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姓名 王泉
学校 北京航空航天大学
部门 外国语学院
学位 博士
学历 博士研究生
职称 教授
联系方式 如心楼911B
邮箱 wangquanwalter@126.com
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同专业博导 同专业硕导 王泉 ( 教授 ) 赞87 的个人主页 http://shi.buaa.edu.cn/07802/zh_CN/index.htm   教授   博士生导师   硕士生导师 教师英文名称:Quan Wang 教师拼音名称:WANG Quan 电子邮箱:wangquanwalter@126.com 所在单位:外国语学院 学历:博士研究生 办公地点:如心楼911B 性别:男 学位:博士 在职信息:在职 学科:外国语言文学 个人简介 王泉,北京航空航天大学外国语学院教授,博士生导师。北京外国语大学英美文学博士毕业,北京师范大学海外汉学博士毕业,2008年在Cornell  University从事西方文学理论博士后研究,2015年被遴选为中美富布赖特学者,在Yale University英语系进行美国文学研究。主要研究方向为英美文学和比较文学,先后在Asian Philosophy, Journal of Literary Studies, Journal of European Studies, Women’s  Studies, Explicator, ANQ 和《外国文学》等国内外重点期刊发表论文40多篇, 其中18篇A&HCI论文,3篇一区论文, 9篇二区论文。 博士招生方向:英美文学和西方文论,其中英美文学没有指定书目。西方文论方向有指定博士招生考试必读书目,请联系wangquanwalter@126.com Quan Wang is professor of English and Comparative Literature at Beihang University, Beijing. He has published 18 articles in A&HCI journals. His recent publications include “Narrative Disruption” (Journal of Literary Studies), “A Comparative Study of the Subject in Lacan and Zhuangzi” (Asian Philosophy), “A Lacanian Reading of RIP” (Explicator), “The Movement of the Letter in A Doll House” (Journal of European Studies), “The Images of Domino in A DOLL HOUSE”(Explicator),“The Lack of Lack” (Women’s Studies), “New Historicism in RIP” (Explicator), and three books on Jacques Lacan. Professor Wang specializes in critical theories and comparative literatures. He holds a PhD in English and a PhD in Chinese. He is also a 2015-2016 US-Sino Fulbright Research Scholar to Yale University. His e-mail address is wangquanwalter@126.com.    Selected Articles in academic journals  (Update: 2019.08)       1.      “A Posthumanist Reading of ‘The Island of the Fay.” ANQ, (2019): Doi:10.1080/0895769X.2019.1623009. [AHCI Q2]       2.      “Linguistic Ecology in Julia Cho’s The Language Archive.” ANQ, (2019): doi.10.1080/0895769X.2019.1613340. Coauthored with Yanyan Zhu. [AHCI Q2]       3.      “The Lacanian Subject in The Language Archive.” The Explicator, 77.1 (2019). Coauthored with Yanyan Zhu. [AHCI Q2]       4.      “A Posthumanist Reading of Knowledge in Jacques Lacan and Zhuangzi.”Asian Philosophy, 29.1 (2019). [AHCI Q1]       5.      “The Shipwreck Discovery: to Believe or Not.”The Explicator,76.3 (2018).Coauthored with Yanyan Zhu. [AHCIQ2]       6.      “Pleasure principle and perfect happiness: morality in Jacques Lacan and Zhuangzi.” Asian Philosophy, 28.3 (2018). [AHCI Q2]       7.      “The Image of Food in Julia Cho’s THE LANGUAGE ARCHIVE.” The Explicator, 75.2 (2017).[AHCI]       8.      “On ‘The Man of the Crowd.’”The Explicator, 75:4 (2017).[AHCI]       9.      “A Comparative Study of the Subject in Jacques Lacan and Zhuangzi.” Asian Philosophy, 27.3 (2017). [AHCI Q1]       10.  “The Smell of Food in Julia Cho’s THE LANGUAGE ARCHIVE.” The Explicator, 75.3 (2017). [AHCI]       11.  “Narrative Disruption as Declaration of Dependence: Nonhuman Agency and Narrative Repetition in ‘Rip van Winkle.’” Journal of Literary Studies 32.4 (2016). [AHCI Q1]       12.  “Before Marriage, Within Marriage, and After Marriage—Kristine Linde in A DOLL HOUSE.” The Explicator74.2 (2016). [AHCI Q2]       13.  “The Images of Domino in A DOLL HOUSE.”The Explicator 74.1 (2016). [AHCI Q2]       14.  “The Movement of the Letter in A Doll House.” Journal of European Studies 45.3 (2015). [AHCI]       15.  “The Images of Clothes in Ibsen’s A DOLL’S HOUSE.”The Explicator 73.4 (2015). [AHCI]       16.  “A Lacanian Reading of ‘Rip Van Winkle.’” The Explicator 72.3 (2014).  [AHCI Q2]       17.  “The Lack of Lack.” Women’s Studies 42.1 (2013). [AHCI ]       18.  “New Historicism in ‘Rip Van Winkle.’” The Explicator 72.4 (2014).  [AHCI Q2]      教育经历 [1]. 耶鲁大学       外国语言文学      Fublright 学者 [2]. 康奈尔大学       外国语言文学      博士后研究 [3]. 2012.9 -- 2015.6 北京师范大学       哲学       博士研究生毕业       博士学位      海外汉学专业 研究方向 [1] 美国文学 文学理论 中国文化 比较文学
