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姓名 王康康
性别 发明专利4999代写全部资料
学校 江苏科技大学
部门 王康康,教授,理学院
学位 王康康,教授,理学院
学历 通讯地址: 江苏科技大学理学院
职称 王康康,教授,理学院
联系方式 实用新型1875包写包过
邮箱 wkk_com@126.com
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王康康 教授 理学院 个人邮箱: wkk_com@126.com 办公地点: 通讯地址: 江苏科技大学理学院 邮政编码: 212003 传真: 您是第4249 位访问者 个人简介 王康康  教授1980年出生,教授,硕士生导师。江苏科技大学理学院教师,工学博士。主要开展非线性随机动力学与概率论极限理论方向的科研工作。江苏省“333工程”第三层次中青年学术带头人,江苏省“青蓝工程”优秀青年骨干教师,江苏省“六大人才高峰”工程培养对象。近年来以第一作者发表国内外学术论文100余篇,其中SCI收录30余篇。EI收录8篇。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目一项,中国博士后面上项目一项,江苏省政府留学奖学金项目一项,江苏省高校面上项目2项。获得镇江市优秀科技论文一等奖和三等奖各一次,并获得南航博士“科研创新先进个人”荣誉称号。担任江苏高校统计学科联盟理事会理事,江科大应用统计硕士点学科带头人,《江苏科技大学学报(自科版)》青年编委,美国《Mathematical Reviews》评论员,国家自然科学基金委评审专家,《Commun. Nonlinea SCI. Numer. Simul.》、《J. Math. Anal. Appl.》、《Physica A》、《Chaos, Solitons & Fractals》、《Euro. Phys. J B》、《Physica scripta 》、《Physical Biology》、《Fluct. Noise. Letts》、《Mod.Phys.Lett. B》、《Inter. J. Biomathe》、《Bulletin of Iranian Mathematical Society》、《Pakistan Journal of Statistics》、《中国科学:信息科学》、《物理学报》、《复杂系统与复杂性科学》等国内外十几种知名杂志的审稿人。  研究方向 1.随机非线性生物系统动力学2.高阶树指标马氏过程的极限理论3.高阶树指标任意随机场的强偏差理论  教育经历 1998/09-2002/07,南京师范大学,数学科学学院,本科,数学教育专业2002/09-2005/06,江苏大学,理学院,硕士,应用数学专业2009/04-2014/10,南京航空航天大学,航空宇航学院,博士,一般力学与力学基础专业 课程教学 主要承担本科生《高等数学》、《概率论与数理统计》、《线性代数》与博士生《随机过程》等课程教学工作, 科研项目  1.  M根树指标M阶非齐次马尔科夫信源关于广义赌博系统的强极限与强偏差理论的研究与应用,国家自然科学基金面上项目  2018.01- 主持在研   2.  M根树指标任意随机场关于广义赌博系统的强偏差理论的研究与应用,国家博士后面上科研基金 2016/5–至今  主持在研   3.  任意树指标随机场关于广义赌博系统的强偏差理论的研究,江苏省高校自然科学基金 2013/08-2015/12,  主持,已结题    4.  强极限与强偏差理论的研究与应用。 江苏省高校自然科学基金 2009/09-2011/2, 主持, 已结题     5.  非高斯噪声作用下含多时滞项的生物系统的随机动力学研究 江苏科技大学博士启动基金 2017/07- 主持在研 论文著作 主要代表作(1) Wang Kang-Kang(#)(*), Zong D.C.,Li S.H.,Stochastic Dynamical Characteristics for a Time-delayed Insect Outbreak Model Driven byCorrelated Multiplicative and Additive Noises.,Journal of Statistical Mechanics:Theory and Experiment,2015,9:P09002  (SCI)(2) Wang Kang-Kang(#)(*), Zong D.C., Li S.H.,Impact of two types of time delays and cross-correlated multiplicative and additive noises on stability and stochastic resonance for a metapopulation system.,Chaos, Solitons and Fractals,2016,91:235~247 (SCI)(3) Wang Kang-Kang(#)(*), Wang Y.J., Li S.H.,Stochastic stability and state shifts for a time-delayed cancer growth system subjected to correlated multiplicative and additive noises,Chaos, Solitons and Fractals,2016,93:1~13  (SCI)(4) Wang Kang-Kang(#)(*), Zong D.C.,Zhou Y. Stochastic dynamical features for a time-delayed ecological system of vegetation subjected to correlated multiplicative and additive noises,Chaos, Solitons and Fractals,2016,91:490~502  (SCI)(5) Wang Kang-kang(#)(*), Zong D.C.,Wang Y.J., Li S.H.,Combined action of time-delay and colored cross-associated multiplicative and additive noises on stability and stochastic resonance for a stochastic metapopulation system.,European Physical Journal B.,2016,89:122  (SCI)(6) Wang Kang-Kang(#),Liu X.B.,Stochastic resonance and stability for a time-delayed cancer growth system subjected to multiplicative and additive noises,Physica. Scripta,2015,90:085201  (SCI)(7) Wang Kang-Kang(#),Liu X.B.,Zhou Y. Stochastic resonance and stability for a stochastic metapopulation system subjected to non-Gaussian noise and multiplicative periodic signal.,Physica. Scripta,2015,90:085002 (SCI)(8) Wang Kang-Kang(#)(*), Wang Y.J.,Wu J.C.,Stochastic resonance and stability for an ecological vegetation growth system driven by colored noises and multiplicative signal.,Modern Physics Letters. B,2016,30(24):1650308 (SCI)(9) Wang Kang-Kang(#), Zong D.C.,Liu X.B.,Stability and mean extinction time for a metapopulation systemsubjected to two kinds of time delays and associated multiplicative and additive noises,Modern Physics Letters. B.,2015,29(4):1550005  (SCI)(10) Wang Kang-Kang(#),Liu X.B., Li S.H.,Stochastic resonance for a metapopulation system subjected to correlated coloured noises.,Modern Physics Letters. B,2013,27(18):1350136  (SCI)(11) Wang Kang-Kang(#)(*), Wang Y.J., Li S.H.,Wu J.C.,Mean extinction time and stability for a metapopulation system subjected to correlated Gaussian and non-Gaussian noises.,Chinese Journal of Physics,2016,54(2):205~215(SCI)(12) Wang Kang-Kang(#)(*), Xu Z.R., Wang Y.J., Li S.H., Stochastic resonance for a forest growth system subjected to non-Gaussian noises and a multiplicative periodic signal.,Chinese Journal of Physics,2017,55(2):1387~1399(SCI)(13)  Wang Kang-Kang(#),Liu X.B.,Effect of Time Delay andCross- Correlated Noises on Stochastic Resonance for a Metapopulation System with a Multiplicative Periodic Signal.,Chinese Journal of Physics,2015,53(1):020703 (SCI)(14)  Wang Kang-Kang(#),Liu X.B.,Stochastic resonance for the cancer growth system subjected to correlated multiplicative and additive noises.,Chinese Journal of Physics,2014,52(2):903~915 (SCI)(15)  Wang Kang-Kang(#),Liu X.B.,Mean Reproduction Time and Mean Decline Time for an Insect Outbreak Model Driven by Correlated Multiplicative and Additive Noises.,Chinese Journal of Physics,2014,52(4):1340~1353 (SCI)(16)  Wang Kang-Kang(#),Liu X.B.,Stochastic Resonance for a metapopulation system driven by multiplicative and additive coloured noises.,. Chinese Physics B,2014,23(1):010502 (SCI)(17)  Wang Kang-Kang(#),Liu X.B.,Stochastic Resonance for a Time-Delayed Metapopulation System Driven by Multiplicative and Additive Noises.,Chinese Physics Letters,2013,30(7):070504 (SCI)(18)  Wang Kang-Kang(#),Liu X.B.,Yang J.H,色交叉关联噪声作用下的集合种群的稳定性和平均灭绝时间,物理学报,2013,62(10):100502 (SCI,EI)(19)Wang Kang-Kang(#)(*),A class of Generalized Shannon_McMillan theorems for arbitrary information source.,Turkish Journal of Mathematica.,2011.4.30,35(4):729~736  (SCI)(20)  Wang Kang-Kang(#)(*), Zong D.C,Some Shannon-McMillan Approximation theoems for Markov Chain Field on the Generalized Bethe Tree.,Journal of Inequalities and Applications.,2011.2.28,55(11):470910  (SCI)(21) Wang Kang-Kang(#)(*),A Class of Strong Limit Theorems for Nonhomogeneous Markov Chains Indexed with the Generalized Bethe Tree on the Generalized Random Selection System.,Ukrainian Mathematical Journal.,2011.10.30,63(10):1336~1351  (SCI)(22) Wang Kang-Kang(#)(*),Some Research on Shannon–McMillan Theorem for mth-Order Nonhomogeneous Markov Information Source.,Stochastic Analysis and Applications,2009.12.30,27(6):1117~1128  (SCI)(23) Wang Kang-Kang(#)(*),A Class of Strong Limit Theorems For Countable Nonhomogeneous Markov Chains On the Generalized Gambling System.,Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,2009.03.10,59(134):23~37  (SCI)(24) Wang Kang-Kang(#)(*),Wang Y.J.,Li S.H.,Stability and stochastic resonance for a time-delayed cancer development system subjected to noises and multiplicative periodic signal.  Fluctuation and Noise Letters  2017, 16 (3): 1750022 (SCI)(25) Wang Kang-Kang(#)(*),A Class of Strong Limit Theorems for Random Field with Geometric Distributions Indexed by a Homogeneous Tree.,Thai Journal of Mathematics.,2016.02.05,14(1):181~191(26)  Wang Kang-Kang(#)(*), Zong D.C,Li F,A Class of Shannon-McMillan Theorems for mth-Order Markov Information Source on Generalized Random Selection System.,Caspian Journal of Applied Mathematics, Ecology and Economics,2015.07.20,3(1):12~23(27) Wang Kang-Kang(#)(*),Cheng Y.Z.,Zhang Z.Z,A Class of Small Deviation Theorems for Nonhomogeneous Markov Chain Fields on a Homogeneous Tree.,Caspian Journal of Applied Mathematics, Ecology and Economics,2015.12.13,3(2):3~16(28)  Wang Kang-Kang(#)(*),Zong D.C,Some Limit Theorems for Arbitrary Random Fields with respect to Geometric Distributions Indexed by a Homogeneous Tree.,Southeast Asian Bulletin Of Mathematics,2014.12.10,38(6):573~587(29)  Wang Kang-Kang(#)(*),Zong D.C,Some Shannon-McMillan Theorems for Nonhomogeneous Markov chains Indexed by a Tree on Generalized Gambling Systems.,Azerbaijan Journal of Mathematics,2014.06.15,4(1):1~17(30)  Wang Kang-Kang(#)(*), Zong D.C,A Type of Strong Deviation Theorems for Random Truncated Bivariate Functions Sequence of Nonhomogeneous Markov Chains onGeneralized Random Selection Systems.,Journal of Advanced Mathematics and Applications,2014.01.10,3(1):1~8(31) Wang Kang-Kang(#)(*),The Generalized Shannon-McMillan Theorems for Second-Order Nonhomogeneous Markov Chains on the Gambling Systems Indexed by a Double Rooted Tree,Journal of Contemporary Applied Mathematics,2014.06.20,4(1):11~22(32) Wang Kang-Kang(#)(*),Zong D.C,A Type of Shannon-McMillan Approximation Theorems for Second-Order Nonhomogeneous Markov Chains Indexed by a Double Rooted Tree,Caspian Journal of Applied Mathematics, Ecology and Economics,2014.06.20,2(1):3~17(33)  Wang Kang-Kang(#)(*), Zong D.C,A Type of Limit Theorems for Random Truncated Functions Sequence of mth-Order Nonhomogeneous Markov Chains on Generalized Random Selection Systems.,Azerbaijan Journal of Mathematics,2013.06.20,3(1):60~75(34)  Wang Kang-Kang(#)(*),Zong D.C,Some Limit Theorems for Second-Order Nonhomogeneous Markov Chains Indexed by a Double Rooted Tree on the Generalized Gambling Systems,Caspian Journal of Applied Mathematics, Ecology and Economics,2013.12.13,1(2):29~44(35)  Wang Kang-Kang(#)(*),Zong D.C,A Class of Small Deviation Theorems for Random Truncated Functions Sequence of Nonhomogeneous Markov Chains on Generalized Gambling Systems.,Journal of Contemporary Applied Mathematics,2013.12.13,3(2):3~15(36) Wang Kang-Kang(#)(*),Ye X.F.,Teng T,Jia J.W.,A Class of Strong Limit Theorems for Multivariate Function Sequence of mth-Order Nonhomogeneous Markov Chains on the Generalized Gambling Systems,Journal of Contemporary Applied Mathematics,2013.06.17,3(1)(37) Wang Kang-Kang(#)(*),Peng W.C.,Some Small Deviation Theorems for the Sequence of Binary Random Truncated Functions on a Homogeneous Tree.,New Zealand Journal of Mathematics,2012.04.12,42:53~65(38)  Wang Kang-Kang(#)(*),Zong D.C,A Class of Strong Limit Theorems for Nonhomogeneous Markov Chains Field Indexed by a Homogeneous Tree.,Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics,2012.12.12,36(6):891~902(39)  Wang Kang-Kang(#)(*),Zong D.C,A Class of Local Limit Theorems for Markov Chains Field Indexed with the Generalized Bethe Tree on the Generalized Random Selection System.,Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics,2012.10.12,36(5):553~564(40) Wang Kang-Kang(#)(*),Zong D.C,Some Limit Properties of Random Transition Probability for Second-Order Nonhomogeneous Markov Chains on Generalized Gambling System Indexed by a Double rooted Tree,Journal of Applied Mathematics and Informatics,2012.03.15,30(3-4):541~553(41) Wang Kang-Kang(#)(*),Zong D.C,A Class of Small Deviation Theorems for Random Sums of Multivariate Function of mth-Order Markov Chain.,Azerbaijan Journal of Mathematics,2012.12.13,2(2):63~77(42) Wang Kang-Kang(#)(*),Some Limit Theorems for Nonhomogeneous Markov Chains Indexed by an Infinite Tree with Uniformly Bounded Degree,Thai Journal of Mathematics,2012.04.30,10(2):233~243(43) Wang Kang-Kang(#)(*),Xu Z.R.,Some generalized Shannon-McMillan theorems for nonhomogeneous Markov chains on second-order gambling systems indexed by an infinite tree with uniformly bounded degree.,Journal of Applied Mathematics and Informatics,2012.02.12,30(1-2):83~92(44) Wang Kang-Kang(#)(*),Zhu M.X,A Type of Markov Approximation of Random Fields on a Homogeneous Tree and a Class of Small Deviation Theorems.,Vietnam Journal of Mathematics,2011.03.20,39(1):1~17(45) Wang Kang-Kang(#)(*),A Class of Shannon-McMillan Theorems for Nonhomogeneous Markov Chains Field Indexed by a Homogeneous Tree.,New Zealand Journal of Mathematics,2011.04.13,41:45~53(46) Wang Kang-Kang(#)(*),Zong D.C,A Class of Generalized Shannon-Mcmillan Theorems for mth-order Nonhomogeneous Markov Information Source,Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics,2011.04.15,35(2):157~165(47) Wang Kang-Kang(#)(*),A kind of Random Deviation Theorems for Stochastic Sequence on Random Selection Systems and Laplace Transforms.,Vietnam Journal of Mathematics.,2011.12.17,39(4):405~423(48) Wang Kang-Kang(#)(*),LI F,Yang W.G,任意随机序列关于二重非齐次马氏链的随机和的一类随机选择系统的随机偏差定理,应用概率统计,2009.12.05,25(6):587~596(49) Wang Kang-Kang(#)(*), Zong D.C,A Class of Strong Limit Theorems for Arbitrary Stochastic Sequence On Generalized Random Selection Systems.,Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics,2009.06.20,33(3):579~586(50)Wang Kang-Kang(#)(*), Zong D.C,A class of Generalized Shannon_McMillan theoems for arbitrary information source on the Generalized Random Selection System. Journal of Probability and Statistical Science,  2010 8 (2) : 159-168,(51) Wang Kang-Kang(#)(*), The Generalized Shannon-McMillan Theorems for Nonhomogeneous Markov Chains Indexed by a Homogeneous Tree. Journal of Probability and Statistical Science, 2013, 11(1): 58-69(52) Wang Kang-Kang(#)(*), Zong D.C, A Class of Shannon-McMillan Theorems for mth-Order Markov Information Source on Generalized Random Selection System.  Tamkang Journal of Mathematics. 2013. 44 (2): 131-140(53) Wang Kang-Kang(#)(*), Chen Y.L., Li Z.H., Cheng F.J. A Class of Strong Deviation Theorems for the Sequences of Arbitrary Random Variables with Respect to mth-order Markov Chains. Journal of Probability and Statistical Science, 2014, 12(2): 185-194 科研团队 专利成果 获奖动态 教学随笔
