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姓名 陈洪美
性别 发明专利4999代写全部资料
学校 江苏科技大学
部门 陈洪美,教授,材料科学与工程学院
学位 陈洪美,教授,材料科学与工程学院
学历 长山校区19号楼423房间
职称 陈洪美,教授,材料科学与工程学院
联系方式 实用新型1875包写包过
邮箱 hmchen@just.edu.cn
集群智慧云企服 / 知识产权申请大平台
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陈洪美 教授 材料科学与工程学院 个人邮箱: hmchen@just.edu.cn 办公地点: 长山校区19号楼423房间 通讯地址: 江苏省镇江市丹徒区长晖路666号 邮政编码: 212100 传真: 您是第14557 位访问者 个人简介 教授,工学博士,硕士研究生导师,江苏省“双创人才”,金属材料工程专业负责人,国家一流本科专业建设点负责人。   主持完成国家自然基金(青年基金)项目、江苏省自然基金(青年基金)项目、江苏省高校自然基金面上项目、中国博士后基金上资助项目、江苏省博士后基金资助项目等6项;参与国家自然基金(青年基金)项目、江苏省自然基金(青年基金)项目、江苏省自然基金(面上项目)、江苏省自然科学基金项目(企业博士类)及横向课题10余项。在“Acta Materialia”“Materials Science and Engineering A”、“Journal of Alloys and Compounds”、“Materials Characterization”“Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China”、“金属学报”、“稀有金属材料与工程”等国内外著名学术刊物上发表论文50余篇,其中30余篇被SCI/EI/ISTP收录。主编“高强高阻尼镁合金的制备加工技术”学术专著一部,参与编写“金属液态成型原理与工艺”、“工程材料及成形技术基础(江苏省重点教材)”教材2部。 研究方向 一、镁铝双金属复合板的制备、界面结构、力学性能及阻尼性能研究二、铝合金及其复合材料的成分设计与制备工艺研究三、双辊铸轧镁合金制备及其塑性变形过程的组织、织构演变及性能研究四、稀土镁合金制备、组织、织构演变及性能研究五、基于三维石墨烯的超轻三维碳化物纳米材料的制备及表征 教育经历 2016.11- 2019.11  江苏科技大学材料学院,博士后出站2016.02- 2017.02  英国诺丁汉大学,访问学者2013.06- 2016.06  昆山捷安特轻合金科技有限公司/东北大学,博士后出站2007.01- 2008.07  韩国材料研究所,联合培养博士生2004.08- 2009.06  山东大学,材料加工工程专业,获工学博士学位1996.09- 2000.06  郑州工业大学,材料科学与工程专业,获工学学士学位 课程教学 本科生课程:材料科学基础A,走进材料世界,专业英语,专业课程设计,金属熔炼工艺学研究生教学:现代工程材料(英文授课) 科研团队 专利成果 1. 一种采用原位自生法制备碳化硅纳米线增强石墨-碳化硅复合材料的方法,2021.05.26授权,专利号:ZL201811016740.9,发明人:陈洪美、廖斯恩、张静、金云学  2. 一种SiCnw-C纳米复合材料的制备方法,2021.10.19授权,专利号:ZL201811373678.9,发明人:陈洪美、廖斯恩、张静 获奖动态 教学随笔 论文著作 科研论文1.W.H. Zhou, F.H. Duan, Y.H. Meng, C.C. Zheng, H.M. Chen, A.G. Huang,Y.X. Wang, Y. Li. Effect of alloying oxygen on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Zr-based bulk metallic glass. Acta Materialia 220 (2021) 1173452.Qianhao Zang, Xiaowen Li, Hongmei Chen, Jing Zhang, Ling Wang, Shujin Chen, Yunxue Jin and Sheng Lu. Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of AZ31/ZrO2 Composites Prepared by Friction Stir Processin With High Rotation Speed. Frontiers in Materials, 2020, 7: 1-9  3区3.Dong Han, Hongmei Chen, Qianhao Zang, Yuxiang Qian, Hongwei Cui, Ling Wang, Jing Zhang, Yunxue Jin. Effect of solution treatment on microstructure and properties of Mg-6Gd-3Y-1.5Zn-0.6Zr alloy. Materials Characterization 163 (2020) 1102954.Hongmei Chen, Dong Han, Hongwei Cui, Liang Zhang, Ling Wang, Jing Zhang and Yunxue Jin. Microstructures and properties of as-cast rare Earth magnesium alloy with LPSO phase. Materials Research Express 6 (2019) 0965a5    DOI: 10.1088/2053-1591/ab332d  5.陈洪美,廖斯恩,李晓文,张家齐,陈书锦,金云学. 搅拌摩擦加工制备 Nano-ZrO2增强 AZ31镁基复合材料及其力学性能分析. 稀有金属,2020, 44(3): 273-2806.Hongmei Chen, Xiaowen Li, Sien Liao, Jing Zhang, Yunxue Jin, Hongwei Cui. Effect of ZrO2 Additions on Fabrication of ZrO2/Mg Composites Via Friction-stir Processing, Materiali in Tehnologije / Materials and Technology, 53 (2019) 2: 193-197. 国基,省基,博后基金 4区DOI: 10.17222/mit.2018.004  7.Hongmei Chen and Xiaowen Li, Microstructure and Damping Capacity of ZK60 Alloy Sheets Fabricated by Twin Roll Casting and Hot Rolling Process, International Journal of Corrosion, 2019, 2618737, 1-5, https://doi.org/10.1155/2019/26187378.Hongmei Chen, Sien Liao, Xuan Lu, Nannan Wang, Zhuxian Yang, Yu Chen, YongdeXia, Yanqiu Zhu. The preparation of SiC nanowires reinforced porous carbon nanocomposites by simple method. Materials Chemistry and Physics.2018,219: 258-262.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matchemphys.2018.07.0419.Yu Chen, Oluwafunmilola Ola, Hongmei Chen, Nannan Wang, Yongde Xia, and Yanqiu Zhu, SiC Nanowire Sponges as Electropressure Sensors, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2019, 2, 12, 7540–754810.Yi-Quan Zhao, Hong-Mei Chen, Jing Zhang, Ru Ma, Yan-Dong Liu, Yi-Nong Wang, Ling Wang, Qun Zhang, Wei-Gang Li, Influences of Asymmetric Reduction Rolling on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of AZ91, Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters) , 2018, 31: 673-380 11.Ling Wang, Yi-Quan Zhao, Hong-Mei Chen, Jing Zhang, Yan-Dong Liu, Yi-Nong Wang, Improvement of Mechanical Properties of Magnesium Alloy ZK60 by Asymmetric Reduction Rolling, Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters), 2018,31:63-7012.Sakineh Chabi, Esther Garcia-Tunon, Hongmei Chen, Yongde Xia, Eduardo G. Saiz, Yanqiu Zhu. In-situ compression and electrochemical studies of graphene foam. Veruscript Functional Nanomaterials. 2018, https://doi.org/10.22261/FNAN.UMPBGN13.李志清, 陈洪美, 郭伟朋, 张静, 金云学. 累积叠轧ZK60/Al复合板材的微观组织及性能研究.  特种铸造及有色合金. 2018, 38(9): 998-1002. (通讯作者)14.朱嘉楠, 李志清, 陈洪美, 胡冰周. Mg-Gd-Y-Zn-Zr稀土镁合金的组织性能. 特种铸造及有色合金. 2018, 38(5): 571-574. (通讯作者)15.郭伟朋, 李晓文, 陈洪美, 张静, 金云学. 退火工艺对 Al/Mg/Al 复合板组织及界面扩散的影响. 金属热处理. 2018, 43(2): 91-95. (通讯作者)16.F Y Lan, H M Chen, W P Guo, J Zhang, and Y X Jin.Effects of Friction Stir Processing on Mechanical Properties and Damping Capacities of AZ31 Magnesium Alloys. International Conference on Materials Sciences and Nanomaterials, 230(2017)012013 17.Nannan Wang, Zhuxian Yang, Fang Xu, Kunyapat Thummavichai, Hongmei Chen, Yongde Xia & Yanqiu Zhu, A generic method to synthesise graphitic carbon coated nanoparticles in large scale and their derivative polymer nanocomposites, Scientific Reports, DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-12200-1  18.Nannan Wang, Zhuxian Yang, Kunyapat Thummavichai, Fang Xu, Chenxi Hu, Hongmei Chen, Yongde Xia & Yanqiu Zhu. Novel graphitic carbon coated IF-WS2 reinforced poly(ether ether ketone) nanocomposites, RSC Advances, 2017, 7,35265-35273 19.Zhuxian Yang, Hongmei Chen, Nannan Wang, Yongde Xia and Yanqiu Zhu. Permeability studies on 3D Ni foam/graphene composites. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 50 (2017) 385303: 1-8. (二区,2.588) 20.ZANG Qian-Hao, CHEN Hong-Mei, LAN Fang-Yuan, ZHANG Jing, JIN Yun-Xue. Effect of friction stir processing on microstructure and damping capacity of AZ31 alloy. Journal of Central South University, 2017, 24: 1034−1039(通讯作者)21.臧千昊, 刘忠明,陈洪美,张静,金云学. 热处理对双辊铸轧 ZK60 镁合金组织及阻尼性能的影响(Effect of Heat Treatment on Microstructure and Damping Capacity of Twin Roll Cast ZK60 Alloy). 稀有金属材料与工程. 2016, 45(6): 1578-1582(通讯)22.陈洪美,臧千昊,刘忠明,张静,金云学. T6 处理对双辊铸轧 ZK30-Y镁合金组织与性能的影响. 江苏科技大学学报(自然科学版). 2016, 30(3): 227-231(优先出版)23.Chen Hongmei, Liu Zhongming, Zang Qianhao, Yu Xin, Zhang Jing and Jin Yunxue. Effect of Heat Treatment on High Temperature Damping Capacity of ZK60 Sheet Produced by Twin-roll Casting and Hot-rolling. Chiang Mai Journals of Science, 2016, 43(2) : 351-357 24.Zhongming Liu, Hongmei Chen, Weipeng Guo, Jing Zhang and Yunxue Jin. Interface and Damping Capacity of Mg/Al Multilayered Composite Produced by Accumulative Roll Bonding. Materials Science Forum, 2016, 849: 838-843  (Corresponding Author)25.Chen Hongmei, Zang Qianhao, Yu Hui, Zhang Jing, Jin Yunxue. Effect of Intermediate Annealing on the Microstructure and Mechanical Property of ZK60 Magnesium Alloy Produced by Twin Roll Casting and Hot Rolling. Materials Characterization, 2015, 106: 437-44126.Hongmei Chen, Qianhao Zang, Jing Zhang, Jaehyung Cho, Yunxue Jin and Yuke Shi. Effect of Heat Treatment on Microstructure and Damping Capacity of Twin Roll Cast ZK60 Strip, Magnesium Technology 2015, 2015: 267-271 27.陈洪美, 臧千昊, 张静, 金云学. 项宏福. 冷轧TC4钛合金管材的织构研究. 特种铸造及有色合金. 2015, 35(10): 1012-101528.Jing Zhang, Hongmei Chen, Hui Yu and Yunxue Jin. Study on Dual Modification of Al-17%Si Alloys by Structural Heredity. Metals, 2015, 5:1112-1126 29.Q. H. Zang, H. M. Chen, J. Zhang, J. H. Cho, Y. X. Jin and Y. K. Shi. Effect of hot rolling on microstructure and damping capacity of Twin Roll Cast ZK60 alloy. Materials Research Innovations, 2015, 19(S4): S102-105. (Corresponding Author)30.Zang Qianhao, Shi Yuke, Chen Hongmei, Zhang Jing and Jin Yunxue. Effect of Annealing Temperature on Microstructure and Damping Capacity of Twin Roll Cast ZK60 Alloy. Advanced Materials Research, 2015,1095: 87-90. (Corresponding Author)31.Jing Zhang, Huashun Yu, Xinting Shuai, Hongmei Chen and Guanghui Min. Preparation of Al2O3/Al-Si Composites by In-situ Reaction of Fe2O3+MnO2/Al System. Materials Science Forum, 2015, 816:48-5332.Hongmei Chen, Huashun Yu, Guanghui Min, Yunxue Jin, Study on the Microstructure and Texture of Warm Rolled ZK60 Magnesium Alloy Sheet, Advanced Materials Research, 2012,557-559: 1344-1348.33.Chen Hongmei, Yu Huashun, Kang Suk Bong, Min Guanghui, Jin Yunxue. Effect of forming process on microstructure and mechanical properties of ZK60 alloy sheet. 稀有金属材料与工程, 2011, 40(10): 1708-1712.34.CHEN Hong-mei, YU Hua-shun, KANG Suk-bong, Min Guang-hui, JIN Yun-xue.Effect of Rolling Temperature on Microstructure and Texture of Twin Roll Cast ZK60 Magnesium Alloy. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2010, 20(11): 2086-209135.Hongmei Chen, Huashun Yu ,Suk Bong Kang, Guanghui Min. Texture development in a twin roll cast and warm rolled ZK60 magnesium alloy. In: S.R. Agnew, N.R. Neelameggham, E.A. Nyberg, and W.H. Sillekens, ed. Magnesium Technology 2010. Warrendale, Pennsylvania: TMS 2010:559-56236.Hongmei Chen, Huashun Yu, Suk Bong Kang, Jae Hyoung Cho, Guanghui Min, Optimization of annealing treatment parameters in a twin roll cast and warm rolled ZK60 alloy sheet, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2010, 527(4-5):1236-124237.Hongmei Chen, Huashun Yu, Suk Bong Kang, Guanghui Min, Optimization of annealing treatment parameters in a twin roll cast and warm rolled Mg-4.5Al-1.0Zn alloy, Advanced Materials Research, 79-82 (2009), 2139-2142 38.Hongmei Chen, Suk Bong Kang, Huashun Yu, Jaehyung Cho, Hyoung Wook Kim, Guanghui Min. Effect of heat treatment on microstructure and mechanical properties of twin roll cast and sequential warm rolled ZK60 alloy sheets, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2009,  476(1-2): 324-328 39.Hongmei Chen, Suk Bong Kang, Huashun Yu, Hyoung Wook Kim, Guanghui Min. Microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg-4.5Al-1.0Zn alloy sheets produced by twin roll casting and sequential warm rolling. Materials Science and Engineering A,2008, 492(1-2): 317–326 40.陈洪美, Suk-Bong Kang, 于化顺, 闵光辉.AZ451镁合金薄带的组织和力学性能研究.金属学报.2008,44(4),397-402 41.陈洪美, Suk Bong Kang, 于化顺, Hyoung Wook Kim, 闵光辉.钙对AZ451变形镁合金组织和性能的影响.特种铸造及有色合金.2008, 28(3): 173-17742.陈洪美, Suk-Bong Kang, 于化顺, 闵光辉.温轧变形对双辊铸轧Z60镁合金组织和性能的影响.材料科学与工艺.2008, 增刊1:42-4643.Hongmei Chen, Huashun Yu, Jing Zhang, Lin Zhang, and Guanghui Min. Microstructure and mechanical properties of Al2O3-TiC/Al in situ Composites.Key Engineering Materials, 2006, 326-328:1857-1860 44.陈洪美, 于化顺, 张静, 闵光辉.原位反应法制备Al2O3-TiC/Al复合材料.特种铸造及有色合金.2006, 26(10):674-67545.陈俊,陈洪美,于化顺,闵光辉,金云学. 双辊铸轧镁合金的组织及其形成机理研究. 江苏科技大学学报( 自然科学版). 2011, 25(1): 35-38.46.Jae-Hyung Cho, Hong-Mei Chen, Shi-Hoon Choi, Hyoung-Wook Kim,Suk-Bong Kang, Aging Effect on Texture Evolution during Warm Rolling of ZK60 Alloys Fabricated by Twin-Roll Casting, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2010, 41(10):  2575-258347.Suk Bong Kang, Hongmei Chen, Hyoung Wook Kim, Jae Hyoung Cho, Effect of Reheating and Warm Rolling on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Twin Roll Strip Cast Mg-4.5Al-1.0Zn-0.4Mn-0.3Ca Alloy Sheet, In: M.O. Pekguleryuz, N.R.Neelameggham, R.S.Beals, and E.A.Nyberg, ed., Magnesium Technology 2008, Warrendale, Pennsylvania: TMS, 2008:147-152 48.YU Huashun, CHEN Hongmei, MA Rendian, and MIN Guanghui.The fabrication of AlN-TiC/Al composites by gas injection processing. RARE METALS. 2006,25(6) :659-664 49.YU Huashun, CHEN Hongmei, SUN Liming, and MIN Guanghui.Preparation of Al-Al3Ti in-situ composites by direct reaction method. RARE METALS. 2006, 25(1):32-36  50.JIN Yun-xue, LI Kai-yue, CHEN Hong-mei,XIANG Hong-fu. Effect of rolling process on microstructure and texture of cold rolled Ti-6Al-4V seamless tubes. Advanced Materials Research, 2012,557-559: 191-197. 51.金云学,李凯玥,陈洪美,项宏福. 轧制工艺对Ti-6Al-4V无缝管材力学性能的影响. 金属热处理. 2012, 37(9): 88-9152.Zhang Jing, Yu Huashun, Chen Hongmei and Min Guanghui, Al-Si/Al2O3 in situ composite prepared by displacement reaction of CuO/Al system, China Foundry, 2010, 7(1): 19-23 53.金云学, 王小丫, 童强强,陈洪美, Jung-Moo LEE. 温度对铸态SiCp/A356 复合材料滑动摩擦磨损特性的影响. 有色金属学报. 2014, 24(1): 179-18754.Kang Suk Bong, Cho Jaehyung; Kim Hyoung Wook; Chen Hongmei; Yu Huashun; Min Guanghui. Effect of Warm Rolling and Heat Treatment on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties in Twin Roll Cast ZK60 alloy Sheet. In: Magnesium Technology, 2009, p 373-377 55.张静, 张国玲, 于化顺, 陈洪美. Fe2O3/Al体系制备Al2O3粒子增强铝基复合材料. 特种铸造及有色合金. 2009, 29(1): 60-6256.Lin Zhang, Guanghui Min, Huashun Yu, Hongmei Chen, Gang Feng. The Size and Morphology of Fine CaB6 Powder Synthesized by Nanometer CaCO3 as Reactant.Key Engineering Materials, 2006, 326-328:369-372  57. Wang Haitao, Yu Huashun, Wang Zhichen, Zhang Jing, Chen Hongmei, Min Guanghui. Effects of scale              composition on oxidation kinetics of Fe-based superalloy. JOURNAL OF WUHAN UNIVERSITY OF        TECHNOLOGY. 2010, 25(1): 99-103著作:1. 陈洪美, 高强高阻尼镁合金的制备加工技术研究, 2018.7, 江苏大学出版社. 科研项目 2014.06~2016.06  超细晶镁铝复合板的组织及阻尼机理研究  中国博士后基金第56批面上资助项目  项目负责人2014.06~2016.06   ARB法制备超细晶镁铝复合板的阻尼机理研究  2014年江苏省首批博士后基金资助项目  项目负责人2014.06 ~2016.06  脉冲电磁场作用下铝合金热处理过程的相溶解和析出行为研究  东北大学2014年博士后基金  项目负责人2014.01~2016.12    超细晶镁铝复合板的界面及强韧化机理研究  国家自然基金(青年基金) 项目负责人2013.07~2016.06   超细晶镁铝复合板的界面结构及强韧化机理研究  江苏省自然基金(青年基金)项目负责人2013.08~2015.12  双辊铸轧镁合金的强韧性及阻尼机理研究  江苏省教育厅高校自然基金  项目负责人2013.01~2015.12  利用组织遗传性双重变质过共晶Al-Si 合金的基础研究  国家自然基金(青年基金)  参与2013.07~2016.06   热/电场耦合对铜互连多层膜界面扩散的影响机制  江苏省自然基金(青年基金)  参与2013.07~2016.06  热焓平衡条件下强制对流过程中游离晶粒的形成机制  江苏省自然基金(面上项目) 参与2009.07~ 2012.06  变形镁合金的织构演变与力学性能  江苏科技大学博士科研启动  基金项目负责人2006.09~2009.06  双辊铸轧变形镁合金的制备及其组织性能研究  博士课题2004.08~2006.08  原位自生颗粒增强铝基复合材料的制备  硕士课题
