姓名 | 刘小峰 |
教师编号 | 21870 |
性别 | 男 |
学校 | 河南大学 |
部门 | 信息学部、人工智能与自动化学院 |
学位 | 博士 |
学历 | 博士研究生 |
职称 | 教授 |
联系方式 | 【发送到邮箱】 |
邮箱 | 【发送到邮箱】 |
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导航 个人概况 科学研究 教学信息 社会职务 荣誉及奖励 招生信息,刘小峰 职称: 教授 部门: 信息学部、人工智能与自动化学院 学科: 信息与通信工程 教学部门: 信息学部、人工智能与自动化学院 电话: 0519-85191725 邮件: xfliu@hhu.edu.cn 办公地址: 卓越楼704 通讯地址: 江苏省常州市晋陵北路200号 邮编: 213022 14044 访问 个人简介 刘小峰,1974年生,工学博士,2010年晋升教授,2011年被聘为博士生导师;英国曼彻斯特大学名誉教授。现任河海大学人工智能与自动化学院院长,江苏省特种机器人技术重点实验室副主任。2012年入选江苏省“青蓝工程”优秀中青年带头人、同年获得江苏省六大人才高峰项目资助。2008年4月至2011年4月在西安交通大学人工智能与机器人研究所从事博士后工作;2013年3月至2014年3月在伦敦大学学院计算机系做访问学者。主要研究兴趣:人机互动,社交机器人,生物启示的导航技术,神经工程,物联网。IEEE RAS 认知机器人技术委员会委员,中国生物医学工程学会神经工程专委会委员,中国自动化学会科学普及专委会副主任委员,中国人工智能学会认知系统与信息处理专委会副主任委员。先后主持科技创新2030新一代人工智能重大项目课题、国防前沿创新课题、863、国家自然科学基金、江苏省自然科学基金、江苏省重点研发计划等纵向项目15项,参与973课题、国家自然科学基金、江苏省重点研发计划、企业委托课题等16项。担任国际期刊International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Consciousness, Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, IET Cognitive Computation and Systems, Interaction Studies, Complexity, Assembly Automation, Frontiers in Robotics and AI,Advances in Mechanical Engineering (SCI) 等期刊副主编或客座编辑。国家自然科学基金、科技部国际合作项目、国家重点研发计划等项目评审专家。研究论文列表见:dblp: Xiaofeng Liu 0006 (uni-trier.de)实验室公众号“认知与机器人” 个人资料 姓名: 刘小峰 性别: 男 学位: 博士 出生年月: 1974-02 学历: 博士研究生 毕业院校: 西安交通大学 教育经历 1993.09-1996.07,山西太原理工大学,电子工程专业,工学学士学位 1996.09-1999.07,山西太原理工大学,计算机应用专业,硕士学位 2002.03-2006.02,西安交通大学,生物医学工程,博士学位 工作经历 1999.07.01-1992.07.01,深圳市现代计算机有限公司,生产实践 2006.03-2010.10,山东科技大学,山东省机器人重点实验室,副教授 2008.04-2011.04,西安交通大学人工智能与机器人研究所,控制科学与控制工程博士后流动站,博士后 2013.03-2014.03,University College London,计算神经学,访问学者 研究领域 1.智能机器人与人机交互;2.生物启发的导航技术; 科研项目 1、基于脑电通道内与通道间特征融合的癫痫预报研究,2014.07.01-,江苏省科技厅,物联网工程学院 2、服务机器人人机交互技术展示,2014.09.01-,常州九洲数码城有限公司,物联网工程学院 3、可变视角的交互式手术示教系统的研发与应用,2015.05.01-,江苏振邦智慧城市信息系统有限公司(常州市科技局),物联网工程学院 4、绝缘子表面智能检测系统,2016.11.07-2017.01.07,苏州电瓷厂股份有限公司,机电工程学院 5、空气污染大规模监测网络与污染物时空演化及应用,2017.07.01-,江苏省科技厅,物联网工程学院 6、低压铸造铝合金轮毂涂装表面缺陷视觉检测智能系统研发,2017.06.01-,江苏省科技厅,物联网工程学院 7、新一代人机共融智能陪护机器人研发与应用示范,2018.06.01-,江苏省科学技术厅,机电工程学院 8、智能陪护机器人自然人机交互技术研发,2018.10.25-,东南大学,物联网工程学院 9、护理对象表情识别算法与关键技术,2019.03.01-,东南大学生物电子学国家重点实验室,物联网工程学院 10、周界入侵检测平台测试技术服务合同,2019.11.30-,中国铁道科学研究院集团有限公司电子计算技术研 究所,物联网工程学院 11、非完全信息下动态博弈决策的建模、分析与应用(课题三),2019-2023,2019,刘小峰,国家重点研发计划,科技部新一代人工智能重大专项 12、机器人情感识别与交互技术基础(子课题),2019-2024,刘小峰,江苏省科技厅前沿引领技术基础研究专项,物联网工程学院,江苏省科技厅 显示更多 论文 1、Voice conversion based on Gaussian processes by coherent and asymmetric training with limited training data,Speech Communication,26-NOV-13 2、Voice conversion towards modeling dynamic characteristics using switching state space model,Science China,12-DEC-13 3、Voice Conversion Based on Empirical Conditional Distribution in Resource-limited Scenarios,2015 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics,08-JUN-15 4、Stress classification in speech based on stress levels,ICCE-TW 2015,09-MAR-15 5、GMM Based Classification of Speech under Stress Using Physical Features,PIC2016,01-DEC-16 6、Comparison Analysis of Classifiers for Speech under Stress,iThings2016,01-DEC-16 7、Channel model for polarized MIMO systems with power radiation pattern concern,IEEE Access,30-MAR-16 8、A combination of Alamouti code and beamforming technologies via dual-polarized antenna array systems,iWAT2016,01-FEB-16 9、Improving Video Segmentation by Fusing Depth Cues and the Visual Background Extractor (ViBe) Algorithm,SENSORS,01-JAN-17 10、Multi-Channel Features Spatio-Temporal Context Learning for Visual Tracking,IEEE ACCESS,01-JAN-17 11、Automated epileptic seizure detection in EEGs using increment entropy,Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering,01-JAN-17 12、Stress classification in speech based on stress levels,Proceedings -2015 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics,01-JAN-16 13、Study to improve security for IoT smart device controller: drawbacks and countermeasures,Security and Communication Networks,01-MAY-18 14、The aesthetic appeal of depth of field in photographs,2014 6th International Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience,20-SEP-14 15、The Influence of Indoor LED Lighting on Depth Perception in Real World,15th China International Forum on Solid State Lighting,08-NOV-18 16、The effects of depth of field on eye movement,2018 International Symposium on Test Automation & Instrumentation,20-JUL-18 17、Frog-inspired jumping robot actuated by pneumatic muscle actuators,Advances in Mechanical Engineering,27-JUN-18 18、Human Interpretation of Light Diffuseness,14th China International Forum on Solid State Lighting,13-DEC-17 19、全景照度及其测量方法的研究,13-SEP-18 20、Light distribution solides-distinguish luminance distribution solids and illuminance distribution solids,15th China International Forum on Solid State Lighting,11-DEC-18 21、Appropriate use of the increment entropy for electrophysiological time series,COMPUTERS IN BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE,01-JAN-18 22、Trajectory Tracking of an Omni-Directional Wheeled Mobile Robot Using a Model Predictive Control Strategy,APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL,01-JAN-18 23、LSTM-Based EEG Classification in Motor Imagery Tasks,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL SYSTEMS AND REHABILITATION ENGINEERING,01-JAN-18 24、Research on Speech Under Stress Based on Glottal Source Using a Physical Speech Production Model,IEEE ACCESS,01-JAN-18 25、MPC control and path planning of omni-directional mobile robot with potential field method,Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics),01-JAN-18 26、The influence of indoor LED lighting on depth perception in real world,15th China International Forum on Solid State Lighting: International Forum on Wide Bandgap Semiconductors China,01-JAN-19 27、MPC-based 3-D trajectory tracking for an autonomous underwater vehicle with constraints in complex ocean environments,OCEAN ENGINEERING,01-JAN-19 28、Spatial imputation for air pollutants data sets via low rank matrix completion algorithm,ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL,01-JAN-20 29、An improved identification method for a class of time-delay systems.,Signal Processing,01-JAN-20 30、全景照度理论及其测量模拟,光学学报,15-MAR-21 31、Real-time Hand Gesture Tracking for Human-Computer Interface Based on Multi-Sensor Data Fusion,IEEE Sensors Journal,SCI,2021,Jie Li,Xiaofeng Liu,Hohai University 32、Liu, Xiaofeng; Yang, Xianqiang; Zheng, Nanning; ,Automatic extracellular spike detection with piecewise optimal morphological filter,Neurocomputing,79,132-139,2000,Elsevier 33、Liu, Xiaofeng; Qi, Huan; Wang, Supin; Wan, Mingxi; ,Wavelet-based estimation of EEG coherence during Chinese Stroop task,Computers in biology and medicine,36,12,1303-1315,2005,Pergamon 34、LIu, Xiaofeng; ChERNEtsoV, Nikita; ,Avian orientation: multi-cue integration and calibration of compass systems,Chin. Birds,3,1,2021-01-08 00:00:00 CST,2006 35、Xiao-Feng, Liu; Yue, Wang; ,Fine-grained permutation entropy as a measure of natural complexity for time series,Chinese Physics B,18,7,2690,2007,IOP Publishing 36、刘小峰; 俞文莉; ,基于符号动力学的认知事件相关电位的复杂度分析,物理学报,57,4,2587-2594,2007 37、Xiao-Feng, Lu; Wen-Li, Yu; ,A symbolic dynamics approach to the complexity analysis of event-related potentials,Acta Physica Sinica,57,4,2587-2594,2008,CHINESE PHYSICAL SOC PO BOX 603, BEIJING 100080, PEOPLES R CHINA 38、Liu, Xiaofeng; Xu, Ning; Jiang, Aimin; ,Tortuosity Entropy: a measure of spatial complexity of behavioral changes in animal movement data,arXiv preprint arXiv:1312.5231,2008 39、Liu, Xiaofeng; Jiang, Aimin; Xu, Ning; Xue, Jianru; ,Increment entropy as a measure of complexity for time series,Entropy,18,1,22,2008,Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute 40、Liu, Xiao-feng; Qi, Huan; Wang, Yi; Wang, Su-pin; Wan, Ming-xi; ,Analysis of EEG synchronization during the native and second language Stroop task,Acta Biophysica Sinica,21,3,233-240,2009 41、LIU, Xiao-feng; ,Wavelet-based estimation of EEG synchronization associated with native and second language processing in Stroop task,Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA,22,3,165-172,2009,No longer published by Elsevier 42、LIU, Xiao-feng; ,Event-related potentials associated with Chinese and English color-word Stroop tasks in Chinese bilinguals,Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA,22,4,201-208,2009,No longer published by Elsevier 43、Liu, Xiaofeng; Yang, Xianqiang; Guo, Feng; Shi, Yuan; ,Miniature system for chronic neural recording in pigeons and small animals,2009 IEEE International Workshop on Imaging Systems and Techniques,399-401,2009,IEEE 44、Jiang, Aimin; Kwan, Hon Keung; Zhu, Yanping; Liu, Xiaofeng; Xu, Ning; Tang, Yibin; ,Design of sparse FIR filters with joint optimization of sparsity and filter order,IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers,62,1,195-204,2010,IEEE 45、Liu, Xiaofeng; Li, Bin; Jiang, Aimin; Qi, Shixin; Xiang, Chaosheng; Xu, Ning; ,A bicycle-borne sensor for monitoring air pollution near roadways,2015 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics-Taiwan,166-167,2011,IEEE 46、Jiang, Aimin; Kwan, Hon Keung; Zhu, Yanping; Xu, Ning; Liu, Xiaofeng; ,Minimax design of IIR digital filters using partial second-order factor updates,2015 IEEE International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP),2021-01-05 00:00:00 CST,2011,IEEE 47、Xiang, Chaosheng; Liu, Xiaofeng; Jiang, Aimin; Yan, Bin; Xia, Jing; ,Poster: A bicycle-borne sensor network for monitoring urban air quality,Proceedings of the 14th Annual International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services Companion,88-88,2012 48、Zhou, Xiaoqin; Liu, Xiaofeng; Jiang, Aimin; Yan, Bin; Yang, Chenguang; ,Improving video segmentation by fusing depth cues and the visual background extractor (ViBe) algorithm,Sensors,17,5,1177,2012,Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute 49、Liu, Xiaofeng; Xiang, Chaosheng; Li, Bin; Jiang, Aimin; ,Collaborative bicycle sensing for air pollution on roadway,2015 IEEE 12th Intl Conf on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing and 2015 IEEE 12th Intl Conf on Autonomic and Trusted Computing and 2015 IEEE 15th Intl Conf on Scalable Computing and Communications and Its Associated Workshops (UIC-ATC-ScalCom),316-319,2012,IEEE 50、Su, Xin; Choi, Dongmin; Liu, Xiaofeng; Peng, Bao; ,Channel model for polarized MIMO systems with power radiation pattern concern,IEEE Access,4,1061-1072,2012,IEEE 51、Automatic extracellular spike detection with piecewise optimal morphological filter,Neurocomputing,2000,Liu, Xiaofeng; Yang, Xianqiang; Zheng, Nanning; ,79 52、Wavelet-based estimation of EEG coherence during Chinese Stroop task,Computers in biology and medicine,2005,Liu, Xiaofeng; Qi, Huan; Wang, Supin; Wan, Mingxi; ,36 53、Avian orientation: multi-cue integration and calibration of compass systems,Chin. Birds,2006,LIu, Xiaofeng; ChERNEtsoV, Nikita; ,3 54、Fine-grained permutation entropy as a measure of natural complexity for time series,Chinese Physics B,2007,Xiao-Feng, Liu; Yue, Wang; ,18 55、基于符号动力学的认知事件相关电位的复杂度分析,物理学报,2007,刘小峰; 俞文莉; ,57 56、A symbolic dynamics approach to the complexity analysis of event-related potentials,Acta Physica Sinica,2008,Xiao-Feng, Lu; Wen-Li, Yu; ,57 57、Tortuosity Entropy: a measure of spatial complexity of behavioral changes in animal movement data,arXiv preprint arXiv:1312.5231,2008,Liu, Xiaofeng; Xu, Ning; Jiang, Aimin; 58、Increment entropy as a measure of complexity for time series,Entropy,2008,Liu, Xiaofeng; Jiang, Aimin; Xu, Ning; Xue, Jianru; ,18 59、Analysis of EEG synchronization during the native and second language Stroop task,Acta Biophysica Sinica,2009,Liu, Xiao-feng; Qi, Huan; Wang, Yi; Wang, Su-pin; Wan, Ming-xi; ,21 60、Wavelet-based estimation of EEG synchronization associated with native and second language processing in Stroop task,Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA,2009,LIU, Xiao-feng; ,22 61、Event-related potentials associated with Chinese and English color-word Stroop tasks in Chinese bilinguals,Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA,2009,LIU, Xiao-feng; ,22 62、Miniature system for chronic neural recording in pigeons and small animals,2009 IEEE International Workshop on Imaging Systems and Techniques,2009,Liu, Xiaofeng; Yang, Xianqiang; Guo, Feng; Shi, Yuan; 63、Design of sparse FIR filters with joint optimization of sparsity and filter order,IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers,2010,Jiang, Aimin; Kwan, Hon Keung; Zhu, Yanping; Liu, Xiaofeng; Xu, Ning; Tang, Yibin; ,62 64、A bicycle-borne sensor for monitoring air pollution near roadways,2015 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics-Taiwan,2011,Liu, Xiaofeng; Li, Bin; Jiang, Aimin; Qi, Shixin; Xiang, Chaosheng; Xu, Ning; 65、Minimax design of IIR digital filters using partial second-order factor updates,2015 IEEE International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP),2011,Jiang, Aimin; Kwan, Hon Keung; Zhu, Yanping; Xu, Ning; Liu, Xiaofeng; 66、Poster: A bicycle-borne sensor network for monitoring urban air quality,Proceedings of the 14th Annual International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services Companion,2012,Xiang, Chaosheng; Liu, Xiaofeng; Jiang, Aimin; Yan, Bin; Xia, Jing; 67、Improving video segmentation by fusing depth cues and the visual background extractor (ViBe) algorithm,Sensors,2012,Zhou, Xiaoqin; Liu, Xiaofeng; Jiang, Aimin; Yan, Bin; Yang, Chenguang; ,17 68、Collaborative bicycle sensing for air pollution on roadway,2015 IEEE 12th Intl Conf on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing and 2015 IEEE 12th Intl Conf on Autonomic and Trusted Computing and 2015 IEEE 15th Intl Conf on Scalable Computing and Communications and Its Associated Workshops (UIC-ATC-ScalCom),2012,Liu, Xiaofeng; Xiang, Chaosheng; Li, Bin; Jiang, Aimin; 69、Channel model for polarized MIMO systems with power radiation pattern concern,IEEE Access,2012,Su, Xin; Choi, Dongmin; Liu, Xiaofeng; Peng, Bao; ,4 70、Dynamical modelling collective behavior through adaptation to topological neighbors,2016 8th International Conference on Wireless Communications & Signal Processing (WCSP),2013,Liu, Xiaofeng; Jiang, Aimin; Xu, Ning; 71、Automated epileptic seizure detection in EEGs using increment entropy,2017 IEEE 30th Canadian conference on electrical and computer engineering (CCECE),2013,Liu, Xiaofeng; Jiang, Aimin; Xu, Ning; 72、Poster: Interactive Platform for Urban Bird Studies Using Participatory Sensing,Proceedings of the 14th Annual International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services Companion,2013,Wang, Jianming; Liu, Xiaofeng; Lu, Ruihua; Wang, Chengfei; Wang, Chengcheng; 73、GMM based classification of speech under stress using physical features,2016 International Conference on Progress in Informatics and Computing (PIC),2013,Yao, Xiao; Xu, Ning; Gao, Mingsheng; Jiang, Aiming; Liu, Xiaofeng; 74、An interactive training system of motor learning by imitation and speech instructions for children with autism,2016 9th International Conference on Human System Interactions (HSI),2013,Liu, Xiaofeng; Zhou, Xu; Liu, Ce; Wang, Jianmin; Zhou, Xiaoqin; Xu, Ning; Jiang, Aimin; 75、Glottal source related to stressed speech under workload in human-robot interface,2017 2nd International Conference on Robotics and Automation Engineering (ICRAE),2013,Yao, Xiao; Xu, Ning; Gu, Yuxing; Zhang, Xuewu; Jiang, Aiming; Liu, Xiaofeng; 76、Improving Video Segmentation by Fusing Depth Cues and the ViBe Algorithm,2013,Zhou, Xiaoqin; Liu, Xiaofeng; Jiang, Aimin; Yan, Bin; Yang, Chenguang; 77、Comparison analysis of classifiers for speech under stress,2016 IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things (iThings) and IEEE Green Computing and Communications (GreenCom) and IEEE Cyber, Physical and Social Computing (CPSCom) and IEEE Smart Data (SmartData),2013,Yao, Xiao; Xu, Ning; Gao, Mingsheng; Jiang, Aiming; Liu, Xiaofeng; 78、Multi-channel features spatio-temporal context learning for visual tracking,IEEE Access,2014,Zhou, Xiaoqin; Liu, Xiaofeng; Yang, Chenguang; Jiang, Aimin; Yan, Bin; ,5 79、Movement imitation underlying coaching platform for children with ASD,2015 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics-Taiwan,2014,Liu, Xiaofeng; Liu, Ce; Zhou, Xu; Zhou, Xiaoqin; Jiang, Aimin; 80、Motion planning for omnidirectional wheeled mobile robot by potential field method,Journal of Advanced Transportation,2014,Li, Weihao; Yang, Chenguang; Jiang, Yiming; Liu, Xiaofeng; Su, Chun-Yi; ,2017 81、Trajectory tracking of an omni-directional wheeled mobile robot using a model predictive control strategy,Applied Sciences,2014,Wang, Chengcheng; Liu, Xiaofeng; Yang, Xianqiang; Hu, Fang; Jiang, Aimin; Yang, Chenguang; ,8 82、Sparse representation and low-rank approximation for sensor signal processing,2017 IEEE 30th Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE),2014,Zhu, Yanping; Jiang, Aimin; Liu, Xiaofeng; Kwan, Hon Keung; 83、Minimax design of sparse FIR digital filters,2012 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP),2014,Jiang, Aimin; Kwan, Hon Keung; Zhu, Yanping; Liu, Xiaofeng; 84、Sparse minimum-phase FIR filter design by SDP,2017 IEEE 30th Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE),2014,Jiang, Aimin; Kwan, Hon Keung; Liu, Xiaofeng; Zhu, Yanping; 85、Efficient WLS design of IIR digital filters using partial second-order factorization,IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs,2014,Jiang, Aimin; Kwan, Hon Keung; Zhu, Yanping; Xu, Ning; Liu, Xiaofeng; ,63 86、Correction on Liu, X.; Jiang, A.; Xu, N.; Xue, J. Increment Entropy as a Measure of Complexity for Time Series. Entropy 2016, 18, 22,Entropy,2015,Liu, Xiaofeng; Jiang, Aimin; Xu, Ning; Xue, Jianru; ,18 87、EEG channel optimization via sparse common spatial filter,2017 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP),2015,Zhou, Quan; Jiang, Aimin; Liu, Xiaofeng; 88、IIR digital filter design by partial second-order factorization and iterative WLS approach,2016 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS),2015,Jiang, Aimin; Kwan, Hon Keung; Zhu, Yanping; Xu, Ning; Liu, Xiaofeng; 89、Structure compliant local warping of images with applications to watermarking attack,Multimedia Tools and Applications,2015,Yan, Bin; Liu, Xiao-Feng; Yang, Hong-Mei; ,75 90、Appropriate use of the increment entropy for electrophysiological time series,Computers in biology and medicine,2015,Liu, Xiaofeng; Wang, Xue; Zhou, Xu; Jiang, Aimin; ,95 91、Voice conversion based on Gaussian processes by coherent and asymmetric training with limited training data,Speech Communication,2015,Xu, Ning; Tang, Yibing; Bao, Jingyi; Jiang, Aiming; Liu, Xiaofeng; Yang, Zhen; ,58 92、Stress classification in speech based on stress levels,2015 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics-Taiwan,2015,Yao, Xiao; Liu, Xiaofeng; Jiang, Aiming; Xu, Ning; 93、Voice conversion towards modeling dynamic characteristics using switching state space model,Science China Information Sciences,2015,Xu, Ning; Bao, JingYi; Liu, XiaoFeng; Jiang, AiMing; Tang, YiBing; ,56 94、High quality voice conversion by post-filtering the outputs of gaussian processes,2016 24th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO),2015,Xu, Ning; Yao, Xiao; Jiang, Aimin; Liu, Xiaofeng; Bao, Jingyi; 95、IIR filter design with novel stability condition,2015 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS),2016,Jiang, Aimin; Kwan, Hon Keung; Liu, Xiaofeng; Xu, Ning; Tang, Yibin; Zhu, Yanping; 96、Tortuosity entropy: A measure of spatial complexity of behavioral changes in animal movement,Journal of theoretical biology,2016,Liu, Xiaofeng; Xu, Ning; Jiang, Aimin; ,364 97、Progress in the research on the biophysical mechanism underlying avian magneto reception [J],Acta Biophysica Sínica,2016,LIU, Xiao-Feng; SHI, Yuan; ,25 98、鸟类定向: 罗盘系统的多源线索整合与校准,2016,LIU, Xiaofeng; CHERNETSOV, Nikita; 99、Peak-error-constrained sparse FIR filter design using iterative l 1 optimization,2016 24th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO),2016,Jiang, Aimin; Kwan, Hon Keung; Zhu, Yanping; Liu, Xiaofeng; Xu, Ning; Yao, Xiao; 100、Exploration of muscle fatigue effects in bioinspired robot learning from sEMG signals,Complexity,2016,Wang, Ning; Xu, Yang; Ma, Hongbin; Liu, Xiaofeng; ,2018 101、A combination of Alamouti code and beamforming technologies via dual-polarized antenna array systems,2016 International Workshop on Antenna Technology (iWAT),2016,Su, Xin; Liu, Xiaofeng; Lu, Xiaochun; Luo, Chengming; 102、MPC control and path planning of Omni-directional mobile robot with potential field method,International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications,2016,Liu, Xiaofeng; Chen, Hailin; Wang, Chengcheng; Hu, Fang; Yang, Xianqiang; 103、Depth-of-field effect in subjective and objective evaluation of image quality,Proceedings of the 2018 Conference on Research in Adaptive and Convergent Systems,2016,Zhang, Tingting; Nefs, Harold; Liu, Hantao; Xia, Ling; Liu, Xiaofeng; Wu, Xiaoli; 104、Edge computing-based real-time passenger counting using a compact convolutional neural network,Neural Computing and Applications,2016,Yang, Biao; Cao, Jinmeng; Liu, Xiaofeng; Wang, Nan; Lv, Jidong; ,32 105、LSTM-based EEG classification in motor imagery tasks,IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering,2016,Wang, Ping; Jiang, Aimin; Liu, Xiaofeng; Shang, Jing; Zhang, Li; ,26 106、Epileptic seizure detection using deep convolutional network,2018 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP),2016,Zou, Lang; Liu, Xiaofeng; Jiang, Aimin; Zhousp, Xu; 107、Sparse common spatial pattern for EEG channel reduction in brain-computer interfaces,2018 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP),2016,Jiang, Aimin; Wang, Qing; Shang, Jing; Liu, Xiaofeng; 108、A teleoperated shared control scheme for mobile robot based semg,2018 3rd International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Mechatronics (ICARM),2016,Xu, Yanbin; Yang, Chenguang; Liu, Xiaofeng; Li, Zhijun; 109、Bioinspired control design using cerebellar model articulation controller network for omnidirectional mobile robots,Advances in Mechanical Engineering,2016,Jiang, Yiming; Yang, Chenguang; Wang, Min; Wang, Ning; Liu, Xiaofeng; ,10 110、MPC-based 3-D trajectory tracking for an autonomous underwater vehicle with constraints in complex ocean environments,Ocean Engineering,2016,Zhang, Yongding; Liu, Xiaofeng; Luo, Minzhou; Yang, Chenguang; ,189 111、Voice conversion based on empirical conditional distribution in resource-limited scenarios,2015 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics-Taiwan,2016,Xu, Ning; Tang, Yibin; Bao, Jingyi; Yao, Xiao; Jiang, Aimin; Liu, Xiaofeng; 112、Research on speech under stress based on glottal source using a physical speech production model,IEEE Access,2016,Yao, Xiao; Xu, Ning; Liu, Xiaofeng; Jiang, Aimin; Zhang, Xuewu; ,6 113、ADMM-based TDOA estimation,IEEE Communications Letters,2016,Zhu, Yanping; Deng, Bowen; Jiang, Aimin; Liu, Xiaofeng; Tang, Yibin; Yao, Xiao; ,22 114、Control Design for Systems Operating in Complex Environments,2016,Yang, Chenguang; Ju, Zhaojie; Liu, Xiaofeng; Zhong, Junpei; Annamalai, Andy; 115、Human robot collaborative intelligence: Theory and applications,Interaction Studies,2017,Yang, Chenguang; Liu, Xiaofeng; Zhong, Junpei; Cangelosi, Angelo; ,20 116、Beautified QR Code with Security Based on Data Hiding,UK Workshop on Computational Intelligence,2017,Cai, Huili; Liu, Xiaofeng; Yan, Bin; 117、Bio-inspired approach for long-range underwater navigation using model predictive control,IEEE transactions on cybernetics,2017,Zhang, Yongding; Liu, Xiaofeng; Luo, Minzhou; Yang, Chenguang; 118、Counting crowds using a scale-distribution-aware network and adaptive human-shaped kernel,Neurocomputing,2017,Yang, Biao; Zhan, Weiqin; Wang, Nan; Liu, Xiaofeng; Lv, Jidong; ,390 119、Frog-inspired jumping robot actuated by pneumatic muscle actuators,Advances In Mechanical Engineering,2017,Zhong, Jun; Luo, Minzhou; Liu, Xiaofeng; Fan, Jizhuang; Zhao, Jie; ,10 120、Nonrigid point set registration based on Laplace mixture model with local constraints,Assembly Automation,2017,Xu, Chao; Yang, Xianqiang; Liu, Xiaofeng; 121、Interactive Platform for Urban Bird Studies Using Participatory Sensing,2017,Liu, Xiaofeng; Wang, Jianming; Lu, Ruihua; Wang, Chengfei; Wang, Chengcheng; Yan, Bin; 122、Anomalous behaviors detection in moving crowds based on a weighted convolutional autoencoder-long short-term memory network,IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems,2017,Yang, Biao; Cao, Jinmeng; Wang, Nan; Liu, Xiaofeng; ,11 123、Human evaluation of virtual and real-world distance,Proceedings of the Conference on Research in Adaptive and Convergent Systems,2017,Zhang, Tingting; Liu, Guimiao; Xia, Ling; Liu, Xiaofeng; 124、Effects of depth of field on eye movement,image,2017,Zhang, Tingting; Xia, Ling; Liu, Xiaofeng; Kong, Weijie; Wu, Xiaoli; ,9 125、Human interpretation of light diffuseness,2017 14th China International Forum on Solid State Lighting: International Forum on Wide Bandgap Semiconductors China (SSLChina: IFWS),2017,Xia, Ling; Zhang, Tingting; Liu, Xiaofeng; Pont, Sylvia C; 126、P‐12.1: Lighting effects, light distribution matters,SID Symposium Digest of Technical Papers,2018,Xia, Ling; Zhang, Tingting; Liu, Xiaofeng; Pont, Sylvia C; ,50 127、Validity of deriving low order photometry parameters from light solid distribution,Proceedings of the Conference on Research in Adaptive and Convergent Systems,2018,Xia, Ling; Zhang, Tingting; Liu, Xiaofeng; 128、A Novel Robot Teaching System Based on Mixed Reality,2018 3rd International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Mechatronics (ICARM),2018,Xu, Yang; Yang, Chenguang; Liu, Xiaofeng; Li, Zhijun; 129、The Influence of Indoor LED Lighting on Depth Perception in Real World,2018 15th China International Forum on Solid State Lighting: International Forum on Wide Bandgap Semiconductors China (SSLChina: IFWS),2018,Zhang, Tingting; Cheng, Hexiang; Xia, Ling; Liu, Xiaofeng; 130、Eye movements during change detection: the role of depth of field,Cognitive Computation and Systems,2018,Zhang, Tingting; Xia, Ling; Liu, Xiaofeng; Wu, Xiaoli; ,1 131、Intelligent Ocean Convergence Platform Based on IoT Empowered with Edge Computing,Journal of Internet Technology,2018,Liang, Mingzhou; Su, Xin; Liu, Xiaofeng; Zhang, Xuewu; ,21 132、Bridging the Gap between Robotic Applications and Computational Intelligence in Domestic Robotics,2019 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI),2018,Zhong, Junpei; Han, Ting; Lotfi, Ahmad; Cangelosi, Angelo; Liu, Xiaofeng; 133、Security of Cloud Intelligent Robot Based on RSA Algorithm and Digital Signature,2019 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI),2018,Cai, Huili; Liu, Xiaofeng; Cangelosi, Angelo; 134、Mobile Robot Self-LocalizationUsing Visual Odometry Based on Ceiling Vision,2019 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI),2018,Lin, Qing; Liu, Xiaofeng; Zhang, Zhihao; 135、Image recognition based on multi-scale dilated lightweight network model,Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Multimedia and Image Processing,2018,Shi, Yewei; Yao, Xiao; Chen, Ruixuan; Yuan, Lili; Xu, Ning; Liu, Xiaofeng; 136、The Effect of Lighting on Stereo Vision Test with Random-Dot Stereogram,2019 16th China International Forum on Solid State Lighting & 2019 International Forum on Wide Bandgap Semiconductors China (SSLChina: IFWS),2018,Huang, Jinfeng; Zhang, Tingting; Wang, Yudi; Xie, Jinwei; Liu, Xiaofeng; 137、PTID: an integrated web resource and computational tool for agrochemical discovery,Bioinformatics,2018,Gong, Jiayu; Liu, Xiaofeng; Cao, Xianwen; Diao, Yanyan; Gao, Daqi; Li, Honglin; Qian, Xuhong; ,29 138、Infer light diffuseness on light probes with different kinds of mesoreliefs,2019 16th China International Forum on Solid State Lighting & 2019 International Forum on Wide Bandgap Semiconductors China (SSLChina: IFWS),2018,Wang, Yudi; Xia, Ling; Huang, Jinfeng; Xu, Ruipeng; Liu, Xiaofeng; 139、Accelerating all-atom normal mode analysis with graphics processing unit,Journal of chemical theory and computation,2018,Liu, Li; Liu, Xiaofeng; Gong, Jiayu; Jiang, Hualiang; Li, Honglin; ,7 140、VFH* Based Local Path Planning for Mobile Robot,2019 2nd China Symposium on Cognitive Computing and Hybrid Intelligence (CCHI),2018,Chen, Wenqiang; Wang, Ning; Liu, Xiaofeng; Yang, Chenguang; 141、Improvement of Pose Recognition by Sparse Regularized Convolutional Neural Network,2019 IEEE International Conference on Real-time Computing and Robotics (RCAR),2018,Zhang, Yuan; Yao, Xiao; Wang, Zhongli; Su, Hao; Yu, Zihan; Huo, Guanying; Xu, Ning; Liu, Xiaofeng; 142、Obstacle Induced Stochastic Tree for Fast Path Planning,2019 IEEE International Conference on Real-time Computing and Robotics (RCAR),2018,Liu, Xiaofeng; Li, Jinming; Hu, Fang; Yang, Chenguang; 143、Study to improve security for IoT smart device controller: drawbacks and countermeasures,Security and Communication Networks,2018,Su, Xin; Wang, Ziyu; Liu, Xiaofeng; Choi, Chang; Choi, Dongmin; ,2018 144、Spatial imputation for air pollutants data sets via low rank matrix completion algorithm,Environment international,2019,Liu, Xiaofeng; Wang, Xue; Zou, Lang; Xia, Jing; Pang, Wei; ,139 145、Efficient CSP algorithm with spatio-temporal filtering for motor imagery classification,IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering,2019,Jiang, Aimin; Shang, Jing; Liu, Xiaofeng; Tang, Yibin; Kwan, Hon Keung; Zhu, Yanping; ,28 146、Robust Parameter Estimation for a Class of Nonlinear System With EM Algorithm,IEEE Access,2019,Zhang, Tingting; Liu, Xin; Liu, Xiaofeng; ,8 147、Measuring low-order photometric parameters of light fields: methods exploration and simulations,IEEE Access,2019,Xia, Ling; Tian, Tian; Xu, Ruipeng; Zhang, Tingting; Liu, Xiaofeng; ,8 148、Special issue on robot intelligence for coordinated manipulation and its industrial application,2019,Yang, Chenguang; Liu, Lianqing; Ju, Zhaojie; Liu, Xiaofeng; 149、A review of underwater localization techniques, algorithms, and challenges,Journal of Sensors,2019,Su, Xin; Ullah, Inam; Liu, Xiaofeng; Choi, Dongmin; ,2020 150、High-Accuracy Classification of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder with L 2, 1-Norm Linear Discriminant Analysis,ICASSP 2020-2020 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP),2019,Tang, Yibin; Li, Xufei; Chen, Ying; Zhong, Yuan; Jiang, Aimin; Liu, Xiaofeng; 151、ADHD classification by dual subspace learning using resting-state functional connectivity,Artificial intelligence in medicine,2019,Chen, Ying; Tang, Yibin; Wang, Chun; Liu, Xiaofeng; Zhao, Li; Wang, Zhishun; ,103 152、Sparse CSP Algorithm via Joint Spatio-Temporal Filtering,ICASSP 2020-2020 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP),2019,Jiang, Aimin; Shang, Jing; Cheng, Weigao; Liu, Xiaofeng; Kwan, Hon Keung; Zhu, Yanping; 153、Robust identification method for LPV ARX systems and its application to a mechanical unit,IEEE Access,2019,Liu, Xin; Zhang, Tingting; Liu, Xiaofeng; ,7 154、An improved identification method for a class of time-delay systems,Signal Processing,2019,Liu, Xin; Liu, Xiaofeng; ,167 155、Spectral Norm Normalized Network for Facial Expression Generation,2020 IEEE International Conference on Progress in Informatics and Computing (PIC),2020,Zhang, Jia; Yao, Xiao; Zhang, Yunlu; Xu, Ning; Liu, Xiaofeng; 156、On the Gap between Domestic Robotic Applications and Computational Intelligence,Electronics,2020,Zhong, Junpei; Ling, Chaofan; Cangelosi, Angelo; Lotfi, Ahmad; Liu, Xiaofeng; ,10 157、Robot teleoperation system based on mixed reality,2019 IEEE 4Th international conference on advanced robotics and mechatronics (ICARM),2021,Liang, Congyuan; Liu, Chao; Liu, Xiaofeng; Cheng, Long; Yang, Chenguang; 158、Trajectory tracking and point stability of three-axis aero-dynamic pendulum with MPC strategy in disturbance environment,Assembly Automation,2021,Liu, Xiaofeng; Xu, Jiahong; Liu, Yuhong; 159、Theory and simulation of calculating local illuminance density based on high dynamic range panoramic maps,Lighting Research & Technology,2021,Xia, L; Xu, R; Zhang, T; Liu, X; 160、Federated conditional generative adversarial nets imputation method for air quality missing data,Knowledge-Based Systems,2021,Zhou, Xu; Liu, Xiaofeng; Lan, Gongjin; Wu, Jian; ,228 161、Research on Capsule Network Optimization Structure by Variable Route Planning,2019 IEEE International Conference on Real-time Computing and Robotics (RCAR),2021,Chu, Xin; Xu, Ning; Liu, Xiaofeng; Yao, Xiao; 162、Generation of Head Mirror Behavior and Facial Expression for Humanoid Robots,Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning,2021,Liu, Xiaofeng; ,1 163、Real-Time Human Motion Capture Based on Wearable Inertial Sensor Networks,IEEE Internet of Things Journal,2021,Li, Jie; Liu, Xiao Feng; Wang, Zhelong; Zhao, Hongyu; Zhang, Tingting; Qiu, Sen; Zhou, Xu; Cai, Huili; Ni, Rong Rong; Cangelosi, Angelo; 164、Resonance Algorithm: A New Look at the Shortest Path Problem,Liu, Yu; Lin, Qiguang; Hong, Binbin; Hjerpe, Daniel; Liu, Xiaofeng; 165、Real-time Hand Gesture Tracking for Human-Computer Interface Based on Multi-Sensor Data Fusion,IEEE Sensors Journal,Li, Jie; Liu, Xiaofeng; Wang, Zhelong; Zhang, Tingting; Qiu, Sen; Zhao, Hongyu; Zhou, Xu; Cai, Huili; Ni, Rong Rong; Cangelosi, Angelo; 166、Combination of EOG and EEG for emotion recognition over different window sizes,2021 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Human-Machine Systems (ICHMS),Cai, Huili; Liu, Xiaofeng; Jiang, Aimin; Ni, Rongrong; Zhou, Xu; Cangelosi, Angelo; 显示更多 科技成果 1、手动组合式微电极推进器及制作方法,2013-07-03,物联网工程学院,发明专利,3 2、一种基于无线传感器网络的大气污染监测系统,2015-05-13,物联网工程学院,发明专利,3 3、 4、基于无线传感器网络的空气污染实时监测系统,2013-02-06,物联网工程学院,实用新型,3 5、一种研究鸟类飞行动力学的装置,2013-03-27,物联网工程学院,实用新型,3 6、自然环境下视觉调节及生物电与行为记录的装置与方法,2014-10-08,物联网工程学院,发明专利,3 7、 8、自然环境中动物的视觉调控和运动追踪的装置及方法,2014-08-27,物联网工程学院,发明专利,3 9、一种降低通带群延迟误差的FIR滤波器设计方法,2015-07-15,物联网工程学院,发明专利,3 10、基于多智能体交互技术的智能交通调度系统及方法,2015-10-07,物联网工程学院,发明专利,3 11、 12、基于生物触角模型的多机器人水下目标搜寻方法及装置201410079228.4,2017-02-08,物联网工程学院,发明专利,3 13、 14、多单片机多任务协作电路及其方法,2016-01-20,物联网工程学院,发明专利,3 15、一种便携式助行导盲装置及方法,2016-03-02,物联网工程学院,发明专利,3 16、一种监测指腕疲劳与工作时间的装置与方法,2016-04-27,物联网工程学院,发明专利,3 17、机电设备检测维护方法,2016-08-10,物联网工程学院,发明专利,3 18、基于一对多码书映射的语音转换方法,2016-08-17,物联网工程学院,发明专利,3 19、无人自行车功能测试实验系统,2016-08-31,物联网工程学院,发明专利,3 20、基于生物触角模型的多机器人水下目标搜寻方法及装置201410079228.4,2017-02-08,物联网工程学院,发明专利,3 显示更多 开授课程 1、信号与线性系统,本科生,64,48 2、通信工程专业认知 ★,本科生,116,16 3、信号与线性系统,本科生,73,48 4、信号与线性系统,本科生,80,48 5、信号与线性系统,本科生,41,48 6、留学生研究生课程,本科生,0,33 7、信号与线性系统,本科生,38,48 8、留学生研究生课程,本科生,0,33 9、信号与线性系统,本科生,64,48 10、通信工程专业认知 ★,本科生,116,16 11、信号与线性系统,本科生,73,48 12、信号与线性系统,本科生,80,48 13、信号与线性系统,本科生,41,48 显示更多 教学成果 7.立足产业、强基拓专、聚源提质、赋能平台,打造集成电路拔尖人才培养新模式,耿莉,伍民顺,程军,张鸿,雷冰洁,张瑞智,张莉丽,张国和,李高明,桂小琰,刘小峰,王晓飞,郭卓奇,国家级教学成果奖二等奖,2022年6.产教融合下水利信创人才培养模式探索与实践,江苏省教育厅,胡鹤轩,朱金秀、朱跃龙、陈慧萍、刘小峰等18人,2021,河海大学教学成果奖,二等奖.5.产教融合下水利信创人才培养模式探索与实践,河海大学,胡鹤轩,朱金秀、朱跃龙、陈慧萍、刘小峰等18人,2021,河海大学教学成果奖,特等奖.4.“学科交叉、知行融合、多方协同” 信息类新工科人才培养模式构建 与实践,河海大学,朱金秀、刘小峰、陈慧萍、 李庆武、段蓉、蒋爱民、金 纪东、江琴,2021,河海大学 2020 年教学成果奖,特等奖.3. 刘小峰,“物联网产业学院建设”项目,河海大学2021年新工科、新农科、新文科研究与改革实践项目面上项.2. 刘小峰,人工智能专业创新创业人才培养实践,教育部产学合作协同育人项目, 20211. 刘小峰,通信电子线路虚拟教学仿真平台, 教育部产学合作协同育人项目, 2020 教学资源 1. 《信号与线性系统》推荐教材B.P.拉兹 (作者), 刘树棠 (译者), 王薇洁《线性系统与信号》(第2版) 社会职务 现任河海大学人工智能学院与自动化学院院长,教育部重点实验室主任,江苏省特种机器人技术重点实验室副主任,常州市特种机器人与智能技术重点实验室副主任。中国自动化学会科学普及专委会副主任委员,中国人工智能学会认知系统与信息处理专委会副主任委员。IEEE RAS 认知机器人技术委员会委员,中国生物医学工程学会神经工程专委会委员,英国曼彻斯特大学名誉教授。IEEE 高级会员、中国电子学会高级会员,中国人工智能学会高级会员。担任国际期刊Interactions Studies (SSCI), IET Cognitive Computation and Systems 副主编, Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Consciousnes 编委,Interaction Studies (SSCI), Complexity (SCI), Assembly Automation (SCI),Advances in Mechanical Engineering (SCI), Frontiers in Robotics and AI 等期刊客座编辑。国家自然科学基金、科技部国际合作项目、山东省自然科学基金(杰出青年)、山东省重点研发计划、江苏省重点研发计划等项目评审专家。 荣誉及奖励 1、动物机器人,刘小峰(位4),2018,山东省技术发明奖,一等 2、基于生物电反馈与人机交互技术的个性化训练康复及评价系统,中国人工智能学会,刘小峰,褚宇帆,王雪,蒋爱民,吕涛,张金波,徐宁,2019.09,技术发明奖,三等 3、“学科交叉、知行融合、多方协同” 信息类新工科人才培养模式构建 与实践,河海大学,朱金秀、刘小峰、陈慧萍、 李庆武、段蓉、蒋爱民、金 纪东、江琴,2021,河海大学 2020 年教学成果奖,特等奖 招生信息 博士招生:信息与通信工程,人工智能硕士招生:通信与信息系统,检测技术与自动化装置,物联网技术与应用,计算机技术,电子与通信工程在读学生:博 士 后 :刘 鑫(2020), 丁 力, 杨 彪, 李 杰(2021),包涵(2022)祝贺博士后李杰、包涵获得2022年国家自然科学基金青年项目资助,祝贺李杰获得江苏省卓越博士后基金(2022)。祝贺博士后汝杰、刘鑫获得2021年国家自然科学基金青年项目资助,祝贺李杰、杨彪获得第70批国家博士后基金面上项目资助(2021)。博士研究生:周 旭(硕博连读),蔡慧丽,倪蓉蓉,王欢,汪金涛,薛普俊,韩斌,史小勇硕士研究生:三年级:林麒光 (腾讯Robotics X实验室),陈一洲,陈果二年级:朱浩然,黄聪钰,刘志红,王子洋、吴嘉成一年级:徐炜、蒋晓彤、吕钦诚、张豪已毕业学生:博士后: 2021:汝 杰(2019入站),获得国家自然科学基金青年项目、国家博士后基金、江苏省博士后基金资助。 博士:2022: 王 雪(常州大学)2021:张永定(滁州学院,副教授)2017:周小芹(河海大学,讲师)硕士:2022:林清,徐嘉鸿,吴承市2021:顾晨婷,黄金凤,梁明周,王雨荻2020:李金明(南瑞自动化),张晓彤,李帆,嵇宇航(合作)2019:王程程(华为海思),陈海林(华为南京研究所),刘策(合作)(华为南京研究所),邹朗(合作)(华为南京研究所),吴小平,汪建明(上海电信),陈泽炯(合作),孔令欣(合作)(携程),鲍艳妮2018:向超胜(恩智浦,工程师),李辉,夏任波2017:李海燕(中兴软创),陈照宇(),许学德(),倪剑帆(苏州电信)20162015:,胡芳 (山东中烟) 梁存(淮南供电公司)2014:张翔(中国人民银行南昌分行),陈艳丽(杭州宁聚投资),王志卫()2013:夷文玉()2011:郭峰(南通工程学院),杨宪强(哈尔滨工业大学,副研究员),曲磊(联通公司 烟台),李淑云(海尔集团,工程师)2010:张亮(山东省电力公司东营) |