姓名 | 陈行 |
性别 | 男 |
学校 | 北京航空航天大学 |
部门 | 医学科学与工程学院 |
学位 | 发明专利包写包过 特惠申请 |
学历 | 版权登记666包过 代写全部资料 |
职称 | 副教授 |
联系方式 | 【发送到邮箱】 |
邮箱 | 【发送到邮箱】 |
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同专业博导 同专业硕导 陈行 赞194 的个人主页 http://shi.buaa.edu.cn/xingc/zh_CN/index.htm 博士生导师 硕士生导师 主要任职:国家高层次青年人才,北航青年拔尖人才计划 教师拼音名称:XC 电子邮箱:xingc@buaa.edu.cn 所在单位:医学科学与工程学院 职务:Associate Professor 办公地点:北京市海淀区学院路37号五号楼 性别:男 在职信息:在职 毕业院校:Chonnam National University 学科:电子科学与技术生物医学工程机械工程 个人简介 个人简介 陈行,北京航空航天大学医学科学与工程学院、北京市生物医学工程高精尖创新中心长聘副教授,博士生导师,国家高层次青年人才,国家优秀自费留学生奖学金获得者,北航青年拔尖人才。他于2012年博士毕业于全南大学(Chonnam National University)机械系和韩国微纳技术国家实验室,并荣获“国家优秀自费留学生奖学金”和“最佳博士论文奖”。其后他分别在英属哥伦比亚大学(University of British Columbia)和犹他大学(University of Utah)电子计算机系开展MEMS无线传感技术、传感器接口专用集成电路和植入器件封测技术的研究工作。2016-2019年间,他在约翰斯·霍普金斯大学医学院(Johns Hopkins University)任正式教职,从事心血管病相关的生物医学工程科研及教学工作。2019年,他入选中组部第十七批国家高层次人才青年项目,并以北航医工百人引进回国。目前正主持和承担科技部国家重点研发计划,国家自然科学基金区域联合重点,科技委、后勤保障部重点项目等科研课题,并曾参与了多项NIH, NSF, NSERC, CIH项目。他在电子信息、机械和生物医学等学科领域积累了丰富的研究和教学经验。 陈行的研究是以MEMS传感技术和集成电路微加工工艺为核心,围绕心脑血管疾病的评估、监测和药物筛选,开发各类军民用高端精准医疗器械。迄今,他已经发表SCI收录论文近30篇,近三年分别在Science Advances (Science子刊,IF 14.9),Advanced Science (封面文章,IF 17.5),Neurology(神经临床顶刊,IF 11.8)以第一/通信作者发表论文各一篇,并在包括IEEE MEMS和Transducers等本领域核心国际会议做报告30余次,荣获IEEE Sensors最佳论文等学术奖项,已经获得美国授权专利一项。陈行的研究成果获得了一定的国际认可。美国Mayo Clinic神经外科主任在业内顶刊Neurosurgery著专文述评报道了他的成果 (Neurosurg. 2019; 84: E132-133);泌尿学综述文章 (Urol. Clin. N. Am. 2019; 46: 245–255) 称他的研究成果代表了支架的未来方向“this likely represents the next frontier in stent innovation”;格拉斯哥心血管医学科学中心将其作为“The Future of Cardiovascular Stents” 报道 (Adv. Sci. 2019; 6: 1900856)。全球五十多家新闻媒体报告该工作(搜狐,Science Daily, IEEE Pulse, Cardiovascular News, Electronics 360等),称他的研究成果治病救人“revolutionise heart health”, “save the lives”。他担任了多家国际SCI期刊客座编委。 在教学方面,陈行在约翰斯.霍普金斯大学期间,为全美排名第一的生物医学工程本科生授课,并在教学考核中荣获优秀。 代表性成果 J29. Yangang Zhao#, Xiaolan Zhang#, Bin Lv, Jun Wang, Xinfeng Liu, Zhihua Du, Fang Cui, Baoming Li, Xing Chen*, Xiangyu Cao*, “Dural sinus septum: an underlying cause of cerebral venous sinus stenting failure and complications”, Stroke and Vascular Neurology, http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/svn-2023-002407 (2023) #Equal contribution *Corresponding authors J28. Xiangyu Cao#, Baoming Li#, Hui Su, Rongfei Wang, Jun Wang, Chenglin Tian, Xinfeng Liu, Yunxia Zhang, Xing Chen*, Zhao Dong*, Shengyuan Yu, “Pearls & Oy-sters: angioplasty and stenting as new treatment method for cough headache with stenotic internal jugular vein: case report with 12-month follow-up”, Neurology, Vol. 97, e964. (2021) #Equal contribution *Corresponding authors J27. Xiangyu Cao#, Jun Wang#, Chenglin Tian, Zhihua Du, Hui Su, Xinfeng Liu, Bin Lv, Shengyuan Yu, Xing Chen*, and Ferdinard Hui*, “Solitaire AB stent-angioplasty for stenoses in perforator rich segments: A single-center experience”, Interventional Neuroradiology, Vol. 26, 608. (2020) #Equal contribution *Corresponding authors J26. Qianru Jin#, Anil Bhatta#, Jayson V. Pagaduan#, Xing Chen#, Hoku West-Foyle, Jiayu Liu, Annie Hou, Dan Berkowitz, Scot C. Kuo, Frederic B. Askin, Thao D. Nguyen, David H. Gracias*, and Lewis H. Romer*, “Biomimetic human small muscular pulmonary arteries”, Science Advances, Vol. 6, eaaz2598. (2020) #Equal contribution *Corresponding authors [Selected as the “Image of the Day” by TheScientist] J25. Kaijiang Kang#, Bo Yang#, Xiping Gong, Xing Chen, Weibin Gu, Guofeng Ma, Zhongrong Miao, Xingquan Zhao*, Ning Ma*, “Cerebral hemodynamic changes after endovascular recanalization of symptomatic chronic intracranial artery occlusion”, Frontiers in Neurology, Vol. 11, 318. (2020) #Equal contribution *Corresponding authors J24. Kaijiang Kang, Feng Gao, Dapeng Mo, Ming Yang, Yifan Liu, Bo Yang, Xing Chen, Weibin Gu, Guofeng Ma, Xingquan Zhao, Zhong-Rong Miao, Ning Ma*, “Outcome of endovascular recanalization for intracranial in-stent restenosis”, Journal of Neurointerventional Surgery, Vol. 12, 1094. (2020) J23. Xing Chen, Babak Assadsangabi, York Hsiang, and Kenichi Takahata*, “Enabling angioplasty-ready “smart” stents to detect in-stent restenosis and occlusion”, Advanced Science, Vol. 5, 1700560. (2018) [Selected as the front cover of Issue 5 2018 in Advanced Science; featured by over 50 news and scientific blogs worldwide, including The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, Cardiovascular News, Electronics 360, Science Daily, Medical Research, etc.] J22. Anil Bhatta, Jayson V. Pagaduan, Xing Chen, Hoku West-Foyle, Annie Hou, Jiayu Liu, Qianru Jin, Thao D. Nguyen, Scot Kuo, Dan Berkowitz, David H. Gracias, and Lewis H. Romer*, “Developing and characterizing human biomimetic arteriole for studying pulmonary hypertension”, The FASEB Journal, Vol. 32, 568-16. (2018) J21. Xing Chen, Daniel Brox, Babak Assadsangabi, Mohamed Sultan Mohamed Ali, and Kenichi Takahata*, “A stainless-steel-based implantable pressure sensor chip and its integration by microwelding”, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, Vol. 257, 134. (2017) [Featured by Sep. 11 2017 of Advances in Engineering] J20. Yan Yang*, Alejandro Clausse, Leon Cizelj, Xing Chen, and Parashuram Sahoo, “Mechanical properties in nuclear installation and the relevant measurement methods-editorial”, Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations, Vol. 2016, 1948507. (2016) J19. Daniel Brox, Xing Chen*, Shahriar Mirabbasi*, and Kenichi Takahata*, “Wireless telemetry of stainless-steel-based smart antenna stent using a transient resonance method”, IEEE Antennas and wireless propagation letters, Vol. 15, 754. (2016) *Corresponding authors J18. Yi Luo, Masoud Dahmardeh, Xing Chen, and Kenichi Takahata*, “A resonant-heating stent for wireless endohyperthermia treatment of restenosis”, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, Vol. 236, 323. (2015) J17. Yi Luo, Xing Chen*, Masoud Dahmardeh*, and Kenichi Takahata*, “RF-powered stent with integrated circuit breaker for safeguarded wireless hyperthermia treatment”, Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, Vol. 24, 1293. (2015) *Corresponding authors J16. Xing Chen and Dong-Weon Lee*, “A microcantilever system with slider-crank actuation mechanism”, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, Vol. 226, 59. (2015) J15. Yan Yang*, Xing Chen, Youngsoo Choi, and Boseon Kang, “Mechanical properties and nondestructive testing of advanced materials 2014–editorial”, Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 2015, 648107. (2015) J14. Xing Chen, Daniel Brox, Babak Assadsangabi, York Hsiang, and Kenichi Takahata*, “Intelligent telemetric stent for wireless monitoring of intravascular pressure and its in vivo testing”, Biomedical Microdevices, Vol. 16, 745. (2014). J13. Babak Assadsangabi, Xing Chen*, Daniel Brox*, and Kenichi Takahata*, Ferrofluid sacrificial microfabrication of capacitive pressure sensors”, IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 14, 3442. (2014) *Corresponding authors J12. Xiaohu Zheng*, Xing Chen, Ji-Kwan Kim, Dong-Weon Lee, and Xinxin Li, “Measurement of the gauge factor of few-layer graphene”, Journal of Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS, and MOEMS, Vol. 12, 013009. (2013) J11. Yan Yang*, Xing Chen, and Youngsoo Choi, “Mechanical properties and nondestructive testing of advanced materials–editorial”, Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 2013, 589320. (2013) J10. Xing Chen, Liansheng Ma, Yingmei Zheng, Xinxin Li, and Dong-Weon Lee*, “The influences of transverse loads on electrothermal post-buckling microbeams”, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, Vol. 22, 015011. (2012) J9. Yan Yang*, Jin Huang, and Xing Chen, “Advanced measuring (instrumentation) methods for nuclear installations –Editorial”, Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations, Vol. 2012, 215469. (2012) J8. Xing Chen, Liansheng Ma, Yingmei Zheng, and Dong-Weon Lee*, “Theoretical analysis of postbuckling behavior with experimental validation using electrothermal microbeams”, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 98, 073107. (2011) J7. Xing Chen, Xiaohu Zheng, Ji-Kwan Kim, Xinxin Li, and Dong-Weon Lee*, “Investigation of graphene piezoresistor for use as strain gauge sensors”, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, Vol. 29, 06FE01. (2011) J6. Xiaohu Zheng, Xing Chen, Ji-Kwan Kim, and Dong-Weon Lee*, “Analysis on microfinger with grooved patterns and its application in electric–thermal microgripper”, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 56, 505. (2011) J5. Xing Chen and Dong-Weon Lee*, “Design and optimization of in-plane actuator driven cantilever with high sensitivity sensors”, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Vol. 10, 3236. (2010) J4. Xiaohu Zheng, Xing Chen, Feng Gu, Yuanwei Liu, and Dong-Weon Lee*, “Characterization of electrodeposited Ni–Fe–SiC alloys for microelectromechanical applications”, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, Vol. 28, 1097. (2010) J3. Xing Chen and Dong-Weon Lee*, “Integrated microactuation scanning probe microscopy system", Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, Vol. 27, 1408. [Featured on June 1, 2009 issue of Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research] J2. Xing Chen, Dong-Weon Lee,* and Youngsoo Choi, “High efficiency micromachining system applied in nanolithography”, International Journal of Modern Physics B, Vol. 22, 1865. (2008) J1. Yan Yang, Boseon Kang*, Shiguo Huang, and Xing Chen, “Glass polishing technology using MR fluids”, Journal of Rare Earths, Vol. 25, 371. (2007) P1. Biomimetic platforms to model vascular pathophysiology, diagnostics, and therapy, Lewis H. Romer, David H. Gracias, Jayson V. Pagaduan, Anil Bhatta, and Xing Chen, US-2021372995-A1. C11. YZ. Wang, CX. Wang, JR. Wang, L. Geng, XY. Cao, X. Chen*, “Balloon catheter with in situ pressure sensing function for evaluating hemodynamics”, 22nd International Conference on Solid State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems | Transducers 2023, 14-17 (2023) C10. ZH. Liu, JL Han, X. Chen*, “Hemodynamic analysis of cardiomems: adverse hemodynamic effects”, 36th IEEE MEMS, 1068-1071 (2023) C9. 陈行, “基于MEMS技术的智能血管支架”,全国电子信息青年科学家系列论坛暨第三届半导体青年学术会议,口头报告,2020.10.29。 C8. 陈行, “人体仿生血管芯片”,第十三届微纳电子研讨会,口头报告,2020.09.20。 C7. 陈行, “新一代智能化植入介入医疗器械的发展和临床意义”,2020香山国际介入医学峰会,特邀报告,2020.09.06。 C6. X. Chen, J. V. Pagaduan, A. Bhatta, D. H. Gracias, and L. Romer, “A microfluidic device for trapping and dynamic interrogation of arterioles”, 21st MicroTAS, 1112-1113 (2017) C5. X. Chen, B. Assadsangabi, D. Brox, Y. Hsiang, and K. Takahata, “A pressure-sensing smart stent compatible with angioplasty procedure and in vivo testing”, 30th IEEE MEMS, 133-136 (2017) Oral C4. X. Chen and D. Young, “Robust implantable blood pressure sensor packaging for long-term laboratory animals monitoring”, 15th IEEE Sensors, 1-3 (2016) Oral C3. X. Chen, D. Brox, B. Assadsangabi, M. S. M. Ali, and K. Takahata, “A stainless-steel-based capacitive pressure sensor chip and its microwelding integration”, 18th IEEE Transducers, 1081-1084 (2015) C2. Y. Luo, M. Dahmardeh, X. Chen, and K. Takahata, “Selective RF heating of resonant stent toward wireless endohyperthermia for restenosis inhibition”, 27th IEEE MEMS, 877-880 (2014) C1. X. Chen, L. Song, B. Assadsangabi, J. Fang, M. S. M. Ali, and K.Takahata, “Wirelessly addressable heater array for centrifugal microfluidics and Escherichia Coli sterilization”, 35th IEEE EBMC, 5505-5508 (2013) Oral 招生信息 欢迎仰望星空并脚踏实地的学子加入本研究团队一起从事顶天立地的研究工作。2023年计划招博士后1-2名,博士和硕士研究生各一名,相关招生信息请参见学院网站。 教育经历 [1]. Chonnam National University 机械工程 博士研究生毕业 博士学位 师从韩国微纳技术国家实验室主任Dong-Weon Lee 工作经历 [1]. Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Lecturer [2]. University of Utah Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering 师从芯片专家,中星微电子独立董事Darrin Young [3]. University of British Columbia Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering 师从加拿大微加工首席科学家Kenichi Takahata 社会兼职 [1]. 2022.7 -- 至今 Editorials, 《Medicine in Novel Technology and Devices》 [2]. 2020.9 -- 2021.1 Guest editor, Advances in Endovasccular intervention using biomaterials, 《BioMed Research International》 (SCI) [3]. Lead guest editor, Biomedical Sensing in the Application of Brain/Body Imaging,《International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks》 (SCI) [4]. Guest editor, Mechanical properties and nondestructive testing of advanced materials,《Advances in Materials Science and Engineering》 (SCI) [5]. Guest editor, Mechanical properties in nuclear installation and the relevant measurement methods-editorial,《Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations》 (SCI) 研究方向 [1] Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS); [2] Sensors and actuators; [3] Biomedical microdevices; [4] Organ-on-a-chip; [5] Smart medical implant; [6] Wireless sensing; |