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姓名 杨松林
性别 发明专利4999代写全部资料
学校 江苏科技大学
部门 杨松林,教授,船舶与海洋工程学院
学位 杨松林,教授,船舶与海洋工程学院
学历 通讯地址:
职称 杨松林,教授,船舶与海洋工程学院
联系方式 实用新型1875包写包过
邮箱 YSL560516@vip.163.com
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杨松林 教授 船舶与海洋工程学院 个人邮箱: YSL560516@vip.163.com 个人主页: http://mypage.just.edu.cn/cbhygc/ysl/list.htm 办公地点: 通讯地址: 邮政编码: 传真: 您是第17425 位访问者 版权所有 © 江苏科技大学 个人简介       杨松林,硕士,教授,硕士生导师;江苏省优秀教学团队(船舶设计课程群教学团队)带头人,学校优秀教学团队(船舶流体力学教学团队)带头人及教学名师,江苏科技大学第一届教学模范。江苏科技大学船舶与海洋流体工程研究所常务副所长;中国造船工程学会船舶设计学术委员会副主任,力学学术委员会高性能船学组成员、江苏省流体力学专业委员会副主任委员,曾经为中国船舶工业总公司船型开发指导组成员。      主持完成了国家863项目、国家973重大计划项目专题、英国皇家学会项目及国际合作项目共7项、二十多项省部级和重点纵向课题,两项成果获中船总公司科技进步三等奖。主持编著了《船舶工程的模糊问题及其方法》《工程模糊论方法及其应用》《高性能舰船》三部著作,参与主持编著了《实验流体力学》《船舶流体力学》两部教材,以及发表180多篇学术论文(其中,SCI和EI收录58篇)。“江苏省高校学生最喜爱的教师”称号获得者;获得江苏省高校教育教学成果一等奖和研究生教育教学成果二等奖各一项;江苏省“五一”劳动奖章和“江苏省高校优秀共产党员”称号获得者;获得国家发明专利授权28项和软件著作产权11项。 研究方向 船舶流体力学性能及其综合优化,高性能新船型,船舶运动及控制,船舶智能工程方法学。    教育经历 1978年9月~1982年2月,哈尔滨船舶工程学院,船舶与海洋工程专业,获学士学位;1985年9月~1988年1月,哈尔滨工程大学,船舶流体力学专业,获硕士学位; 课程教学 主讲课程本科:流体力学、船舶阻力与推进、高性能船;研究生:实验流体力学、船舶与海洋结构物水动力分析、船舶运动智能控制 科研项目       先后主持承担了国家863项目、国家973重大计划项目专题、国际自然科学基金项目、英国皇家学会项目、国际合作项目和各类省部级科研项目三十余项,两项成果获中船总公司科技进步三等奖。 专利成果 获得国家发明专利授权28项和软件著作产权11项。部分专利:(1)陈鹏,杨松林,周玉龙,崔健等《一种复合三体船》发明专利号:ZL 200910032817.6;(2)史文强,杨松林,王果,于林,周玉龙,陈鹏等《一种高速船的防飞溅艏鳍》发明专利号:ZL 200910027944.7;(3)杨松林,周玉龙,王义“一种水上半潜式游乐休闲船”,发明专利号:ZL 200510038270.2;(4)杨松林,周玉龙“一种翼滑艇和滑行艇的新型尾鳍”,实用新型专利号:ZL200420062423.8;(5)周玉龙,杨松林“快艇单板复动整流减阻减摇装置”,发明专利号:ZL 200510038270.2;(6)周玉龙,杨松林“滑行艇单板单动整流减摇装置”,发明专利号:ZL 200510038270.2;(7)杨松林,崔健,朱仁庆,刘福伟,王保明,后水翼复合双体滑行艇,CN201210468270.6;(8)杨松林,朱仁庆,崔健,徐海通,陈鹏,前分裂式可调节水翼翼滑艇,CN201210349211.7;(9)朱仁庆 ,杨松林,崔健, 陈鹏,后水翼高速翼滑艇,CN201210349213.6;(10)杨松林,防滑行面飞溅的翼滑艇,CN2012103492104.7;(11)杨松林,防飞溅单体翼滑艇,CN201210468120.5;(12)杨松林,前水翼可收放的复合翼滑艇,CN201210461065.7;(13)杨松林,双潜体小水线面复合水面无人艇,CN201210468263.6;(14)杨松林,朱仁庆,崔健,王保明,小水线面半潜复合水面无人艇,CN201210468309.4;(15)周玉龙,杨松林“前置可调V型割划水面自稳水翼翼滑艇”,实用新型专利号:ZL200420062422.3;(16)高雷,杨松林“一种用于小型游乐艇的多功能摇杆推进器”,实用新型专利号:ZL200420080419.4。软件著作产权:(1)杨松林,魏子凡,文逸彦,俞强.水面无人艇系统优化软件,CN2014SR210963;(2)杨松林,魏子凡,俞强,王涛涛. 水下无人艇快速性和操纵性系统优化软件,CN2014SR212065;(3)杨松林,魏子凡,崔健,王涛涛. 无人艇横摇运动模式辨识计算软件,CN2014SR212059;(4)文逸彦,李慧蕾,杨松林,崔健,陈鹏. 船舶摇荡运动模式辨识计算软件, CN2012SR004847;(5)杨松林;王涛涛,细长高速单体船力学性能综合优化分析软件V1.0,2014SR210953;(6)杨松林;魏子凡,细长高速单体船力学性能综合优化分析软件V1.0,2015SR116863;(7)杨松林;魏子凡,椭圆横截面小长宽比水下航行器综合性能优化分析软件V1.0,2015SR167988;(8)杨松林;魏子凡,多项式响应生成软件,2015SR167908;(9)杨松林,井升平,魏子凡. 水面无人艇回转试验辨识软件,2016SR048686;(10)杨松林,井升平,魏子凡. 水面无人艇Z形试验辨识软件,2016SR049890;(11)杨松林,井升平,魏子凡. 具有防飞溅条的翼滑艇综合性能优化软件,2016SR048688。 论文著作 发表学术论文180多篇(其中,SCI和EI收录58篇):[1] Yang Song-lin, Yang Zhao-long, Ma Lian-xiang, Zhang Hong-qin. The FUZZY-D-P-GA of Navigation Performance and Structure Characteristic of Ships. The 2nd International Conference on Advanced Design and Manufacturing, Key Engineering Materials Vols. 419-420(2010)pp: 185-188.(EI检索)[2] Songlin Yang, Ning Yu, Feng Zhu, Huilei Li.One New Optimization Method on Navigation Performance of the Planing Craft[C]. The 17th IEEE Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing (PRDC'11), Pasadena, California, U.S.A. 2011, 12. (EI检索)[3] Yang Songlin, The Optimization Method Study of Main Mechanics Performance of the High-Speed Inland Ship,, International Conference on Information Science and Technology, 2011. 3. 26-28. (EI)[4] Yang Songlin,Yang Zhaolong. The HPCxFGA Method of Main Navigation Performance and Structure Characteristic of the High-Speed Monohull Inland Ship, 2011 6th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications, 2011. 6. 21-23(EI)[5] Yang Song-lin, Chen Peng, Wen Yi-yan, Cui Jian, Chen Shu-Ling. One Optimization Method on Mechanics Performance Reliability of the High-Speed Monohull Ship[C]. OMAE2012.(EI检索)[6] Shuling Chen, Songlin Yang, Qingwei Ma. An Experimental Study on Hydrodynamic Characteristics of Gliding-Hydrofoil Craft. Journal of Marine Science and Technology. 2011, 19(1):89 -96. (SCI, IF: 0.458).[7] Songlin Yang,Baoming Wang,Qiang Yu,Yiyan Wen. Comprehensive Optimization Method on Navigation Performance of the PlaningHydrofoil USV[A]. Information Engineering Research Institute, USA. Proceedings of 2013 2nd International Symposium on Computer, Communication, Control and Automation[C]. Information Engineering Research Institute, USA, 2013:6.(EI检索)[8] Yang Songlin, Wang Baoming, Liu Fuwei. The HP-GA- CX Method of Main Mechanics Performance of the Transitional Inland Ship[C]. 2013 IEEE 4th International Conference on Electronics Information and Emergency Communication.(EI检索)[9] Yang Songlin etc,The Comprehensive Optimization Analysis of a Hydrofoil Sliding USV’s Intelligent Propulsion System, 2015年第五届国际计算机科学与工程会议.(EI检索)[10] Yang Songlin etc, The comprehensive optimization analysis of mechanical properties of the monohull ship,4th International Conference on Engineering Optimization(EngOpt 2014), 2014, 09, Portugal.(EI检索)[11] Yang Songlin etc,The Optimization Analysis Method of the Best Performance of Hydrodynamic and Structure Features for Ship in Inland River, 2014年,国际计算力学协会. (EI检索)[12] YangSong-Lin, Chen Yi. The Comprehensive Optimization Analysis of a Hydrofoil Sliding USV'S Intelligent Propulsion System[C]. 2015 The 5th International Workshop on Computer Science and Engineering-Information Processing and Control Engineering(WCSE 2015-IPCE).Moscow, 2015, April 15-17.(EI检索)[13] MA Lian-xiang, YANG Song-lin, FAN Kai, LI Kun, CHENG Hai-bian. Performance Test of Multi-hull Unmanned Surface Vessel[J]. The 6th International Workshop on Ship Hydrodynamics, IWSH’2010, January 9-12, 2010, Harbin, China.[14] LI Kun, Songlin Yang, Jiaxin Zhang, Wuxing He, Wenyuan Zeng, Jiawen Yan. Preliminary Study on the Calibration Software of Drainage Surface Ships Longitudinal Strength[C]. Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Information Electronic and Computer Science.(ISTP检索)[15] ZHAO Jun-jie, YANG Song-lin, LI Kun. The Optimization of Navigation Performance for High-Speed Ship based on an Improved Parallel Genetic Algorithm[C]. Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Software Engineering.(EI检索)[16] Cui Jian, Yang Songlin, Zhao Nan. Study on the Design Approach for Maneuvering Experimentation of Multi-hull USV[C]. The 2010 international conference on system science, engineering design and manufacturing informatization. 2010.11.(EI检索)[17] Chen Peng, Yang Song-lin, Wu We, Yuan Jing-ping, Cui Jian. Research on Propulsion Motion Model System Identification Method of Trimaran, 2010 International Conference on Computational and Information Sciences(ICCIS2010), 2010, 12. 17-19.(EI检索)[18] Cui Jian, Wang Pengyu, Yang Songlin. System Identification on Rotation Motion Pattern of Trimaran Unmanned Surface Vessel[C]. 2010 International Conference on Progress in Informatics and Computing (PIC-2010). 2010.12.(EI检索)[19] Cui Jian, Wu Wei, Yang Songlin. Analysis Method on Maneuvering Motion Pattern of Trimaran Unmanned Surface Vessel [C]. 2010 International Conference on Computer and Information Application (ICCIA 2010). 2010. 12.(EI检索)[20] Feng Zhu, Songlin Yang, Huilei Li. Primary Research on the System Identification Method of Pitching Motion of Composite Trimaran. 2011 International Conference on Vibration, Structural Engineering and Measurement, 2011, 10月.[21] Cui Jian, Yang Songlin, Xu Haitong. Preliminary Study on Maneuvering Motion Pattern of Unmanned Composite Trimaran Ship Model [C]. The 2nd International Conference on Civil Engineering and Transportation, 2012, 10.(EI检索)[22] Chen Peng, Yang Song-lin, Chen Shu-lin. One Synthetical Optimization Method on General Performance and Energy System of UUV, OMAE 2013.[23] Haitong Xu, Songlin Yang, etc. Research on the Rolling Motion Mode of Composite Trimaran[C],Proceedings of the 23rd International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE 2013, Alaska,USA, 2013, 07.(EI检索)[24] Haitong Xu, Songlin Yang, etc. Experimental Research on the Characteristics of Nonlinear Roll Hydrodynamic coefficients of a Composite Trimaran[C]. International Conference on the 4th European Conference of Mechanical Engineering, Paris, France October 29-31, 2013.(EI检索)[25] Wanglin Yang, Haitong Xu, etc. System Identification of Unmanned Planning Rolling Motion Mode. 2013 4th International Conference on Computing, Control and Industrial Engineering, CCIE 2013.(EI检索)[26] Haitong Xu, Songlin Yang,etc. An Experimental Research on Nonlinear Roll Hydrodynamic Characteristics of a Composite Trimaran USV[J]. International Journal of Mechanics, Volume 8, 2014 P:18-29.[27] Wang Mengyun, Wei Zifan, Yu Qiang, Yang Songlin. A Study on Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Method for UUV, 4th International Conference on Engineering Optimization(EngOpt 2014), 2014, 09, Portugal.[28] Wang Mengyun, Xu Haitong, Yang Songlin and Chen Yi. Contrastive Analysis on Parameter Identification of Unmanned Gliding-hydrofoil Craft’s Maneuverability Based on GA and PSO, 4th/2014 International Conference on Materials and Products Manufacturing Technology (MPMT 2014), 2014, 10, Chongqin.[29] Wei Zifan. Yu Qiang. Yang Songlin, Optimization Analysis of Unmanned Submersible Vehicle Based on Particle Swarm Optimization[A]. High Performance Marine Vessels(HPMV) Conference 2014[C], Royal Institute of Naval Architects, 2014.04.11.[30] Wei Zifan. Yu Qiang. Yang Songlin, Rapidity and maneuverability optimization analysis of submersible vehicle based on particle swarm optimization, Computational Mechanics and the European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences(IACM - ECCOMAS 2014), 2014.07.20-25,(7466-7475).(EI收录)[31] Zi-Fan WEI, Sheng ZHANG, Meng-Yun WANG, and Song-Lin Yang, Application of Improved Chaos Algorithm in the Identification of Rolling Motion of Trimaran[A]. International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering [CSSE2014] [C]. Vico Information and Industry Research Center (VIIRC).[32] Wang Taotao,Yang Songlin,Chen Yi,Li Jun,Yu Qiang.Comprehensive Evaluation of the Designing Scheme of AUV Platform Performance by AHP Method[C]. The 2014 3nd International Conference on Sustainable Construction Materials and Computer Engineering.2014.11.[33] Zhang Sheng, Yang Songlin, Zhang Gongyu. Comprehensive optimization of the ship performance for USV and its methods.《第四届工程优化国际会议》, P51~56,10-28, 2014.(EI检索)[34] Zhang Sheng, Yang Songlin, Chen Yi. Analysis of comprehensive optimization of the performance of planing boat based on genetic algorithms.《2014年力学与土木工程国际会议》, P513~519, 10-18, 2014.(EI检索)[35] Zhang Sheng, Yang Songlin, Wei Zifan. Research on the Rolling Motion Model And Pitch Motion of Planing Boat .《2014年计算机科学与软件工程国际会议》,P12~17, 12-13, 2014.[36] Zi-Fan WEI, Meng-Yun WANG, Qiang YU, Song-Lin Yang. A Design of Resistance Optimization System for Unmanned Submersible Vehicle Based on Response Surface Method [A]. International Conference on Mechanics and Civil Engineering [ICMCE2014]. Vico Information and Industry Research Center (VIIRC). 2014,12,13.[37] Tianyu Ma,Taotao Wang,Jun Li,et al.System Identification Methodology Preliminary Research on Maneuvering Motion of A New Type Unmanned Surface Vehicle[C].Proceedings of 2015 2nd International Conference on Smart Materials and Intelligent System (SMIS2015). Beijing, 2015, 1.[38] Shengping Jing, Tianyu Ma, Songlin Yang, et al. Preliminary Study on Navigation Performance Optimization Analysis of a New Type USV and Its Methods[C]. The 28th IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE 2015), Halifax, Canada.[39] Tianyu Ma, Yi Chen, Songlin Yang, et al. Preliminary Research on the Cooperative Operation Strategies of Multiple Unmanned Surface Vehicles[C].Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on High Performance Marine Vessels (HPMV).Shanghai,2015,April 10-11.[40] Tianyu Ma, Songlin Yang, Cen Hang, et al. Model-Based Synthetical Optimization Analysis on Navigation Performance of Unmanned Surface Vehicle[J].Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2015, 738-739: 260-266. 科研团队       杨松林教授团队,包括教授四名,副教授和高级实验师四人,讲师、实验师及系统调试等工程技术人员22名; 获奖动态 近年来,个人和指导的学生获得省部级及以上主要其它奖励如下: 2009年江苏省优秀教学团队(船舶设计课程群教学团队)负责人(江苏省教育厅);2011年“江苏省高校学生最喜爱的教师”(江苏省教育工委);2011年和2015年分别获得江苏省高校教育教学成果一等奖和研究生教育教学成果二等奖各一项(江苏省教育厅);2012年获得江苏省“五一”劳动奖章(江苏省人民政府)和“江苏省高校优秀共产党员”(江苏省教育工委);指导的大学生全国挑战杯决赛二等一项、三等奖两项和铜奖一项;指导的学生全国船舶或海洋工程等创新大赛决赛特等奖一项、一等奖三项、二等奖十三项和三等奖一项(教育部或中国造船工程学会等);2009年和2011年连续两次被评为全国挑战杯优秀指导教师(团中央、教育部等);指导的研究生获得江苏省优秀硕士论文四次(江苏省教育厅);指导的本科生获江苏省普通高校优秀毕业设计论文一等奖两项、二等奖三项和三等奖两项(江苏省教育厅)。 教学随笔,个人首页 科研项目 论文著作 专利成果 科研团队 获奖动态 教学随笔
