
主页 > 广东省 > 暨南大学


姓名 汪洋
学校 暨南大学
部门 生命科学技术学院
学位 博士
学历 生命科学技术学院
职称 博士
联系方式 实用新型1875包写包过
邮箱 wangyang8857@gmail.com
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导航 个人简介 学习经历 工作经历 研究方向 主要论文 主要著作 承担课题,个人信息 姓名: 汪洋 部门: 生命科学技术学院 直属机构: 生化与分子生物学系(生命与健康工程研究院) 性别: 男 职称: 副研究员 学位: 博士 毕业院校: 暨南大学 电子邮箱: wangyang8857@gmail.com 办公地址: 第二理工类902D 联系方式 邮箱:wangyang8857@gmail.com  QQ:   373506762 个人简介 汪洋,博士,暨南大学生科院生化系副研究员,硕士生导师。于2018年在暨南大学生命科学技术学院获得博士学位。现研究方向:运用分子细胞生物学和蛋白质组学,研究肿瘤耐药、细胞自噬及细胞氧化还原应激的分子机制。通过整合化学生物学,结构及计算生物学及定量质谱技术,对多种天然药物活性小分子进行靶点鉴定及抗肿瘤的作用机制。主持国家重点研发计划-子课题、广东省自然科学基金等项目。研究相关成果发表在包括Advanced Science、Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research、Small Methods、Cancer Letters、Cell Death & Disease、Biochemical Pharmacology、Food Function、Apoptosis等相关研究领域的主要刊物上,近5年以一作/共通讯发表A类SCI论文18篇。申请专利20项,已授权6项,是Chemical Engineering Journal等杂志审稿人。主持国家重点研发计划-子课题、国家自然科学基金青年项目、广东省自然科学基金、广州市科技计划等项目。 学习经历 博士研究生:2015年09月-2018年06月 暨南大学生命科学技术学院 生物化学与分子生物学硕士研究生:2011年09月-2014年06月 暨南大学生命科学技术学院 生物化学与分子生物学 工作经历 副研究员:2020年12月-至今  暨南大学  生命科学技术学院生化系特聘副研究员:2018年09月-2020年12月  暨南大学  生命科学技术学院生化系研究助理:2014年09月-2015年09月  暨南大学  生命科学技术学院生化系 研究方向   关注肿瘤恶性进展过程中细胞自噬及细胞氧化应激,从蛋白翻译后修饰的维度研究其相关分子事件。通过化学生物学及定量质谱技术,对抗肿瘤小分子药物进行靶点鉴定及抗肿瘤分子机制研究。 主要论文 Wang, Y, Zhang J, Li Y J, et al. MEST promotes lung cancer invasion and metastasis by interacting with VCP to activate NF-κB signaling[J]. Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research, 2021, 40(1): 1-20. (A1 一区,IF:11.06)Zhang, J., Han, Z. Q., Wang, Y.*, & He, Q. Y.* (2022). Alteration of mitochondrial protein succinylation against cellular oxidative stress in cancer.Military Medical Research,9(1), 1-3.(A1 二区,IF:3.2)Huang, M. Y., Zhang, J., Ouyang, L., & Wang, Y.(2021). ISGylation orchestrates the degradation flux of cellular cargo toward lysosome.Genes & Diseases.(A1 二区,IF:7.01)Liang, J. Z., Liang, X. L., Zhong, L. Y., Wu, C. T., Zhang, J.*, & Wang, Y*. (2021). Comparative Proteome Identifies Complement Component 3-Mediated Immune Response as Key Difference of Colon Adenocarcinoma and Rectal Adenocarcinoma. Frontiers in Oncology, 10, 3314. (A1 二区,IF:6.24)Yang H, Zhang P, Xie M, Luo J, Zhang J, Zhang G, Wang Y*, Lin H*, Ji Z*. Parallel Metabolomic Profiling of Cerebrospinal Fluid, Plasma, and Spinal Cord to Identify Biomarkers for Spinal Cord Injury. Journal of Molecular Neuroscience, 2021: 1-10. (A2 三区,IF:3.44)Wang, Y*, Zhang J, Zhong L Y, et al. Has-miR-335 enhances cell migration and invasion in lung adenocarcinoma through targeting Copine-1[J]. MedComm, 2021.Gao, G. B., Sun, Y., Fang, R. D., Wang, Y., Wang, Y*., &He, Q. Y*. (2021). Post-translational modifications of CDK5 and their biological roles in cancer. Molecular Biomedicine, 2(1), 1-15.Zhang, J., Sun, Y., Zhong, L. Y., Yu, N. N., Ouyang, L., Fang, R. D., Wang, Y*, & He, Q. Y.* (2020). Structure-based discovery of neoandrographolide as a novel inhibitor of Rab5 to suppress cancer growth. Computational and structural biotechnology journal, 18, 3936–3946. (A1 二区,IF:7.2)Lu, J., Liu, S. Y., Zhang, J., Yang, G. M., Gao, G. B., Yu, N. N., Li, Y. P., Li, Y. X., Ma, Z. Q., Wang, Y.*, & Lu, C. H*. (2021). Inhibition of BAG3 enhances the anticancer effect of shikonin in hepatocellular carcinoma. American journal of cancer research, 11(7), 3575–3593. (A1 二区,IF:6.1)Zhang, J., Zhou, Y., Li, N., Liu, W. T., Liang, J. Z., Sun, Y., ... Wang, Y*., & He, Q. Y.* (2020). Curcumol overcomes TRAIL resistance of non‐small cell lung cancer by targeting NRH: quinone oxidoreductase 2 (NQO2).Advanced Science,7(22), 2002306.(A1一区,IF:16.8)Wang, Y., Zhang, J., Li, B., & He, Q. Y*. (2019). Advances of proteomics in novel PTM discovery: applications in cancer therapy. Small Methods, 3(5), 1900041. (A1 一区,IF:12.13)Liu, W. T.1, Wang, Y.1, Zhang, J., Ye, F., Huang, X. H., Li, B., & He, Q. Y*. (2018). A novel strategy of integrated microarray analysis identifies CENPA, CDK1 and CDC20 as a cluster of diagnostic biomarkers in lung adenocarcinoma. Cancer Letters, 425, 43-53.(A1 一区,IF:7.36)Wang, Y., Li, Y. J., Huang, X. H., Zheng, C. C., Yin, X. F., Li, B., & He, Q. Y*. (2018). Liensinine perchlorate inhibits colorectal cancer tumorigenesis by inducing mitochondrial dysfunction and apoptosis. Food & Function, 9(11), 5536-5546.(A1 一区,IF:4.17)Wang, Y., Zhang, J., Huang, Z. H., Huang, X. H., Zheng, W. B., Yin, X. F., Li, Y. L., Li, B., & He, Q. Y.* (2017). Isodeoxyelephantopin induces protective autophagy in lung cancer cells via Nrf2-p62-keap1 feedback loop. Cell Death & Disease, 8(6), e2876-e2876.(A1 二区,IF:6.30)Zhang, J.1, Wang, Y.1, Zhou, Y., & He, Q. Y.* (2017). Jolkinolide B induces apoptosis of colorectal carcinoma through ROS-ER stress-Ca2+-mitochondria dependent pathway. Oncotarget, 8(53), 91223.(A1 二区,IF:5.168)Wang, Y., Yu, R. Y., Zhang, J., Zhang, W. X., Huang, Z. H., Hu, H. F., Li, Y. L., Li, B., & He, Q. Y.* (2017). Inhibition of Nrf2 enhances the anticancer effect of 6-O-angeloylenolin in lung adenocarcinoma. Biochemical Pharmacology, 129, 43-53.(A1 二区,IF:4.96)Wang, Y., Huang, Z. H., Li, Y. J., He, G. W., Yu, R. Y., Yang, J., Liu, W. T., Li, B., & He, Q. Y.* (2016). Dynamic quantitative proteomics characterization of TNF-α-induced necroptosis. Apoptosis, 21(12), 1438-1446.(A1 二区,IF:4.54)Wang, Y., Zhang, J., Li, B., & He, Q. Y.* (2017). Proteomic analysis of mitochondria: biological and clinical progresses in cancer. Expert Review of Proteomics, 14(10), 891-903.(A1 三区,IF:3.849)Wang, Y., Yu R Y, He Q Y.* (2015). Proteomic analysis of anticancer TCMs targeted at mitochondria[J]. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2015, 2015.(A1 三区,IF:1.803)龙允麟, 陈颖, 余汝媛, & 汪洋*. (2015). 脂多糖持续刺激巨噬细胞的免疫学机制初探. 中国病理生理杂志, (2015 年 06), 1048-1056.胡阳, 杨杰, 余汝媛, & 汪洋*. (2015). 磷酸化蛋白质组学鉴定 PTPLAD1 调控的结肠癌细胞酪氨酸磷酸化蛋白质. 中国病理生理杂志, 31(5), 845-851.Xu, W. W., Huang, Z. H., Liao, L., Zhang, Q. H., Li, J. Q., Zheng, C. C., He, Y., Luo. T. T., Wang, Y., Hu, H.F., Zuo, Q., Chen, W. Y., Yang, Q.S., Zhao, J.F., Qin, Y. R., Xu, L. Y., Li, E. M., Liao, H. X., Li, B., He, Q.Y.* (2020). Direct Targeting of CREB1 with Imperatorin Inhibits TGFβ2‐ERK Signaling to Suppress Esophageal Cancer Metastasis. Advanced Science, 7(16), 2000925.(A1一区,IF:15.8)Xu, W. W., Li, B., Guan, X. Y.,Chung, S. K., Wang, Y., Yip, Y. L., Law, S. Y., Chan, K. T., Lee, N. P., Chan, K. W., Xu, L. Y., Li, E. M., Tsao, S. W., He, Q. Y., Cheung, A. L. Cancer cell-secreted IGF2 instigates fibroblasts and bone marrow-derived vascular progenitor cells to promote cancer progression, Nature Communications, 8 (2017) 14399.(A1 一区,IF:12.123)Zhong, Y., Yang, J., Xu, W. W., Wang, Y., Zheng, C. C., Li, B., & He, Q. Y. (2017). KCTD12 promotes tumorigenesis by facilitating CDC25B/CDK1/Aurora A-dependent G2/M transition. Oncogene, 36(44), 6177. (A1 一区,IF:7.5)Gao J., Wang Y., Yang J., Zhang, W., Meng, K., Sun, Y., Li, Y., & He, Q. Y. RNF128 Promotes Invasion and Metastasis Via the EGFR/MAPK/MMP-2 Pathway in Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma[J]. Cancers, 2019, 11(6): 840. (A1 二区,IF:6.126)Gao, J., Wang, Y., Zhang, W., Zhang, J., Lu, S., Meng, K., Yin, X. F., Sun, Z. H., & He, Q. Y., C20orf27 Promotes Cell Growth and Proliferation of Colorectal Cancer via the TGFβR-TAK1-NFĸB Pathway[J]. Cancers, 2020, 12(2): 336. (A1 二区,IF:6.126)Huang, X. H., Wang, Y., Hong, P., Yang, J., Zheng, C. C., Yin, X. F., Song, W. B., Xu, W. W., Li, B., & He, Q. Y., Benzethonium chloride suppresses lung cancer tumorigenesis through inducing p38-mediated cyclin D1 degradation[J]. American Journal of Cancer Research, 2019, 9(11): 2397. (A1 二区,IF:5.177)Li, B., Xu, W. W., Lam, A. K. Y., Wang, Y., Hu, H. F., Guan, X. Y., Qin, Y. R., Saremi, N., Tsao, S. W., He, Q.Y., & Cheung, A. L. (2017). Significance of PI3K/AKT signaling pathway in metastasis of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma and its potential as a target for anti-metastasis therapy. Oncotarget, 8(24), 38755. (A1 二区,IF: 5.168)Zheng W B, Li Y J, Wang Y, Yang, J., Zheng, C. C., Huang, X. H., Li B, & He,Q.Y., Propafenone suppresses esophageal cancer proliferation through inducing mitochondrial dysfunction[J]. American Journal of Cancer Research, 2017, 7(11): 2245. (A1二区,IF:5.177)Hu, H. F., Xu, W. W., Wang, Y., Zheng, C. C., Zhang, W. X., Li, B., & He, Q. Y. Comparative Proteomics Analysis Identifies Cdc42-Cdc42BPA Signaling as Prognostic Biomarker and Therapeutic Target for Colon Cancer Invasion[J]. Journal of Proteome Research, 2017. (A1二区,IF:4.268)Meng, K., Lu, S., Yan, X., Sun, Y., Gao, J., Wang, Y., Yin, X. F., Sun, Z. H., & He, Q. Y. Quantitative Mitochondrial Proteomics Reveals ANXA7 as a Crucial Factor in Mitophagy[J]. Journal of Proteome Research, 2020, 19(3): 1275-1284. (A1 二区,IF:4.07)Guang-Rong Yan, Zilu Tan, Yang Wang, Man-Li Xu, Guangchuang Yu, Yaolan Li, Qing-Yu He. Quantitative Proteomics Characterization on the Anti-tumor Effects of Isodeoxyelephantopin against Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma. Proteomics2013, 7, 1-11(A1 二区,IF:4.0409)Yan, G. R., Zhou, H. H., Wang, Y., Zhong, Y., Tan, Z. L., Wang, Y., & He, Q. Y. Protective effects of andrographolide analogue AL-1 on ROS-induced RIN-mβ cell death by inducing ROS generation [J]. PloS one, 2013, 8(6): e63656. (A1 二区,IF:3.5328)王兆玉,陈飞龙,梁文丰,汪洋,金嘉怡,谢晓滨,林敬明.(2009).小油桐叶石油醚萃取物的 GC-MS 分析.中药材,32(7), 1077-1079. 承担课题 肿瘤相关蛋白质 PTM 的鉴定与功能分析,国家重点研发计划-子课题1,50万,正研;MEST促进肺腺癌恶性发展的生物学功能及临床意义研究, 广东省自然科学基金,10万,在研;C20orf24通过调控MAPK/ERK通路促进结直肠癌增殖的分子机制研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目,30万,在研C20orf24 编码蛋白调控结直肠癌生长转移的机制研究,暨南大学科研培育与创新基金,15万,结题 发明专利 汪洋、张静、何庆瑜。重楼皂苷Ⅰ在检测溶酶体中的应用。中国,ZL202110312518.9张静、汪洋、何庆瑜。C20orf24蛋白缺失突变体及其应用。中国,ZL202010142168.1何庆瑜、汪洋、李斌、许雯雯。MEST 蛋白在制备肺腺癌辅助诊断和/或预后判断的试剂盒的应用。中国,ZL201710801809.8;何庆瑜、张静、汪洋。莪术醇在制备NQO2蛋白抑制剂中的应用。中国,ZL201911171172.4何庆瑜、张静、汪洋、周烨。莪术醇与TRAIL在制备抗肿瘤联合用药中的应用。中国,ZL201810802651.0;何庆瑜、汪洋、张静、梁钧泽。蛋白热稳定测量结合双向稳定同位素标记蛋白组学筛选药物靶标的方法及应用。中国, ZL201910043053.4. 社会职务 1.  Chemical Engineering Journal、Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine、Medical Science Monitor、Peer J、Frontiers Oncology、Frontiers in Genetics等杂志审稿人2. 广东省药学会生物医药分析专业委员会委员3. Journal of Exploratory Research in Pharmacology (JERP)杂志编委
