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姓名 杨宗明
性别 发明专利4999代写全部资料
学校 江苏科技大学
部门 杨宗明,副教授,能源与动力学院
学位 杨宗明,副教授,能源与动力学院
学历 通讯地址:
职称 杨宗明,副教授,能源与动力学院
联系方式 实用新型1875包写包过
邮箱 zongmingy@just.edu.cn
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杨宗明 副教授 能源与动力学院 个人邮箱: zongmingy@just.edu.cn 办公地点: 通讯地址: 邮政编码: 212003 传真: 您是第2732 位访问者 个人简介 研究方向 教育经历 982.7--1986.7  大连工学院造船系涡轮机专业学习1986.9--1989.4  哈尔滨船舶工程学院船舶动力装置专业学习1990.2--1990.6 上海外国语学院进修2019.1--2019.5 美国圣玛丽大学进修学习2019.9-2022.8 乌克兰国立造船大学发动机与动力装置专业攻读博士学位 课程教学 科研项目 专利成果 科研团队 论文著作 1. 苏石川,元彬,杨宗明,现代柴油发电机组的应用与管理,化学工业出版社,2005.82. 姚寿广,肖民,杨宗明,船舶动力装置,国防工业出版社,20063. Zongming Yang, Huabing Wen, Xinglin Yang Marine Power Plant,Springer, 2020.21. Zongming Yang, Victoria Kornienko, Mykola Radchenko, Andrii Radchenko, Roman Radchenko,Anatoliy Pavlenko. Capture of Pollutants from Exhaust Gases by Low-Temperature Heating Surfaces. Energies 2022, 15, 120. https://doi.org/10.3390/ en150101204. Zongming Yang , Mykola Radchenko , Andrii Radchenko, Dariusz Mikielewicz,Roman Radchenko. Gas Turbine Intake Air Hybrid Cooling Systems and a New Approach to Their Rational Designing. Energies 2022, 15, 1474. https://doi.org/10.3390/en150414745. Zongming Yang, Dmytro Konovalov, Mykola Radchenko , Roman Radchenko, Halina Kobalava, Andrii Radchenko,Victoria Kornienko. Analysis of Efficiency of Thermopressor Application for Internal Combustion Engine. Energies 2022, 15, 2250. https://doi.org/ 10.3390/en1506226. Zongming Yang, Victoria Kornienko, Mykola Radchenko, Andrii Radchenko,Roman Radchenko. Research of Exhaust Gas Boiler Heat Exchange Surfaces with Reduced Corrosion When Water-Fuel Emulsion Combustion. Sustainability 2022, 14, 11927. https://doi.org/10.3390/su1419119277. Zongming Yang, Volodymyr Korobko, Mykola Radchenko,Roman Radchenko. Improving Thermoacoustic Low-Temperature Heat Recovery Systems. Sustainability 2022, 14, 12306. https://doi.org/10.3390/su141912306.8. Zongming Yang, Roman Radchenko, Mykola Radchenko, Andrii Radchenko, Victoria Kornienko. Cooling Potential of Ship Engine Intake Air Cooling and Its Realization on the Route Line. Sustainability 2022, 14, 15058. https://doi.org/10.3390/su142215058.9. J. Q. Dai1, Z. M. Yang, W. S. Wang, J. P. Liu, Y. D. Akenteng, D. F. Chen. Study the fow and species distribution characteristics in a typical 25‑cell proton ceramic fuel cell stack by 3D large‑scale modeling. Ionics, Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11581-022-04465-y10. Shouguang Yao, Xiaoyu Shen, Zongming Yang, Guozeng Feng, Min Xiao. Design and optimization of LNG vaporization cold energy comprehensive utilization system based on a novel intermediate fluid vaporizer. Applied Thermal Engineering 190 (2021) 116785.11.Zongming Yang, Huabing Wen, Xinglin Yang, Viktor Gorbov, Vira Mitienkova, Serhiy Serbin. Marine Power Plant. Springer (2021), ISBN 978-981-33-4934-6, ISBN 978-981-33-4935-3 (eBook), https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-33-4935-312. Xinglin Yang, Zongming Yang, Huabing Wen, Viktor Gorbov, Vira Mitienkova, Serhiy Serbin. Alternative Fuels in Ship Power Plants, Springer (2021), ISBN 978-981-33-4849-3, ISBN 978-981-33-4850-9 (eBook) https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-33-4850-9.13. Ning Chen, Zongming Yang, Wenbin Luo. Development and Implementation of Ship BWMS. Springer (2021), ISBN 978-981-33-6864-4 ISBN 978-981-33-6865-1 (eBook), https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-33-6865-114. 温华兵,王蛟,杨宗明,张俊苗,包国治,S.S.Ryzhkov. Thermo-technical Measurements and Instruments in Ship Power Plants. 上海科学技术出版社。ISBN 978-7-5478-5244-6,2021.315.Shichuan Su, Shundong Zhang, Cheng Yan, Zongming Yang*,Fa Zheng, Li Zhang. Evaluations of fuel and air flow distributing qualities within those SOFC stacks designs with flow manifolds penetrated through cell plane. International Journal of ELECTROCHEMICAL SCIENCE12 (2017) 230 – 239, doi: 10.20964/2017.01.13.16. Trushliakov, E., Radchenko, M., Radchenko, A., Kantor, S., Zongming, Y. Statistical Approach to Improve the Efficiency of Air Conditioning System Performance in Changeable Climatic Conditions // 5th International Conference on Systems and Informatics, ICSAI 2018, Jiangsu, Nanjing, China, 2019. – P. 256–260. DOI: 10.1109/ICSAI.2018.859943417. Radchenko, A., Bohdal, L., Zongming, Y., Portnoi, B., Tkachenko, V.: Rational designing of gas turbine inlet air cooling system. In: Tonkonogyi V. et al. (eds.) Grabchenko's International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing Processes. InterPartner-2019. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Cham, pp. 591-599 (2020).18. Radchenko A.M., Zongming Y., Kantor S. A., Portnoy By. Sec. Efficiency of air cooling at the gas turbine installation inlet in moderate and subtropical climate conditions. Aviatsionno-kosmicheskaya tekhnika i tekhnologiya. – 2018. – № (150). – Seconds 34-38.19. Zongming Y., Radchenko A.M., Tailor Would.Sec. Comparison of the efficiency of cooling air at the GTU inlet for different climates. Innovations in shipbuilding and ocean technology: Proceedings of the X International Scientific and Technical Conference. - Nikolaev: NUK, 2019, pp. 509-512.20. Zongming Y., Radchenko N. I., Portnoy By.Sec. Comparison of air cooling efficiency at the GTU inlet for temperate and tropical climates. Innovations in shipbuilding and ocean technology: Proceedings of the X International Scientific and Technical Conference. - Nikolaev: NUK, 2019, pp. 513-516.   获奖动态 教学随笔
