
主页 > 江苏省 > 江苏科技大学


姓名 胥国祥
性别 发明专利4999代写全部资料
学校 江苏科技大学
部门 胥国祥,教授,党委教师工作部 人事处 人才工作办公室 博士后管理办公室 教师发展中心 人才交流中心
学位 胥国祥,教授,党委教师工作部 人事处 人才工作办公室 博士后管理办公室 教师发展中心 人才交流中心
学历 通讯地址:
职称 胥国祥,教授,党委教师工作部 人事处 人才工作办公室 博士后管理办公室 教师发展中心 人才交流中心
联系方式 实用新型1875包写包过
邮箱 xugxiang@163.com
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胥国祥 教授 党委教师工作部 人事处 人才工作办公室 博士后管理办公室 教师发展中心 人才交流中心 个人邮箱: xugxiang@163.com 办公地点: 通讯地址: 邮政编码: 传真: 您是第9387 位访问者 个人简介    博士,教授,博士生导师,专业负责人;长期从事激光焊、激光+电弧复合热源焊、摇动电弧窄间隙焊等先进焊接工艺及机理、焊接过程数值模拟等方面研究。先后主持1项国家自然基金青年项目、3项国家自然基金面上项目、1项江苏省自然基金项目、1项江苏省博后项目以及多项企业合作项目;先后发表50余篇论文,SCI收录20余篇,EI收录10余篇; 第一发明人授权发明专利3项;获教育部科技进步二等奖2项、江苏省科技进步二等奖1项;焊接学会计算机辅助焊接工程专委会副秘书长。    荣誉:    [1]江苏省“333”高层次人才工程第三层次;    [2]江苏省“青蓝工程”优秀青年骨干教师;    [3]江苏科技大学青年学者第二层次 研究方向 [1] 激光焊、激光+电弧复合焊及摇动电弧窄间隙焊等先进焊接工艺及机理[2] 焊接过程数值模拟[3] 复合热源增材制造技术 教育经历 2000.09-2004.06:山东大学材料学院,材料工程,本科2004.09-2009.12:山东大学材料学院,材料加工工程(焊接),博士2008.10-2009.10:韩国科学技术院机械工程学院,焊接,博士联合培 课程教学 《焊接结构》;《弹塑性力学基础》;《材料力学性能》等 科研项目 [1] 主持,国家自然基金面上项目,51975363,厚板铝合金复杂接头角焊缝旋转激光+MIG复合焊电弧与光致羽辉动态行为及熔池热力分布,2020.01-2023.12,在研[2] 主持,国家自然基金面上项目,51575252,大厚度铝合金激光+GMAW复合焊熔池气液界面热力耦和机制及流体流动研究,2016.01-2019.12,已完成。[3] 主持,国家自然基金青年项目,51105182,激光+GMAW复合热源焊小孔动态行为与流体流动及其对焊接缺陷影响机理,2012.01-2014.12,已完成。[4] 主持,江苏省博士后基金(A类),1601050A, 摇动电弧窄间隙GMAW焊熔池气液界面热力耦合机制,2016.09-2017.12,已完成。[5] 主持,江苏省高校自然基金,11KJB460004,激光+GMAW复合焊流体流动及其对咬边缺陷的影响机理,2011.09-2013.09,已完成。[6] 主持,江苏省教育厅青年教师培育项目,邀请国外专家来华交流,已完成。[7] 主持,江苏省先进焊接重点实验室开放基金,激光+GMAW复合热源焊流体流动及其对焊接缺陷影响机理,2012.01-2014.12,已完成。[8] 主持,山东电力工业锅炉压力容器检验中心有限公司,混凝土电杆与输电塔塔腿加固结构应力与变形计算,2017.10-2018.12,已完成。[9] 主持,中国船舶重工集团七二五研究所,钛合金焊接拘束度数值模拟,2018.11-2019.12,已完成。[10] 主持,国网山东电力公司电力科学研究院,输电杆塔补强加固结构应力与变形模拟计算,2019.08-2020.12,已完成。 专利成果 科研团队 论文著作 1.1 近5年代表论文[1] Guoxiang Xu, Lin Li, Houxiao Wang, Pengfei Li, Qinghu Guo, Qingxian Hu, Baoshuai Du. Simulation and experimental studies of keyhole induced porosity in laser+MIG hybrid fillet welding of aluminum alloy in the horizontal position. Optics and Laser Technology, 2019, 119:105067(SCI)[2] Guoxiang Xu, Zhiqiang Zheng, Qingnan Cao, Qingxian Hu, Lin Li, Qinghu Guo, Baoshuai Du. Numerical and experimental investigation on weld formation in laser+MIG hybrid fillet welding of aluminum alloy in horizontal position. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2019, 102: 2083-2094 (SCI)[3] Guoxiang Xu, Jiayou Wang, Pengfei Li, Jie Zhu, Qingnan Cao. Numerical analysis of heat transfer and fluid flow in swing arc narrow gag arc welding. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2018, 252:260-269 (SCI)[4] Guoxiang Xu, Pengfei Li, Qingnan Cao, Qingxian Hu. Modelling of fluid flow phenomenon in laser+GMAW hybrid welding of aluminum alloy considering three phase coupling and arc plasma shear stress. Optics and Laser Technology, 2018, 100:244-55(SCI)[] Guoxiang Xu, Lin Li, Jiayou Wang, Jie Zhu, Pengfei Li. Study of weld formation in swing arc narrow gap vertical GMA welding by numerical modeling and experiment. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2018, doi:10.1007/s00170-018-1729-z (SCI)[5] Guoxiang Xu, Qingnan Cao, Qingxian Hu, Peng Liu, Baoshuai Du. Modelling of bead hump formation in high speed gas metal arc welding. Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, 2016, 21(3):112-137. (SCI)  1.2近五年发表的其他论著期刊论文:[1] Houxiao Wang Ye Xu, Guoxiang Xu, Wei Zhou, Sukai Zhu, Qinghu Guo. Numerical analysis for stress fields induced by laser trepanning of square-slotted blind holes with and without ultrasonic assisitance. Optics and Laser Technology, 2020, 125:106030 (SCI, 通讯作者)[2] Qinghu Guo, Baoshuai Du, Guoxiang Xu, Donggao Chen, Liangchao Ma, Dafeng Wang, Yingying Zhang. Influence of filler metal on residual stress in muti-pass repair welding of thick P91 steel pipe. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2020,110: 2977-2089(SCI, 通讯作者)[3] Pengfei An, Qilong Gong, Guoxiang Xu, Tan Zhang, Qingxian Hu, Jie Zhu. Simulation Study on weld formation in full penetration laser+MIG hybrid welding of Copper alloy. Materials, 2020, 23: 5307 (SCI, 通讯作者)[4] Guoxiang Xu, Qinghu Guo, Qingxian Hu, Haichao Pan, Hongwei Qian, Baoshuai Du. Numverical and experimental analysis of dissimilar repair welding residual stress in P91 steel considering solid-state phase transformation. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance. 2019, 28: 5734-9495 (SCI)[5] Guoxiang Xu, Pengfei Li, Lin Li, Qingxian Hu, Jie Zhu, Xiaoyan Gu, Baoshuai Du. Influence of arc power on keyhole induced porosity in laser+GMAW hybrid welding of aluminum alloy: Numerical and experimental studies. Materials, 2019, 2019, 12,1328(SCI)[6] Guoxiang Xu, Lin Li, Pengfei Li, Zhiqiang Zheng, Qingxian Hu, Baoshuai Du. Modelling of keyhole induced pore formation in laser-arc hybrid welding of aluminum alloy with a horizontal fillet joint..Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance. 2019, 28: 6555-6564[7] 胥国祥,朱杰,王加友,李林郑志强. 摇动电弧窄间隙FCAW立焊流体流动数值分析模型,机械工程学报,2019,55(18):63-69. [8] Houxiao Wang, Sukai Zhu, Guoxiang Xu, Wei Zhou, Lin Li, Daohua Zhang, Naifei Ren, Kaibo Xia, Chunhui Shi. Influence of ultrasonic vibration on percussion drilling performance for millisecond pulsed Nd:YAG laser. Optics and Laser Technology, 2018, 104: 133-139.[9] Houxiao Wang, Guoxiang Xu, Sukai Zhu, Wei Zhou, Naifei Ren, Kaibo Xia. Comparison of percussion laser drilling quality with and without water-based ultrasonic assistance. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2018, 36: 174-180. [10] Guoxiang Xu, Lin Li, Jiayou Wang, Jie Zhu, Pengfei Li. Study of weld formation in swing arc narrow gap vertical GMA welding by numerical modeling and experiment. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2018, 96: 1905-1917 (SCI, EI)[11] Guoxiang Xu. Finite element analysis of residual stress in hybrid laser-arc welding for butt joint of 12 mm-thick steel plate. Welding in the World, 2018, 62: 289-300 (SCI)[12] 张世量,胥国祥. 基于FLUENT 软件的GMAW焊熔池动态行为数值分析模型. 焊接学报,2018,39(2): 1-5(EI, 通讯作者)[13] 胥国祥,郭庆虎,胡庆贤,朱杰,刘朋,潘海潮. 中厚板铝合金光纤激光+MIG复合热源对接残余应力的数值分析. 机械工程学报,2018, 54(2): 77-83 (EI)[14] 胥国祥,潘海潮,王加友. 摇动电弧窄间隙GMAW温度场数值分析模型,焊接学报,2017,38(10):1-6(EI)[15] Jie Zhu, Jiayou Wang, Na Su, Guoxiang Xu, An infrared visual sensing detection approach for swing arc narrow gas weld deviation. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2017, 243:258-268.(SCI)[16] Guoxiang Xu, Qinnan Cao, Qingxian Hu, Peng Liu, Baoshuai Du. Modelling of bead hump formation in high speed gas metal arc welding. Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, 2016, 21(3): 112-137 (SCI)[17] Wang JY, Zhu J, Zhang C, Xu GX, Li WD. Effect of arc swing parameters on narrow gap vertical GMA weld formation. ISIJ Int, 2016, 56:844-856.(SCI)[18] Z D Yang, C F Fang, Y Chen, G X Xu, Qingxian Hu. Arc Behavior and Droplet Transfer of CWW CO Welding. Journal of Iron and Steel Research, International, 2016, 23(8):808-814.(SCI)[19] 蒲娟,余圣甫,胥国祥. 厚板FAB法单丝埋弧焊温度场的有限元模拟. 焊接学报,2016,37(1): 23-28(EI)[20] 方臣富,杨志东,张勇,胥国祥,江家忠,乔建设. 缆式焊丝埋弧焊残余应力有限元分析. 焊接学报,2016,37(11): 1-7. (EI, 通讯)[21] 张峰,胥国祥,王天宇,叶斯哈提. 激光-TIG复合热源焊保护气体流体动力学特征数值分析. 焊接,2016,5:12-16. (通讯)    1.3 五年以外的代表性论著期刊论文:[1] 胥国祥,张卫卫,刘朋. 激光+GMAW复合热源焊流体流动的数值分析. 金属学报. 2015,51(6): 44-47 (SCI,EI)[2] 胥国祥,张卫卫,马学周,杜宝帅. 激光+GMAW 复合热源焊熔池流体流动数值分析模型. 焊接学报,2015, 36(7):51-54(EI)[3] 吴铭方,匡泓锦,王凤江,林红香,胥国祥. Zr/Cu/Zr部分瞬间液相焊扩散连接Ti(C,N)-Al2O3陶瓷基复合材料. 金属学报,2014,50(): 619-624.(SCI, EI)[4] 吴铭方,王斐,赵品飞,胥国祥. 液-固扩散焊复合连接Ti(C,N)与40Cr的界面行为与连接强度. 焊接学报,2014,35(5): 5-8.(EI)[5] 杜宝帅,马学周,张忠文,胥国祥. 超细晶Q460钢多层多道焊接头残余应力的数值模拟. 焊接学报,2014,35(2): 42-46 (EI)[6] Xu Guoxiang, Wu Chuansong et al. Numerical analysis of welding residual stress and distortion in laser+GMAW hybrid welding of aluminum alloy T-joint. Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English letter) 2013,26(3): 352-360.(SCI,EI)[7] Xu Guoxiang, Wu Chuansong, Qin Guoliang and Wang Xuyou. Numerical analysis of temperature profile and weld dimensions in laser+GMAW hybrid welding of aluminum alloy T-joint. China Welding, 2013, 22(3):51-55 (EI)[8] 胥国祥,杜保帅,董再胜,朱静. 厚板多层多道焊温度场的有限元分析. 焊接学报, 2013, 34(5): 87-90(EI).[9] 胥国祥,武传松,秦国梁,王旭友. 铝合金T型接头激光+GMAW 复合热源焊温度场的有限元分析,金属学报,2012,48(9):1033-1041 (SCI, EI)[10] 方臣富,陈志伟,胥国祥,胡庆贤,周航宇,时振.缆式焊丝CO2气体保护焊工艺研究. 金属学报,2012,48(11):1299-1350.(SCI,EI,通讯作者)[11] 杜宝帅,张忠文,胥国祥,李新梅. 不同冷却时间下Q690高强贝氏体钢粗晶区的组织与性能. 机械工程材料,2012,36(11): 83-87.[12] 胥国祥,鹿启权. 激光深熔焊体积热源模型计算精度的比较.焊接,2012,4:24-28[13] 张转转,胥国祥,武传松. 基于小孔形状的TCS不锈钢激光+GMAW-P 复合焊热场模型. 金属学报,2011,47(11): 1450-1458(SCI)[14] G.X.Xu, C.S.Wu, G.L.Qin et al Numerical analysis of temperature profile and weld dimension in laser+pulsed GMAW hybrid welding Part B:Journal of EngineeringManufacture, 2011, (225): 528-542 ( SCI)[15] G.X.Xu, C.S.Wu, G.L.Qin et al. Adaptive Volumetric Heat Source Models for Laser Beam and Laser+Pulsed GMAW Hybrid Welding Process. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2011,57:2545-2559(SCI, EI)[16] Xu Guoxiang, Wu Chuansong, Qin Guoliang, Ou Hailong. Effect of laser-wire distance on temperature distribution in laser-GMAW-P hybrid welding, China welding, 2011,20(1):22-27.( EI)[17] 武传松,胥国祥,秦国梁,王旭友,林尚扬 GMAW-P电弧功率对复合热源焊热场特征的影响* 金属学报,2009.45(8):1000-1005(SCI, EI)[18] 胥国祥,武传松,秦国梁,王旭友,林尚扬激光 + GMAW复合热源焊焊缝成形的数值模拟 Ⅲ. 电弧脉冲作用的处理与热源模型的改进金属学报,2009, 45(1):107-112 (SCI, EI)[19] XU Guoxiang, WU Chuansong, Qin Guoliang Three Thermal Analysis Models for Laser, GMAW-P and Laser+ GMAW-P Hybrid Welding. China Welding, 2009, 18(1):35-39(EI)[20] 胥国祥,武传松,秦国梁,王旭友,林尚扬激光+GMAW电弧复合热源焊焊缝成形的数值模拟 II.组合式体积热源的作用模型金属学报,2008,44(6):641-646 (SCI, EI,获优秀论文奖)[21] 胥国祥,武传松,秦国梁,王旭友,林尚扬激光+GMAW复合热源焊焊缝成形的数值模拟I.表征激光作用的体积热源分布模式金属学报,2008,44(4):478-482 (SCI, EI)[22]Chen Junhua, Xu Guoxiang et al Study on vacuum brazing of Cf/C Composites China Welding, 2008, 16(1):56-59 (EI)[23] Xu Guoxiang,Wu Chuansong Numerical analysis of weld poor geometry in globular-transfer gas metal arc welding. Frontiers of Materials Science in China, 2007,1(1)24-29[24] Xu Guoxiang, Wu Chuansong and Chen Maoai Determining the boundaries of globular-to-spray transfer in robotic GMAW China Welding, 2006, 15(4):75-78 (EI)[25] Wu Chuansong, Xu Guoxiang Analysis of Double-Electrode Gas Metal Arc Welding Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Trends in Welding Research, Callaway Gardens Resort, Pine Mountain, Georgia, USA, 2005.6, 813-818(EI)专著:[1] 李亚江等. 先进焊接/连接技术. 化学工业出版社,2015.12(编著,参编, 排名第二)[2] 胥国祥,胡庆贤,王凤江. 激光+GMAW复合焊工艺及数值模拟. 江苏大学出版社,2013.12(专著) 获奖动态 教学随笔
