
主页 > 河南省 > 河南师范大学


姓名 王天兴
学校 河南师范大学
部门 物理与材料科学学院
学位 材料科学与工程
学历 硕士生导师
职称 副教授
联系方式 wtxdd@163.com
邮箱 wtxdd@163.com
集群智慧云企服 / 知识产权申请大平台
急速申请 包写包过 办事快、准、稳

个人简介 Personal Profile 王天兴,男,1973年1月生,博士 ,2006年毕业于中国科学院物理研究所。在中国科学院物理研究所取得博士学位之后在韩国高丽大学校材料科学与工程系,信息器件与材料实验室做博士后工作。多年来一直从事于自旋电子学材料、多层膜、器件的研究工作。对于薄膜与器件制备、表征、半导体加工等有丰富的理论和实践经验。主要参加过导师韩秀峰研究员主持的973项目:自旋电子材料、物理及器件研制、中国科学院知识创新工程重大项目、基金委面上基金项目以及科技部中爱国际合作项目、国家基金委中爱重大国际合作项目、中日国际合作项目、中日韩三边国际合作项目等。目前主要在河南师范大学物理与材料科学学院凝聚态物理研究所从事二维材料与器件方面研究。主要针对二维材料的光、热、电、磁方面的基本性质及其在器件应用方面的输运性质及对外界影响的响应等方面进行理论研究。在Appl.Phys. Lett, J. Appl. Phys, Phys. Lett. A,J. Mat. Chem. C 等重要学术刊物上发表SCI论文五十多篇。在研省级技术攻关项目和国家自然科学基金项目等多项。 研究方向Research Directions 二维材料及器件 2. 机电结构优化与控制 研究内容:在对机电结构进行分析和优化的基础上,运用控制理论进行结构参数的调整,使结构性能满足设计要求。1. 仿生结构材料拓扑优化设计, 仿生机械设计 研究内容:以仿生结构为研究对象,运用连续体结构拓扑优化设计理论和方法,对多相仿生结构(机构)材料进行2. 机电结构优化与控制 研究内容:在对机电结构进行分析和优化的基础上,运用控制理论进行结构参数的调整,使结构性能满足设计要求。1. 仿生结构材料拓扑优化设计, 仿生机械设计 研究内容:以仿生结构为研究对象,运用连续体结构拓扑优化设计理论和方法,对多相仿生结构(机构)材料进行整体布局设计。 整体布局设计。 项目情况 1. 王天兴 河南省基础与前沿技术研究计划项目 2012-2014 "铜锌锡硫太阳能电池实验及理论研究" No: 1223004132082. 王天兴 河南省高等学校青年骨干教师资助计划项目 2013-2015 “铜锌锡硫太阳能电池" No: 010266110103. 王天兴 国家自然科学基金(NSFC-河南人才培养联合基金)2014-2016 “铁磁金属、半金属界面轻元素修饰特性 及其对磁性隧道结输运特性影响的"自能"修正理论研究: U13045184. 王天兴 河南省高等学校重点科研项目 2018(01-12) “基于过渡金属硫化物超薄磁性隧道结的理论研究” No: 18A1400205. 王天兴 国家自然科学基金(NSFC-河南人才培养联合基金)2018-2020 “基于过渡金属硫化物二维材料的超薄磁性隧道结的理论研究“ No: U1704136 科研项目 1. 王天兴 河南省基础与前沿技术研究计划项目 2012-2014 "铜锌锡硫太阳能电池实验及理论研究" No: 1223004132082. 王天兴 河南省高等学校青年骨干教师资助计划项目 2013-2015 “铜锌锡硫太阳能电池" No: 010266110103. 王天兴 国家自然科学基金(NSFC-河南人才培养联合基金)2014-2016 “铁磁金属、半金属界面轻元素修饰特性 及其对磁性隧道结输运特性影响的"自能"修正理论研究: U13045184. 王天兴 河南省高等学校重点科研项目 2018(01-12) “基于过渡金属硫化物超薄磁性隧道结的理论研究” No: 18A1400205. 王天兴 国家自然科学基金(NSFC-河南人才培养联合基金)2018-2020 “基于过渡金属硫化物二维材料的超薄磁性隧道结的理论研究“ No: U1704136 研究成果 部分相关成果的详细目录: 1.         Tianxing Wang*, Rumeng Zhao, Mingyu Zhao, Xu Zhao, Yipeng An, Xianqi Dai, Congxin Xia, Effects of Applied Strain and Electric Field on Small Molecule Sensing by Stanene Monolayers, Journal of Materials Science, 2017. 52, 5083–5096. 
2.         Wang, Tianxing*, Zhao, Rumeng, Zhao, Xu, An, Yipeng, Dai, Xianqi,Xia, Congxin, Tunable donor and acceptor impurity states in a WSe2 monolayer by adsorption of common gas molecules, Rsc Advances, 2016.01.01,6(86):82793~82800. 
3.         Wang, Tianxing*, Li, Ying, Xia, Congxin, Zhao, Xu, An, Yipeng, Dai, Xianqi, Magnetic vanadium sulfide monolayers: transition from a semiconductor to a half metal by doping, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2016.01.01, 4(34):8111~8120. 
4.         T. X. Wang*, Y. Li, C. X. Xia, X. Zhao, Y. P. An, X. Q. Dai, Effects of B and N modified interface and applied bias on the magnetoresistance in Fe/MgO/Fe magnetic tunnel junctions, journal of applied physics, 2017, (accepted) 
5.         Zhao, Xu*, Wang, Tianxing*, Wang, Guangtao, Dai, Xianqi, Xia, Congxin, Yang, Lin, Electronic and magnetic properties of 1T-HfS2 by doping transition-metal atoms, Applied Surface Science, 2016.10.15, 383:151~158. 
6.         Chen, Peng, Zhao, Xu*, Wang, Tianxing*, Dai, Xianqi,Xia, Congxin, Electronic and magnetic properties of Ag-doped monolayer WS2 by stain, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2016.9.25,680:659~664. 
7.         Ma, Xu, Zhao, Xu*, Wang, Tianxing*, Effect of strain on the electronic and magnetic properties of an Fe-doped WSe2 monolayer, Rsc Advances, 2016.01.01,6(74):69758~69763.
8.         Chen, Peng, Zhao, Xu*, Wang, Tianxing*, Dai, Xianqi, Xia, Congxin, Strain-dependent electronic and magnetic properties of Au-doped WS2 monolayer, Solid State Communications, 2016.3.01,230:35~39. 
9.         Zhao, Xu*, Chen, Peng, Wang, Tianxing*, Controlled electronic and magnetic properties of WSe2 monolayers by doping transition-metal atoms, Superlattices and Microstructures, 2016.12.01,100:252~257. 
10.       Wu, Ninghua, Zhao, Xu*, Wang, Tianxing, Strain-dependent electronic and magnetic of Co-doped monolayer of WSe2, Physica E-Low-Dimensional Systems & Nanostructures, 2016.10.01,84:505~510. 
11.       An, Yipeng*, Wang, Tianxing, Fu, Zhaoming, Chu, Xing Li, Xu, Guoliang, The electronic transport properties of graphene-like beryllium sulfide nanoribbons, Physics Letters A, 2015.9.11,379(32-33):1837~1841. 
12.       Li, Wei, Wang, Tianxing, Dai, Xianqi*, Wang, Xiaolong, Zhai, Caiyun, Ma, Yaqiang, Chang, Shanshan, Bandgap engineering of different stacking WS2 bilayer under an external electric field, Solid State Communications, 2016.1.01,225:32~37. 
13.       Guo, Peng*, Wang, Tianxing, Xia, Congxin, Jia, Yu, Tuning electronic structure of SnS2 nanosheets by vertical electric field: a first-principles investigation, Applied Physics A-Materials Science & Processing, 2016.7.01,122(7). 
14.        Xiong, Wenqi, Xia*, Congxin, Wang, Tianxing, Peng, Yuting, Jia, Yu, Strain and Spin-Orbital Coupling Effects on Electronic Structures and Magnetism of Semi-Hydrogenated Stanene, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2016.5.19,120(19):10622~10628. 15.       Li, Yang, Xia, Congxin*, Wang, Tianxing, Tan, Xiaoming, Zhao, Xu, Wei, Shuyi, Light adatoms influences on electronic structures of the two-dimensional arsenene nanosheets, Solid State Communications, 2016.3.01,230:6~10. 
16.       Xiong, Wenqi, Xia, Congxin*, Wang, Tianxing, Du, Juan, Peng, Yuting, Zhao, Xu, Jia, Yu, Tuning electronic structures of the stanene monolayer via defects and transition-metal-embedding: spin-orbit coupling, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2016.11.7,18(41):28759~28766. 
17.       Xia, Congxin*, Xue, Bin, Wang, Tianxing, Peng, Yuting, Jia, Yu, Interlayer coupling effects on Schottky barrier in the arsenene-graphene van der Waals heterostructures, Applied Physics Letters, 2015.11.9,107(19). 
18.        Xiong, Wenqi, Xia, Congxin*, Zhao, Xu, Wang, Tianxing, Jia, Yu, Effects of strain and electric field on electronic structures and Schottky barrier in graphene and SnS hybrid heterostructures, Carbon,2016.11.01,109:737~746. 19.       An, Yipeng*, Wang, Kedong, Jia, Guangrui, Wang, Tianxing, Jiao, Zhaoyong, Fu, Zhaoming, Chu, Xingli, Xu, Guoliang, Yang, Chuanlu, Intrinsic negative differential resistance characteristics in zigzag boron nitride nanoribbons, Rsc Advances, 2014.01.01,4(87):46934~46939. 
20.       Yipeng An*, Kedong Wang, Zhongqin Yang, Zhiyong Liu, Guangrui Jia, Zhaoyong Jiao, Tianxing Wang, Guoliang Xu, Negative differential resistance and rectification effects in step-like graphene nanoribbons, Organic Electronics, 2015.2.01,17:262~269. 21.       An, Yipeng*, Zhang, Mengjun, Wu, Dapeng, Wang, Tianxing, Jiao, Zhaoyong, Xia, Congxin, Fu, Zhaoming, Wang, Kun, The rectifying and negative differential resistance effects in graphene/h-BN nanoribbon heterojunctions, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2016.10.28,18(40):27976~27980. 
22.       Zhang, Heng, Xia, Congxin*, Tan, Xiaoming, Wang, Tianxing, Wei, Shuyi, Effects of polar and nonpolar on band structures in ultrathin ZnO/GaN type-II superlattices, Solid State Communications, 2015.11.01,221:14~17. 
23.       An, Yipeng*, Zhang, Mengjun, Chen, Lipeng, Xia, Congxin, Wang, Tianxing, Fu, Zhaoming, Jiao, Zhaoyong, Xu, Guoliang, Spin-dependent electronic transport properties of zigzag silicon carbon nanoribbon, Rsc Advances, 2015.01.01,5(129):107136~107141. 
24.       Zhao, Xu*, Xia, Congxin*, Wang, Tianxing, Dai, Xianqi, Yang, Lin, Characteristics of n- and p-typedopants in 1T-HfS2 monolayer, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2016.12.25,689:302~306. 25.       Ma, Yaqiang, Zhao, Xu, Wang, Tianxing, Li, Wei, Wang, Xiaolong, Chang, Shanshan, Li, Yi, Zhao, Mingyu, Dai, Xianqi*, Band structure engineering in a MoS2/PbI2 van der Waals heterostructure via an external electric field, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2016.11.7,18(41):28466~28473. 
26.       Zhao, Xu*, Xia, Congxin, Wang, Tianxing, Dai, Xianqi, Electronic and magnetic properties of X-doped (X = Ti, Zr, Hf) tungsten disulphide monolayer, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2016.1.5,654:574~579. 
27.       Wang, Xiao-Long, Li, Wei, Wang, Tian-Xing, Dai, Xian-Qi*, Modulation of magnetic properties of bilayer SnSe with transition-metals doping in the interlayer, Physica E-Low-Dimensional Systems & Nanostructures, 2016.1.01,75:106~111. 28.       Dai Xian-Qi*, Wang Xiao-Long, Li Wei, Wang Tian-Xing, Electronic properties of the SnSe-metal contacts: First-principles study, Chinese Physics B, 2015.11.01,24(11). 29.       Zhao, Xu*, Xia, Congxin, Wang, Tianxing, Dai, Xianqi, Effect of structural defects on electronic and magnetic properties of pristine and Mn-doped MoS2 monolayer, Solid State Communications, 2015.10.01,220:31~35. 30.       Tianxing Wang⁎, Lizhi Yin, Rumeng Zhao, Congxin Xia⁎, Xu Zhao, Yipeng An, Shuyi Wei, Xianqi Dai, “First-principles study of monolayer SnS2(1−x)Se2x alloys as anode materials for lithium ion batteries”Applied Surface Science 2018, 457: 256~263. 学生信息 当前位置:教师主页 > 学生信息 入学日期 所学专业 学号 学位 招生信息 当前位置:教师主页 > 招生信息 招生学院 招生专业 研究方向 招生人数 推免人数 考试方式 招生类别 招生年份
