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姓名 王东旭
性别 发明专利4999代写全部资料
学校 江苏科技大学
部门 王东旭,副教授,粮食学院
学位 王东旭,副教授,粮食学院
学历 长山校区粮食学院4楼463室
职称 王东旭,副教授,粮食学院
联系方式 实用新型1875包写包过
邮箱 wdx@just.edu.cn
集群智慧云企服 / 知识产权申请大平台
急速申请 包写包过 办事快、准、稳

王东旭 副教授 粮食学院 个人邮箱: wdx@just.edu.cn 办公地点: 长山校区粮食学院4楼463室 通讯地址: 江苏省镇江市长晖路666号江苏科技大学长山校区18号楼 邮政编码: 212100 传真: 您是第2058 位访问者 个人简介 王东旭,男,博士,副教授,硕士研究生导师,1987年11月生,汉族,吉林永吉人,九三学社社员,主要从事食品营养与毒理学,食品营养与健康及其功能性食品开发等方面的研究,个人通讯邮箱:wdx@just.edu.cn;justwdx@163.com。近年来,先后主持中国科协“青年人才托举工程”1项、江苏省自然科学基金项目1项、安徽省自然科学基金项目1项,参与国家自然科学基金项目3项、安徽省重点研究与开发计划2项等多项省部级以上科研项目。在《Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry》、《Journal of Pineal Research》、《Redox Biology》、《Food Chemistry》、《Current Opinion in Food Science》、《Food Research International》、《Journal of Functional Foods》、《Food & Function》、《Food and Chemical Toxicology》、《Frontiers in Nutrition》、《Foods》、《食品工业科技》、《食品与发酵工业》、《食品质量安全检测学报》等本领域国内外重要期刊发表学术论文70余篇(SCI论文累计IF 275),其中第一和通讯作者40余篇,授权发明专利5件,参编John Wiley & Sons出版社《Handbook of Nanotoxicology, Nanomedicine and Stem Cell Use in Toxicology》著作章节1部,先后指导及合作指导食品科学、食品营养与卫生学学术型硕士研究生5人。目前为中国茶叶学会青年工作委员会委员、《Molecules》[IF 4.927]客座编辑;食品科学与生物医药领域期刊《Food Chemistry》、《Food Research International》、《Molecular Nutrition and Food Research》、《Environmental Science & Technology》、《Food and Chemical Toxicology》、《Journal of Functional Foods》、《Food & Function》、《International Immunopharmacology》、《Frontiers in Nutrition》、《Nutrients》、《Foods》、《Journal of Food Biochemistry》等20余种期刊的审稿人。代表性科研项目:1.中国科协“青年人才托举工程”项目,YESS20170016,2017/01-2019/12,45万,主持2.江苏省自然科学基金青年项目,BK20210881,2021/07-2024/06,20万,主持3.安徽省自然科学基金青年项目,1708085QC79,2017/07-2019/07,8万,主持4.国家自然科学基金面上项目,31972459,2020/01-2023/12,58万,参加3/95.国家自然科学基金青年项目,31601424,2017/01-2019/12,20万,参加3/76.安徽省重点研究和开发计划,1804b06020367,2018/03-2021/02,60万,参加4/87.安徽省重点研究和开发计划,1904b11020038,2019/01-2021/12,60万,参加4/98.安徽省自然科学基金面上项目,1408085MKL39,2015/01-2016/12,8万,参加3/6代表性授权专利:1. 一种含有褪黑素和儿茶素的组合物及其应用 CN201510143933.0(发明, 排名2)2.一种糯米粉蛋白水解物的制备方法及其产物CN202111221342.2(发明, 排名2)3.一种微波辅助金属离子富集麦胚多肽的方法及其产物CN202111320454.3(发明, 排名2)4.一种简单高效制备茶虫砂的方法 CN201610541398.9(发明, 排名4)5. 一种离体麦胚内源酶活化的工艺方法  CN202111331389.4(发明, 排名2)代表性获奖情况:1.中国商业联合会科学技术奖(三等奖,排名5/8)(2022)2.安徽省科学技术奖自然科学奖(三等奖,排名4/5)(2019)3.中国茶叶学会青年科技奖(排名1/1)(2017)代表性科研论文与著作(#为发表年影响因子, *为通讯作者):36) Taotao Wang, Hong Xu, Yu Guo, Yuanxin Guo, Huanan Guan*, Dongxu Wang*, Perfluorodecanoic acid promotes high-fat diet-triggered adiposity and hepatic lipid accumulation by modulating the NLRP3/caspase-1 pathway in male C57BL/6J mice. Food and Chemical Toxicology. 2023,178:113943. (SCI, JCR Q1, 中科院毒理学1区, IF 4.3#)35) Taotao Wang, Hong Xu, Shanshan Wu, Yuanxin Guo*, Guangshan Zhao*, Dongxu Wang*, Mechanisms underlying the effects of the green tea polyphenol EGCG in sarcopenia prevention and management. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2023,  71(25):9609-9627. (SCI, JCR Q1, 中科院农林科学1区, IF 6.1#)34) Ruixia Dong, Junjie Pan, Guangshan Zhao*, Shiqiong Wang, Ning Li, Lianjun Song, Xianqing Huang, Shuxing Miao, Junhui Ying, Fangying Wu, Dongxu Wang*, et al., Antioxidant, antihyperglycemic, and antihyperlipidemic properties of Chimonanthus salicifolius S. Y. Hu leaves in experimental animals: modulation of thioredoxin and glutathione systems, renal water reabsorption, and gut microbiota. Frontiers in Nutrition. 2023, 10:1168049. (SCI, JCR Q1, 中科院营养学2区, IF 5.0#)33) Taotao Wang, Hong Xu, Ruixia Dong, Shanshan Wu, Yuanxin Guo*, Dongxu Wang*, Effectiveness of targeting the NLRP3 inflammasome by using natural polyphenols: A systematic review of implications on health effects. Food Research International. 2023, 165:112567. (SCI, JCR Q1, 中科院食品科技1区, IF 8.1#)32) Taotao Wang, Hong Xu, Yu Guo, Zhanming Li, Hua Ye, Liang Wu, Yuanxin Guo*, Dongxu Wang*, Perfluorodecanoic acid promotes adipogenesis via NLRP3 inflammasome-mediated pathway in HepG2 and 3T3-L1 cells. Food and Chemical Toxicology. 2023, 171:113520. (SCI, JCR Q1, 中科院毒理学1区, IF 4.3#)31) Qiuyan Ban, Wenjing Chi, Yu Tan, Shiqiong Wang, Ning Li, Lianjun Song, Xianqing Huang*, Dongxu Wang*, et al., Melatonin improved glucose homeostasis is associated with the reprogrammed gut microbiota and reduced fecal levels of short-chain fatty acids in db/db mice. Food Science & Nutrition. 2023, 1:11-15. (SCI, JCR Q2, 中科院食品科技3区, IF 3.9#)30) Yanyan Zhang, Yue Xi, Changshui Yang, Weijuan Gong, Chengyin Wang, Liang Wu*, Dongxu Wang*, Short-chain fatty acids attenuate 5-fluorouracil-induced THP-1 cell inflammation through inhibiting NF-κB/NLRP3 signaling via glycerolphospholipid and sphingolipid metabolism. Molecules. 2023, 28(2), 494. (SCI, JCR Q2, 中科院化学2区, IF 4.6#)29) Yijun Wang, Tiantian Liu, Yanmei Xie, Na Li, Yan Liu, Jiaqiang Wen, Man Zhang, Wanjie Feng, Jinbao Huang, Yuanxin Guo, Tufy Kabbas Junior, Dongxu Wang*, et al., Clitoria ternatea blue petal extract protects against obesity, oxidative stress, and inflammation induced by a high-fat, high-fructose diet in C57BL/6 mice. Food Research International. 2022, 162:112008. (SCI, JCR Q1, 中科院食品科技1区, IF 8.1#)28) Dongxu Wang, et al., Recent advances in the effects of dietary polyphenols on inflammation in vivo: potential molecular mechanisms, receptor targets, safety issues, and uses of nano-delivery system and polyphenol polymers. Current Opinion in Food Science. 2022, 48:100921. (SCI, JCR Q1,中科院农林科学1区, IF 9.9#)27) Dongxu Wang, et al., Green tea polyphenols upregulate the Nrf2 signaling pathway and suppress oxidative stress and inflammation markers in D-galactose-induced liver aging in mice. Frontiers in Nutrition. 2022, 9:836112. (SCI, JCR Q1,中科院营养学2区, IF 5.0#)26) Man Yan, Xiang Li, Chang Sun, Jiajun Tan, Yuanyuan Liu, Mengqi Li, Zishang Qi, Jiayuan He, Dongxu Wang*, et al., Sodium butyrate attenuates AGEs-induced oxidative stress and inflammation by inhibiting autophagy and affecting cellular metabolism in THP-1 cells. Molecules. 2022, 27(24), 8715.(SCI, JCR Q2, 中科院化学2区, IF 4.6#)25) Chengxue Yi, Wen Sun, Longkun Ding, Man Yan, Chang Sun, Chen-guang Qiu, Dongxu Wang*, et al., Short-chain fatty acids weaken ox-LDL-induced cell inflammatory injury by inhibiting NLRP3/caspase-1 pathway and affecting cellular metabolism in THP-1 cells. Molecules. 2022, 27(24), 8801.(SCI, JCR Q2, 中科院化学2区, IF 4.6#)24) ZhanmingLi, Zhongyang Ren, Lin Zhao, Lin Chen, Yue Yu, Dongxu Wang, et al., Unique roles in health promotion of dietary flavonoids through gut microbiota regulation: Current understanding and future perspectives. Food Chemistry. 2022, 399:133959. (SCI, JCR Q1,中科院农林科学1区, IF 8.8#)23) Lijie Jia, Fuming Wang, Ke Zhang, Dongxu Wang, et al.,L-Theanine inhibits (-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate oxidation via chelating copper. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2022, 70(25):7751-7761. (SCI, JCR Q1,中科院农林科学1区, IF 6.1#)22) Xiaohong Feng, Longkun Ding, Guifang Ma, Ying Zhang, Yefu Sun, Zhengzhang Li, Xiaojun Tao, Asmaa Ali, Dongxu Wang*, et al., Lactobacillus rhamnosus TR08 improves dyslipidemia in mice fed with a high fat diet via regulating the intestinal microbiota, reducing systemic inflammatory response and promoting sphingomholipid metabolism. Molecules. 2022, 27(21), 7357.(SCI, JCR Q2, 中科院化学2区, IF 4.6#)21) Wenjing Liao, Suyu Liu, Yunxi Chen, Yashuai Kong, Dongxu Wang, et al., Effects of Keemun and Dianhong black tea in alleviating excess lipid accumulation in the liver of obese mice: A comparative study. Frontiers in Nutrition. 2022, 9:849582. (SCI, JCR Q1,中科院营养学2区, IF 5.0#)20) Nora Pap, Marina Fidelis, Luciana Azevedo, Mariana Araújo Vieirado Carmo, Dongxu Wang, et al., Berry polyphenols and human health: evidence of antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, microbiota modulation, and cell-protecting effects. Current Opinion in Food Science. 2021, 42:167-186. (SCI, JCR Q1,中科院农林科学2区, IF 9.8#)19) Dongxu Wang, et al., Green tea polyphenols mitigate plant lectins-induced liver inflammation and immunological reaction in C57BL/6 mice via NLRP3 and Nrf2 signaling pathways, Food and Chemical Toxicology. 2020, 144:111576.(SCI, JCR Q1,中科院食品科技2区, IF 6.025#)18) Dongxu Wang, et al., Ameliorative effects of L-theanine on dextran sulfate sodium induced colitis in C57BL/6J mice are associated with the inhibition of inflammatory responses and attenuation of intestinal barrier disruption, Food Research International. 2020, 137:109409. (SCI, JCR Q1,中科院食品科技1区, IF 6.475#)17) Dongxu Wang, et al., Green tea polyphenols and epigallocatechin-3-gallate protect against perfluorodecanoic acid induced liver damage and inflammation in mice by inhibiting NLRP3 inflammasome activation, Food Research International. 2020, 127:108628. (SCI, JCR Q1,中科院食品科技1区, IF 6.475#)16) Jinbao Huang, Wenjiao Li, Wenjing Liao, Qing Hao, Dongxu Wang, et al., Green tea polyphenol (-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate alleviates non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and ameliorates intestinal immunity in mice fed a high fat diet, Food & Function. 2020, 11(11):9924-9935. (SCI, JCR Q1,中科院农林科学1区, IF 5.396#)15) Dongxu Wang, et al., Green tea polyphenols prevent lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammatory liver injury in mice by inhibiting NLRP3 inflammasome activation, Food & Function. 2019, 10:3898-3908. (SCI, JCR Q1,中科院农林科学1区, IF 4.171#)14) Dongxu Wang, et al., Anticancer activity and mechanism of total saponins from the residual seed cake of Camellia oleifera Abel. in hepatoma-22 tumor-bearing mice, Food & Function. 2019, 10:2480-2490. (SCI, JCR Q1,中科院农林科学1区, IF 4.171#)13) Dongxu Wang, et al., Protective effect and mechanism of theanine on lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammation and acute liver injury in mice, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2018, 66:7674-7683. (SCI, JCR Q1,中科院农林科学1区, IF 3.571#)12) Dongxu Wang, et al., Theanine supplementation prevents liver injury and heat shock response by normalizing hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis hyperactivity in mice subjected to whole body heat stress, Journal of Functional Foods. 2018, 45:181-189. (SCI, JCR Q1,中科院食品科技2区, IF 3.197#)11) Yijun Wang, Zhipeng Kan, Dongxu Wang, et al., Differences in chemical composition among commercially important cultivars of Genus Camellia. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2018, 67:5457-5464. (SCI, JCR Q1,中科院农林科学1区, IF 3.571#)10) Dongxu Wang, et al., Green tea infusion protects against alcoholic liver injury by attenuating inflammation and regulating PI3K/Akt/eNOS pathway in C57BL/6 mice, Food & Function. 2017, 8:3165-3177. (SCI, JCR Q1,中科院农林科学1区, IF 3.289#)9) Ruixia Dong, Dongxu Wang, et al., Epigallocatechin-3-gallate enhances key enzymatic activities of hepatic thioredoxin and glutathione systems in selenium-optimal mice but activates hepatic Nrf2 responses in selenium-deficient mice, Redox Biology. 2016, 10:221-232. (SCI,JCR Q1,中科院生物学1区, IF 6.337#)8) Jianfa Zong, Dongxu Wang, et al., Oleiferasaponin C6 from the seeds of Camellia oleifera Abel.: a novel compound inhibits proliferation through inducing cell-cycle arrest and apoptosis on human cancer cell lines in vitro, RSC Advances. 2016, 6, 91386. (SCI,JCR Q2,中科院化学3区, IF 3.108#)7) Yaqing Wei, Pingping Chen, Tiejun Ling, Yijun Wang, Ruixia Dong, Chen Zhang, Longjie Zhang, Manman Han, Dongxu Wang, et al., Certain (-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) auto-oxidation products (EAOPs) retain the cytotoxic activities of EGCG, Food Chemistry. 2016, 204:218-226. (SCI, JCR Q1,中科院食品科技1区, IF 4.529#)6) Manman Han, Guangshan Zhao, Yijun Wang, Dongxu Wang, et al., Safety and anti-hyperglycemic efficacy of various tea types in mice, Scientific Reports. 2016, 6:31703. (SCI, JCR Q2,中科院综合3区, IF 4.259#)5) Dongxu Wang, et al., Melatonin attenuates (-)-epigallocatehin-3-gallate-triggered hepatotoxicity without compromising its downregulation of hepatic gluconeogenic and lipogenic genes in mice, Journal of Pineal Research. 2015, 59(4):497-507. (SCI, JCR Q1,中科院医学生理学1区, IF 9.314#)4) Dongxu Wang, et al., Green tea polyphenol (-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate triggered hepatotoxicity in mice: Responses of major antioxidant enzymes and the Nrf2 rescue pathway, Toxicology and Appllied Pharmacology. 2015, 283(1):65-74. (SCI, JCR Q1,中科院药学毒理学2区, IF 3.847#)3) Le Zhang, Shanshan Wu, Dongxu Wang, et al., Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) in or on nanoparticles: Enhanced stability and bioavailability of EGCG encapsulated in nanoparticles or targeted delivery of gold nanoparticles coated with EGCG, Handbook of Nanotoxicology, Nanomedicine and Stem Cell Use in Toxicology, Chapter 8, 2014, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (著作章节)2) Shanshan Wu, Kang Sun, Xin Wang, Dongxu Wang, et al., Protonation of epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) results in massive aggregation and reduced oral bioavailability of EGCG-dispersed selenium nanoparticles, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2013, 61(30):7268-7275. (SCI, JCR Q1,中科院农林科学1区, IF 3.107#)1) Dongxu Wang,et al., Encapsulated nanoepigallocatechin-3-gallate and elemental selenium nanoparticles as paradigms for nanochemoprevention, International Journal of Nanomedicine. 2012, 7:1711-1721. (SCI, JCR Q1,中科院工程技术1区, IF 4.976#) 研究方向 主要从事食品营养与毒理学,食品营养与健康及其功能性食品开发等方面的研究 教育经历 课程教学 本科生:《食品毒理学》、《食品营养学》、《功能性食品》、《营养科学与健康》、《食品卫生学》研究生:《食品毒理与评价》留学生:《Functional Food》 科研项目 论文著作 获奖动态 专利成果 科研团队 粮油食品安全与营养健康团队 教学随笔
