
主页 > 江苏省 > 江苏科技大学


姓名 杨福
性别 发明专利4999代写全部资料
学校 江苏科技大学
部门 杨福,副教授,环境与化学工程学院
学位 杨福,副教授,环境与化学工程学院
学历 江苏科技大学综合楼B
职称 杨福,副教授,环境与化学工程学院
联系方式 实用新型1875包写包过
邮箱 fuyang@just.edu.cn
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杨福 副教授 环境与化学工程学院 个人邮箱: fuyang@just.edu.cn 办公地点: 江苏科技大学综合楼B 通讯地址: 江苏省镇江市京口区江苏科技大学 邮政编码: 212003 传真: 您是第13433 位访问者 个人简介 杨福(江苏南京,1990年),副教授,硕士生导师,工学博士,2018年获南京工业大学工业催化专业博士学位,同年入职江苏科技大学环化学院,2016-2017年受国家留学基金委资助在新加坡国立大学化学与生物分子工程学院进行公派博士联合培养。受聘为Chinese Chemial Letters(中国化学快报), Rare Metals(稀有金属), Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering(中国化学工程期刊)青年编委,并担任张家港市职工科创导师、东渡联盟会员,科技人才顾问,曾受邀参加中国化工学会年会,全国催化学术会议,全球化工学者学会青年科学家论坛,国际介观材料会议等学术会议并作邀请报告。获2019年江苏省低碳技术学会青年拔尖科学家称号,Journal of Materials Chemistry A新锐科学家,2019年中国循环经济协会科学技术三等奖“室温水溶液苯酚催化氧化生产苯二酚绿色工艺技术及应用推广”,2021年度中国化工学会科学技术奖基础研究成果二等奖“温和条件过氧化氢选择氧化芳香化合物绿色催化技术”。2021年获江苏科技大学“深蓝杰出人才”培养资助,常州市“龙城英才计划”创新创业领军人才,并入选2021年江苏省“双创计划”科技副总项目。目前主持国家自然科学青年基金和江苏省自然科学青年基金、张家港市科技计划校企合作产学研前瞻性项目、中国博士后科研基金面上项目、材料化学工程国家重点实验室开放课题、江苏省重点实验室开放课题一项,江苏省博士后科研基金各一项、企业横向项目等十余项,并作为主要研究人员参与了国家自然基金面上项目、南化集团与南京工业大学战略合作项目等。围绕国家重要的精细化学品合成、能源分子转化、环境治理等需求主要从事低维多相催化材料设计合成与工业催化研究,研究兴趣集中于负载型金属催化剂的活性位调控、多金属协同效应构建,结构设计及催化剂反应性能及活性机制研究,已在化学、工程、环境等重要国际知名期刊如PNAS, Angwante Chemie-International Edition, Advanced Functional Materials, Applied Catalysis B-Environmental, ACS Catalysis, Green Chemistry, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Science China Materials, Environment International, Chinese Journal of Catalysis, ACS Applied Materials Interface, ChemSusChem, Separation and Purification Technology, Rare Metals, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Materials Chemistry Frontiors等杂志上发表SCI学术论文110余篇,一作和通讯作者论文八十余篇,其中一区和二区论文共计60余篇,ESI高被引论文一篇,热点论文1篇,镇江市优秀科技论文一等奖一篇,出版英文专著一部,个人章节贡献15000余字,Google学术统计个人引用超1500余次,并且多篇论文入选为杂志封面和Editor’s choice。目前担任Appl. Catal. B, ACS Appl. Mater. Interface, Chem. Eng. J., Sep. Purif. Technol., ChemSusChem, Energy Technol., Appl. Surf. Sci., ACS Appl. Nano Mater., Mol. Catal., J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 等国际学术杂志的审稿人与仲裁人。指导研究生和本科生以第一作者在国际重要期刊PNAS, Environment International, Green Chemistry, Separation and Purification Technology, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,Journal of Materials Chemistry A, ChemSusChem, Applied Surface Science, Environmental Research, Rare Metals, Chemical Communications, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Advanced Powder Tecnology, Colloids and Surface A-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects等SCI一区、二区杂志发表多篇学术论文。指导学生参加多项教育部全国性A类赛事,并获全国大学生化工设计竞赛全国二等奖(2021/2022/2023)/三等奖(2021/2022/2023),华东区化工设计竞赛一等奖(2021/2022/2023)/二等奖(2021/2023),江苏省化工设计竞赛特等奖(2021)/一等奖(2022/2023)/二等奖(2021/2022),江苏省化工实验竞赛一等/二等/三等奖,全国大学生生命科学创新创业大赛一等奖(2023)/三等奖(2022),江苏省大学生给水、排水创新创业与实践竞赛三等奖(2023)等,指导本科生与研究生获省级大学生创新创业计划项目(2022/2023),江苏科技大学优秀本科毕业论文(2022/2023)。 研究方向 1、多组分催化剂设计合成与催化反应机制2、静电纺丝无机纳米纤维制备与功能应用3、金属限域碳基材料精准构筑与设计4、石油化工精细化学品合成及催化转化5、电催化能源小分子转化合成6、环境催化与环境综合治理7、清洁水再生与耦合技术 教育经历 工作经历◆2024.02-至今      江苏科技大学环化学院化工系系主任/专业负责人◆2023.03-至今      江苏大学/江苏索普集团                   博士后◆2022.08-至今      张家港市保税区科技局科技镇长团◆2020.07-至今      江苏科技大学 环境与化学工程学院         副教授◆2020.03-2023.03   江苏大学/江苏省农用激素工程技术研究中心 博士后◆2018.11-2020.07   江苏科技大学 环境与化学工程学院         讲师◆2018.07-2018.11   中盐金坛盐化有限责任公司                课题研发组长教育经历◆2016-2017(新加坡国立大学)国家公派联合培养博士     导师: 颜 宁 教授◆2009-2018(南京工业大学)  本科/硕士/博士           导师:孔 岩 教授 课程教学 科研项目 ◆国家自然科学青年基金:介孔分子筛孔内近邻耦合双金属物质的精准构筑及催化性能研究(2020.01-2022.12,项目批准号:21908085,25万,主持)◆江苏省自然科学青年基金:含双元过渡金属介孔分子筛协同催化剂的策略构筑与氧化酰胺化研究(2019.6-2021.7,项目批准号:BK20190961,20万,主持)◆江苏省博士后科学基金:介孔分子筛表面级联反应活性位点的创制与催化性能研究(2020.6-2022.6,主持)◆中国博士后科研基金面上项目:(2023M731422,2023.06-2025.06,主持)◆张家港市科技计划校企合作产学研前瞻性项目:(ZKYY2341,2023.11-2025.10,主持)◆材料化学工程国家重点实验室开放课题(SKLNICE-23B03,2024.01-2025.12,主持)◆企业横向:金属-碳催化剂研发及水处理工艺(主持)◆江苏科技大学人才引进启动基金:双金属改性介孔氧化硅及环境催化应用研究(5万,主持)◆江苏科技大学“深蓝杰出人才”培养项目(2021.05-2025.04,主持)◆省重点实验室开放课题“介孔分子筛孔道内工程化双金属协同活性位及其酚类污染物的高级氧化研究(2022.01-2024.01,主持)◆企业横向:粗甘油提纯精制工艺开发(主持)◆国家自然基金面上项目:多中心铜基介孔分子筛催化剂的定向修饰合成及性能研究(2018.1-2020.12, 85万,项目批准号:21776129,主要参与人)◆国家自然基金面上项目:介孔分子筛催化剂形貌及尺度效应研究(2014.1-2017.12,100万,项目批准号:81273375,主要参与人)◆南京市321人才创新创业项目:绿色工艺室温生产苯二酚催化剂(250万,主要参与人)◆南化集团与南京工业大学战略合作项目:苯酚羟基化制苯二酚催化剂生产及工艺放大研究(180万,主要参与人)◆江苏省高校学术研究生创新计划:多孔硅质材料的定向表面修饰及催化应用研究(申请人-实施者)◆新加坡教育部研究项目:Pt/Pd基单原子催化剂的开发及其催化性能研究(主要工作研究人员) 专利成果 7. 杨福,董雪雪,刘阳,梯度氧掺杂MoS2在催化C-N偶联反应中的应用,授权号:ZL 2022 1 1039770.8 . 杨福,钟秀,李文豪,MgO原位改性的生物炭VOCs吸附剂及其制备方法和应用,申请号:2022005045. 杨福,董雪雪,宋恒, 一种光诱导还原C-N偶联反应制备芳胺类化合物的方法,授权号:ZL 2021 1 1181471.34. 杨福,董雪雪,成捷,一种抗菌剂及其制备方法,申请号:202111393058.33. 袁爱华,沈旭华,杨福,陈海丰,刘建峰,杨振,何映潼,一种超高性能生物质基香蕉皮导向活性炭VOCs吸附剂的制备方法及其应用,公开号:CN110813240A2. 袁爱华,朱文健,杨福,胡小才,董超,马鹤诚,彭旋,一种高性能生物质基柚子皮导向活性炭VOCs吸附剂的制备方法,公开号:CN110745825A1. 孔岩,安丽娟,何会子,钱旺,杨福,高树英,一种萘催化氧化合成萘酚反应液及产品的分析方法,公开号:CN103698455A 科研团队 1 指导本科生 2 指导研究生 3 指导已毕业研究生 获奖动态 2023年 江苏省大学生给水、排水创新创业与实践竞赛三等奖(第一指导教师)2023年 全国大学生生命科学创新创业大赛一等奖(第一指导教师)2023年 全国大学生化工设计竞赛二等奖(第二指导教师,2/5)2023年 全国大学生化工设计竞赛三等奖(第一指导教师,1/5)2023年 华东区大学生化工设计竞赛一等奖(第二指导教师,2/5)2023年 华东区大学生化工设计竞赛二等奖(第二指导教师,1/5)2023年 江苏省大学生化工设计竞赛一等奖(第二指导教师,2/5)2023年 江苏省大学生化工设计竞赛一等奖(第一指导教师,1/5)2023年 江苏科技大学校优秀本科毕业设计指导教师(毕业生:涂文龙)2022年 全国大学生化工设计竞赛二等奖(第一指导教师,1/5)2022年 全国大学生化工设计竞赛三等奖(第二指导教师,2/5)2022年 华东区大学生化工设计竞赛一等奖(第一指导教师,1/5)2022年 华东区大学生化工设计竞赛二等奖(第二指导教师,2/5)2022年 江苏省大学生化工设计竞赛一等奖(第一指导教师,1/5)2022年 江苏省大学生化工设计竞赛二等奖(第二指导教师,2/5)2022年 全国大学生生命科学创新创业大赛三等奖(第一指导教师)2022年 江苏科技大学校优秀本科毕业设计指导教师(毕业生:刘梦婷)2021年 镇江市优秀科技论文一等奖2021年 全国大学生化工设计竞赛二等奖(第一指导教师,1/4)2021年 全国大学生化工设计竞赛三等奖(第二指导教师,2/4)2021年 华东区大学生化工设计竞赛一等奖(第一指导教师,1/4)2021年 华东区大学生化工设计竞赛二等奖(第二指导教师,2/4)2021年 江苏省大学生化工实验竞赛一等/二等/三等奖(第三指导教师,3/3)2021年 江苏省大学生化工设计竞赛特等奖(第一指导教师,1/4)2021年 江苏省大学生化工设计竞赛二等奖(第二指导教师,2/4)2021年 中国化工学会科学技术奖基础研究成果二等奖(排名第四,4/8)2021年 江苏科技大学优秀共产党员2020年 优秀学业导师2019年 优秀共产党员2019年 江苏省低碳技术学会青年拔尖科学家2019年 中国循环技术经济协会科学技术三等奖(排名第二,2/10)2018年 校五四青年榜样2018年 南京工业大学优秀博士毕业生2018年 校优秀博士毕业论文2017年 博士国家奖学金2016年 国家公派留学生联合培养博士项目奖学金2015年 硕士国家奖学金2012年 第二届江苏省大学生胜利油田胜利化工杯实验竞赛一等奖2012年 国家励志奖学金 论文著作 2024 年122. Fu Yang*, Li-an Xing, Xiu Zhong, Yang Liu, Zengjing Guo, Jinbei Yang, Aihua Yuan*, Jianming Pan*, Volatile acetic acid selective adsorptionby biomass-derived activated carbon with humidity-resistance: Tunable implanting and activation approach of activator, Separation and Purification Technology, 2024, 341, 126891. (工程类top期刊, SCI一区)121. Rongrong Du, Hongyang Zhu, Shuo Wang, Hongyao Zhao, MengtingLiu, Yanyun Wang, Fu Yang*, Integration of bimetallic CuCo into N-doping SiC hollow nanoreactor for pollutant removal coupledsolar-driven cleanwater regeneration, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2024, 12, 112119.(工程类top期刊, SCI二区)120. Hongyang Zhu, Rongrong Du, Hongyao Zhao, Mengting Liu, Yanyun Wang, Chao Yu, Zengjing Guo, Sheng Tang, Edison Huixiang Ang,* Fu Yang*, Constructing multivalent Co-confined N-doped C-Si hybrid hollow nanoreactor for synchronous pollutant mineralization and solar-driven interfacial water regeneration,Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2024, 12, 8487 - 8501. (材料类top期刊)119. Weilin Hou, Wei Mao, Dasong Yu, Yuquan Pan, Wei Shen*, Jinghui Zhang, Dezhao Kong, Linlin Zang, Hongliang Dai, Fu Yang, Hian Kee Lee*, Sheng Tang*, Photo-crosslinked hydrogel as a sensing platform for sensitive detection of free bilirubin in urine samples, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2024, Accept.18. Ruiting Ni, Yue Zhang, Xuexue Dong, Yanyun Wang*, Jun Wang*, Fu Yang*, Photothermal Materials and Membranes for Solar-Driven Water Treatment, Book Chapter: Photothermal antimicrobial materials for water disinfection, 2024, Under review. (Invitated Book Chapter)117. Mengting Liu, Wanyu Zhang, Ruiting Ni, Zhenxiao Wang, Hongyao Zhao, Xiu Zhong, Yanyun Wang, Danhong Shang, Edison huixiang Ang*, Fu Yang*, Construction of phase-separated Co/MnO synergistic catalysts and integration onto sponge for rapid removing multiple contaminants, Material Horizons, 2024, In revision.(材料类top期刊)116. Zixi Zheng, Shuo Wang, Fu Yang*, Jianming Pan*, Controlled surface multifunctional moieties over halloysite nanotube enabling reinforced lead adsorption in vitro, Separation and Purification Technology, 2024, 339, 126632.(工程类top期刊, SCI一区)115. Shuo Wang, Mengting Liu, Yarao Gao, Hongyao Zhao, Hongyang Zhu, Rongrong Du, Yuyang Zheng, Yanyun Wang*, Fu Yang*, Allowing integration of pollutant mineralization and solar water evaporation by CuCo bimetals confined hollow SiC hybrid photothermal nanoreactor, ChemSusChem, 2024, Doi: 10. 1002/cssc2024.00406. (化学类top期刊, SCI二区)114. Heng Song*, Yuting Xiao, Jingjing Wei, Yuzan Liu, Liqing Yang, Pengtao Bai, Fu Yang, Kai Yu, Chen Xu*, Xingwei Cai, Low-Valent Tungsten Catalysis Enables Hydroboration of Esters and Nitriles, Chemical Communications, 2024, doi: 10.1039/D4CC00041B. (化学类期刊,SCI二区, Nature index) 113. Xiao Chen, Yunlong Li, Siyao Cheng, Kangjie Wu, Qing Wang, Litian Liu, Fu Yang, Aming Xie*, Huan Pang*, Chao Yu*, Liquid Metal-MXene-Based Hierarchical Aerogel with Radar-Infrared Compatible Camouflage, Advanced Functional Materials, 2023, 34, 2308274. (材料类top期刊, SCI一区)112. Hongyao Zhao, Mengting Liu, Zhenxiao Wang, Ruiting Ni, Fu Yang*, optimizing the surface process to enhance the PMS activation in pollutant degradation, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2024, Under review.111. Xiu Zhong, Yang Liu, Zhenxiao Wang, Ruiting Ni, Mengting Liu, Hongyao Zhao, Shiqi Yang, Haodong Li, Aihua Yuan, Fu Yang*, “Order-in-Disorder Engineering”: Confined ultrafine interfacial Fe2O3/MoC into porous carbon fiberfor electrocatalyticnitrate reduction to ammonia, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2024, Under review.110. Yang Liu, Xiu Zhong, Mengting Liu, Hongyao Zhao, Zhenxiao Wang, Ruiting Ni, Enxian Yuan, Aihua Yuan, Fu Yang*, Engineered FeCo nanoalloys with optimized electron structure in porous graphited carbon fiber boosting electrocatalytic nitrate reduction, ACS Catalysis, 2024, Under review.109. Xiu Zhong, Yang Liu, Hao Lu, Shiqi Yang, Haodong Li, Danhong Shang, Feng Du, Aihua Yuan*, Fu Yang*, Interfacial MoO2 nanograins assembled over graphitic carbon nanofibers boosting efficient electrocatalytic reduction of nitrate to ammonia, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2024, 12, 111871. (工程技术类期刊,SCI二区)108. Jingjing Tang, Hao Lu, Wanyu Zhang, Danhong Shang, Xinwei Zhou, QianWang, Aihua Yuan, Zengjing Guo, Fu Yang*, Secondary metal species gathered on Ni-modified Al2O3 nanflower to achieve synergetic catalytic epoxidation of styrene, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2024, Under review.107. Jun Wang, Rongrong Du, Hongyang Zhu, Yarao Gao, Fu Yang*, Confining CoFe dual metals into carbon layer over silica nanosphere for photothermal antibacterial and mechanism study, 2024, Under review.2023 年106. Shukun Le, Qijie Jin, Jiaao Han, Huacong Zhou, Quansheng Liu, Fu Yang, Jie Miao, Chengzhang Zhu*, Haitao Xu*, Rare earth element-modified MOF materials: synthesis and photocatalytic applications in environmental remediation, Rare Metals, 2023, Accept. (材料类top期刊, SCI一区)105. Yao Zhuang, Sheng Tang*, Wei Shen*, Fu Yang, Hian Kee Lee, Recent progress of graphene aerogel as sorbent in solid-phase extraction: A review, TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 2023, DOI: 10.1016/j.trac.2023.117352.104. Qian Wang*, Limei Sheng, Xuan Guo, Rong Chen, Chengjie Zhou, Fu Yang, Bridging ultrafine Pd particles and lipase by functionalized poly(ionic liquid)s for highly-efficient and durable dynamic kinetic resolution of chiral amine, Applied Catalysis A-General, 2023, 666, 119426. (化学类TOP期刊, SCI二区)103. Zengjing Guo, ShichengXu, Yongying Zhang, Yifan Dong, Shuo Tao, Hongjing Han*, Fu Yang*, Constructing abundant micropores into multi-hydroxyl-containing hyper-crosslinked organic polymers for reinforced ambient chemical fixation of CO2, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2023, Under review.102. Wenlong Tu(本科生), Gang Wang, Yue Zhang, Hongyang Zhu, Rongrong Du, Hongyao Zhao, Sheng Tang, Zengjing Guo, Jun Yang, Chengzhang Zhu, Fu Yang*, Coupling N-doping and confined Co3O4 on carbon nanotubes by polydopamine coating strategy for pleiotropic water purification, Rare Metals, 2023, doi:10.1007/s12598-024-02661-5. (材料类top期刊,SCI一区)101. Haodong Li, Shiqi Yang, Yang Liu, Xiu Zhong, Hongyao Zhao, Fu Yang*, FeCu nanoalloys combined with carbon fiber modified Melamine Foam as integrated photothermal evaporator for solar interfacial water purification, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, Under review.100. Shiqi Yang, Haodong Li, Yang Liu, Xiu Zhong, Mengting Liu, Fu Yang*, Tuning state of FeCo dual metal in the carbon fiber to enable improved PMS activation for pollutant degradation. Materials Horizons, 2023, Under review. 99. Wenhui Chen, Wei Mao, Zhiqiang Liu, Weilin Hou, Naresh Kumar, Jun Sun*, Xingwei Cai, Cheng Huang, Wei Shen, Fu Yang, Yanjuan Cui, Hian Kee Lee*, Sheng Tang*, Photocatalytic degradation of bisphenol A by temperature-sensitive magnetic hydrogel with enhanced service life, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2023, 459, 132188.(环境科学领域Top期刊, SCI一区)98. Mengting Liu, Hongyao Zhao, Shiqi Yang, Zhenxiao Wang, Ruiting Ni, Fuxin Wang, Fu Yang*, Activity reengineering of Co3O4 by dopamine coating triggering core@shell nanocatalyst for advanced oxidation process, Separation and Purification Technology, 2023, Under review.97. Mengting Liu#, Xuexue Dong#, Xiu Zhong, Zhenxiao Wang, Juanjuan Gong, Heng Song, Chao Yu, Aihua Yuan, Fu Yang*, Edison Ang Huixiang*, Constructing interfacial MoO2 nanocrystals in the confined thin carbon layer of nanospherial silica for reductive C-N coupling of nitrocompounds, Chemical Communications, 2023, 59, 12443-12446. (化学类综合期刊,SCI二区,Nature index期刊)96. Hongyao Zhao, Shuo Wang, Yarao Gao, Hongyang Zhu, Xiaoxu Zhang*, Yiyan Song*, Jun Wang*, Fu Yang*, Modulating nanograin size and oxygen vacancy of porous ZnO nanosheets by highly-concentrated Fe doping effect for durable visible photocatalytic disinfection, Rare Metals, 2023, Accept. (材料类top期刊,SCI一区)95. Fei Gao, Haonan Zheng, Gaoyang Lin, Shanshan Zhang, Fu Yang, Xiangjun Zheng, Xingmei Guo, Junhao Zhang, Aihua Yuan, Dense Nanopores Reconstruction of Surfactant-free Spiral PdCu Crystalline/Amorphous Nanosheets for Robust Methanol Electrooxidation, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2023, Under review.94. Qiuying He, Qijie Jin, Chuanxiang Chen*, Jin Wang, Saisai Yuan, Shukun Le*, Fu Yang, Yu Yin, Feng Du, Haitao Xu, Chengzhang Zhu*,  Ternary dual S-scheme CdS@In2O3/SnIn4S8 heterojunctions for boosted light-to-hydrogen conversion, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 650 (2023) 416–425. (化学top期刊,SCI一区)93. Li-an Xing, Fu Yang*, Xiu Zhong, Yang Liu, Hao Lu, Guojun Lv, Aihua Yuan*, Jianming Pan*, Cotton fiber-derived ultramicroporous activated carbon adsorbent for efficient CO2 capture, Separation and Purification Technology, 324 (2023) 124470. (化学工程类Top期刊, SCI一区)92. Yang Liu, Fu Yang*, Xiu Zhong, Hao Lu, Jun Yang, Fei Gao, Yu Zhou, Jianming Pan, Jiawei Zhu, Chao Yu, Chengzhang Zhu, Enxian Yuan*, Aihua Yuan, Regulation of oxygen vacancy of Fe3O4 interacted with carbon nanofiber for enhanced electrocatalytic reduction of nitrogen to ammonia, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2023, 652, 418-428.(化学top期刊,SCI一区)91. Xiu Zhong, Enxian Yuan, Fu Yang*, Yang Liu, Hao Lu, Jun Yang, Fei Gao, Yu Zhou, Jianming Pan, Jiawei Zhu, Chao Yu, Chengzhang Zhu, Aihua Yuan*, Edison Huixiang Ang*, Optimizing oxygen vacancies through grain boundary engineering to enhance electrocatalytic nitrogen reduction, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America(PNAS), 2023, 120 (40) e2306673120.(美国科学院院刊,top期刊,SCI 一区)90. Juan Deng, Yueji Cai, Jingsheng Chen, Qing Wang, Jun Lu, Xiao Chen, Wuxiang Zhang, Kangjie Wu, Weikang Wang, Lingfei Wei, Fu Yang, Aihua Yuan, Huan Pang, Chao Yu*, Towards Automated Microfluidic-based Platforms: Optimizing Hydrogenation Efficiency of Nitrobenzene through π-π Interactions in Pd Nanoparticles on Covalent Organic Frameworks, Angewandte Chemie-International Edition, 2023, DOI: 10.1002/anie.202302297.(化学top期刊,SCI一区)89. Heng Song*,Wenjing Zhang, Hu Zhou, Xingwei Cai, Fu Yang, Wei Li, Chen Xu, Remote site-selective C(sp3)-H monodeuteration of unactivated alkenes via chain-walking strategy, ACS Catalysis, 2023, 13, 6, 3644–3654.(化学类top期刊,SCI一区)88. Hongyang Zhu(本科生), Rongrong Du, Hongyao Zhao, Hao Lu, Sheng Tang, Jun Yang*,Zhu Chengzhang*,Fu Yang*, Coupling Co-Mn dual metal oxides in carbon thinlayer on the silica nanosilica for PMS activition  and solar driven interfacial water evaporation, Rare Metals, 2024, 43, 1686-1701.(材料类top期刊,SCI一区)87. Shiqi Yang, Wuxiang Zhang, Mengting Liu, Haodong Li, Aihua Yuan, Jun Yang*, Fu Yang*, Integrating built-in ultrafine FeNi3 nanoalloys into carbon fiber with fast electron transportation for PMS activation to degrade BPA, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2023,11,109190. (工程技术类期刊,SCI二区)86. Mengting Liu, Shulan Ma, Hongyao Zhao, Hao Lu, Jun Yang, Fu Yang*, Compositing ultrafine MnFe2O4 with  silica as plasmonic catalyst for pollutant degradation, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2023, 949, 169901. (SCI 二区,高质量科技期刊材料科学综合T1区期刊). 85. Haodong Li, Shiqi Yang, Hongyao Zhao, Zengjing Guo, Jun Yang, Fu Yang*, Edison huixiang Ang*, Optimizing coupling effect of confined FeNi nanoalloys within graphitic carbon nanofibers to improve photothermal energy conversion efficiency for solar water purification, Separation and Purification Technology, 2023, doi.org/10.1016/j.seppur.2023.124802. (化学工程类Top期刊, SCI一区)84. Wuxiang Zhang*, Zihan Li, Rui Luo, Qingyong Guo, Fang Xu, Fu Yang, Ming Zhang,  Saisai Yuan, Design of tandem CuO/CNTs composites for enhanced tetracycline degradation and antibacterial activity, Separation and Purification Technology, 2023,306,122548.(化学工程类Top期刊, SCI一区)83. Shuying Gao, Sixia Liu, Dongguang Wang, Chengzhang Zhu*, Weilong Shi, Hengcong Tao, Xuyu Wang*, Fu Yang*, Boosting carrier separation over ultrathin g-C3N4 by F-ionic intercalation for improved photocatalytic activity, Applied Surface Science, 2023, doi:10.1016/j.apsusc.2023.158808.(材料类top期刊,SCI一区)82. Li Zhou, Lingling Pan, Weiguo Kong, Shijian Zhou, Fu Yang, Shuying Gao*, Yan Kong*, Coupling in-planeπ-electrons with oxygen-heteroatom in ultrathin g-C3N4 nanosheets for markedly improved photo-degradation activity, ACS Applied Optical Materials, 2023, 1, 1, 216–228.81. Shuying Gao, Lingling Pan, Li Zhou, Shijian Zhou, Weilong Shi, Fu Yang,* and Yan Kong*, Engineering intra-molecular π-conjugated structure in ultrathin g-C3N4 nanosheets for enhanced photocatalytic reduction performance, Applied Surface Science, 2023, 610, 155574. (材料科学类期刊,SCI一区)80. Xuexue Dong, Saisai Yuan, Marliyana Aizudin, Xuyu Wang, Yu Zhou, Heng Song, Chao Yu, Aihua Yuan, Fu Yang,* Edison huixiang Ang*, Heterogeneous Reductive C-N Coupling of Nitroarenes: Remarkable Activity Reconstruction of MoS2 Basal Plane by Gradient Oxygen-injection, Applied Surface Science, 2023,624,157152.(材料Top期刊,SCI一区)79. Mengting Liu, Hongyang Zhu, Rongrong Du, Shiqi Yang, Jun Yang*, Fu Yang*, Constructing functional thermal insulation layer on plasmonic Co3O4 nanosphere for reinforced partial photothermal PMS activation in pollutant degradation. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 11, 109939. (工程top期刊,SCI二区)78. Rongrong Du(本科生), Hongyang Zhu, Hongyao Zhao, Hao Lu, Chang Dong, Mengting Liu, Fu Yang*, Jun Yang*, Jun Wang*, Jianming Pan, Modulating photothermal properties by integration of fined Fe-Co in confined carbon layer of SiO2 nanosphere for pollutant degradation and solar water evaporation, Environmental Research,2023, 222, 115365.(环境top期刊,SCI二区)77. Rongrong Du(本科生), Hongyang Zhu, Hongyao Zhao, Hao Lu, Chang Dong, Mengting Liu, Fu Yang*, Jun Yang*, Jun Wang*, Jianming Pan, Coupling ultrafine plasmonic Co3O4 with thin-layer carbon over SiO2 nanosphere for dual-functional PMS activation and solar interfacial water evaporation, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2023, 940, 168816.(SCI 二区,高质量科技期刊材料科学综合T1区期刊)76. Fen Yang, Xuan Wang, Jie Sun, Sijia Tan, Shizhe Zhou, Wenlong Tu, Xuexue Dong, Qicai Xiao, Fu Yang,* Liqian Gao*, Mesopore-Encaged Active MnOx in Nano-Silica Selectively Suppressed Lung Cancer Cell via Induced Autophagy Effect, Biomaterials Science,2023,11, 2056-2064.(工程技术类期刊,SCI二区)75. Wei Mao, Xingwei Cai, Ruirong Pan, Sheng Tang*, Fu Yang, Yanjuan Cui, Jun Sun, Wei Shen*, Light-enhanced nano-antimony tin oxide/polyvinyl alcohol/3,3’,5,5’-tetramethylbenzidine transparent hydrogel for detection of uric acid and glucose by four different analytical platforms, Analytica Chimica Acta, 2023, 1239, 340717.(化学top期刊,SCI一区)74. Yinzhu Wang*, Lingling Wang, Chuanxiang Chen*, Jiawan Zhu, Jie Zhao, Fu Yang, Yonghong Hu*, Dual-Signal Conversion Strategy Based on Surface Plasmon Coupling and Resonance Energy Transfer for Visual Electrochemiluminescence Ratiometric Analysis, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2024, 253(7):116162.(化学top期刊,SCI一区)2022 年73. Marliyana Aizudin, Nur Hashimah Alias, Yun Xin Angel Ng, Muhammad Haikal Fadzuli, Seng Chuan Ang, Yi Xun Ng, Rafeeque Poolamuri Pottamel, Fu Yang, and Edison Huixiang Ang*, Membranes Prepared from Graphene-based Nanomaterials for Water Purification: A minireview, Nanoscale, 2022, 14, 17871-17886.(化学类TOP期刊, SCI二区)72. Juanjuan Gong, Xuyu Wang*, Haibo Wu, Jing Li, Fu Yang, Aihua Yuan*, Hongbing Ji, CoMn-layered double hydroxides nanosheets supported Pd nanoparticles for complete catalytic oxidation of formaldehyde at room temperature, Applied Surface Science, 2022, 606, 154702.(材料科学类期刊,SCI一区)71. Jun Yang, Shicheng Xu, Wenxiu Hou, Xiu Zhong, Yang Liu, konggang Qu*, Fu Yang*, Zengjing Guo*, Functional Mesoporous Poly(ionic liquid)s-Derived Ultrafine MoP modified N, P-Codoped Carbon for Stable Hydrogen Production in Alkaline Media, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2022, 929, 167254.(SCI 二区,高质量科技期刊材料科学综合T1区期刊). 70. Fu Yang*, Yutong Lu, Mengting Liu, Xiu Zhong, Wenlong Tu, Wuxiang Zhang, Aihua Yuan*, Electrospun nanofiber-evolved Co2Mn2O4 spinel encapsulated into carbon framework reinforcing PMS activation for eliminating 2,4-dichlorophenol, Materials Chemistry Frontiers, 2022, 6, 2810 - 2825. (材料科学类期刊,SCI二区)69. Fu Yang*, Wenhao Li, Xiu Zhong, Wenlong Tu, Jie Cheng, Lei Chen, Jun Lu, Aihua Yuan*, Jianming Pan*, The alkaline site integrated into biomass-carbon reinforced acetic acid selective adsorption: in-situ implanting MgO during activation operation, Separation and Purification Technology, 2022, 297, 121415. (化学工程类Top期刊, SCI一区)68. Mengting Liu, Xuexue Dong, Shuying Gao, Zengjing Guo, Fu Yang*, Enabling tandem oxidation of benzene to benzenediol over integrated neighboring V-Cu oxides in mesoporous silica, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2023,55,236-245. (SCI 二区,中国科技期刊卓越行动期刊)67. Wenlong Tu, Jie Cheng, Ping Xu, Zengjing Guo, Jing Zhao, Fanghua Li, Yiyan Song*, Fu Yang*,Enabling reinforced antimicrobial efficacy by constructing rewarding synergy of dual metals in Ag@MnOx/m-SiO2 nanospherical composite, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2022, 2022, 924, 166489. (SCI 二区,高质量科技期刊材料科学综合T1区期刊). 66. Yue Zhang, Haotian Wu, Wuxiang Zhang, Fu Yang*, Polymer Nanocomposites based on Nano Magnesium Hydroxide, Editor: SABU THOMAS, Chemical Physics of Polymer Nanocomposites: “Processing, Morphology Structure, Thermodynamics, Rheology.”, 2023, In press. (Invitational book chapters)65. Xuexue Dong, Yiying Yang, Yang Shen, Aihua Yuan, Zengjing Guo, Heng Song*, Fu Yang*, Enabling room-temperature reductive C−N coupling of Nitroarenes: Combining homogeneous with heterogeneous synergetic catalysis mediated by light, Green Chemistry, 2022, 24, 4012-2025. (化学类Top期刊, SCI一区,2022 Green Chemistry Hot papers selected by Editors)64. Xuyu Wang, Fu Yang, Jiejing Kong, Juanjuan Gong, Aihua Yuan, Hongbing Ji, Constructing synergy of sufficient hydroxyl and reactive adsorbed oxygen in PtNi/Al2O3 enables room-temperature catalytic oxidation of formaldehyde, AICHE Journal, 2023, 69, e17895.(化工类TOP期刊, SCI二区)63. Chengzhang Zhu, Qiuying He, Weikang Wang, Feng Du, Yu Fang, Chuanxiang Chen, Chaohai Wang, Shaobin Wang, Xiaoguang Duan*, S-scheme photocatalysis induced by ZnIn2S4 nanoribbons-anchored hierarchical CeO2 hollow spheres for boosted hydrogen evolution,Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2022, 620, 253-262. (化学类Top期刊,SCI一区)62. Wenlong Tu(本科生), Jie Cheng(本科生), Rongtao Yang, Zengjing Guo, Dawei Yu, Zhijie Sheng, Jing Zhao, Huafeng Song, Yiyan Song*, Fu Yang*, The Co3O4 nanosheet hybridized with silver nanoparticles affords long-acting synergetic antimicrobial and catalytic degradation activity,Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2022, 914, 165284.(SCI 二区,高质量科技期刊材料科学综合T1区期刊). 61. Heng Song*, Yang Shen, Hu Zhou, Danli Ding, Fu Yang, Yemei Wang, Chen Xu, Xingwei Cai, Light-Promoted Low-Valent Tungsten Catalyzed Ambient Temperature Amination of Boronic Acids with Nitroarmatics, The Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2022,87, 8, 5303–5314. (化学类TOP期刊, SCI二区)60. Xuexue Dong, Xuyu Wang, Hua Song, Yue Zhang, Aihua Yuan, Zengjing Guo, Qian Wang*, Fu Yang*, Enabling efficientaerobic 5hydroxymethylfurfural oxidation to 2,5-furandicarboxylic acid in water by interfacial engineering reinforced Cu-Mn oxides hollow nanofiber, ChemSusChem, 2022, DOI: 10.1002/cssc.202200076. (化学类Top期刊, SCI一区)59. Jie Cheng(本科生), Wenlong Tu, Edison Huixiang Ang, Marliyana Aizudin,Fu Yang*, Xinwei Zhou, Dawei Yu, Fanghua Li, Yiyan Song*, Ni-doping inducing efficient assembly of Ag nanospecies on the AlOOH nanoflower for boos‘’ting antimicrobial activity, Colloids and Surface A-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2021,  641, 128488. (化学类期刊,SCI二区)58. Qian Wang, Xuan Guo, Meiling Ge, Limei Sheng, Luqiang Jia, Agen Huang, Fu Yang, Rong Guo, Engineering balanced anions coupling with tailored functional groups of poly(ionic liquid)s immobilized lipase enables effective biodiesel production, Molecular Catalysis,2022, 531, 112673. (化学类期刊,SCI二区)57. Yutong Lu, Wuxiang Zhang, Fu Yang*,Xuexue Dong, Chengzhang Zhu, Xuyu Wang*, Lulu Li, Chao Yu, Aihua Yuan, Tailored oxygen defect coupling composition engineering CoxMn2O4 spinel hollow nanofiber enables improved Bisphenol A catalytic degradation, Separation and Purification Technology, 2022, 282, 120051. (工程类Top期刊, SCI一区)56. Wenhao Li, Wenlong Tu(本科生), Jie Cheng, Fu Yang*, Xuyu Wang, Lulu Li, Danhong Shang, Xinwei Zhou, Chao Yu, Aihua Yuan, Jianming Pan*, Tuning N-doping thermal-process enables biomass-carbon surface modification for potential separation effect of CO2/CH4/N2, Separation and Purification Technology, 2022,282, 120001. (工程类Top期刊,SCI一区)55. Wenlong Tu (本科生), Xuexue Dong, Yutong Lu, Miao Wang, Fu Yang*, Rui Ou, Xuyu Wang, Lulu Li, Aihua Yuan* Spinel Co3O4 integrated into stromatolithic hierarchically structured Al2O3 composite for enhanced toluene catalytic combustion, Advanced Powder Technology, 2022, 33, 103377.(工程类SCI二区)54. Fu Yang*, Yutong Lu, Xuexue Dong, Mengting Liu, Zheng Li, Wuxiang Zhang, Chengzhang Zhu, Xuyu Wang, Lulu Li, Chao Yu*, Aihua Yuan*, Interfacial engineering of coupling tailored oxygen vacancies in CoxMn2O4 spinel hollow nanofiber to accelerate catalytic phenol removal, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022, 424, 127647. (环境科学领域Top期刊, SCI一区)53. 杨福,刘梦婷,马淑兰,魏祎喧,欧锐,王旭裕,李露露,张武翔*,潘建明*,挥发性有机化合物(VOCs) 催化消除前沿技术及研究进展,化工进展,2022,DOI: 10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2021-2334.2021年52. Hengjia Zhu, Peng Liu, Lizhang Xu, Xin Li, Panwang Hu, Bangxiang Liu, Jianming Pan, Fu Yang, Xiangheng Niu*, Nanozyme-participated Biosensing of Pesticides and Cholinesterases: A Critical Minireview,Biosensors, 2021, 11, 382.51. Mengting Liu, Wanyu Zhang, Ping Xu, Wenlong Tu, Edison Huixiang Ang, Yue Zhang, Jie Cheng, Miao Wang, Rongrong Du, Xia Yang, Fu Yang*, Dawei Yu, Aihua Yuan, Yiyan Song*, Micelle modificationinduced synthesis of hierarchically structured Ag-silica delivers integrated catalytic and antibacterial activity, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 892 (2021) 162202.(SCI 二区,高质量期刊材料综合T1区期刊)50. Dawei Yu, Junchi Xu, Ruonan Li, Jing Zhao, Fanghua Li, Yunxia Zhai, Jing Xue, Huafeng Song,Fu Yang, Ping Xu, Yiyan Song*, Synergetic Effect of Rifampin loaded Mussel-inspired Silver Nanoparticles   for Enhanced Antibacterial Activity Against Multidrug-resistant Strain of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis, ChemistrySelect, 2021, 6(39):10682-10687.49. Fu Yang, Xuexue Dong, Yang Shen, Mengting Liu, Hu Zhou, Xuyu Wang, Lulu Li, Aihua Yuan, Heng Song*, Reductive C-N Coupling of Nitroarenes: Heterogenization of MoO3 Catalyst by Confinement in Silica, ChemSusChem, 2021, 14(16), 3413-3421.(化学类Top期刊, SCI一区)48. Fu Yang, Wenhao Li, Lin Zhang*, Wenlong Tu, Xuyu Wang, Lulu Li, Chao Yu, Qiang Gao, Aihua Yuan*, Jianming Pan*,Drastic increase of acetone adsorption enabled by N-doping activated carbon: An interesting surface digging effect, Separation and Purification Technology, 276 (2021) 119280. (Top期刊, SCI一区)47. Fu Yang*, Yutong Lu, Wenhao Li, Wenlong Tu, Lulu Li, Xuyu Wang, Aihua Yuan*, Jianming Pan*, Route-optimized synthesis control for maximizing VOCs adsorption capture properties of biomass Bagasse-derived hierarchical activated carbon, ChemistrySelect, 2021,6, 10362-10368. (SCI四区)46. Hui Zhang, Ya-xian Chen, Yin-zhu Wang,Jie Zhao, Ling-ling Wang, Fu Yang, Yu Yin, Nan-nan Song, Zhen Ma,Chuan-xiang Chen, A Highly Electroactive Poly(aniline-co-thionine) for Rechargeable Zinc Batteries, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2021, 168, 060526.45. Qian Wang*, Meiling Ge, Xuan Guo, Zhijun li, Agen Huang, Fu Yang, Rong Guo*, Hydrophobic poly(ionic liquid)s as “two-handed weapons”: Maximizing lipase catalytic efficiency in transesterification of soybean oil toward biodiesel, Applied Catalysis A-General, 2021,626, 118350. (SCI 二区).44. Fu Yang#, Liuzhu Zhou#, Xuexue Dong, Wanyu Zhang, Shuying Gao, Xuyu Wang, Lulu Li, Chao Yu, Qian Wang, Aihua Yuan, Jin Chen*, Visible light-responsive nanofibrous α-Fe2O3 integrated FeOx clusters templated siliceous microsheet for rapid catalytic phenol removal and enhanced antibacterial activity, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2021, 13, 17, 19803–19815. (材料类Top journal, SCI 一区).43. Fu Yang*, Wenhao Li, Rui Ou, Yutong Lu, Xuexue Dong, Wenlong Tu, Wenjian Zhu, Xuyu Wang, Lulu Li, Aihua Yuan*, Jianming Pan*, Superb VOCs capture engineering carbon adsorbent derived from shaddock peel owning uncompromising thermal-stabilityand adsorption property, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2022, 47, 120-133.(SCI二区,中国科技期刊卓越行动期刊)42. Fu Yang, Ruyi Wang, Shijian Zhou, Xuyu Wang, Yan Kong,* Shuying Gao*, Mesopore-encaged V-Mn oxides: progressive insertion approach triggering reconstructed active sites to enhance catalytic oxidative desulfuration, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2022, 45, 182-193. (SCI 二区,中国科技期刊卓越行动期刊)41. Rui Ou, Yutong Lu, Mengting Liu, Xuyu Wang, Aihua Yuan*, Lulu Li*, Fu Yang*, Improved catalytic abatement efficiency of VOCs via creating efficient synergy of dispersed Co-Cu oxides in molecular sieve, Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. 2021, 37, 1322-1336.(SCI 三区,通讯作者)40. Rui Ou, Wenjian Zhu, Lulu Li, Xuyu Wang, Qiang Gao, Aihua Yuan,*, Jianming Pan,* Fu Yang*, Boosted capture of volatile organic compounds in adsorption capacity and selectivity by rationally exploiting defect-engineering of Uio-66(Zr), Separation and Purification Technology, 266 (2021) 118087.(工程类Top期刊,SCI 一区,通讯作者).39. Ruyi Wang,  Xianfeng Liu, Fu Yang*, Shuying Gao, Shijian Zhou, Yan Kong*, Neighboring Cu toward Mn site in confined mesopore to trigger strong interplay for boosting catalytic epoxidation of styrene, Applied Surface Science, 2021, 537, 148100. (Top期刊,SCI 一区,通讯作者)38. Wenjian Zhu, Xuhua Shen, Rui Ou, Manoj Murugesan, Aihua Yuan,* Jianfeng Liu, Xiaocai Hu, Zhen Yang, Ming Shen, Fu Yang,* Superhigh selective capture of volatile organic compounds exploiting cigarette butts-derived engineering carbonaceous adsorbent, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2021, doi.org/10.1016/j.cjche.2021.01.012. (SCI 二区,通讯作者,中国科技期刊卓越行动期刊).37. Shuying Gao, Xuyu Wang, Changjian Song, Shijian Zhou, Fu Yang,* and Yan Kong*, Engineering carbon-defects on ultrathin g-C3N4 allows one-pot output via in-situ gas-shocking approach dramatically boosting photoredox catalysis activity, Applied Catalysis B-Environmental, 2021, 295, 120272. (SCI一区,通讯作者,环境催化领域顶刊,高被引论文).2020年36. Xuhua Shen, Rui Ou, Yutong Lu, Aihua Yuan,* Jianfeng Liu,* Xiaocai Hu, Zhen Yang, Fu Yang,* Engineering adsorption case for efficient capture of VOCs using biomass-based corncobs via a carbonized strategy, ChemistrySelect, 2020, 5, 9162-9169.(SCI 四区, 通讯作者)35. Qian Wang*, Meiling Ge, Yuheng Dou, Fu Yang, Junkai Wang, Yuyang Shao, Agen Huang, Engineering ultrafine Pd clusters on laminar polyamide: a promising catalyst for benzyl alcohol oxidation under air in water, Molecular Catalysis, 2020, 497, 111203(SCI 二区).34. Fu Yang*, Liuzhu Zhou, Shuying Gao, Xuyu Wang, Jin Chen,* Aihua Yuan, Edison Huixiang Ang.* Combining two active states of FeOx in-situ in molecular sieve to deliver enhanced catalytic activity via creating special configuration and synergy, Journal of Alloys and compounds, 2020,  844, 156137.(SCI 二区,高质量期刊材料综合T1区期刊)33. Xuhua Shen, Rui Ou, Yutong Lu, Aihua Yuan*, Jianfeng Liu,* Jiayang Gu, Xiaocai Hu, Zhen Yang, Fu Yang*, Record-high capture of volatile benzene and toluene enabled by activator implant-optimized banana peel-derived engineering carbonaceous adsorbents, Environment International, 2020,  143, 105774.(SCI 一区,环境领域top期刊)32. Fu Yang, Xu Hu, Shuying Gao, Xianfeng Liu, Shijian Zhou, Yan Kong*, Enabling synchronous activation of inner-core and mesoporous outer-shell of monodispersed Fe3O4@SiO2 by in-situ implanted MnOx to synergistically deliver enhanced catalytic activity, Journal of Alloys and compounds, 2020, 842, 155817.(SCI 二区,高质量期刊材料综合T1区期刊)31. Xianfeng Liu, Shuying Gao, Fu Yang, Shijian Zhou, Yan Kong*, High Promoting of Selective Oxidation of Ethylbenzene Enabled by Mn-ZSM-5 synthesized without Organic Template and calcination, Research on Chemical Intermediates, 2020, 46, 2817-2832.(SCI 三区)30. Jin Wang, Shuying Gao, Xu Hu, Shijian Zhou, Fu Yang*, Yan Kong*, Synergy Derived from Bimetal Co-Cu in Phosphate to Enables Ultrafast Catalytic Hydrogenated Activity in Nitrophenol Reduction, ChemistrySelect. 2020, 5, 3405-3412.(SCI 四区, 通讯作者)29. Fu Yang, Shipeng Ding,* Hongbing Song, Ning Yan*, Single-atom Pd Dispersed on Nanoscale Anatase TiO2 for the Selective Hydrogenation of Phenylacetylene, Science China Materials, 2020, 63, 982–992.(材料科学Top期刊,SCI 一区, 第一作者)28. Fu Yang*,Jin Wang, Shuying Gao, Xu Hu, Shijian Zhou, Yan Kong*, Record-high Catalytic Hydrogenated Activity in Nitroarenes Reduction Derived from In-situ Nascent Active Metals Enabled by Constructing Bimetallic Phosphate, Molecular Catalysis, 2020, 486, 110873. (SCI 二区).27. Xianfeng Liu, Fu Yang*, Shuying Gao, Shao Bo, Shijian Zhou,Yan Kong*, Preparation of ZSM-5 containing Vanadium and Brønsted acid sites with high Promoting of Styrene Oxidation using 30% H2O2, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2020, 28, 1302-1310.(SCI  二区,中国科技期刊卓越行动期刊,通讯作者)2019 年26. Fu Yang*, Jingjing Tang, Rui Ou, Zengjing Guo, Shuying Gao, Yinzhu Wang, Xuyu Wang, Lei Chen, Aihua Yuan*, Fully catalytic upgrading synthesis of 5-Ethoxymethylfurfural from biomass-derived 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural over recyclable layered-niobium-molybdate solid acid, Applied Catalysis B-Environmental, 2019, 256, 117786.(环境催化类top期刊,一区)25. Shuying Gao, Fu Yang,* Changjian Song, Qiong Cai, Ruyi Wang, Shijian Zhou*, Yan Kong*, Photocatalytic producing dihydroxybenzenes from phenol enabled by gathering oxygen vacancies in ultrathin porous ZnO nanosheets,Applied Surface Science, 505 (2020) 144580.(材料科学SCI一区,通讯作者)24. Fu Yang*, Shuying Gao, Yun Ding, Sheng Tang, Haifeng Chen, Jianjun Chen*, Jianfeng Liu, Zhen Yang, Xiaocai Hu, Aihua Yuan*, Excellent porous environmental nanocatalyst: Tactically integrating size-confined highly-active MnOx in nanospace of mesopore enables promotive catalytic degradation efficiency of organic contaminants, New Journal of Chemistry, 2019, 43, 19020-19034.(SCI三区)23. Shuying Gao, Fu Yang*, Xianfeng Liu, Xu Hu, Changjian Song, Shijian zhou, Yan Kong*, Exposed ternary metal active sites on mesoporous channels: a promising Catalyst for low-temperature selective catalytic oxidization of phenol with H2O2, Molecular Catalysis, 2019, 478, 110568.(SCI二区,通讯作者)22. Fu Yang*, Jingjing Tang, Bo Shao, Shuying Gao, Xianfeng Liu, Ni-bearing nanoporous alumina loaded ultralow-concentrated Pd as robust dual catalyst toward hydrogenation and oxidation reactions, Nano-Structures & Nano-Objects, 2019, 18, 100287.21. Fu Yang*, Jingjing Tang, Catalytic Upgrading of Renewable Levulinic Acid to Levulinate Esters Using Perchloric Acid Decorated Nanoporous Silica Gels, ChemistrySelect. 2019, 4, 1403–1409.(SCI四区)20. Fu Yang, Bo Shao, Xianfeng Liu, Shuying Gao, Xu Hu, Man Xu, Yun Wang, Shijian Zhou, Yan Kong*, Nanosheet-like Ni-based metasilicate towards the regulated catalytic activity in styrene oxidation via introducing heteroatom metal, Applied Surface Science, 2019, 471, 822–834. (材料科学SCI一区)入职以前2018 年19. Shijian Zhou#, Fu Yang#, Bangbang Wang, Hang Su, Kangchao Lu, Yun Ding, Kai Lei, Man Xu, Bo Shao, Yun Wang, Yan Kong*,Oriented decoration in metal-functionalized ordered mesoporous silicas and their catalytic applications in aromatic oxidations, Catalysts, 2018, 8(2):80.(SCI三区,共同一作)18. Kangchao Lu#, Fu Yang#, Wei Lin, Shijian Zhou, Tao Xi, Changjian Song, Yan Kong*, Stabilized pony-sized-CuFe2O4/carbon nitride porous composites with boosting Fenton-like oxidation activity, ChemistrySelect, 2018, 3,1-11.(SCI四区,共同一作)17. Fu Yang, Yiyan Song, Ling Cai, Shijian Zhou, Jin Chen*, Yan Kong*, Enriched Ag Nanospecies Interspersed Nanoporous Siliceous Antibacterial Agent, ChemistrySelect, 2018, 3, 10255– 10258.(SCI 四区)16. Hang Su, Man Xu, Shijian Zhou, Fu Yang, Bangbang Wang, Bo Shao, and Yan Kong* Belt-Like Cobalt Phosphate Tetrahydrate as the Non-Noble Metal Catalyst with Enhanced Catalytic Reduction Activity. ChemistrySelect, 2018, 3, 6924-6934.15. Hang Su, Man Xu, Shijian Zhou, Fu Yang, Yan Kong, CeO2 in different morphologies with 2, 4-dihydroxybenzonic acid as auxiliary: synthesis and application of NH3-SCR, Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2018, 34, 1-9.2017 年14. Fu Yang, Bangbang Wang, Hang Su, Shijian Zhou, Yan Kong*. Thermal-induced surface defective Co/Fe-Co planar hybrid composite nanosheet with enhanced catalytic activity in the Fenton-like reaction. Materials Chemistry Frontiers, 2017, 1, 2065 – 2077.(SCI二区)13. Fu Yang, Yun Ding, Jingjing Tang, Shijian Zhou, Bangbang Wang, Yan Kong*. Oriented surface decoration of (Co-Mn) bimetal oxides on nanospherical porous silica and synergetic effect in biomass-derived 5-hydroxymethylfurfural oxidation. Molecular Catalysis, 2017, 435, 144–155.(Editor’s choice,二区)12. Fu Yang, Shijian Zhou, Shuying Gao, Xianfeng Liu, Saifu Long, Yan Kong*. In situ embedding of ultra-fine nickel oxide nanoparticles in HMS with enhanced catalytic activities of styrene epoxidation. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2017, 238, 69-77. (SCI一区)11. Fu Yang,BangBang Wang, Shijian Zhou, Saifu Long, Xianfeng Liu, Yan Kong*. Micropore-enriched CuO-based silica catalyst directly prepared by anionic template-induced method and its boosting catalytic activity in olefins epoxidation. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2017, 246, 215-224. (SCI一区)10. Fu Yang, Bangbang Wang, Shijian Zhou, Hang Su, Yan Kong*. Facilely self-reduced generation of Ag nanowires in the confined reductive silica nanopores and its catalytic reduction property. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017, 719, 30–41.(SCI二区)9. Xianfeng Liu+, Shenglai Zhong+,Fu Yang, Hang Su, Wei Lin, Junchao Chen, Luming Peng, Shijian Zhou, Yan Kong*. Template-Free Synthesis of High- Content Vanadium-Doped ZSM-5 with Enhanced Catalytic Performance, ChemistrySelect, 2017, 2, 11513–11520.2016 年8. Shuying Gao, Shijian Zhou,* Fu Yang, Saifu Long, Yan Kong*, A Facile Method for the Direct Introduction of FeOx in Mesoporous AMS Through A Templating Route (S+[MN]+I-) and Its Catalytic Application, ChemistrySelect, 2016, 1, 1305–1313.7. Yandong Liu, Shijian Zhou, Fu Yang, Hua Qin, Yan Kong, Degradation of phenol in industrial wastewater over the F–Fe/TiO2 photocatalysts underlight illumination, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2016, 24, 1712–1718.6. Saifu Long, Shijian Zhou, Fu Yang, Kangchao Lu, Tao Xi, Yan Kong* An iron-based micropore-enriched silica catalyst: in situ confining of Fe2O3 in the mesopores and its improved catalytic properties, RSC Advances, 2016, 6, 760645. Fu Yang, Bangbang Wang, Shijian Zhou, Xiaoning Yang, Yan Kong*. Template-induced in situ dispersion of enhanced basic-sites on sponge-like mesoporous silica and its improved catalytic property. RSC Advances, 2016, 6,91968–91980. (SCI三区)4. Fu Yang, Saifu Long, Shijian Zhou, Xiaoming Li, Xianfeng Liu, Shuying Gao, Yan Kong*. Aminosilane decorated carbon template-induced in situ encapsulation of multiple-Ag-cores inside mesoporous hollow silica. RSC Advances, 2016, 6, 30852–30861.(SCI三区)3. Fu Yang, Shijian Zhou, Haiqing Wang, Saifu Long, Xianfeng Liu, Yan Kong*.A metal-assisted templating route (S0M+I-) for fabricating thin-layer CoO covered on the channel of nanospherical-HMS with improved catalytic properties Dalton Transactions,2016, 45, 6371–6382.(Featuredback cover,SCI二区)2015 年2. Fu Yang, Shuying Gao, Cuirong Xiong, Saifu Long, Xiaoming Li, Tao Xi, Yan Kong*. Direct templating assembly route for the preparation of highly-dispersed vanadia species encapsulated in mesoporous MCM-41 channel.RSC Advances, 2015, 5, 72099-72106. (SCI三区)1. Fu Yang, Shuying Gao, Cuirong Xiong, Haiqing Wang, Jin Chen, Yan Kong*. Coordination of manganese porphyrins on amino-functionalized MCM-41 for heterogeneous catalysis of naphthalene hydroxylation. Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2015, 36 1035–1041.(SCI一区)学术会议及邀请报告1. Fu Yang, Shuying Gao, Yan Kong*. The preparation and characterization of V2O5@Meso-SiO2, 2014, Hangzhou, China, The 17th National Catalytic Meeting.2. Fu Yang, Shuying Gao, Yan Kong*, Metal-assisted templating route (S0X+I-) for the synthesis of highly-  dispersed CoO species covered on the channel of nanospherical HMS, 16th, Jun, 2015, Qingdao, China, Energy Materials and Nanotechnology Meeting, EMN, invited oral.3. Fu Yang, Shuying Gao, Yan Kong*, Templating assembly methods for the incorporation of highly-dispersed metal species in mesoporous silica, 17th, Aug, 2015, Australia, International Mesostructured Materials   Symposium 9, IMMS-9, invited oral.4. Fu Yang, Yun Ding, Shijian Zhou, Bangbang Wang, Yan Kong*. Oriented surface decoration of (Co-Mn) bimetal oxides on nanospherical porous silica and synergetic effect in biomass-derived 5-hydroxymethylfurfural oxidation. 2016, Beijing, 16th International Congress on Catalysis, ICC. Poster 5. Fu Yang, Yan kong*, Ning Yan*. Thermal-induced surface defective Co/Fe-Co planar hybrid composites and its enhanced catalytic activity in Fenton-like reaction. 2017, Singapore, SouthEast Asia Catalysis Conference, SACC.                                                                                       6. Fu Yang, Bangbang Wang, Shijian Zhou, Yan Kong*. Micelle template-induced oriented decoration of transition metal oxides on the mesoporous surface and catalytic property study in oxidation of aromatics, 2017, Tianjing, China, The 18th National Catalytic Meeting. Poster 7. 杨福,汤晶晶,欧锐,限制空间过渡金属的集成修饰及多相催化研究,2019中国化工学会年会,中国, 青岛,2019.10.17-2019.10.20,邀请报告 8. 杨福,汤晶晶,袁爱华,纳米片状镍基硅酸盐杂原子引入及苯乙烯选择性氧化控制,第十九届全国催化学术会议,中国重庆,2019.10.13-2019.10.17, 墙报 9. 杨福,限制空间过渡金属集成修饰及多相催化研究,2019年江苏省新材料技术青年科学家论坛,2019.12.07-2019.12.08,盐城,邀请报告10. 杨福,介孔分子筛限域空间过渡金属定向集成及多相催化研究,2021年全球化工学者学会青年科学家论坛,2021.08.04,大连。11. 杨福,用于还原C-N偶联的多相Mo基催化剂设计合成与机理研究,19届全国青年催化会议,邀请报个,2023, 4.9-13,南京12. 杨福,限域金属-碳基催化剂合理构筑及电催化合成氨研究,《国家科学评论》化学与材料科学前沿论坛,2023.11.11 扬州13. 杨福,光热协同的水处理及清洁水再生,第四界中国新材料产业发展大会,2023.10.08, 温州14. Fu Yang, Biomass-derived high-performance activated carbon for VOCs and CO2 adsorption capture,The 2023 International Conference on Renewable Materials, 2023.11.20, Nanjing 教学随笔
