
主页 > 广东省 > 暨南大学


姓名 董菲菲
学校 暨南大学
部门 生命科学技术学院
学位 副研究员
学历 生命科学技术学院
职称 副研究员
联系方式 实用新型1875包写包过
邮箱 dongff@jnu.edu.cn
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导航 个人简介 学习经历 工作经历 研究方向 主要论文 主要著作 承担课题,个人信息 姓名: 董菲菲 部门: 生命科学技术学院 直属机构: 生态系 性别: 女 职务: 副研究员 职称: 副研究员 学位: 博士 毕业院校: 北京大学 电子邮箱: dongff@jnu.edu.cn 联系方式 个人简介 董菲菲,暨南大学生态系双百英才计划杰出青年学者(第一层次),硕士生导师,北京大学博士,多伦多大学博士后。主要从事流域非点源污染控制、气候变化的生态环境效应等研究,发表SCI期刊共计30余篇,担任Watershed Ecology and the Environment青年编委、中国海洋与湖沼学会湖泊分会副秘书长等职务,主持国家自然科学基金青年基金等多项科研项目。 学习经历 Ÿ   2011.09-2016.07   北京大学,环境科学与工程学院,理学博士Ÿ   2007.09-2011.07   吉林大学,环境与资源学院,理学学士 工作经历 Ÿ   2019.09至今     暨南大学,生态系,副研究员,硕士生导师Ÿ   2016.09-2019.08   多伦多大学,博士后 研究方向 流域生态系统服务,气候变化及其生态环境效应,面源污染和水体富营养化,机器学习和大数据分析 主要论文 1)       Liu, W., Dong, F.*, Hu, B. X.*, You, R., Li, J., & Shao, G. (2023). Exploring two-decadal risk variability of drought-flood abrupt alternation in a high-plateau basin. Ecological Indicators, 156, 111106. (TOP期刊)2)       Li, Jincheng, Mengchen Hu, Wenjing Ma, Yong Liu, Feifei Dong*, Rui Zou, and Yihui Chen. 2023. “Optimization and Multi-Uncertainty Analysis of Best Management Practices at the Watershed Scale: A Reliability-Level Based Bayesian Network Approach.” Journal of Environmental Management 331:117280.(1区TOP)3)       Dong, Feifei, Jincheng Li, Chao Dai, Jie Niu, Yan Chen, Jiacong Huang, and Yong Liu. 2022. “Understanding Robustness in Multiscale Nutrient Abatement: Probabilistic Simulation-Optimization Using Bayesian Network Emulators.” Journal of Cleaner Production 378.(1区TOP)4)       Jiang, Qingsong, Yanxin Sun, Mingying Chuo, Feifei Dong*, Ningning Ji, Xiaoyan Ji, Jincheng Li, Zhiyun Wang, and Yong Liu*. 2022. “Global Meta-Analysis of Evolution Patterns for Lake Topics over Centurial Scale: A Natural Language Understanding-Based Deep Clustering Approach with 130,000 Studies.” Journal of Hydrology 614.(1区TOP)5)       Dong, Feifei, Aisha Javed, Ali Saber, Alex Neumann, Carlos Alberto Arnillas, Georgina Kaltenecker, and George Arhonditsis*. A flow-weighted ensemble strategy to assess the impacts of climate change on watershed hydrology. Journal of Hydrology 594 (2021): 125898. (1区TOP)6)       Alex Neumann#, Feifei Dong#, Yuko Shimoda#, Carlos Alberto Arnillas, Aisha Javed, Cindy Yang1, Sophia Zamaria, Sohom Manda, Christopher Wellen, Diana Paredes, Natalie Feisthauer, E. Agnes Blukacz-Richards, Yerubandi R. Rao, George B. Arhonditsis*. A review of the current state of process-based and data-driven modelling: guidelines for Lake Erie managers and watershed modellers.Environmental Reviews (2021). 7)       Liu, Yong#, Feifei Dong#, and Jie Niu. 2022. “A Process-Guided Hybrid Bayesian Belief Network to Bridge Watershed Modeling and BMP Planning.” Journal of Hydrology 614.(1区TOP)8)       Dong, Feifei, Zhenzhen Zhang, Chun Liu, Rui Zou, Yong Liu*, and Huaicheng Guo. Towards efficient Low Impact Development: A multi-scale simulation-optimization approach for nutrient removal at the urban watershed. Journal of Cleaner Production 269 (2020): 122295. (1区TOP)9)       Dong, Feifei, Alex Neumann, Dong-Kyun Kim, Jiacong Huang, and George B. Arhonditsis*. A season-specific, multi-site calibration strategy to study the hydrological cycle and the impact of extreme-flow events along an urban-to-agricultural gradient. Ecological Informatics 54 (2019): 100993. 10)    Feifei Dong, Yong Liu*, Zhen Wu, Yihui Chen, Huaicheng Guo. Identification of Watershed Priority Management Areas Under Water Quality Constraints: A Simulation-Optimization Approach with Ideal Load Reduction. Journal of Hydrology 07/2018; 562. (1区TOP)11)    Feifei Dong, Yong Liu*, Han Su, Rui Zou, Huaicheng Guo. Reliability-oriented multi-objective optimal decision-making approach for uncertainty-based watershed load reduction. Science of The Total Environment 05/2015; 515. (1区TOP)12)    Feifei Dong, Yong Liu*, Ling Qian, Hu Sheng, Yonghui Yang, Huaicheng Guo, Lei Zhao. Interactive decision procedure for watershed nutrient load reduction: An integrated chance-constrained programming model with risk–cost tradeoff. Environmental Modelling and Software 11/2014; 61:166–173. (TOP期刊)13)    Feifei Dong, Yong Liu*, Han Su, Zhongyao Liang, Rui Zou, Huaicheng Guo. Uncertainty-Based Multi-Objective Decision Making with Hierarchical Reliability Analysis Under Water Resources and Environmental Constraints. Water Resources Management 11/2015; 30(2).  承担课题 Ÿ  2022-2024:国家自然科学基金青年基金 低纬高原流域非点源污染的不确定性传递机制及多尺度优化调控研究  主持Ÿ  2024-2025: 广州市基础与应用基础研究专题(优秀博士“续航”项目)基于水文连通性的非点源污染优先控制单元识别方法研究 主持Ÿ  2021-2023: 广州市基础与应用基础研究项目 基于贝叶斯网络的非点源污染模拟优化调控方法研究 主持Ÿ   2020-2022: 中央高校基本科研业务费 青年基金流域面源污染的多尺度调控方法研究 主持Ÿ  2016-2019: Integrated Modelling to Assess Phosphorus Best Management Practices in Hamilton Harbour. Environment and Climate Change Canada. 参与Ÿ  2017-2018:  Inventory of and Recommendations for the Great Lakes Water Quality Models. The International Joint Commission Great Lake Science Advisory Board Research Coordination Committee. 参与 讲授课程 《生态学数据分析与应用》、《生态系统与全球变化》、《生物资源与利用》
