
主页 > 广东省 > 暨南大学


姓名 黄俊祺
学校 暨南大学
部门 生命科学技术学院
学位 博士
学历 生命科学技术学院
职称 博士
联系方式 实用新型1875包写包过
邮箱 huangjunqi@jnu.edu.cn
集群智慧云企服 / 知识产权申请大平台
急速申请 包写包过 办事快、准、稳

导航 个人简介 学习经历 工作经历 研究方向 主要论文 主要著作 承担课题,个人信息 姓名: 黄俊祺 部门: 生命科学技术学院 直属机构: 发育与再生生物学系 性别: 男 职称: 副研究员 学位: 博士 毕业院校: 新加坡国立大学 电子邮箱: huangjunqi@jnu.edu.cn 办公地址: 暨南大学第二理工楼945实验室 邮编: 510632 联系方式 个人简介 黄俊祺,博士,研究生导师。广东省2017年第七批引进创新创业团队成员中国国家奖学金、新加坡国立大学全额奖学金、中山大学生命科学学院优秀本科毕业生、 (新加坡) 中山大学校友会筹备委员会委员 学习经历 2005.09-2009.06:中山大学生命科学学院生物科学与技术系,本科2009.08-2014.03:新加坡国立大学 National University of Singapore           生物科学系 & 新加坡淡马锡生命科学研究所,博士 工作经历 2013.08-2014.03:新加坡生物力学研究所 Mechanobiology Institute,研究助理2014.04-2017.01:英国华威大学 University of Warwick,医学院,博士后2017.02-至今:  暨南大学生命科学技术学院 & 医学部-第一临床医学院 研究方向 缺血再灌注损伤、肌动蛋白细胞骨架、细胞程序性死亡 主要论文 (1) Huang D*, Dai Z*, Wang C*, Mai H, Zhao J, Cao L, Wang S, Dai Z, Xu K, He R, Zhu S, Chen Y, Bing T, Zhu X†, Chew T†, Huang J†. 2023. Ferroptosis is determined by chloride ions. BioRxiv Preprint. DOI: 10.1101/2023.02.07.526847 († Co-corresponding)(2) Dai Z*, Zhang W*, Zhou L, Huang J†. 2023. Probing lipid peroxidation in ferroptosis: emphasizing the utilization of C11-BODIPY-based protocols. Methods in Mol. Biol. (Book edited by Dr. Guido Kroemer and Dr. Daolin Tang). DOI: 10.1007/978-1-0716-3433-2_6 († Corresponding)(3) Huang J*, Wu R*, Chen L, Yang Z, Yan D†, Li M†. 2022. Understanding Anthracycline Cardiotoxicity from Mitochondrial Aspect. Frontiers in Pharmacology. DOI: 10.3389/fphar.2022.811406 (* Co-first) Web of Science: Highly cited papers(4) Zhu S*, Hou J*, Liu C*, Liu P, Guo T, Lin Z, Wang X, Wu C, Huang D, Huang J, Wang Z†, He R†. 2022.An engineered tenogenic patch for the treatment of rotator cuff tear. Materials & Design. DOI: 10.1016/j.matdes.2022.111402(5) Huang D*, Lin R*, Liu S, Zhong H, Dai Z, Huang J†. 2022. Migrasome in cell movement: new horizon for cell signaling. Chapter of “Cell Movement in Health and Disease”. DOI: 10.1016/b978-0-323-90195-6.00006-1 (Book published by Elsevier). (Corresponding)(6) Zhao W*, Ren W*, Huang D, Sang Y, Cao L, Huang J†. 2022. Cell Structure and Physiology. First chapter of “Cell Movement in Health and Disease”. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-323-90195-6.00007-3 (Book published by Elsevier). (Corresponding)(7) Ren W*, Zhao W*, Cao L†, Huang J†. 2021. Involvement of the Actin Machinery in Programmed Cell Death. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3389/fcell.2020.634849 (* Co-first Author; † Co-corresponding Author; Broadcasted by BioArt Reports, ibioworld and microhelix in WeChat)(8) Liu Y, Tu C, Guo X, Wu C, Gu C, Lai Q, Fang Y, Huang J, Wang Z, Li A, Liu S†. 2021. Tumor-suppressive Function of EZH2 Is through Inhibiting Glutaminase. Cell Death & Disease. DOI: 10.1038/s41419-021-04212-7(9) Thiyagarajan S, Wang S,  Chew TG, Huang J, Balasubramanian MK, O’Shaughnessy B. Myosin turnover controls actomyosin contractile instability. 2021. PNAS. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.03.18.436017(10) Chew T*, Lim T*, Osaki Y, Huang J, Kamnev A, Hatano T, Osumi M, Balasubramanian MK†. 2020. Inhibition of cell membrane ingression at the division site by cell wall in fission yeast. Molecular Biology of the Cell. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1091/mbc.E20-04-0245(11) Fan Z, Tian Y, Chen Z, Liu L, Zhou Q, He J, Coleman J, Dong C, Li N, Huang J, Xu C, Zhang Z, Gao S, Zhou P, Ding K, Chen L.  2020. Blocking interaction between SHP2 and PD-1 denotes a novel opportunity for developing PD-1 inhibitors. EMBO Molecular Medicine. DOI: https://doi.org/10.15252/emmm.201911571(12) Chew TG*†, Huang J*†, Palani S, Sommese R, Kamnev A, Gu Y, Oliferenko S, Sivaramakrishnan S, Balasubramanian MK†. 2017. Actin turnover maintains actin filament homeostasis during cytokinetic ring contraction. The Journal of Cell Biology. DOI: 10.1083/jcb.201701104 (* Co-first Author; † Co-corresponding Author; Selected three times by The Journal of Cell Biology in the Cell Division Special Collection & Cytoskeletal Dynamics Collection &Immune Biology Collection)(13) Huang J*†, Chew TG*†, Gu Y, Palani S, Kamnev A, Martin DS, Carter NJ, Cross RA, Oliferenko S, Balasubramanian MK†. 2016. Curvature-induced expulsion of actomyosin bundles during cytokinetic ring contraction. eLife. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.21383 (* Co-first Author; † Co-corresponding Author; Recommended by Faculty of 1000)(14) Huang J*, Huang Y*, Yu H, Subramanian D, Padmanabhan A, Thadani R, Tao Y, Tang X, Wedlich-Soldner R, Balasubramanian MK. 2012. Nonmedially assembled F-actin cables incorporate into the actomyosin ring in fission yeast. The Journal of Cell Biology. 199(5): 831-47. (* Co-first Author; Highlighted by JCB Biosights Video, JCB Journal Club and In This Issue; Recommended by Faculty of 1000)(15) Huang J*, Mishra M*, Palani S, Chew TG, Balasubramanian MK. 2016. Isolation of cytokinetic actomyosin rings from Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Methods in Molecular Biology. 1369: 125-36. (* Co-first Author)(16) Subramanian D*, Huang J*, Sevugan M, Robinson RC, Balasubramanian MK, Tang X. 2013. Insight into Actin Organization and Function in Cytokinesis from Analysis of Fission Yeast Mutants. Genetics. 194: 435-446. (* Co-first Author)(17) Mishra M, Huang J, Balasubramanian MK. 2014. The yeast actin cytoskeleton. FEMS Microbiology Reviews. 38(2): 213-27.(18) Tang X, Huang J, Padmanabhan A, Bakka K, Bao Y, Tan BY, Cande WZ, Balasubramanian MK. 2011. Marker reconstitution mutagenesis: a simple and efficient reverse genetic approach. Yeast. 28(3): 205-12.(19) Wang S,Thiyagarajan S, Chew TG, Huang J, Palani S, Kamnev A, Gu Y, Oliferenko S, Balasubramanian MK, O’Shaughnessy. 2017. Component turnover in the cytokinetic ring maintains organizational homeostasis and tension production. Biophysical journal.(20) He R, Wang Z, Lu Y, Huang J, Ren J, Wang K. 2015. Chaperonin containing T-complex polypeptide subunit eta is a potential marker of joint contracture: an experimental study in the rat. Cell stress & chaperones. 20(6): 959-66. DOI: 10.1007/s12192-015-0624-x(21) He R, Lu Y, Ren J, Wang Z, Huang J, Zhu L, Wang K. 2017. Decreased fibrous encapsulation and enhanced osseointegration in vitro by decorin-modified titanium surface. Colloids Surf B Biointerfaces. 155: 17-24. DOI: 10.1016/j.colsurfb.2017.03.055 发明专利 授权发明专利2项,实用新型专利1项 讲授课程 研究生课程:分子遗传学方法 社会职务 Protein & Cell、iScience 等杂志审稿人
