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姓名 李瑞峰
性别 发明专利4999代写全部资料
学校 江苏科技大学
部门 李瑞峰,教授,材料科学与工程学院
学位 李瑞峰,教授,材料科学与工程学院
学历 通讯地址:
职称 李瑞峰,教授,材料科学与工程学院
联系方式 实用新型1875包写包过
邮箱 li_ruifeng@just.edu.cn
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李瑞峰 教授 材料科学与工程学院 个人邮箱: li_ruifeng@just.edu.cn 办公地点: 通讯地址: 邮政编码: 传真: 您是第13882 位访问者 个人简介 李瑞峰,男,教授,博士生导师,江苏科技大学材料科学与工程学院党委书记。李瑞峰教授为江苏省青蓝工程中青年学术带头人、“双创”人才、江苏省“333工程”第三层次培养对象;中国机械工程学会表面工程分会常务委员,中国机械工程学会焊接分会委员;《材料工程》《航空材料学报》青年编委,焊接杂志社青年编委。于2005年获江苏科技大学材料加工工程专业硕士学位,2013年获上海交通大学材料加工工程专业工学博士学位,并于2017年-2018年赴英国曼彻斯特大学访学。李瑞峰教授多年来一直从事激光及电弧增材制造、新材料连接以及传统材料激光表面改性方面的教学和科研工作,先后主持国家自然科学基金项目3项、江苏省科技成果转化专项资金项目1项、江苏省自然科学基金项目2项、江苏省科技厅产学研项目1项、江苏省教育厅高校基金重点项目和面上项目各1项、国家外专局引智项目3项和国家博士后基金1项等多项国家和省部级项目。截止目前,出版专著1部,以第一作者或通讯作者发表相关科技论文60余篇,其中被SCI检索论文50余篇,获授权国家发明专利12项。 研究方向 一、激光、电弧增材制造技术;二、先进材料连接技术;三、激光表面改性。 教育经历 2002年于华东船舶工业学院获学士学位;2005年于江苏科技大学获硕士学位;2013年于上海交通大学获博士学位。2017年~2018年英国曼彻斯特大学访问学者 课程教学 主要课程:材料连接原理(本科生)钎焊(本科生)先进焊接技术及装备(研究生)Advanced welding methods and equipment(留学生) 科研项目 专利成果 科研团队 科研团队 科研项目 项目类型项目名称编号国家自然科学基金(面上项目)超声冲击原位辅助的超高速激光沉积非晶涂层制备及形性调控52075228国家自然科学基金(青年科学基金项目)激光熔覆NbC颗粒复合镍基非晶涂层结构调控及其强韧化机理51405206国家自然科学基金(中英国际合作与交流项目)超声振动辅助激光金属沉积增材制造技术研究5181102166江苏省产学研合作项目低压开关动触头电阻焊焊接工艺及专用设备开发BY2020147江苏省自然科学基金—面上项目基于高速激光熔覆工艺的非晶复合涂层成形机理及搭接区组织调控研究BK20191458江苏省自然科学基金--青年基金项目NbC 颗粒复合镍基非晶涂层激光熔覆制备及其强韧化机制BK20130469江苏省高校自然科学研究重大项目基于超高速激光沉积的非晶复合涂层制备及组织调控20KJ430001江苏省高校自然科学研究面上项目激光熔覆NbC复合镍基非晶涂层非平衡凝固过程及强韧化机制13KJB430009中国博士后科学基金激光立体成形镍基非晶合金搭接区增塑机理及内应力控制2017M611750 获奖动态 教学随笔 论文著作 [1]Ruifeng Li, Jian Huang, Zhuguo Li, Peilei Zhang, Yanyan Zhu. Fabrication of Ni34.1Ni27.9B18Si18Nb2 amorphous matrix coating on mild steel by laser processing[J]. China Welding, 2011,20(1): 1-6.[2]Ruifeng Li, ZhuguoLi, JianHuang, PeileiZhang, YanyanZhu. Effect of Ni-to-Fe ratio on structure and properties of Ni-Fe-B-Si-Nb coatings fabricated by laser processing[J]. Applied Surface Science, 2011, 257(8): 3554-3557.[3]Ruifeng Li, Zhuguo Li, Yanyan Zhu, Lei Rong. A comparative study of laser beam welding and laser-MIG hybrid welding of Ti-Al-Zr-Fe titanium alloy[J]. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2011, 528 (3): 1138-1142.[4]Ruifeng Li, Zhuguo Li*, Jian Huang, Yanyan Zhu. Dilution effect on the formation of amorphous phase in the laser cladded Ni-Fe-B-Si-Nb coatings after laser remelting process[J]. Applied Surface Science, 2012, 258: 7956-7961.[5]Li R F, Li Z G*, Huang J, Zhu Y Y. Microstructure and wear properties of laser processed Ni based amorphous matrix coatings[J]. Surface Engineering, 2012, 28(7), 513-516.[6]Ruifeng Li, Zhuguo Li, Yanyan Zhu, Kai Qi. Structure and corrosion resistance properties of Ni-Fe-B-Si-Nb amorphous composite coatings fabricated by laser processing[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2013, 580:327-331.[7]Yanyan Zhu, Zhuguo Li, Ruifeng Li, Min Li, Kai Feng, Yixiong Wu. High power diode laser cladding of Fe–Co–B–Si–C–Nb amorphous coating: Layered microstructure and properties[J]. Surface and Coatings Technology, 2013, 235, 699-705.[8]Y.Y. Zhu, Z.G. Li*, R.F. Li, M. Li, X.L. Daze, K. Feng, Y.X. Wu. Microstructure and property of Fe-Co-B-Si-C-Nb amorphous composite coating fabricated by laser cladding process[J]. Applied Surface Science, 2013, 280, 50-54.[9]ŸRuifeng Li, Zhuguo Li, Yanyan Zhu, Mingfang Wu. Effect of the remelting scanning speed on the amorphous forming ability of Ni-based alloy using laser cladding plus a laser remelting process[J]. Surface and Coatings Technology, 2014, 259: 725-731.[10]Ruifeng Li, Zhuguo Li, and Kai Qi. A Comparative Study of High-Power Diode Laser and CO2 Laser Surface Hardening of AISI 1045 Steel[J]. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2014, 23(9): 3085-3091.[11]Ruifeng Li, Yajuan Jin, Zhuguo Li, and Kai Qi. A comparative study of high-power diode laser and CO2 laser surface hardening of aisi 1045 steel[J]. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2014,23(9): 3085-3091.[12]时中星,聂树文,倪真,李瑞峰. 镀锌钢CMT钎焊微观组织和力学性能研究[M]. 热加工工艺,2014,43(13):198-200.[13]时中星,李瑞峰,于治水,葛庆磊,吴铭方. AlSi5/镀锌钢板TIG熔钎焊润湿铺展及界面行为[M]. 焊接技术,2014,43(3):7-9.[14]Ruifeng Li, Yajuan Jin, Zhuguo Li, Yanyan Zhu, Mingfang Wu. Effect of the remelting scanning speed on the amorphous forming ability of Ni-based alloy using laser cladding plus a laser remelting process[J]. Surface & Coatings Technology, 2014,259: 725-731.[15]Shujin Chen, Ruifeng Li, Qichi Zheng, Zhuguo Li. Layered microstructure distribution and forming mechanism of laser-processed Ni-Fe-B-Si-Nb-C amorphous composite coatings[J]. Materials Transactions, 2016, 57(10): 1807 – 1810.[16]Y. J. Jin, R. F. Li*, Q. C. Zheng, H. Li and M. F. Wu. Structure and properties of laser-cladded Ni-based amorphous composite coatings[J]. Materials Science and Technology, 2016, 32(12): 1206 – 1211.[17]Yajuan Jin, Ruifeng Li*, Zhishui Yu, Yu Wang. Microstructure and mechanical properties of plasma arc brazed aisi 304l stainless steel and galvanized steel plates[J]. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2016, 25(4): 1327 – 1335.[18]李港志,祁凯,朱永飞,吴铭方,李瑞峰. 2507超级双相不锈钢激光焊接接头组织和力学性能研究[J]. 江苏科技大学学报(自然科学版),2017,31(2):148-152.[19]Ruifeng Li, Qichi Zheng, Yanyan Zhu, Zhuguo Li, Kai Feng & Chuan Liu, Experimental study of the microstructure and micromechanical properties of laser cladded Ni-based amorphous composite coatings[J]. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2018, 27: 80-88.[20]Ruifeng Li, Yi Qiu , Qichi Zheng, Bin Liu, Shujin Chen, Yingtao Tian. Finite element simulation of temperature and stress field for laser cladded nickel-based amorphous composite coatings[J]. Coatings, 2018, 8, 336.[21]张峰,杜永勤,祝晓辉,李瑞峰,叶昕宁,祁凯. 工业纯钛激光自熔焊接工艺及气孔形成机理研究[J]. 江苏科技大学学报( 自然科学版),2018,32(1):40-45.[22]Ruifeng Li, Feng Zhang, Tianzhu Sun, Bin Liu, Shujin Chen, Yingtao Tian. Investigation of strengthening mechanism of commercially pure titanium joints fabricated by autogenously laser beam welding and laser-MIG hybrid welding processes[J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2019, 101: 377–389.[23]Ruifeng LI, Yi Qiu, Yanyan Zhu. Friction wear property of laser surface processed Ni-based amorphous alloy coatings[J]. International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2019, 33,1940014.[24]Ruifeng Li, Zhaohui Chen, Jiayang Gu, Yuxin Wang, Mingfang Wu, Yingtao Tian. Effects of heat inputs on the structure of Ni-based amorphous composite coatings applied with laser cladding[J]. Materials and technology, 53 (2019) 4, 521–526.[25]Kai Qi, Ruifeng Li, Guangjin Wang, Gangzhi Li, Bin Liu, and Mingfang Wu. Microstructure and corrosion properties of laser-welded SAF 2507 super duplex stainless steel Joints[J]. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2019, 28: 287-295.[26]Kai Qi, Ruifeng Li, Guangjin Wang, Zhe Sun. Structure and mechanical properties of laser-MIG hybrid welded SAF 2507 super duplex stainless steel joints[J]. International. Journal of Modern Physics B, Vol. 33, Nos. 1-3 (2019) 1940037.[27]Jiangbo Cheng, Yuan Feng, Chen Yan, Xianlong Hu, Ruifeng Li, Xiubing Liang. Development and characterization of Al-based amorphous coating[J]. JOM, 2020, 72: 745-753.[28]Zhaohui Chen, Ruifeng Li, Jiayang Gu, Zhongyu Zhang, Yanwu Tao, Yingtao Tian. Laser cladding of Ni60 + 17-4PH composite for a cracking-free and corrosion resistive coating[J]. International Journal of Modern Physics B, Vol. 33, (2020) 2040042.[29]Jiayang Gu, Ruifeng Li, Shungao Chen, Yuhao Zhang, Shujin .Chen, Heng Gu. Microstructure and wear behavior of laser cladded Ni45 + high-carbon ferrochrome composite coatings[J]. Materials, 2020, 13, 1611.[30]Jiayang Gu, Ruifeng Li, Yi Qiu, Hangyu Yue, Bin Liu, Heng Gu. Microstructure, mechanical properties, and residual Stress distribution of AISI 316L stainless steel part fabricated by laser metal deposition[J]. Scanning, 2020: 4831798.[31]Hangyu Yue, Hui Peng, Ruifeng Li*, Yongjun Su, Yong Zhao, Kai Qi, Yuyong Chen. Selective Electron Beam Melting of TiAl Alloy: Metallurgical Defects, Tensile Property, and Determination of Process Window[J]. Advanced Engineering Materials, 2020: 2000194.[32]Wuyan Yuan, Ruifeng Li*, Zhaohui Chen, Jiayang Gu, YingtaoTian. A comparative study on microstructure and properties of traditional laser cladding and high-speed laser cladding of Ni45 alloy coatings[J]. Surface & Coatings Technology, 2021, 405: 126582.[33]Shixuan Luo, Ruifeng Li*, Peiyuan He, Hangyu Yue, Jiayang Gu. Investigation on the microstructure and mechanical properties of CNTs-AlSi10Mg composites fabricated by selective laser melting[J]. Materials, 2021, 14, 838.[34]Jiancheng Hou, Ruifeng Li*, Cheng Xu, Taotao Li, Zhongxing Shi. A comparative study on microstructure and properties of pulsed laser welding and continuous laser welding of Al-25Si-4Cu-Mg high silicon aluminum alloy[J]. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 68 (2021) 657–667.[35]Hangyu Yue, Hui Peng, Ruifeng Li*, Runqi Gao, Xiaopeng Wang, Yuyong Chen. High-temperature microstructure stability and fracture toughness of TiAl alloy prepared via electron beam smelting and selective electron beam melting[J]. Intermetallics, 136 (2021) 107259.[36]Yue Zhao, Ruifeng Li*, Mingfang Wu, Hangyu Yue, Taotao Li, Yuan Chen. Effect of c-BN on the microstructure and high temperature wear resistance of laser cladded Ni-based composite coating[J]. Surface & Coatings Technology, 2021, 421: 127466.[37]Ÿ HangyuYue, Hui Peng, Ruifeng Li*, Jixin Yang, Runqi Gao, Shuzhi Zhang, Xiaopeng Wang, Yuyong Chen      Metastable phase and microstructural degradation of a TiAl alloy produced via selective electron beam melting[J]. Vacuum, 2021, 192: 110491.[38]Ruifeng Li*, WuyanYuan, Hangyu Yue, Yanyan Zhu. Study on microstructure and properties of Fe-based amorphous composite coating by high-speed laser cladding[J]. Optics & Laser Technology, 2022, 146: 107574.[39]Taotao Li, Ruifeng Li*, Tao Chang, Xinning Ye, Fengjiang Wang. Texture evolution and properties analysis of R60702 pure zirconium joint by fiber laser welding[J]. Materials Characterization, 2021, 182: 111581.[40]Wuyan Yuan, Ruifeng Li*, Yanyan Zhu, Yue Zhao, Xiaoqiang Zhang, Bin Liu, Baosen Zhang. Structure and properties of nickel-plated CNTs/Fe-based amorphous composite coatings fabricated by high-speed laser cladding[J]. Surface & Coatings Technology, 2022, 438: 128363.[41]Kai Qi, Ruifeng Li*, Zhenxing Hu, Xiaolin Bi, Taotao Li, Hangyu Yue, Baosen Zhang. Forming Appearance Analysis of 2205 Duplex Stainless Steel Fabricated by Cold Metal Transfer (CMT) Based Wire and Arc Additive Manufacture (WAAM) Process[J]. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2022, 31: 4631-4641.[42]Kai Qi, Tao Chang, Zhongxing Shi, Jiayang Gu, Taotao Li, Ruifeng Li*. Investigation on electron beam welding of dissimilar wrought/selective laser melting AISI 304 stainless steel plates[J]. International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2022, 2240045.[43]Hangyu Yue, Hui Peng, Ruifeng Li, Kai Qi, Laiqi Zhang, Junpin Lin, Yongjun Su. Effect of heat treatment on the microstructure and anisotropy of tensile properties of TiAl alloy produced via selective electron beam melting[J]. Materials Science & Engineering A, 803 (2021) 140473.[44]Yue Zhao, Mingfang Wu, Pengcheng Jiang, Ruifeng Li*, Jiangbo Cheng, Yuan Chen. Microstructure of WTaNbMo refractory high entropy alloy coating fabricated by dynamic magnetic field assisted laser cladding process. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2022,1908-1911.[45]TaotaoLi, Jingfeng Xu, Xiaolin Bi, Ruifeng Li*. Microstructure evolution and crack propagation mechanism during laser lap welding of Ti6Al4V and DP780 steel with CoCrNi powder[J]. Materials & Design, 2022, 111126.[46]Yue Zhao, Mingfang Wu, Jancheng Hou, Yuan Chen, Chao Zhang, Jiangbo Cheng, Ruifeng Li*. Microstructure and high temperature properties of laser cladded WTaNbMo refractory high entropy alloy coating assisted with ultrasound vibration[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2022, 165888.[47]Xiaolin Bi, Ruifeng Li*, Zhenxing Hu, Jiayang Gu, Chen Jiao. Microstructure and Texture of 2205 Duplex Stainless Steel Additive Parts Fabricated by the Cold Metal Transfer (CMT) Wire and Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM)[J]. Metals, 2022, 12, 1655.[48]Hangyu Yue, Zhenquan Liang, Feng Zhang, Lijia Fang, Pei Chen, Lijuan Xu, Shulong Xiao, Ruifeng Li*. Effect of heat treatment on the microstructure and creep properties of Ti–48Al–2Cr–2Nb alloy produced by selective electron beam melting[J]. Materials Science & Engineering A, 859 (2022) 144224.[49]Yuheng Yuan, Ruifeng Li*, Xiaolin Bi, Jiayang Gu and Chen Jiao. Experimental and Numerical Investigation of CMT Wire and Arc Additive Manufacturing of 2205 Duplex Stainless Steel[J]. Coatings, 2022, 12, 1971.[50]Mengfei Ren, Ruifeng Li*, Xiaoqiang Zhang, Jiayang Gu, Chen Jiao. Effect of WC particles preparation method on microstructure and properties of laser cladded Ni60-WC coatings[J]. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2023, 22:605-616.[51]Chengsi Wang, Ruifeng Li*, Xiaolin Bi, Wuyan Yuan, Jiayang Gu, Jiao Chen, Mingjun Yan, Ziyu Zhang. Microstructure and wear resistance property of laser cladded CrCoNi coatings assisted by ultrasonic impact treatment[J]. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2023, 22:853-864.[52]Xiaolin Bi, Ruifeng Li*, Taotao Li, Xiancheng Zhang, Jiangbo Cheng, Yingtao Tian. Cracks suppression strategies for CoCrNi medium entropy alloy fabricated by laser directed energy deposition[J]. Materials & Design, 2023, 226: 111579.[53]Ruifeng Li*, Hangyu Yue, Shixuan Luo, Feng Zhang, Bingbing Sun. Microstructure and mechanical properties of in situ synthesized (TiB+TiC)-reinforced Ti6Al4V composites produced by directed energy deposition of Ti and B4C powders[J]. Materials Science & Engineering A, 2023, 864: 144466.[54]Xiaolin Bi, Ruifeng Li*, Taotao Li, Bin Liu, Yuheng Yuan, Peilei Zhang, Kai Feng. Anisotropic microstructure, properties and molecular dynamics simulation of CoCrNi medium entropy alloy fabricated by laser directed energy deposition[J]. Materials Science & Engineering A, 2023, 871: 144834.
