
主页 > 江苏省 > 南京航天航空大学


姓名 仰枫帆
性别 发明专利4999代写全部资料
学校 南京航天航空大学
部门 南京航空航天大学,电子信息工程学院
学位 工学博士学位
学历 东南大学
职称 教授
联系方式 504 Room, College Block,College of Electronic and Information Engineering,Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (Jiang Ning Campus, NUAA),Nanjing, Jiangsu Province,People's Republic of
邮箱 yffee@nuaa.edu.cn
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同专业博导 同专业硕导 仰枫帆 ( 教授 ) 赞37 的个人主页 http://faculty.nuaa.edu.cn/yff1/zh_CN/index.htm   教授   博士生导师 招生学科专业: 信息与通信工程 -- 【招收博士、硕士研究生】 -- 电子信息工程学院信息与通信工程(集成电路设计) -- 【招收硕士研究生】 -- 电子信息工程学院电子信息 -- 【招收博士、硕士研究生】 -- 电子信息工程学院 性别:男 毕业院校:Southeast University 学历:东南大学 学位:工学博士学位 所在单位:南京航空航天大学,电子信息工程学院 主要任职:Professor 其他任职:NULL 办公地点:504 Room, College BlockCollege of Electronic and Information EngineeringNanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (Jiang Ning Campus, NUAA)Nanjing, Jiangsu ProvincePeople's Republic of 联系方式:E-mail: yffee@nuaa.edu.cn or yang_fengfan@vip.sina.com Phone: +86 25 84895951 (Office) Cel: +86 13851512119 电子邮箱:yffee@nuaa.edu.cn 个人简介 YANG Fengfan (仰枫帆), received the B.Sc, M.Sc. and Ph.D degrees all in electrical engineering in 1990, 1993 and 1997, respectively, from Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA), Nanjing, Nothwestern Polytechnical University (NPU), Xi'an, and Southeast University, Nanjing, China. During Jan. 1997-Sept. 2003 and Nov. 2006-Feb. 2008, he was first a senior research associate at City University of HK, and Institute of Communication Systems (ICS), Surrey of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey, UK, and then as a visiting professor at Dept. of ECE, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada for various research in wireless communication technologies. Now he is a full professor at College of Electronic and Information Engineering, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing, China.  His main current research interests include the followings: Category 1: Telecommunication Engineering 1. Channel Coding and Information Theory: From Theory to Practice 2. Network Codes and Network Information 3. Cooperative Communications and Coded MIMO Cooperation for Wireless Communications  4. Signal Processing for Wireless Communications 5. Satellite Communications and Communication Networks Category 2:  Applied Mathematics for Wireless Communications 1. Abstract Algebra and Geometry 2. Algebraic Geometry Codes for Wireless Communications Prof. Yang now Part-Time Serves as: 1. Senior Member of IEEE and Member of IET 2. Adjunct visiting professor at Dept. of ECE, McGill University, Montreal, Canada  3. Adjunct visiting professor at Dept. of ECE, University of Pretoria (UP), University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN),  University of Cape Town (UCT), South Africa 4. Adjunct visiting professor at Dept. of  ECE, University Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Institute of Military Engineering (IME), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 5.  Adjunct visiting scholar at National Institute for Space Research (巴西空间技术研究院), Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazi 研究方向/Research Fields: 学科研究方向一/Research Fields I: 通信与信息系统/Telecommunication and Information Systems 1. 信息论与信道编码理论与应用/Channel Coding: From Theory to Practice 2. 网络信息论和网络编码/Network Information Theory and Network Coding 3. 编码协作通信和MIMO技术/Coded Cooperative Communications and MIMO Techniques 4. 卫星通信中及卫星通信网络/Satellite Communications and Satellite Communication Networks 5.  代数几何码及其/Algebra Geometry (AG) Codes for Wireless Communications 学科研究方向二/Research Fields II: 信号与信息处理/Signal and Information Processing 1.  协作通信中的信号处理技术/Signal Processing for Cooperative Wireless Communications 2.  卫星通信中的信号处理技术/Signal Processing for Satellite Communications 学科研究方向三/Research Fields III: 信息与通信工程(集成电路设计)/Telecommunication and Information Systems (Integrated Circuit Design) 发表学术论文,出版专著情况/Recent Publications [1] Shoaib Mughal, Rahim Umar, Fengfan Yang, Hongjun Xu and Rizwan Iqbal, "Distributed Reed-Muller coded-cooperative spatial modulation," Accepted by Wireless Personal Communications, to be published in 2022. [2] Chunli Zhaoa, Fengfan Yang, Daniel Kariuki Wawerua and Rahim Umara, "Network polar coded cooperative GSM scheme based on Plotkin's construction,"  Accepted by International Journal of Electronics, to be published in 2022.  [3] Pengcheng Guo, Fengfan Yang, Chunli Zhao and Waheed Ullah, "Jointly optimized design of distributed Reed-Solomon codes by proper selection in relay," Telecommunication Systems, August 16, 2021, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11235-021-00822-w. [4] Chunli ZHAO, Fengfan YANG, Daniel Kariuki WAWERU, "Reed-Solomon Coded Cooperative Spatial Modulation Based on Nested Construction for Wireless Communication,"  RADIOENGINEERING, VOL. 30, NO. 1, APRIL 2021. [5] Saqib Ejaz, Feng-Fan Yang, · Hongjun Xu, "Split labeling diversity for wireless half-duplex relay assisted cooperative communication systems,"  Telecommunication Systems, 13 July, 2020,  https://doi.org/10.1007/s11235-020-00694-6.   [6]  Shoaib Mughal , Fengfan Yang and Rahim Umar, “Reed-Muller Network Coded- Cooperation With Joint Decoding,” IEEE Communications Letters, Vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 24- 27, Jan. 2019. [7] Ejaz Saqib, Fengfan Yang, “Jointly Optimized Reed-Muller Codes for Multi-Level Multi-Relay Coded-Cooperative VANETS,” IEEE Transaction on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 66, No. 5, pp. 4017-4028, May 2017. [8] Rahim Umar, Fengfan Yang, Hongjun Xu, Shoaib Mughal, “Multiple relay-based Reed- Muller network coded cooperation for wireless communication system,” IET Communications, Vol. 13, No. 13. Pp. 2034-2044, August, 2019. [9] Rahim Umar, FengFan Yang and Shoaib Mughal, “Distributed Polar Coded Single Carrier-FDMA Based on Multilevel Construction Over Multipath Channels,” Vol. 105, No. 3, Wireless Personal Communications, pp. 835-856, 2019. [10] Rahim Umar, FengFan Yang, Hongjun Xu and Shoaib Mughal, “Distributed Polar Code Based on Plotkins Construction with MIMO Antennas in Frequency Selective Rayleigh Fading Channels,” Vol. 104, No. 1, Wireless Personal Communications, pp. 287-306, 2019. [11] Shoaib Mughal, Fengfan Yang, HongJun Xu and Rahim Umar, “Coded cooperative spatial modulation based on multi-level construction of polar code,” Telecommunication Systems (2019) 70: pp. 435–446. [12] Rahim Umar, Fengfan Yang, Hongjun Xu, Shoaib Mughal, “Multi-level construction of polar-coded single carrier-FDMA based on MIMO antennas for coded cooperative wireless communication,” IET Communications, Vol. 12, No. 10, pp. 1253-1262, 2018. [13] Shoaib Mughal , Fengfan Yang, Hongjun Xu and Rahim Umar, “Polar coded space-time block coded spatial modulation based on Plotkin's construction for coded cooperative networks” IET Communications, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 237-245, 2018. [14] Rahim Umar, Fengfan Yang, Shoaib Mughal and Hongjun Xu, “Distributed polar-coded OFDM based on Plotkin’s construction for half duplex wireless communication,” International Journal of Electronics, 2018, 105(7): 1097-1116. [15] Tamer H.M. Soliman, Fengfan Yang and Saqib Ejaz, “Decoded and Forward Polar Coding for Half-Duplex Two-Relay Channels based on Multilevel Construction,” International Journal of Electronics, 2017, VOL. 104, NO. 4, pp. 539–554, [16] Shoaib Mughal, Fengfan Yang, Saqib Ejaz, Syed Hassan Ahmed, Rahim Umar, “Asymmetric Turbo Code for Coded-Cooperative Wireless Communication based on Matched Interleaver with Channel Estimation and Multi-Receive Antennas at the Destination” RADIO ENGINEERING, Vol. 26, No. 3, pp. 878-889, Sept. 2017. [17] Tamer Soliman, Fengfan Yang, Saqib Ejaz, Amir Almslmany, Decode-and-forward polar coding scheme for receive diversity: a relay partially perfect retransmission for half- duplex wireless relay channels,” IET Communications, 2016, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 185–191. [18] Tamer H.M. Soliman, Fengfan Yang, “Cooperative Punctured Polar Coding (CPPC) Scheme Based on Plotkin’s Construction,” RADIO ENGINEERING, VOL. 24, NO. 1, April 2016. [19] TANG Lei, YANG Fengfan, ZHANG Shunwai1, SAQIB Ejaz1 and LUO Lin, “Joint Design of QC-LDPC Codes for Coded Relay Cooperation,” Chinese Journal of Electronics, Vol.25, No.1, pp. 179-184, Jan. 2016 [20] Ejaz Saqib, Fengfan Yang, Hongjun Xu and Shunwai Zhang, “Jointly Optimized Multiple Reed Muller Codes for Wireless Half-Duplex Coded-Cooperative Network with Joint Decoding,” EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking (2015) 2015:115 DOI 10.1186/s13638-015-0334-1. [21] Shunwai Zhang, Fengfan Yang, Lei Tang, Saqib Ejaz, Lin Luo and B.T. Maharaj, “Joint design of QC-LDPC codes for coded cooperation system with joint iterative decoding,” International Journal of Electronics, 2016, Vol. 103, No. 3, 384–405. [22] Saqib Ejaz, Feng-Fan Yang and Hongjun Xu, “Reed Muller coded-cooperative diversity for multiple relays with signal space diversity and MRC reception at the destination,” Telecommunication Systems, Springer, DOI 10.1007/s11235-016-0147-5, Published online: 09 February, 2016. [23] Saqib Ejaz, Fengfan Yang and Tamer H. M. Soliman, “Network-polar-coded cooperation with joint SC decoding,” Electronics Letters, Vol. 51, No. 9, pp. 695-697, April 2015. [24] Tamer H. M. SOLIMAN, Fengfan Yang, Saqib EJAZ, “Interleaving Gains for Receive Diversity Schemes of Distributed Turbo Codes in Wireless Half–Duplex Relay Channels,” RADIOENGINEERING, VOL. 24, NO. 2, pp. 481-488, JUNE 2015. [25] Ejaz Saqib, Fengfan Yang, Turbo Codes with Modified Code Matched Interleaver for Coded-Cooperation in Half-Duplex Wireless Relay Networks, FREQUENZ (Journal on RF-Engineering and Telecommunications) 2015, 69(3-4): 171-184. [26] Shunwai Zhang, Fengfan Yang and Lei Tang, “Network-Coding-Based Multi-Source Multi-Relay LDPC Coded Cooperative MIMO,” Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, Vol. 26, No. 3, pp. 491-502, March 2015.  科研成果获奖及专利/Research Awarded and Patents [1] The 2006 Chinese National Defence Award (Third Class) for the excellent research on the research project: Space-Time OFDM for Aeronautical Information Transmissions Technologies (Principal Investigator). 承担的科研项目情况/Research Funds Granted [1]  仰枫帆,国家自然科学基金: 应用于中继协作通信的多Reed-Muller码的联合最优构造和联合译码研究/Reaech on Jointly Optimized Multiple Reed Muller Codes for Relay Cooperation Employing Joint Decoding, Funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) under contract No. 6177011156, 2018 (Principal Investigator). [2] 仰枫帆, 基于凸优化方法的QC-LDPC 码的最佳构造及其基于FPGA的实现,航空科学基金(航空重点实验室类)/On the optimized design for QC-LDPC codes and FPGA-based implementation based on convex optimization methods, Funded by Science and Technology of Avionics Integration Laboratory and National Aeronautical Science and Research Foundation of China, 2019 (Principal Investigator). [3] 仰枫帆,  基于凸优化的多QC-LDPC 码的联合构造和联合译码及其在协作通信系统中的应用,江苏省自然科学基金/The joint design of multi-LDPC codes by convex optimization and joint iterative decoding for relay cooperation systems, Funded by Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province, 2018 (Principal Investigator). [4] 仰枫帆, 新型卫星导航系统抗干扰性能研究,中电集团(CETC)基础研究课题/On the anti-jamming performance study for new generation satellite navigation systems, Funded by the Fundamental Research of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation (CETC), 2018 (Principal Investigator). [5] 仰枫帆, 组合Space-Time/OFDM和直接序列扩展频谱及其在航空信息传输中的应用,航空科学基金/Combined Space-Time/OFDM and Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DS/SS) techniques for Aeronautical Information Transmission and Applications, Funded by National Foundation of Aeronautical Science and Research of China, 2017 (Principal Investigator). [6] 仰枫帆, 宽带码分多址卫星移动通信系统的性能评估,江苏省自然科学基金/Performance Evaluation of Universal Broadband CDMA Satellite Mobile Communication Systems, Funded by Research Foundation of Science and Technology Council of Jiangsu province, 2017 (Principal Investigator). [7] 仰枫帆, 组合LDPC码和反馈判决均衡在航空信息传输和卫星通信中的应用,航空科学基金/Combined Low-Density Parity-Check (LDPC) and Equalization with Feedback Detection Strategy for Aeronautical and Satellite Spread Spectrum Communication Systems, Funded by National Foundation of Aeronautical Science and Research of China, 2016 (Principal Investigator). [8] 仰枫帆, 用于微小卫星传输的稀疏生成矩阵LDPC码的构造和性能分析,江苏省自然科学基金/Sparse Generator-based Irregular LDPC Codes for Micro-satellite Communication Systems: Code Construction and Performance Analysis, Funded by National Foundation of Aeronautical Science and Research of China, 2015 (Principal Investigator). [9] 仰枫帆, 基于DSP/FPGA实现的Turbo/LDPC码译码器及其在航空信息传输中的应用,航空科学基金(重点实验室项目)/DSP/FPGA-based for Turbo Codes and LDPC Codes in Aeronautical Wireless Transmission Systems,Funded by Science and Technology of Avionics Integration Laboratory, 2015 (Principal Investigator). 国际合作项目 [1] Iteratively Decodable Coded Cooperation for Wireless Communications, Project in Collaboration with Dept. of ECE, KwaZulu Natal University, Durban, South Africa. Co-Investigator: Prof. Yang Fengfan; Principal Investigator: Prof. Xu Hongjun, KwaZulu Natal University. [2] RS and GRS Coded MIMO Cooperation for Wireless Communications and Joint Detection/Decoding, Project in Collaboration with Dept. of ECE, KwaZulu Natal University, Durban, South Africa. Co-Investigator: Prof. Yang Fengfan; Principal Investigator, Prof. Xu Hongjun, KwaZulu Natal University. [3] Algebraic Geometry Codes and Its Applications for Satellite Communications and Networks, Project in Collaboration with National Institute for Space Research (巴西空间技术研究院), Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazi. Co-Investigator: Prof. Yang Fengfan; Principal Investigator, National Institute for Space Research, Brazil. 指导研究生情况/Student Supervision     Our research group is an international team with the aim of cultivating the students not only with solid fundamental knowledge but also with broad and diverse views on various issues of science, engineering and even social problems so that all the students are confident facing the emerging challenges in this ever changing world.    Currently, I am supervising altogether 15 master students and 8 Ph. D students, some students are co-supervised by Dr. Prof. Peng Zong who is now affiliated with College of Astronautics Engineering, NUAA. 中国学生/Chinese Students: Native/home students join our research group as master and Ph.D candidates after obtaining their 1st or 2nd degree from NUAA and other renowned universities in Jiangsu provice, Zhejiang province, Anhui province, Shangdong province and Henan province, etc. 毕业后的就业状况/Employment for Graduation: 硕士毕业生就业:1. 中国电子信息业巨头:华为,中兴,中国电信,中国移动和海康威视等。2. 中电集团(CETC)下属研究所:南京28所,14研究所,成都10所和青岛22所等。3. 中国空间技术研究院(CAST)下属研究所:空间电子信息技术研究所,通信卫星事业部等。4. 无锡华润华晶微电子有限公司。5.  其它一些民营高科技企业。 博士毕业生主要在国内一些著名高校就业和到国外著名大学做博士后和访问研究等。 国际学生/International Students: Foreign master/Ph.D Students join our research group after obtaing 1st or 2nd degree in their countries or China and are then financially supported through the following scholarship programs: Chinese Government Scholarship through the China Scholarship Council (CSC) Provincial government scholarships, municipal government scholarships in China Fundings from foreign governements, enterprises, universities and other organizations Funded by students themselves More details for International Students can be referred to Prof. Yang's English Homepage. 访问教授/Group Visiting Professor/Scholarship 1. Prof. Tho Le-Ngoc, Dept. of ECE, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Wireless Communication Technologies.  2. Prof. Zhili Sun, Institute for Communication Systems (ICS), University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey, UK. Communication Networks.  3. Prof. Xu Hongjun (Adjunct professor in our research group), Dept. of ECE, KwaZulu Natal University, Duban, South Africa. Advanced MIMO and Coding Techniques for Wireless Communications. 4. Prof. Alireza Baghai-Wadji, Dept. of ECE, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa. Signal Processing for Wireless Communications. 5. Prof  Sunil Maharaj, Dept. of ECE, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa. Broadband Wireless Multimedia Communications. 6. Prof. Paulo S. R. Diniz, Dept. of ECE, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (FURJ, 里约热内卢联邦大学), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Signals, Multimedia and Telecommunications. 7. Prof. José Antonio Apolinário Jr. Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Institute of Military Engineering, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Signal Processing for Wireless Communications. 8. Prof. Juan E. Cousseau, Dept. of ECE, Universidad Nacional del Sur, Bahia Blanca, Argentina. Signal Processing and Communications. 9. Prof. Cecilia Galarza, Dept. of ECE, Universidad de Buenos Aires (布宜诺斯艾利斯大学), Buenos Aires, Argentina. Signal Processing and Communications. 10. Prof. Fambirai Takawira, Dept. of ECE, University of Witwatersrand (wits), Johannesburg, South Africa. Information Theory and Coding for Wireless Communication. 11. Prof. Ling Chen, Dept. of ECE, University of Witwatersrand (Wits), Johannesburg, South Africa. Information Theory and Coding for Wireless Communication. 12. Prof. Bartolomeu Uchôa Filho, Dept. of ECE, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianopólis, Brazil. 交换访问学者/研究员/Group Exchange Scholars/Researchers/Students 1.  Dr. Washington Medina, Dept. of ECE, Escuela Politecnica del Litoral (ESPOL), Guayaquil, Ecuador. Signal Processing for Wireless Communications. 2.  Miss Mónica Andrea Zabala Haro, Dept. of ECE, Polytechnic University of Chimborazo, Riobamba, Ecuador. 3.  Mr. Jorge H. Hidalgo G., Former Consul General of the Republic of Ecuador in Shanghai. 4.  Dr. Kar Ann Chew, Senior Project Manager, Huawei, UK. 5.  Mr. Rafael Wei, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Institute of Military Engineering, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 6.  Dr. Mohamed Khalil, Dept. of ECE, Military Technical College, Cairo, Egypt. 教育经历 1993.9 -- 1997.1 东南大学       无线通信技术       博士研究生毕业       工学博士学位 1990.9 -- 1993.3 西北工业大学       无线通信技术       硕士研究生毕业       工学硕士学位 1986.9 -- 1990.7 南京航空航天大学       无线通信技术       大学本科毕业       工学学士学位 工作经历 2006.11 -- 2008.3 McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada      Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE)      NULL      Visiting Professor      Working on coded cooperation for wireless communication systems 2001.9 -- 2003.9 McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada      Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE)      NULL      Senior Research Associate      Working on advanced iteratively decodable codes for wireless communication systems 1999.9 -- 2001.9 University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey, UK      Institute for Communication Systems      NULL      Senior Research Fellow      Working on the project UMTS (Universal Mobile Telecommunication Systems, in particular, responsible for advanced channel coding techniques) 1998.1 -- 1999.4 City University of HK      Dept. of ECE      NULL      Research Fellow      Contracted Research Staff      Research Fellow at Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), City University of HK, Hong Kong, China 1997.1 -- 至今 南京航空航天大学      电子信息工程学院      无      教授(博士生导师)      Working normally      从事无线通信,信号处理和通信网以及卫星通信等领域的教学和研究工作。 研究方向 [1]1. 信道编码理论与应用/Channel Coding and Information Theory: From Theory to Practice [2]2. 网络编码和网络信息论/Network Codes and Network Information [3]3. 协作通信和编码MIMO协作通信技术/Cooperative Communications and Coded MIMO Cooperation for Wireless Communications [4]4. 无线通信中的信号处理技术/Signal Processing for Wireless Communications [5]5. 卫星通信与卫星通信网/Satellite Communications and Networks [6]6. 代数几何码及其应用/Algebraic Geometry Codes and Applications
