
主页 > 江苏省 > 江苏科技大学


姓名 范伟
性别 发明专利4999代写全部资料
学校 江苏科技大学
部门 范伟,讲师,能源与动力学院
学位 范伟,讲师,能源与动力学院
学历 能源与动力学院333
职称 范伟,讲师,能源与动力学院
联系方式 实用新型1875包写包过
邮箱 wfan@just.edu.cn
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急速申请 包写包过 办事快、准、稳

范伟 讲师 能源与动力学院 个人邮箱: wfan@just.edu.cn 办公地点: 能源与动力学院333 通讯地址: 江苏省镇江市丹徒新区江苏科技大学能源与动力学院 邮政编码: 212100 传真: 您是第441 位访问者 个人简介 范伟(邮箱:wfan@just.edu.cn),男,江苏科技大学能源与动力学院讲师,2021.2-2022.2加拿大滑铁卢大学访学。2022年于东南大学能源与环境学院获得工学博士学位,研究方向为工业过程状态监测及故障诊断,智慧电站及电力大数据分析,大型工业过程系统特性建模,机器学习理论研究及应用。担任IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, IEEE Sensors Journal, The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, IEEE Access等国际期刊的审稿工作。部分论文发表情况:[1] Wei Fan et al. Semi-supervised probabilistic predictable feature analysis for concurrent process-quality monitoring of a thermal power plant. Submitted to Information Sciences, 2023.[2] Yanfeng Cui,Wei Fan (通讯), Yongzan Zhou. Dimensionality Reducing Gaussian Mixture-based Reconstruction for Fault Detection in Multi-mode Industrial Processes. Submitted to The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2023.[3] Wei Fan; Yinfeng Jin; Cong Yu; Yongzan Zhou. PSINDy: Probabilistic sparse identification of nonlinear dynamics for temporal process modelling and fault detection. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2023, 153: 105238.[4] Wei Fan; Qinqin Zhu; Shaojun Ren; Liang Zhang; Fengqi Si. Dynamic Probabilistic Predictable Feature Analysis for Multivariate Temporal Process Monitoring,IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 2022, 30(6): 1-12.[5] Wei Fan; Qinqin Zhu; Shaojun Ren; Liang Zhang; Fengqi Si. Robust probabilistic predictable feature analysis and its application for dynamic process monitoring, Journal of Process Control, 2022, 112: 21-35.[6] Wei Fan; Shaojun Ren; Cong Yu; Haiquan Yu; Peng Wang; Fengqi Si. A mixture of probabilistic predictable feature analysis for multi-mode dynamic process monitoring, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2022, 143: 104635.[7] Wei Fan; Qinqin Zhu; Shaojun Ren; Bo Xu; Fengqi Si. Multivariate temporal process monitoring with graph‐based predictable feature analysis, The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2022, 101(2): 909-924.[8] Wei Fan; Fengqi Si; Shaojun Ren; Cong Yu; Yanfeng Cui; Peng Wang. Integration of continuous restricted Boltzmann machine and SVR in NOx emissions prediction of a tangential firing boiler, Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 2019, 195: 103870.[9] Wei Fan; Shaojun Ren;  Qinqin Zhu; Zhijun Jia; Delong Bai; Fengqi Si. A Novel Multi-Mode Bayesian Method for the Process Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis of Coal Mills, IEEE Access, 2021, 9: 22914-22926.[10] Ying Liu; Jianxin Zhou; Wei Fan (通讯). A novel robust dynamic method for NOx emissions prediction in a thermal power plant, The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2022.[11] Peng Wang, Fengqi Si, Wei Fan, Shaojun Ren. Data Enhancement for Data-Driven Modeling in Power Plants Based on a Conditional Variational-Adversarial Generative Network, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2021, 60(24): 8829-8843.[12] Yukun Zhu, Cong Yu, Wei Fan, Haiquan Yu, Wei Jin, Shuo Chen, & Xia Liu. A novel NOx emission prediction model for multimodal operational utility boilers considering local features and prior knowledge. Energy, 2023, 128128.[13] Shuo Chen, Cong Yu, Yukun Zhu, Wei Fan, Haiquan Yu, Tihua Zhang. NOx formation model for utility boilers using robust two-step steady-state detection and multimodal residual convolutional auto-encoder, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2024, 105252.[14] Wei Fan et al. A novel sparse nonlinear dynamic SO2 emissions prediction model for a 600MW coal-fired power plant. In preparation, 2023.注:上标“*”为指导的学生。科研项目:[1] 企业项目:“互联网+民用爆炸物品生产及仓储智能化安全监控系统”技术开发,主持,2023.07;[2] 企业项目: 厂级循环水系统优化运行在线指导系统研究与应用,主持,2023.10;[3] 企业项目: 工业过程数据采集系统开发,主持,2023.12;[4] 企业项目: 非稳动态过程性能建模及状态监测技术开发,主持,2024.01;指导学生:1.徐顾鑫-2021级硕士(联合指导);2.李昊晨-2023级硕士(联合指导); 研究方向 工业过程状态监测及故障诊断智慧电站及电力大数据分析大型工业过程系统特性建模机器学习理论研究及应用 教育经历 2023-05 至今,      康力电梯股份有限公司-江苏科技大学,   博士后2023-01 至今,      江苏科技大学,能源与动力学院,        讲师2015-09 至 2022-12, 东南大学,     动力工程及工程热物理,   硕博连读2021-02 至 2022-02, 滑铁卢大学,   化学工程,               联合培养博士 课程教学 科研项目 1 华润电力CSASS平台分析专家系统,华润电力控股有限公司,西门子中国,2018-2020.参与; 2 600MW间接空冷机组大数据分析技术研究与应用,中电国际神头发电有限公司,2017-2018,参与; 3 脱硝催化剂寿命管理数据库平台开发与研究,中国大唐集团公司,2015-2017,参与; 4 基于多模态数据挖掘的多维高精度故障诊断技术,国家重点研发计划课题(No.2022YFB4100702),2022-2025,参与; 5 烟塔合一系统流场耦合与热羽扩散机理及优化调控研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目(No.51976031),2020-2023,参与; 专利成果 1 李树洲; 司风琪; 张贝; 范伟; 喻聪; 江晓明 ; 基于多源信息融合技术的燃煤锅炉SCR催化剂寿命评 价方法, 2020-10-20, 中国, CN201... 2 朱誉; 周建新; 范伟; 司风琪; 谭力强 ; 一种基于新型自组织格栅动态库的负荷分配方法, 2020-09- 25, 中国, CN201710807936.9 科研团队 教学随笔 获奖动态 论文著作 1 Wang P, Si F, Fan W, et al. Data Enhancement for Data-Driven Modeling in Power Plants Based on a Conditional Variational... 2 Fan W, Ren S, Zhu Q, et al. A novel multi-mode Bayesian method for the process monitoring and fault diagnosis of coal mi... 3 Liu Y, Zhou J, Fan W. A novel robust dynamic method for NOx emissions prediction in a thermal power plant[J]. The Canadi... 4 Wei Fan; Fengqi Si; Shaojun Ren; Cong Yu; Yanfeng Cui; Peng Wang ; Integration of continuous restricted Boltzmann machin... 5 Wei Fan; Qinqin Zhu; Shaojun Ren; Bo Xu; Fengqi Si ; Multivariate temporal process monitoring with graph‐based predictab... 6 Wei Fan; Shaojun Ren; Cong Yu; Haiquan Yu; Peng Wang; Fengqi Si ; A mixture of probabilistic predictable feature analysi... 7 Wei Fan; Qinqin Zhu; Shaojun Ren; Liang Zhang; Fengqi Si ; Robust probabilistic predictable feature analysis and its app... 8 Wei Fan; Qinqin Zhu; Shaojun Ren; Liang Zhang; Fengqi Si ; Dynamic Probabilistic Predictable Feature Analysis for Multiv...
