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姓名 王春成
性别 发明专利4999代写全部资料
学校 吉林大学
部门 发明专利包写包过 加急申请
学位 发明专利包写包过 特惠申请
学历 版权登记666包过 代写全部资料
职称 教授
联系方式 实用新型1875包写包过
邮箱 软件测试报告2199包写包过
集群智慧云企服 / 知识产权申请大平台
急速申请 包写包过 办事快、准、稳

王春成 ( 教授 ) 赞65 的个人主页 https://teachers.jlu.edu.cn/ChunchengWang/zh_CN/index.htm   教授 性别 : 男 学历 : 博士研究生毕业 学位 : 博士 在职信息 : 在职 所在单位 : 原子与分子物理研究所 办公地点 : 长春市前进大街2699号理化楼c区 个人简介 王春成,吉林大学 原子与分子物理研究所,教授,先后赴日本东北大学、德国法兰克福大学,瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院合作研究和交流。面对国际学术研究前沿和国家重大需求,专注于发展核心关键技术,以实现复杂环境(团簇及液体)中超快物理过程的阿秒分辨及其量子调控为研究目标,通过发展新型超快短波光源以及飞秒-皮米超高时空分辨探测技术,揭示超快光致分子动力学演化机制及其新奇环境效应。近年来,首次揭示了烯烃分子光致异构化过程的液体环境效应,并在分子超快动力学的阿秒分辨成像研究方面取得了多项创新结果,以第一作者/通讯作者身份在Nature Chemistry, Nature Communications (2篇),Physical Review Letters, Physical Review A等期刊发表SCI论文近20篇。获邀在第十五届Asia Pacific Physics Conference,第三十三届ICEPAC 等重要国内外学术会议上做邀请报告5次。在基金委优秀青年基金及青年拔尖人才计划申请中进入会评阶段,获得吉林大学首届“培英计划”等奖励。发表论文:31.  Zhenzhen Wang, Xiaoqing Hu, Xiaorui Xue, Shengpeng Zhou, Xitao Yu, Yizhang Yang, Jiaqi Zhou,        Banchi Zhao, Zheng Shu, Maomao Gong, Zhenpeng Wang, Xiaokai Li, Pan Ma, Yong Wu*, Xueguang        Ren*, Chuncheng Wang* and Dajun Ding*, Nature Communications, 14, 5420 (2023)【通讯作者】.30. Yizhang Yang,  Hao Ren, Ming Zhang, Shengpeng Zhou, Xiangxu Mu, Xiaokai Li, Zhenzhen     Wang,  Ke Deng, Mingxuan Li, Pan Ma, Zheng Li*, Xiaolei Hao*, Weidong Li, Jing      Chen, Chuncheng Wang1* & Dajun Ding1*, Nature Communications, 14, 4951 (2023). 【通讯作者】  29. Chuncheng Wang, Max D. J. Waters, Pengju Zhang, Jiří Suchan, Vít Svoboda,      Tran Trung Luu, Conaill Perry, Zhong Yin, Petr Slavíček  and Hans Jakob Wörner,       Different timescales during ultrafast stilbene isomerization in the gas and liquid phases revealed     using time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy.      Nature Chemistry, 14, 1126 (2022).【第一作者】28. Chuncheng Wang, Xiaokai Li, Xiang-Ru Xiao, Yizhang Yang, Sizuo Luo,Xitao Yu, Xinpeng Xu,        Liang-You Peng, Qihuang Gong,and Dajun Ding,Accurate in situMeasurement of Ellipticity         Based on Subcycle Ionization Dynamics.        Pysical Review Letters 122, 013203 (2019).【第一作者】27. Pan Ma,Chuncheng Wang, Sizuo Luo, Xiaokai Li, Wenhui Hu,Jiaqi Yu, Xitao Yu,Xu Tian,Zexing Qu,         and Dajun Ding,Bond-breakage-dependent dissociative ionization of an asymmetric molecule in an         intense femtosecond laser field.        Pysical Review A 99, 023423 (2019).【通讯作者】26. Yuta Ito,Chuncheng Wang,Anh-Thu Le, Misaki Okunishi,Dajun Ding, C. D. Lin,and Kiyoshi Ueda,        Extracting conformational structure information of benzene molecules via laserinduced electron diffraction.       Structral Dynamics 3, 034303 (2016).【共同一作】25. C. Wang, Y. Tian, S. Luo, W. G. Roeterdink, Y. Yang,and D. Ding,Resonance-like enhancement in high-order         above-threshold ionization of formic acid.       Pysical Review A 90, 023405 (2014).【第一作者】24. C. Wang,M. Okunishi,X. Hao,Y. Ito,J. Chen, Y. Yang,1 R. R. Lucchese, M. Zhang,B. Yan, W. D. Li, D. Ding,         and K. Ueda,Resonancelike enhancement in high-order above-threshold ionizationof polyatomic molecules.       Pysical Review A 93, 043422 (2016).【第一作者】23. Xinning Zhao, Xitao Yu , Xinpeng Xu, Zhongyu Yin, Jiaqi Yu, Xiaokai Li, Pan Ma,  Dongdong Zhang,         Chuncheng Wang, Sizuo Luo , and Dajun Ding,Ultrafast dissociation  dynamics of singly and doubly ionized        N2O in strong laser fields.       Pysical Review A 101, 013416 (2020).22. Vít Svoboda,Chuncheng Wang,Max D. J. Waters,and Hans Jakob Wörner,Electronic  and vibrational relaxation        dynamics of NH3 Rydberg states probed by vacuum-ultraviolet time-resolved photoelectron imaging.       The Journal of Chemical Physics. 151, 104306 (2019).【共同一作】21. Vít Svoboda, Chuncheng Wang, Miguel A. Silva-Toledo, Hans Jakob Worner,Time-Resolved Photoelectron and        Photoion Imaging of Molecular Dynamics Using Low-Order Harmonic Generation.       978-1-7281-0469-0/19/$31.00 c 2019 IEEE.【共同一作】20. Sizuo Luo,Shushan Zhou, Wenhui Hu, Jiaqi Yu, Xiaokai Li, Pan Ma, Lanhai He, Chuncheng Wang, Fuming Guo,        Yujun Yang, and Dajun Ding, Identifying the Multielectron Effect on Chemical Bond Rearrangement of CH3Cl        Molecules in Strong Laser Fields.       The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 122 (2018).19. Pan Ma , Chuncheng Wang, Sizuo Luo , Xitao Yu, Xiaokai Li,Zhenzhen Wang, Wenhui Hu, Jiaqi Yu, Yizhang Yang,        Xu Tian,Zhonghua Cui, and Dajun Ding,Comparison study for multiple ionization of  carbonyl sulfide by linearly        and circularly polarized intense femtosecond laser fields using Coulomb explosion imaging.       J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 51 094002 (2018). 【通讯作者】18. Jiaqi Yu, Wenhui Hu, Xiaokai Li, Pan Ma1, Lanhai He,Fuchun Liu, Chuncheng Wang, Sizuo Luo,and Dajun Ding,       Contribution of resonance excitation on ionization of OCS molecules in strong laser fields.       J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 50 235602 (2017) .17. Xiaokai Li,Chuncheng Wang, Zongqiang Yuan,Difa Ye, Pan Ma,1 Wenhui Hu, Sizuo Luo,Libin Fu,and Dajun Ding,        Footprints of electron correlation in strong-field double ionization of Kr close to the sequential-ionization regime.      Pysical Review A 96, 033416 (2017).【通讯作者】16. Sizuo Luo, Wenhui Hu, Jiaqi Yu, Xiaokai Li, Lanhai He, Chuncheng Wang, Fuchun Liu,and Dajun Ding,Multielectron         Effects in the Strong Field Sequential Ionization of Aligned.CH3I Molecules.      The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 121,(2017).15. Jiaqi Yu, Wenhui Hu, Lanhai He, Chuncheng Wang,Sizuo Luo,and Dajun Ding, Contribution of resonance excitation on       ionization of OCS molecules in strong laser field.      Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 875 032030 (2017).14. Pan Ma, Chuncheng Wang, Xiaokai Li, Xitao Yu, Xu Tian, Wenhui Hu, Jiaqi Yu, Sizuo Luo,and Dajun Ding,Ultrafast        proton migration and Coulomb explosion of methyl chloride in intense laser fields.      The Journal of Chemical Physics 146, 244305 (2017).13. Sizuo Luo,Shushan Zhou,Wenhui Hu,Xiaokai Li,Pan Ma,Jiaqi Yu,Ruihan Zhu,Chuncheng Wang,Fuchun Liu,Bing Yan,       Aihua Liu,Yujun Yang,Fuming Guo,and Dajun Ding,Multiorbital effects in strong-field ionization and dissociation of        aligned polar molecules CH3I and CH3Br.         Pysical Review A 96, 063415 (2017) 12. Sizuo Luo, Yujun Yang, Fuming Guo, Chuncheng Wang, Dajun Ding,Tunneling Ionization of Aligned CH3X(X=I, Br, Cl)        Molecules in Intense Femtosecond Laser Fields.       Journal of Physics: Conference Series 635 112071 (2015). 11. C. Wang, X. Hao, M. Okunishi, J. Chen, Y. Yang , M. Zhang, B. Yan, D. Ding and K. Ueda,Multicenter effect in high-order       above-threshold ionization of polyatomic molecules.       Journal of Physics: Conference Series 635 112047 (2015).【第一作者】   10. Sizuo Luo, Lanhai He, Xiaokai Li, Wenhui Hu, Pan Ma , Chuncheng Wang and Dajun Ding,Hn+ Ejection from Aligned        CH3Cl Molecules in Intense fs Laser Fields.      Journal of Physics: Conference Series 635 112019 (2015) .   9. Sizuo Luo,Ruihan Zhu,Lanhai He, Wenhui Hu,Xiaokai Li,Pan Ma,Chuncheng Wang,Fuchun Liu,Wim G. Roeterdink,         Steven Stolte, and Dajun Ding,Nonadiabatic laser-induced orientation and alignment of rotational-state-selected CH3Br       molecules.       Pysical Review A 91, 053408 (2015).  8. C. Wang, Y. Tian, S. Luo, W. G. Roeterdink, Y. Yang, and D. Ding,Resonance-like enhancement in high-order above-threshold       ionization of formic acid.      Physical Review A 90, 023405 (2014).【第一作者】 7. C. Wang, M. Okunishi, R. Lucchese, T. Morishita, K. Shimada, D. Ding1and K. Ueda,Electron-Ion Differential Cross Section      extracting from the High-order AboveThreshold Ionization spectroscopy of C2H4 and C2H6.      Journal of Physics: Conference Series 488 032041 (2014) .【第一作者】 6. Yuta Ito, Misaki Okunishi, Wang Chuncheng, Robert R. Lucchese, Toru Morishita, Oleg I. Tolstikhin,Lars B. Madsen, Kiyoshi Ueda,       Laser Induced Rescattering Photoelectron Spectroscopy on Hydrocarbon Molecules.     Ultrafast Phenomena (2014). 5. C. Wang, B. Wang, M. Okunishi, W.G. Roeterdink, D. Ding, R. Zhu, G. Prümper,K. Shimada, K. Ueda,Ion–ion coincidence imaging       of dissociative ionization dynamics of formic acid in intense laser fields.      Chemical Physics 430 (2014).【第一作者】 4. Rui-Han Zhu, Chun-Cheng Wang, Si-Zuo Luo, Xue Yang, Mei-Xia Zhang,Fu-Chun Liu, Da-Jun Ding,Role of rotational state-selected      for nonadiabatic alignment: OCS molecules in femtosecond laser fields.      Front. Phys., 8(2),(2013). 3. C Wang, M Okunishi, R R Lucchese, T Morishita4, O I Tolstikhin,L B Madsen6, K Shimada, D Dingand K Ueda,Extraction of electron–ion       differential scattering cross sections for C2H4 by laser-induced rescattering photoelectron spectroscopy.      J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 45 131001 (2012).【第一作者】 2. H Iwayama, A Sugishima, K Nagaya, M Yao, H Fukuzawa,K Motomura, X-J Liu, A Yamada, C Wang, K Ueda,N Saito, M Nagasono,       K Tono, M Yabashi, T Ishikawa, H Ohashi,H Kimura, and T Togashi,Inhomogeneous charge redistribution inXe clusters exposed to an       intense extreme ultraviolet free electron laser.      J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 43 161001 (2010) . 1. C. Wang, D. Ding , M. Okunishi, Z.-G. Wang, X.-J. Liu, G. Prümper, K. Ueda,Dissociative double ionization of formic acid in intense      laser fields.      Chemical Physics Letters 496 (2010).【第一作者】   教育经历2009/09-2012/06,吉林大学,原子分子与物理研究所,博士,导师:丁大军2010/03-2012/01,日本東北大学,联合培养博士,导师:上田 潔2006/09-2009/06,吉林大学,原子分子与物理研究所,硕士,导师:丁大军 2008/10-2009/10,日本東北大学,合作交流,导师:上田 潔2002/09-2006/06,吉林大学,物理学院, 学士  工作经历     2020/09-至今,吉林大学,原子分子与物理研究所,教授 2018/02-2020/05,瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院,Hans Jakob Wörner 教授,合作研究 2014/09-2020/09,吉林大学,原子分子与物理研究所,副教授2012/07-2014/08, 吉林大学,原子分子与物理研究所,讲师 承担项目  1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金,30万元,在研,主持 2. 中国博士后基金特别资助,15万元,在研,主持  3. 吉林大学优青培养计划支持项目,18 万,在研, 主持  4. 吉林大学优秀博士后奖, 4 万, 在研, 主持  5. 中国博士后基金面上项目,一等资助, 8万元, 已结题。 6. 国家自然科学基金重点项目子课题,2016/01-2020/12,60万,在研,主持 7. 国家自然科学基金重点项目,11034003,280万元,已结题,参加
