
主页 > 北京市 > 北京协和医院


姓名 刘宣雨
学校 北京协和医院
部门 阜外医院
学位 博士
学历 博士研究生
职称 副研究员 硕士生导师
联系方式 工作电话 : 010-88322026
邮箱 swissox2020@126.com
集群智慧云企服 / 知识产权申请大平台
急速申请 包写包过 办事快、准、稳

个人简介 Personal Profile         刘宣雨(Dr. Xuanyu Liu),河北宣化人。2008年本科毕业于中国农业大学,2011年获得中国科学院研究生院(现中科院大学)理学硕士学位,2015年获得瑞士苏黎世联邦理工大学(Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich)理学博士学位(导师:Alex Widmer教授)。具备生物信息学、细胞生物学和分子生化等知识背景。先后在基因测序企业和中国医学科学院阜外医院从事研发和博士后研究工作(合作导师:周洲教授)。目前担任中国医学科学院阜外医院副研究员、研究生导师,心血管疾病国家重点实验室Co-PI。        研究兴趣是通过对高维度、多模态数据(以单细胞和空间组学数据为代表)的整合挖掘结合体外细胞功能学实验、在体动物模型来解析心血管疾病的病理发生机制和发现新的治疗靶点。        近年来聚焦于遗传性心血管疾病(例如遗传性的先天性心脏病、主动脉病和心肌病)的病理机制解析,开展了一系列临床基础研究及临床前研究。以第一或通讯作者在Circulation Research、Cell Discovery、Advanced Science、Cell Reports、EMBO Reports等国际著名期刊发表多篇研究论文,被发表在Nature期刊在内的领域内重要论文多次引述,研究成果得到国际同行的专门评论文章肯定。主持包括国家自然科学基金、国家高水平医院临床研究基金在内的多项基金项目。担任国内外学术期刊编委及审稿人。        课题组依托于心血管疾病国家重点实验室、心血管疾病分子诊断北京市重点实验室和阜外医院实验诊断中心(周洲主任团队),实验条件一流,经费充足,科研氛围自由活跃。本课题组致力于将研究生培养成同时具备生物医学大数据挖掘能力(生物信息学)和生物学实验能力,同时具有独立科学思维和国际视野的优秀科研人员。本课题组队专业背景要求相对宽泛,生物学、医学、检验、信息学等专业皆可考虑。欢迎有识之士积极报考!        Dr. Xuanyu Liu, born in Xuanhua, Hebei. Hegraduated with a bachelor’s degree from China Agricultural University in 2008,and obtained a master’s degree in science from the Graduate University of theChinese Academy of Sciences (now University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences)in 2011. In 2015, he received his Ph.D. in science from the Swiss FederalInstitute of Technology in Zurich (Supervisor: Professor Alex Widmer). He has aknowledge background in bioinformatics, cell biology, and molecular biochemistry.He has worked at sequencing companies and the Fuwai Hospital, Chinese Academyof Medical Sciences, engaging in R&D and postdoctoral research(Collaborative Supervisor: Professor Zhou Zhou), respectively. Currently, heserves as an Associate Research Fellow and graduate supervisor at the FuwaiHospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, and is a Co-PI at the State KeyLaboratory of Cardiovascular Disease.        The research interestlies in elucidating the pathological mechanisms of cardiovascular diseases anddiscovering new therapeutic targets by integrating the mining ofhigh-dimensional, multi-modal data (represented by single-cell and spatialomics data), combined with in vitro cellular functional experiments and in vivoanimal models.        In recent years, the focus has been onelucidating the pathological mechanisms of hereditary cardiovascular diseases(such as hereditary congenital heart diseases, aortic diseases, andcardiomyopathies), and a series of clinical basic and preclinical studies havebeen carried out. As the first author or corresponding author, research papershave been published in internationally renowned journals such as Circulation Research, Cell Discovery, Advanced Science, Cell Reports,and EMBO Reports. These publications have been cited by important papers in thefield, including those published in Nature. The research achievements have beenrecognized by specialized review articles from the international peers. Dr.Xuanyu Liu has hosted multiple research projects, including grants from theNational Natural Science Foundation of China and the National High-LevelHospital Clinical Research Fund. Additionally, Dr. Xuanyu Liu serves as an editorialboard member and reviewer for academic journals.        The research group is supported by the StateKey Laboratory of Cardiovascular Disease, the Beijing Key Laboratory ofMolecular Diagnostics for Cardiovascular Diseases, and the ExperimentalDiagnostic Center of Fuwai Hospital (led by Director Zhou Zhou). The group hasfirst-class experimental conditions, ample funding, and an active researchatmosphere. This group is dedicated to cultivating graduate students intooutstanding researchers who possess both the ability to mine biomedical bigdata (Bioinformatics) and biological experimental skills, as well asindependent scientific thinking and an international perspective. The group hasa broad requirement for professional backgrounds, and candidates with degreesin biology, medicine, laboratory science, informatics, and other related fieldsare all welcome. Welcome talented individuals to actively apply!
