Peng Cao, Yongyi Liang, Yi Wang, Chao Mao, Wei-jia Wang, Sha Li, Lianxiang Luo. Editorial: Liver disease and programmed cell death. Frontiers in Pharmacology. 2023, 14, 1182013 (co-first author) 5. Chunlin Xiang, Xiaoxiao Wu, Youkang Wei, Tianlong Li, Xuemei Tang, Yi Wang, Xiaoqin Zhang, Xiaobo Huang and Yiping Wang. First report on severe septic shock associated with human Parvovirus B19 infection after cardiac surgery. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology. 2023; 13: 1064760. 6. Chunming Cheng, Si Zhang, Donglin Guan, Yi Wang, Nidhi Jyotsana. Editorial: Tumor metabolism: From molecular mechanisms to clinical application. Frontiers in Cell and Development Biology. 2023, 11, 1158467 7. Hong Liang, Xia He, Yitong Tong, Niuniu Bai, Yushu Pu, Ke Han, Yi Wang. Ferroptosis open a new door for colorectal cancer treatment. Frontiers in Genetics. 2023, 1059520 (Corresponding author) 8. Xueliang Yi, Xuemei Tang, Tianlong Li, Lin Chen, Hongli He, Xiaoxiao Wu, Chunlin Xiang, Min Cao, Zixiang Wang, Yi Wang*, Yiping Wang*, Xiaobo Huang*. Therapeutic potential of the sphingosine kinase 1 inhibitor, PF-543. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy. 2023, 163, 2023, 114401 (co-corresponding author) 9. Ling Xua, Yu’e Liu, Xi Chen, Hua Zhong, Yi Wang. Ferroptosis in life: To be or not to be. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy. 2023, 159,114241. 10. Yu’e Liu, Yihong Sun, Yadong Guo, Xiaoyun Shi, Xi Chen, Wenfeng Feng, Lei-Lei Wu, Jin Zhang, Shibo Yu, Yi Wang, Yufeng Shi. An Overview: The Diversified Role of Mitochondria in Cancer Metabolism. International Journal of Biological Science. 2023, 19, 897-915. 11. Bo Gong, Yi Liang, Qian Zhang, Huan Li, Jialing Xiao, Liang Wang, Han Chen, Wenjie Yang, Xiaoqing Wang, Yi Wang*, Zongze He. Epigenetic and transcriptional activation of the secretory kinase FAM20C as an oncogene in glioma. Journal of Genetics and Genomics. 2023 Jan 25; S1673-8527(23)00023-1. (co-corresponding author) 12. Qiao Zhou, Li Long, Xixi Chen, Xiaobo Huang, Shaoping Deng, Yi Wang*. Identification of methylated differentially expressed hub genes in systemic lupus erythematosus patients by WGCNA based epigenome-wide and transcriptome-wide analysis. Genes & Diseases. 2023 (Corresponding author, proof) 13. Fei Xiong, Qiao Zhou, Xiaobo Huang, Peng Cao, Yi Wang*. Ferroptosis plays a novel role in nonalcoholic steatohepatitis pathogenesis. Frontiers in Pharmacology. 2022, December 2, 13, 1055739 (co-corresponding author) 14. Tiantian Lei, Lin Chen, Kejing Wang, Suya Du, Carmen Gonelle-Gispert, Yi Wang, Leo H. Buhler. Genetic engineering of pigs for xenotransplantation to overcome immune rejection and physiological incompatibilities: The first clinical steps. Frontiers in Immunology.2022, December 6, 10, 1031185 (co-corresponding author) 15. Zhen Geng, Qi Zhang, Ting Li, Ting Huang, Hailian Wang, Qiao Zhou, Shaoping Deng, Yanshuang Zhao, Yanjiao Li, Chunming Cheng, Carmen Gonelle-Gispert, Leo H. Buhler* and Yi Wang*Advantages of the retroperitoneal retrocolic space as the transplant site for encapsulated xenogeneic islets. Xenotransplantation. 2022 Dec 1;e12787. doi: 10.1111/xen.12787. (co-corresponding author) 16. Meng Zhang, Qian Lei, Xiaobo Huang, Yi Wang*. Molecular mechanisms of ferroptosis and the potential therapeutic targets of ferroptosis signaling pathways for glioblastoma. Front. Pharmacol. 2022;13:1071897 (co-corresponding author) 17. Xia He, Ning Wang, Yu Zhang, Xiaobo Huang*, Yi Wang*. The therapeutic potential of natural products for treating pancreatic cancer. Front. Pharmacol, 2022;13:1051952 (co-corresponding author) 18. Fan Zeng, Yunping Lan, Ning Wang, Lijing Yang, Xiaobo Huang, Qiao Zhou*, Yi Wang*. Ferroptosis, a new therapeutic target for bladder cancer. Front. Pharmacol. 2022;13:1043283 (co-corresponding author) 19. Qiao Zhou, Ting Li, Qin Qin, Ning Wang, Xiaobo Huang and Yi Wang. The Relationship between ferroptosis and lymphoma: emerging mechanisms and a novel therapeutic approach. Front. Genetics. 2022;13: 1039951 (co-corresponding author) 20. Qiao Zhou, Ting Li, Kaiwen Wang, Qi Zhang, Zhuowen Geng, Shaoping Deng, Chunming Cheng* and Yi Wang*. Current Status of Xenotransplantation Research and the Strategies for Preventing Xenograft Rejection. Front. Immunol. 2022;13:928173. (co-corresponding author) 21. Li Long, Hongmei Guo, Xixi Chen, Yan Liu, Ruyi Wang, Xiaomei Zheng, Xiaobo Huang, Qiao Zhou, Yi Wang*. Advancement in understanding the role of ferroptosis in Rheumatoid arthritis. Front. Physiol., 04 October 2022;13:1036515. (co-corresponding author) 22. Lu Yu, Minghan Sun, Qi Zhang, Qiao Zhou*, Yi Wang*. Harnessing the immune system by targeting immune checkpoints: providing new hope for oncotherapy. Front. Immunol. 2022;13:982026. (co-corresponding author) 23. Guanghui Du, Qi Zhang, Xiaobo Huang, Yi Wang, Molecular mechanisms of ferroptosis and its role in the occurrence and treatment of diabetes. Frontiers in Genetics, 2022;13:1018829. (co-corresponding author) 24. Qiao Zhou, Lijing Yang, Ting Li, Kaiwen Wang, Xiaobo Huang, Jingfen Shi and Yi Wang. Mechanisms and inhibitors of ferroptosis in psoriasis. Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences.2022;9:1019447. (co-corresponding author) 25. Yi Wang, Yuya Wang, Yifei Ren, Qi Zhang, Ping Yi, Chunming Cheng. Metabolic modulation of immune checkpoints and novel therapeutic strategies in cancer. Semin Cancer Biol. 2022 Feb 10; S1044-579X(22)00031-1. doi: 10.1016/j.semcancer.2022.02.010. 26. Qiao Zhou, Qi Zhang, Kevin Wang, Ting Huang, Shaoping Deng, Yi Wang, Chunming Cheng. Anti-rheumatic drug-induced hepatitis B virus reactivation and preventive strategies for hepatocellular carcinoma. Pharmacol Res. 2022 Mar 15;178:106181. (co-corresponding author) 27. Qi Zhang, Yanjiao Li, Zhen Geng, Sandrine Gerber, Yi Wang, Leo H. Bühler. Islet encapsulation: new developments for the treatment of type 1 diabetes. Front. Immunol. 2022;13:869984. (co-corresponding author) 28. Suya Du, Yanjiao Li, Zhen Geng, Qi Zhang, Leo H. Buhler, Carmen Gonelle-Gispert and Yi Wang. Engineering Islets from Stem Cells: the optimal solution for the treatment of diabetes? Front. Immunol. 2022;13:869514. (co-corresponding author) 29. Mi Zhou, Da Xu, Wenjun Zhang, Yi Wang, Mingliang Zuo, Siming Wang, Ting Liu, Junqing Zhang, Lixue Yin, Zhiyu Guo, Jun Liu, Jing Tan. The hepato-cardiac disorders in Tibetan residents with hepatic echinococcosis: A case–control echocardiography study. Journal of Clinical Ultrasound. 2022;50(9):1251-1259. 30. Yi Wang, Xie Q, Tan H, Liao M, Zhu S, Zheng LL, Huang H, Liu B. Targeting cancer epigenetic pathways with small-molecule compounds: Therapeutic efficacy and combination therapies. Pharmacol Res. 2021;173:105702. 31. Ji-Chao Tang, Wang-Jie Suolang, Chong Yang, Yi Wang, Ming-Wu Tian, Yu Zhang. Monosegmental ALPPS combined with ante-situm liver resection: A novel strategy for end-stage hepatic alveolar echinococcosis. Hepatobiliary Pancreat Dis Int. 2021;21(2):186-189. 32. Zhang Yu, Xie Ping, Yang Chong, Wang Yi, Liu Xingchao, Yang Hongji, Liu Jun, Zhou Guo, Deng Shaoping. The Value of Hepatic vein Stent Placement as a Bridge Therapy on Treating Hepatic Alveolar Echinococcosis Presenting with Budd-Chiari Syndrome. Annals of surgery. 2021;273(4):e154-e156. 33. Suping Li, Jing Fu, Yi Wang, Chunmei Hu, Fei Xu. LncRNA MIAT enhances cerebral ischaemia/reperfusion injury in rat model via interacting with EGLN2 and reduces its ubiquitin-mediated degradation. Journal of cellular and molecular medicine. 2021;25:(21):10140-10151 34. Chunmei Hu, Linhan Yang, Yi Wang, Shijie Zhou, Jing Luo, Yi Gu. Ginsenoside Rh2 reduces m6A RNA methylation in cancer via the KIF26B-SRF positive feedback loop. Journal of ginseng research. 2021,45:(6):734-743 35. Yi Wang, Hongji Yang, Huirong Liu, Leo H. Buhler, Shaoping Deng. Strategies to halt 2019 novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) spread for organ transplantation programs at the Sichuan Academy of Medical Science and Sichuan Provincial People’s Hospital, China. American Journal of Transplantation. 2020;20(7):1837-1839. 36. Xiaohong Zhang, Hailian Wang, Youwei Wang, Yu Lei, Kaiju Xu, Jie Zhang, Ying Han, Jun Zeng, Yi Wang, Shaoping Deng. Epidemiological and clinical based study on four passages of COVID-19 patients: Intervention at asymptomatic period contributes to early recovery. BMC Infectious Diseases. 2020;20(1):855. (Corresponding author) 37. Rui He, Suya Du, Tiantian Lei, Xiaofang Xie, Yi Wang. Glycogen synthase kinase 3β in tumorigenesis and oncotherapy. Oncology Reports. 2020;44(6):2373-2385. (Corresponding author) 38. Yuping Liu, Lixia Qin, Rongsheng Tong, Ting Liu, Chen Ling, Tiantian Lei, Dingding Zhang, Yi Wang, Shaoping Deng. Regulatory changes in China on xenotransplantation and related products. Xenotransplantation. 2020;00:e12601. (Corresponding author, cover story) 39. Yong Yang, Hailian Wang, Kang Chen, Jun Zhou, Shaoping Deng, Yi Wang. Shelter hospital mode: How do we prevent COVID-19 hospital-acquired infection? Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2020;41(7):872-873. (Corresponding author) 40. Minghan Sun, Yi Zhang, JiyunYang, Yi Wang, Hao Tan, Hailian Wang, Tiantian Lei Xiaojie Li. Novel compound heterozygous DNAAF2 mutations cause primary ciliary dyskinesia in a Han Chinese family. Journal of assisted reproduction and genetics. 2020,37(9):2159-2170. 41. Wang, Yi; Buhler, Leo; Deng, Shaoping. Strategies to halt 2019 novel coronavirus (Covid-19) spread for organ transplantation programs at the Sichuan Academy of Medical Science and Sichuan Provincial People’s Hospital, China. Transplantation. 2020,104:(9):S102-S102 (Conference abstract) 42. Yuping Liu, Ting Liu, Tiantian Lei, Dingding Zhang, Suya Du, Lea Girani, Dandan Qi, Chen Lin, Rongsheng Tong and Yi Wang, RIP1/RIP3-regulated necroptosis as a target for multifaceted disease therapy, International Journal of Molecular Medicine;2019;44(3):771-781. (Corresponding author) 43. Wenjing He, Yaodong You, Suya Du, Tiantian Lei, Hailian Wang, Xiang Li, Xia He, Rongsheng Tong and Yi Wang, Anti-neoplastic effect of mangiferin on human ovarian adenocarcinoma OVCAR8 cells via the regulation of YAP, Oncology Letters,2019;17(1):1008-1018. (Corresponding author) 44. Yi Wang, Tiantian Lei, Liang Wei, Suya Du, Lea Girani and Shaoping Deng. Xenotransplantation in China: Present status. Xenotransplantation, 2019;26(1):e12490. (Corresponding author) 45. Hanrui Zheng, Ting Liu, Tiantian Lei, Lea Girani, Yi Wang and Shaoping Deng. Promising Potentials of Tibetan Macaques in Xenotransplantation. Xenotransplantation, 2019:26(1):e12489. (Corresponding author, cover story) 46. Lea Girani, Xiaofang Xie, Tiantian Lei, Liang Wei, Yi Wang and Shaoping Deng. Xenotransplantation in Asia. Xenotransplantation, 2019:26(1):e12493. (Corresponding author) 47. Dengke Pan, Ting Liu, Tiantian Lei, Huibing Zhu, Yi Wang and Shaoping Deng. Progress in multiple genetically modified minipigs for xenotransplantation in China. Xenotransplantation, 2019;26(1): e12492. 48. Suya Du, Huirong Liu, Tiantian Lei, Xiaofang Xie,Hailian Wang, Xia He, Rongsheng Tong and Yi Wang, Mangiferin: An effective therapeutic agent against several disorders, Molecular Medicine Reports, 2018;18(6):4775-4786. (Corresponding author) 49. Faguang Mu, Ting Liu, HanRui Zheng, Xiaofang Xie, Tiantian Lei, Xia He, Suya Du, Rongsheng Tong and Yi Wang, Mangiferin induces radiosensitization in glioblastoma cells by inhibiting nonhomologous end joining, Oncology Reports, 2018,40(6): 3663-3673. (Corresponding author) 50. Hailian Wang, Xia He, Tiantian Lei, Yilong Liu, Guoli Huai, Minghan Sun and Shaoping Deng, Hongji Yang, Rongsheng Tong and Yi Wang, Mangiferin induces islet regeneration in aged mice through regulating p16INK4a, International Journal of Molecular Medicine.2018,41(6):3231-3242. (Corresponding author) 51. Huirong Liu, Suya Du, Tiantian Lei, Hailian Wang, Xia He, Rongsheng Tong and Yi Wang, Multifaceted regulation and functions of YAP/TAZ in tumors (Review). Oncology Reports.2018:40(1):16-28. (Corresponding author) 52. Yong Yang, Tiantian Lei, Suya Du, Rongsheng Tong, Hailian Wang, Jiao Yang, Juan Huang, Minghan Sun, Zhi Dong and Yi Wang, Nuclear GSK3β induces DNA double-strand break repair by phosphorylating 53BP1 in glioblastoma, International Journal of Oncology. 2018;52(3):709-720. (Corresponding author) 53. Xin Wang, Guoli Huai, Hailian Wang, Yuande Liu, Ping Qi, Wei Shi, Jie Peng, Hongji Yang, Shaoping Deng and Yi Wang. Mutual regulation of the Hippo/Wnt/LPA/TGF-β signaling pathways and their roles in glaucoma. International Journal of Molecular Medicine. 2018;41(3):1201-1212. (Corresponding author) 54. Jie Peng, Hailian Wang, Xin Wang, Minghan Sun, Shaoping Deng and Yi Wang. YAP and TAZ mediate steroid-induced alterations in the trabecular meshwork cytoskeleton in human trabecular meshwork cells. International Journal of Molecular Medicine. 2018,41:(1):164-172 (Corresponding author) 55. Xiang Li, Yi Wang, Shaoping Deng, Meeting report: The first international conference on xenotransplantation in Chengdu, China, Xenotransplantation, 2017, 24(6): 12376-12378. (co-first author) 56. Xia He, Suya Du, Tiantian Lei, Xiang Li, Yilong Liu, Hailian Wang, Rongsheng Tong and Yi Wang, PKM2 in carcinogenesis and oncotherapy, Oncotarget, 2017; 8(66): 110656-110670. (Corresponding author) 57. Wenchun Jiang, Xin Li, Tongyu Li, Hailian Wang, Wei Shi, Ping Qi, Chunyang Li, Jie Chen, Jinku Bao, Guodong Huang and Yi Wang. Repositioning of amprenavir as a novel extracellular signal-regulated kinase-2 inhibitor and apoptosis inducer in MCF-7 human breast cancer. International Journal of Oncology. 2017;50(3):823-834. (Corresponding author) 58. Jianzhen Lv, Wen Xiong, Tiantian Lei, Hailian Wang, Minghan Sun, Erwei Hao, Zhiping Wang, Xiaoqi Huang, Shaoping Deng, Jiagang Deng and Yi Wang, Amygdalin ameliorates the progression of atherosclerosis in LDL receptor-deficient mice, Molecular Medicine Reports, 2017, 16(6): 8171-8179. (Corresponding author) 59. Bingyu Zou, Hailian Wang, Yilong Liu, Ping Qi, Tiantian Lei, Minghan Sun and Yi Wang, Mangiferin induces apoptosis in human ovarian adenocarcinoma OVCAR3 cells via the regulation of Notch3, Oncology Reports, 2017:38(3): 1431-1441. (Corresponding author) 60. Guodong Huang, Bingyu Zou, Jianzhen Lv, Tongyu Li, Guoli Huai, Shaowei Xiang, Shilong Lu, Huan Luo, Yaping Zhang, Yi Jin and Yi Wang. Notoginsenoside R1 attenuates glucose-induced podocyte injury via the inhibition of apoptosis and the activation of autophagy through the PI3K/Akt/mTOR signaling pathway. International Journal of Molecular Medicine. 2017;39(3):559-568. (Corresponding author) 61. Yan Deng, Long Peng, Yuan-Yuan Liu, Li-Xue Yin, Chun-Mei Li, Yi Wang, Li Rao. Four-dimensional echocardiography area strain combined with exercise stress echocardiography to evaluate left ventricular regional systolic function in patients with mild single vessel coronary artery stenosis. Echocardiography. 2017,34:(9):1332-1338 62. Guodong Huang, Jianzhen Lv, Tongyu Li, Guoli Huai, Xiang Li, Shaowei Xiang, Longlong Wang, Zhenlin Qin, Jianli Pang, Bingyu Zou and Yi Wang. Notoginsenoside R1 ameliorates podocyte injury in rats with diabetic nephropathy by activating the PI3K/Akt signaling pathway. International Journal of Molecular Medicine. 2016;38(4):1179-1189. (Corresponding author) 63. Guoli Huai, Ping Qi, Hongji Yang and Yi Wang. Characteristics of α-Gal epitope, anti-Gal antibody, α1,3 galactosyltransferse and its clinical exploitation. International Journal of Molecular Medicine. 2016, 37(1):11-20. (Corresponding author) 64. Wei Shi, Jiagang Deng, Rongsheng Tong, Yong Yang, Xia He, Jianzhen Lv, Hailian Wang, Shaoping Deng, Ping Qi, Dingding Zhang and Yi Wang. Molecular mechanisms underlying mangiferin-induced apoptosis and cell cycle arrest in A549 human lung carcinoma cells. Molecular Medicine Reports. 2016, 13(4): 3423-3432. (Corresponding author) 65. Chunyang Li, Jie Chen, Bangmin Lu, Zheng Shi, Hailian Wang, Bin Zhang, Kailiang Zhao, Wei Qi, Jinku Bao and Yi Wang. Molecular switch role of Akt in Polygonatum odoratum lectin-induced apoptosis and autophagy in human non-small cell lung cancer A549 cells. PLoS ONE 2014, 9(7): e101526. (Corresponding author) 66. Hailian Wang, Chunyang Li, Bin Zhang, Yuande Liu, Bangmin Lu, Zheng Shi, Na An, Liangkai Zhao, Jingjing Zhang, Jinku Bao and Yi Wang. Mangiferin facilitates islet regeneration and β-Cell proliferation through upregulation of cell cycle and β-Cell regeneration regulators. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2014, 15(5):9016-9035. (Corresponding author) 67. Chunyang Li, Yi Wang, Hailian Wang, Zheng Shi, Na An, Yunde Liu,Jinku Bao, and Shaoping Deng. Molecular mechanisms of Lycoris aurea agglutinin-induced apoptosis and G2/M cell cycle arrest in human lung adenocarcinoma A549 cells, both in vitro and in vivo. Cell Proliferation, 2013; 46(3): 272-282. (co-first author) 68. Jianzhen Lv, Zijie Wang, Li Zhang, Hailian Wang, Yuande Liu, Chunyang Li, Jiagang Deng, Yi Wang and Jinku Bao. Mangiferin induces apoptosis and cell cycle arrest in MCF-7 cells both in vitro and in vivo. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances.2013,12(3):352-359. (Corresponding author) 69. Yi Wang, Yuande Liu, Hailian Wang, Chunyang Li, Ping Qi and Jinku Bao. Agaricus bisporus lectins mediates islet β-cell proliferation through regulation of cell cycle proteins. Experimental Biology and Medicine.2012, 237(3): 287-289 70. Yi Wang, Hailian Wang, Yuande Liu, Chunyang Li, Ping Qi and Jinku Bao. Antihyperglycemic Effect of Gingsenoside Rh2 by Inducing Islet β-cell Regeneration in Mice. Hormone and Metabolic Research. 2012, 44(1):33-40. 71. Jiagang Deng, Chunyang Li, Hailian Wang, Erwei Hao, Zhengcai Du, Chuanhong Bao, Jianzhen Lv and Yi Wang. Anti-atherosclerotic effects mediated by the combination of probucol and amygdalin in apolipoprotein E-knockout mice fed with a high fat diet. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advanes. 2012, 11(1): 20-25. (Corresponding author) 72. Jiagang Deng, Chunyang Li, Hailian Wang, Erwei Hao, Jianzhen Lv and Yi Wang. Amygdalin mediates relieved atherosclerosis in apolipoprotein E deficient mice through the induction of regulatory T cells. 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Study on the expression of Anti-Neuroexcitation Peptide II (ANEPII) of Chinese Buthus Martensii Karsch in transgenic tobacco. Pharmaceutical Biotechnology. 2007. 14(2), 85-89. (Chinese) International Conference (Oral): 1. Yi Wang, Qi Zhang, Leo Buhler. Transplantation of encapsulated rat and porcine islet combining alginate and polyethylene-imine into the retroperitoneal space achieves prolonged normoglycemia in diabetic mice. IXA-CTRMS 2021 Congress, Virtual Congress 2. Yi Wang, Leo Buhler, Shaoping Deng. Strategies to halt 2019 novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) spread for organ transplantation programs at the Sichuan Academy of Medical Science and Sichuan Provincial People’s Hospital, China. TTS 2020 Congress, Virtual congress 3. Yi Wang, Shaoping Deng. Prolactin Induces Differentiation of Pancreatic Progenitor cells Into Insulin-Secreting Islet β-cells. Cell Symposia: Gene- and Cell Based Therapies 2020, San Francisco, CA, USA 4. Yi Wang, Leo Buhler, Shaoping Deng. Tibetan Macaques, the ideal recipient for preclinical xenotransplantation study. IXA 2019 Congress, Munich, Germany 5. Yi Wang, Shaoping Deng. DNA double-strand break homologous recombination repair mediated by phosphorylation of PKM2 in glioblastoma. World Cancer Action (2019), Valencia, Spain 6. Yi Wang, Shaoping Deng. Mangiferin induces aged islet regeneration by regulation of p16INK4a cell cycle signaling pathway and maintain homeostasis. Obesity-2018, Amsterdam, Netherland 7. Yi Wang, Shaoping Deng. Hormonal manipulation induces differentiation of pancreatic progenitor cells into insulin-secreting islet cell. PCS Global Cell Science and Stem Cell conference-2016. Barcelona, Spain International Conference (Poster): 1. Yi Wang, Hailian Wang, Xiaobo Huang, Leo Buhler, Shaoping Deng. Prolactin modulates the differentiation of pancreatic ductal cell to islet-like cell. 83 rd ADA Congress, San Diego, United States (June, 2023) 2. Yi Wang, Leo Buhler, Shaoping Deng. Tibetan Macaques, the ideal recipient for preclinical xenotransplantation study. IXA 2019 Congress, Munich, Germany 3. Yi Wang, Jie Chen, Hongji Yang, Jianbo Zhang, Yi Gu, Shunyao Liao,Yan Mu, Man Lu, Hailian Wang, Shaoping Deng. Hormonal Manipulation Promotes the Regeneration of Pancreatic Islet Cells in Aged Mice. 69th Annual Conference of American Diabetes Association (2009), New Orleans, United States 专利: 1. A kind of PCR reaction system stabilizer and its application. Yi Wang, Hailian Wang. Patent No. ZL 2021 1 1498185.X 2. A Bifidobacterium lactis strain B-622 and its application in the preparation of drugs for the treatment of diabetes. Yi Wang, Hailian Wang. Patent No. ZL 2021 1 1550440.0 3. A one-drop PCR premix reaction tube. Yi Wang, Hailian Wang. December, 2021, Patent No. ZL 2021 2 3447840.7 4. A kind of child's back beater. Ping Qi, Yuheng Liu, Lihua Min, Caixia Xie, Junmei Tan, Yi Wang. March, 2019. Patent No. ZL 2017 2 1036481.7 5. A kind of infant blood collection needle. Ping Qi, Caixia Xie, Yuheng Liu, Yi Wang, Junmei Tan, Lihua Min. April 2019. Patent No. ZL 2017 2 1036473.2 6. Using transgenic plant to express BmK ANEPII. Yongbo Song, Yu Sheng, Yi Wang, Jinghai Zhang, Chunfu Wu. Oct. 2006. Patent No. 200610135045.5 专业研究方向: 专业名称 研究方向 招生类别 107200生物医学工程 01医学基础研究 博士学术学位 071000生物学 04细胞生物学 硕士学术学位 |