
主页 > 江苏省 > 南京航天航空大学


姓名 胡昊
性别 发明专利4999代写全部资料
学校 南京航天航空大学
部门 电子信息工程学院/集成电路学院
学位 工学博士学位
学历 博士研究生毕业
职称 研究员
联系方式 南京航空航天大学电子信息工程学院434室
邮箱 hao.hu@nuaa.edu.cn
集群智慧云企服 / 知识产权申请大平台
急速申请 包写包过 办事快、准、稳

胡昊 ( 研究员 ) 赞111 的个人主页 http://faculty.nuaa.edu.cn/huhao/zh_CN/index.htm   研究员   博士生导师 招生学科专业: 电子科学与技术 -- 【招收硕士研究生】 -- 电子信息工程学院信息与通信工程 -- 【招收博士、硕士研究生】 -- 电子信息工程学院电子信息 -- 【招收博士、硕士研究生】 -- 电子信息工程学院 性别:男 毕业院校:新加坡南洋理工大学 学历:博士研究生毕业 学位:工学博士学位 所在单位:电子信息工程学院/集成电路学院 办公地点:南京航空航天大学电子信息工程学院434室 联系方式:hao.hu@nuaa.edu.cn 电子邮箱:hao.hu@nuaa.edu.cn 个人简介 胡昊博士,南京航空航天大学特聘研究员(A类),  教授/博导, 入选国家重大人才工程A类青年项目,  江苏省特聘教授。 2016年本科毕业于浙江大学光电科学与工程学院;2020年博士毕业于新加坡南洋理工大学电气与电子工程学院;2020-2023年在新加坡南洋理工大学电气与电子工程学院担任博士后;2023年4月加入南京航空航天大学电子信息工程学院担任特聘研究员A类职务。 主要从事新型人工超构材料的机理及应用研究,致力于创新自由电子辐射、拓扑物理、量子非局域等理论,发展片上光源、下一代小型化高能粒子探测器等新型光子器件,开创拓扑扩散学新领域。至今共发表学术论文三十余篇(SCI论文34篇), 总引用达500余次。以第一、共一或通讯作者身份在国内外高影响力期刊发表论文17篇,包括2篇Advanced Materials、1篇Nature Communications、1篇Physical Review X、1篇eLight、2篇Laser & Photonics Reviews、1篇Advanced Science、1篇Nanophotonics、1篇ACS photonics和1篇Photonics Research等。这些成果被Light: Science & Applications亮点报道1次,入选eLight 期刊Featured Article 1次、入选Laser & Photonics Reviews期刊封面1次,被众多国内外知名专业科技网站(如Phys.org、EurekAlert!、Mirage News、Azooptics.com、Space Daily、 Florida News Times、DayToNews、Funtitech、Verve Times、中国光学、两江科技、科研留声机、天玑算等)深度正面报道。 基于此,课题组主要的研究方向有:(1)自由电子微纳光子技术;(2)时空超构材料的电磁特性及应用;(3)新型拓扑材料的设计及应用 荣誉和奖励 [7] 南京市紫金山英才C类,2024 [6] 国家重大人才工程A类青年项目, 2023 [5] 江苏省特聘教授, 2023 [4] 南京市人社部“留学人员科技活动项目择优资助计划”入选者, 2023 [3] 国家优秀自费留学生奖学金获得者, 2020 [2] Gold Student Paper Award, IEEE Photonics Society Singapore Chapter, 2020 [1] Best Student Paper Award (1st winner), PIERS Xiamen, 2019 学术服务 [8] Session organizer for conference session “Integrated metasurfaces/metamaterials on photonic platform,” 2024 International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics (META Toyama, 2024) [7] Session organizer for conference session “Artificial EM materials,” 2024 IEEE International Conference on Computational Electromagnetics (ICCEM Nanjing, 2024) [6] Organizing committee (Conference Treasurer) for 2024 IEEE International Conference on Computational Electromagnetics (ICCEM Nanjing, 2024) [5] Session organizer for conference session “Time-modulating metamaterials and time-varying Systems,” 2024 Photonics and Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS Chengdu, 2024) [4] 中国电子学会会员,2023-2024 [3] Session organizer for conference session “Integrated electrically-driven nano-photonic devices,” 2023 Photonics and Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS Prague, 2023) [2] President of Optical Socitey of America (OSA), Chapter of Nanyang Technological University, 2018-2020 [1] Vice President of IEEE Photonics Society Singapore Chapter, 2018-2019 科研项目 [7] 江苏省特聘教授科研经费, 2023-2026, 项目负责人 [6] 111引智基地建设科研项目国际学术骨干储备项目,2023-2024,项目负责人 [5] 南京航空航天大学启动基金,2023-2024, 项目负责人 [4] 南京市人社局留学人员科技创新项目择优资助(C类资助),2023-2024, 项目负责人 [3] Quantum plasmonic: from efficient high harmonic generation to enhanced sensing, ministry of education,Singapore (新加坡教育部基金), 2019-2022, 项目参与人 [2] Exceptional-point densors in mid-infrared and ultraviolet regions, national research foundation, Singapore (新加坡国家科研基金) ,  2021-2026,项目参与人   [1] Mass-producible mid-IR metasurfaces for wide-field super-resolution hyperspectral imaging, Agency for Science, Technology and Research, Singapore (新加坡科技研究局基金) ,  2020-2023, 项目参与人   教学与课程 [1] 2023年-至今,半导体光电子学 (Semiconductor Photonics and Electronics) [本科生课程;中文教学] [2] 2023年-至今,电磁仿真与微波电路计算机辅助设计 (Computer Aided Design for Electromagnetic Simulation and Microwave Circuit) [本科生课程;英文教学] 招聘 课题组致力于培养具备扎实学科背景、突出创新能力和广阔国际视野的科研领军人才。每年拟招收2名优秀学生攻读博士和3名优秀学生攻读硕士,并长期招聘博士后。其中满足以下条件若干或之一的将优先考虑: 1)良好的数理基础和编程能力 2)优异的英语表达和写作能力 3)凝聚态物理/高能物理/固体物理/量子光学方向的学科背景 4)微波/太赫兹波/电路实验经验 同时也欢迎积极主动的本科生参与科研训练与毕业设计,有机会发表高质量论文。 如有意向,请联系胡昊老师。 **************************************************************** 联系方式 电子邮箱:hao.hu@nuaa.edu.cn 办公室:南京航空航天大学将军路校区电子信息工程学院楼434室 **************************************************************** 相关链接 Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=u7MizUMAAAAJ&hl=zh-CN 课题组主页: http://www.nuaa-meta.cn/ 长期合作学者:罗宇(南京航空航天大学)、张柏乐 (新加坡南洋理工大学)、Francisco J. Garcia-Vidal(马德里自治大学)、林晓(浙江大学)、杨怡豪(浙江大学)、李茁(南京航空航天大学)、刘亮亮(南京航空航天大学)、高东梁(苏州大学)、侯松岩(西安电子科技大学)、熊江(中国电子科技大学) Selected Publications † co-first author, *corresponding author [11] Youxiu Yu, Hao Hu*, Linyang Zou, Qianru Yang, Xiao Lin, Zhuo Li, Gao Lei*, and Dongliang Gao*, “Antireflection spatiotemporal metamaterials,” Laser & Photonics Reviews, 17(9), 2300130 (2023) . [期刊封面;两江科技等报道] [10] Haotian Wu†, Hao Hu†, Xixi Wang, Zhixia Xu, Baile Zhang*, Qi Jie Wang*, Yuanjin Zheng, Jingjing Zhang, Tie Jun Cui*, and Yu Luo*, “Higher‐order Topological States in Thermal Diffusion,” Advanced Materials, 35(14), 2210825(2023). [两江科技等报道] [9] Yuval Adiv†, Hao Hu†, Shai Tsesses†, Raphael Dahan, Kangpeng Wang, Yaniv Kurman, Alexey Gorlach, Hongsheng Chen, Xiao Lin, Guy Bartal, and Ido Kaminer*, “Observation of 2D Cherenkov radiation,” Physical Review X, 13(1), 011002 (2023). [两江科技等报道] [8] Hao Hu†, Song Han†, Yang Hang†,*, Dongjue Liu, Haoran Xue, Guigeng Liu, Zheyu Cheng, Qi Jie Wang, Shuang Zhang, Baile Zhang*, and Yu Luo*, “Observation of topological edge states in thermal diffusion,” Advanced Materials, 34(31), 2202257 (2022). [两江科技等报道] [7] Hao Hu†, Xiao Lin†,*, Dongjue Liu, Hongsheng Chen, Baile Zhang*, and Yu Luo*, “Broadband enhancement of Cherenkov radiation using dispersionless plasmons,” Advanced Science, 9(26), 2200538 (2022). [Advanced Science News报道] [6] Hao Hu†, Xiao Lin†, Liang Jie Wong, Qianru Yang, Dongjue Liu, Baile Zhang*, and Yu Luo*, “Surface Dyakonov-Cherenkov Radiation,” eLight,2,2 (2022). [期刊特色论文;前苏联知名物理学家、迪亚克诺夫表面波发现者和命名者迪亚克诺夫教授以 "From Dyakonov-Cherenkov radiation to Dyakonov surface optics"为题,在《Light: Science & Applications》 撰写News & Views; Phys.org、EurekAlert!、中国光学等报道] [5] Xiao Lin†, Hao Hu†, Sajan Easo, Yi Yang, Yichen Shen, Kezhen Yin, Michele Piero Blago, Ido Kaminer*, Baile Zhang*, Hongsheng Chen, John Joannopoulos, Marin Soljacic, and Yu Luo*, “A Brewster route to Cherenkov detectors,” Nature Communications, 12, 5554 (2021). [4] Hao Hu, Xiao Lin*, Jingjing Zhang, Dongjue Liu, Patrice Genevet, Baile Zhang* and Yu Luo*, “Nonlocality induced Cherenkov threshold,” Laser & Photonics Reviews, 14(10),2000149 (2020). [3] Hao Hu, Dongliang Gao, Xiao Lin, Songyan Hou, Baile Zhang, Qi Jie Wang* and Yuo Luo*, “Directing Cherenkov photons with spatial nonlocality,” Nanophotonics, 9(10), 3435-3443 (2020). [2] Hao Hu, Liangliang Liu*, Xiao Hu, Dongjue Liu, and Dongliang Gao*, “Routing emission with a multi-channel nonreciprocal waveguide,” Photonics Research, 7(6), 642-646 (2019). [1] Hao Hu, Jingjing Zhang, Stefan A Maier, and Yu Luo*, “Enhancing third-harmonic generation with spatial nonlocality,” ACS Photonics, 5(2), 592-598 (2018). Full Publications 2024 [40] Youxiu Yu, Dongliang Gao*, Yukun Yang, Liangliang Liu, Zhuo Li, Qianru Yang, Haotian Wu, Linyang Zou, Xiao Lin, Jiang Xiong, Songyan Hou, Lei Gao*, and Hao Hu*, “Generalized coherent wave control at dynamic interfaces,” (2024). [under review] [39] Hao Hu*, Xiao Lin, Guangwei Hu, Francisco J. Garcia-Vidal, and Yu Luo*, “Enhanced Cherenkov radiation in twisted hyperbolic Van der Waals crystals,” (2024). [under review] [38] Songyan Hou*, Hao Hu*, Zhihong Liu, Weichuan Xing, Jincheng Zhang*, and Yue Hao, “High-speed electro-optic modulators based on thin-film lithium niobate,” (2024). [under review] [37] Yaoran Zhang†, Hao Hu†, F. J. García-Vidal, Jingjing Zhang, Liangliang Liu*, Yu Luo*, and Zhuo Li*, “Reconfigurable exceptional point-based sensing with 0.001-lambda sensitivity using spoof localized surface plasmons,” (2024). [under review] [36] Yang Long∗, Linyang Zou, Letian Yu, Hao Hu, Jiang Xiong, and Baile Zhang∗, “Inverse design of photonic topological time crystal via deep learning,” (2024). [under review] [35] Haotian Wu, Qianru Yang, Hao Hu, Linyang Zou,  Xixi Wang,  Jijun He, Shilong Pan, Yuanjin Zheng* Tie Jun Cui*, and Yu Luo*, “Conformal spatiotemporal modulation enabled geometric frequency combs,” (2024). [under review] [34] Songyan Hou*, Hao Hu*, Zhihong Liu, Weichuan Xing, and JinCheng Zhang*, “Broadband transmissive polarization rotator by gradiently-twisted α-MoO3,” Applied Physics Letters, 124(11), 111107 (2024). [33] Xinhua Li, Liangliang Liu*, Yaoran Zhang, Yue Feng, Guodong Han, Helin Yang, Hao Hu*, Yu Luo, and Zhuo Li*, “Hybridization of localized spoof plasmonic skyrmions and its application in micro-displacement sensing,” Advanced Optical Materials, 2302744 (2024). [32] Songyan Hou†,*, Hao Hu†, Zhihong Liu, Weichuan Xing, Jincheng Zhang*, and Yue Hao, “Tunable double notch filter on thin-film lithium niobate platform,” Optics Letters, 61(6), 1022-1024 (2024).  [31] Yuhan Zhong, Chan Wang, Chenxu Bian, Xuhuinan Chen, Jialin Chen, Xingjian Zhu, Hao Hu, Tony Low, Siyuan Dai, Hongsheng Chen*, Baile Zhang, and Xiao Lin*, “Near-field directionality governed by asymmetric dipole–matter interactions,” Optics Letters, 49(4), 826-829 (2024). 2023 [30] Youxiu Yu, Hao Hu*, Linyang Zou, Qianru Yang, Xiao Lin, Zhuo Li, Gao Lei*, and Dongliang Gao*,“Antireflection spatiotemporal metamaterials,” Laser & Photonics Reviews, 17(9), 2300130 (2023). [29] Haotian Wu†, Hao Hu†, Xixi Wang, Zhixia Xu, Baile Zhang*, Qi Jie Wang*, Yuanjin Zheng, Jingjing Zhang, Tie Jun Cui*, and Yu Luo*, “Higher‐order Topological States in Thermal Diffusion,” Advanced Materials, 35(14), 2210825 (2023). [28] Yuval Adiv†, Hao Hu†, Shai Tsesses†, Raphael Dahan, Kangpeng Wang, Yaniv Kurman, Alexey Gorlach, Hongsheng Chen, Xiao Lin, Guy Bartal, and Ido Kaminer*, “Observation of 2D Cherenkov radiation,” Physical Review X, 13, 011002 (2023). [27] Dongjue Liu, Hao Hu*, and Jingjing Zhang*, “Edge states in coupled non-Hermitian resonators,” Optics Letters, 127(11), 043904(2023). [26] Songyan Hou*, Hao Hu†, Weichuan Xing, Zhihong Liu, Jincheng Zhang*, and Yue Hao, “Improving linewidth and extinction ratio performances of lithium niobate ring modulator using ring-pair structure,” Advanced Photonics Research, 4(8), 2300169 (2023). [25] Dongjue Liu†, Zihao Wang†, Zheyu Cheng, Hao Hu, Qijie Wang, Haoran Xue*, Baile Zhang*, and Yu Luo*, “Simultaneous manipulation of line‐gap and point‐gap topologies in non‐hermitian lattices,” Laser & Photonics Reviews, 17(8), 2200371 (2023). [24] Zheng Gong, JIalin Chen, Ruoxi Chen, Xingjian Zhu, Chan Wang, Xinyan Zhang, Hao Hu, Yi Yang, Baile Zhang*, Hongsheng Chen*, Ido Kaminer, and Xiao Lin*, “Interfacial Cherenkov radiation with ultralow-energy electrons,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 120(38), e2306601120 (2023). [23] Shuaijie Yuan, Xinxing Zhou*, Yu Chen, Yuhan Zhong, Lijuan Sheng, Hao Hu, Hongsheng Chen*, Ido Kaminer, and Xiao Lin*, “Breakdown of effective-medium theory by a photonic spin Hall effect,” Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 66, 114212 (2023). [22] Jialin Chen, Ruoxi Chen, Zheng Gong, Hao Hu, Yi Yang, Xinyan Zhang, Chan Wang, Ido Kaminer, Hongsheng Chen*, Baile Zhang*, and Xiao Lin*, “Low-velocity-favored transition radiation,” Physical Review Letters, 131, 113002 (2023).   2022 [21] Hao Hu†, Song Han†, Yang Hang†,*, Dongjue Liu, Haoran Xue, Guigeng Liu, Zheyu Cheng, Qi Jie Wang, Shuang Zhang, Baile Zhang*, and Yu Luo*, “Observation of topological edge states in thermal diffusion,” Advanced Materials, 34(31), 2202257 (2022). [20] Hao Hu†, Xiao Lin†,*, Dongjue Liu, Hongsheng Chen, Baile Zhang*, and Yu Luo*, “Broadband enhancement of Cherenkov radiation using dispersionless plasmons,” Advanced Science, 9(26), 2200538 (2022). [19] Hao Hu†, Xiao Lin†, Liang Jie Wong, Qianru Yang, Dongjue Liu, Baile Zhang*, and Yu Luo*, “Surface Dyakonov-Cherenkov radiation,” eLight, 2, 2 (2022). [18] Helin Yang, Kwok-Yan Lam*, Liang Xiao, Zehui Xiong, Hao Hu, Dusit Niyato, and H Vincent Poor,“Lead federated neuromorphic learning for wireless edge artificial intelligence,” Nature Communications, 13, 4269 (2022). [17] Qianru Yang, Hao Hu, Xiaofeng Li, and Yu Luo*,“Cascaded parametric amplification based on spatiotemporal modulations,” Photonics Research, 11(5), B125-B135 (2022). [16] Fei Yan, Qi Li, Hao Hu, Ze Wen Wang, Hao Tian, Li Li*, Yu Luo*, Qi Jie Wang*, “Terahertz high-Q magnetic dipole resonance induced by coherent Fano interactions,”  Applied Physics Letters, 121(20), 201704 (2022). 2021 [15] Xiao Lin†, Hao Hu†, Sajan Easo, Yi Yang, Yichen Shen, Kezhen Yin, Michele Piero Blago, Ido Kaminer*, Baile Zhang*, Hongsheng Chen, John Joannopoulos, Marin Soljacic, and Yu Luo*, “A Brewster route to Cherenkov detectors,”  Nature Communications, 12, 5554 (2021). [14] Hao Hu, Xiao Lin, and Yu Luo*. “Free-electron radiation engineering via structured environment,” Progress in Electromagnetics Research, 171, 75-88 (2021). [13] Liqiao Jing, Xiao Lin, Zuojia Wang*, Ido Kaminer*, Hao Hu, Erping Li, Yongmin Liu, Min Chen, Baile Zhang, Hongsheng Chen*, “Polarization shaping of free‐electron radiation by gradient bianisotropic metasurfaces,” Laser & Photonics Reviews, 15(4), 2000426 (2021).   2020 [12] Hao Hu, Xiao Lin*, Jingjing Zhang, Dongjue Liu, Patrice Genevet, Baile Zhang* and Yu Luo*,“Nonlocality induced Cherenkov threshold,” Laser & Photonics Reviews, 14(10),2000149 (2020). [11] Hao Hu, Dongliang Gao, Xiao Lin, Songyan Hou, Baile Zhang, Qi Jie Wang* and Yuo Luo*, “Directing Cherenkov photons with spatial nonlocality,” Nanophotonics, 9(10), 3435-3443 (2020). [10] Xinyan Zhang, Hao Hu, Xiao Lin*, Lian Shen, Baile Zhang, Hongsheng Chen*, “Confined transverse-electric graphene plasmons in negative refractive-index systems, " npj 2D Materials and Applications, 4, 25 (2020). [9] Yanqiu Wang, Hao Hu, Qin Zhang, Dong Liang Gao*, and Lei Gao*, “Topologically-tuned spin Hall shift around Fano resonance,” Optics Express, 28(15), 21641-21649 (2020). [8] Chan Wang, Chao Qian, Hao Hu, Lian Shen, Zuo Jia Wang, Huaping Wang, Zhiwei Xu, Baile Zhang, Hongsheng Chen, Xiao Lin*, “Superscattering of light in refractive-index near-zero environments,” Progress in Electromagnetics Research, 168, 15-23 (2020).   2019 [7] Hao Hu, Liangliang Liu*, Xiao Hu, Dongjue Liu, and Dongliang Gao*, “Routing emission with a multi-channel nonreciprocal waveguide,” Photonics Research, 7(6), 642-646 (2019). [6] Hao Hu, Xiao Lin, Dongjue Liu, Patrice Genevet, Baile Zhang, Yu Luo*, “Revisit Cherenkov Radiation in the Hyperbolic Metamaterials,” Photonics & Electromagnetics Research Symposium-Fall (PIERS-Fall), 318-324 (2019). [5] Wangcheng Lin, Yanqiu Wang, Hao Hu, Dongjue Liu, Dongliang Gao*, and Lei Gao*, “Reconfigurable sensor and nanoantenna by graphene-tuned Fano resonance,” Optics Express, 27(24), 35925-35934 (2019). [4] Dongjue Liu, Yao Huang, Hao Hu, Liangliang Liu, Dongliang Gao, Lixin Ran, Dexin Ye*, and Yu Luo*, “Designing spatial Kramers–Kronig media using transformation optics,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 68(4), 2945-2949 (2019). [3] Ran Shi, Dong Liang Gao*, Hao Hu, Yanqiu Wang, Lei Gao*, “Enhanced broadband spin Hall effects by core-shell nanoparticles,” Optics Express, 27(4), 4808-4817 (2019).   2016-2018 [2] Hao Hu, Jingjing Zhang, Stefan A Maier, and Yu Luo*, “Enhancing third-harmonic generation with spatial nonlocality,” ACS Photonics, 5(2), 592-598 (2018). [1] Jinxi Huang†, Hao Hu†, Zhewei Wang, Wenyuan Li, Ji Cang, Jianqi Shen, Hui Ye*, “Analysis of light-emission enhancement of low-efficiency quantum dots by plasmonic nano-particle,” Optics Express, 24(8), 8555-8573 (2016). Conference Papers [11] Hao Hu,  “Time edge states protected by chiral symmetry,” International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, Toyama, Japan, 16-19 July 2024. [10] Hao Hu,  “Cherenkov radiation in twisted α-MoO3 Slab,” Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Chengdu, China, 21-25 April 2024. [9] Hao Hu, “Free-electron light source based on twisted α-MoO3 slab,” IEEE International Conference on Computational Electromagnetics, Nanjing, China, 15-17 April 2024. [8] Hao Hu,  “Experimental realization of topological edge states in pure diffusion systems,” Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Prague, Czech Republic, 3-6 July 2023. [7] Hao Hu,  “Experimental realization of thermal topological edge states,” International Conference on Thermodynamics and Thermal Metamaterials, Shanghai, China. 17-19 August 2022. [6] Hao Hu,  “Revisit Cherenkov radiation in the hyperbolic metamaterials,” Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Xiamen, China, 17-20 December 2019. [5] Hao Hu, Xiao Lin, Dongjue Liu, Patrice Genevet, Baile Zhang, and Yu Luo, “Probe the ultimate nonlocal limit of 'threshold-free' Cherenkov radiation,” Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, San Jose, USA, 5-10 May 2019. [4] Hao Hu, “Nonlocal limit of Cherenkov radiation in hyperbolic metamaterials,” Global Congress and Expo on advancements of Laser optics and photonics, Valencia, Spain, 25-27 March 2019. [3] Hao Hu,  “Enhancing optical nonlinearity using quantum nonlocal effect,” Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Tokyo, Japan, 1-4 August 2018. [2] Hao Hu, “Enhancing optical nonlinearity using special nonlocality,” Advances in Quantum Enginnering International Meeting, Singapore, 25-27 June 2018.[1] Hao Hu, and Yu Luo, “Third harmonic generation enhanced by nonlocal effect,” Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (Pacific Rim), Singapore, 31 July - 4 August 2017. Thesis [1] Hao Hu, ''Manipulating Cherenkov radiation by artificial structures'' [ Doctoral dissertation, Nanyang Technological University], Digital Repository of Nanyang Technological University, 2020.  教育经历 2016.7 -- 2020.6 新加坡南洋理工大学       电气与电子工程       博士研究生毕业 2012.9 -- 2016.6 浙江大学       光电信息工程       大学本科毕业 2009.9 -- 2012.6 宁波市镇海中学       普通高中毕业 工作经历 2023.4 -- 2023.6 南京航空航天大学      电子信息工程学院      特聘研究员A类 2020.8 -- 2023.3 新加坡南洋理工大学      电气与电子工程学院      博士后
