姓名 | 刘俭 |
教师编号 | 92261 |
性别 | 刘俭 |
学校 | 哈尔滨工业大学 |
部门 | 仪器科学与工程学院 |
学位 | 刘俭 |
学历 | 刘俭 |
职称 | 教授 |
联系方式 | 【了解更多】 |
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基本信息 学生培养 国际合作 专著及论文 个人新闻 English Version 仪器成果发布 ... English Version 仪器成果发布 新建主栏目 基本信息 名称 刘俭教授,主要从事测试计量技术及仪器研究,仪器科学与工程学院院长,现代显微仪器研究所所长,入选国家高层次人才计划,第八届国务院学位委员会学科评议组成员。 研究领域 名称 超分辨三维显微测量技术及仪器 超分辨生物显微成像技术及应用 深度学习与大数据处理技术应用 应用光学技术 主要任职 名称 国务院学位委员会学科评议组成员(仪器) 中国仪器仪表学会,常务理事 中国计量测试学会,常务理事 超精密仪器技术及智能化工信部重点实验室,副主任 中国仪器仪表学会显微仪器分会,副理事长兼秘书长 中国计量测试仪器专业委员会,副主任委员 全国几何量长度计量技术委员会,副主任委员 全国几何产品技术规范标准化委员会(SAC/TC240),委员 国际标准化组织 ISO/TC213 委员会,委员 Journal of Microscopy,编辑/编委 Optics Communication,编委 Surface Topography:Metrology and Properties,编委 Nanomanufacturing and Metrology,编委 《应用光学》,编委 Engineering,青年通讯专家 工作经历 名称 英国国家物理实验室 客座研究员 英国牛津大学工程科学系 博士后 荣誉称号 名称 入选国家高层次人才计划 中国仪器仪表学会“当代仪器仪表与测量控制优秀科技创新人才” 黑龙江省优秀科技工作者 教育经历 名称 英国牛津大学工程科学系,博士后 哈尔滨工业大学仪器科学与技术学科,博士 哈尔滨工业大学航天学院导航与制导专业,硕士 西南交通大学应用物理系光电子技术专业,学士 讲授课程 名称 1)二元光学 2)光学系统设计 3)立体显微成像技术 4)光学加工检测技术 5)国际精英领导力与沟通力 奖项成果 奖项名称 超精密三维显微测量技术与仪器 获奖时间 2020-2021 完成人 1 所获奖项 国家技术发明二等奖 简单介绍 奖项成果 奖项名称 共焦显微测量技术及标准化理论 获奖时间 2018 完成人 1 所获奖项 中国计量测试学会一等奖 简单介绍 奖项名称 共焦显微镜名词术语定义及不确定度评定导则 获奖时间 2022 完成人 1 所获奖项 中国标准创新贡献奖三等奖 简单介绍 学生获奖 名称 指导博士生研究生14人(已毕业5人),硕士研究生28人(已毕业24人),本科生33人(已毕业31人)。学生主要获奖情况如下: 1)博士生 李梦周,2017,中国计量测试学会科技进步奖(基础类)一等奖,第 5 完成人; 2)博士生 谷 康,2017,全国仪器科学与生物医学工程博士生学术论坛,一等奖; 3)博士生 刘 婧,2019,全国仪器科学与生物医学工程博士生学术论坛,二等奖; 4)博士生 张 贺,2019,全国仪器科学与生物医学工程博士生学术论坛,三等奖; 5)博士生 李梦周,2017,全国仪器科学与生物医学工程博士生学术论坛,三等奖; 6)本科生 林 晨,2018,获得哈尔滨工业大学百优本科生毕业设计(论文)奖; 7)本科生 王新伟,2019,获得哈尔滨工业大学百优本科生毕业设计(论文)奖; 8)博士生 赵唯淞,2021,获得第十八届王大珩光学奖。 学生就业 名称 以往毕业生就业情况: 1)出国深造/工作:牛津大学、英国国家物理实验室(NPL)、帝国理工、UC伯克利... 2)国内深造/工作:哈工大、清华、北大、浙大、香港城市大学... 3)国内知名企业 :华为、中兴、NI、联发科、一汽... 4)国内科研院所:航天科技五院、航天科工三院、长春光机所... 学习与生活 名称 高端的办公和实验环境,为同学们打造一流的学习和创新平台! 丰富的文体和娱乐活动,为同学们营造舒适的学习和生活氛围! 国际资源 名称 依托国家“111”工程重大仪器技术引智基地,与ISO(国际标准化组织)、OXFORD(牛津大学)、NPL(英国国家物理实验室)等多家权威国际组织及顶尖学术机构建立密切合作。担任J Microscopy,STMP,OC等多家著名期刊编委,积极参与国际期刊建设工作。 “引进来” 名称 每年特邀本领域知名专家来我校进行为期1~2月的专题授课与学术交流,使同学们有机会接受大师点拨并交流学术前沿;同时,邀请国外学术团队(以博士学生为主)来我校进行1~2周的学术交流,提供固定办公地点及实验场所,跟课题组同学们一起学习和实验,让外国团队感受中国文化与科研氛围,引导同学们建立国际学术友谊。 “走出去” 名称 博士研究生在博二后有机会通过国家留学基金委或学校留学基金支持,到国外知名学府或科研院所进行1-2年学术访问或联合培养,与国外学者共同解决本领域重大科学问题和工程技术难题。同时,优秀硕/博研究生可参加学院支持的为期2周出国访问计划,走访国外名校,感受国外学术氛围,探索建立合作关系。 专著及论文 名称 英文专著: Jian Liu and Jiubin Tan, Confocal Microscopy, IOP Concise Physics, ISSN 2053-2571, ISSN 2054-7307, DOI 10.1088/978-1-6817-4337-0, Published by Morgan & Claypool Publishers, 40 Oak Drive, San Rafael, CA, 94903 USA, 2016. Jian Liu, Elliptical Mirrors Applications in Microscopy, IOP Expanding Physics, ISBN: 978-0-7503-1629-3, ISBN: 978-0-7503-1627-9,Published by IOP Publishing, wholly owned by The Institute of Physics, London, 2018期刊论文【发表时间顺序】: Jian Liu, Zijie Hua, Chenguang Liu*, Compact dark-field confocal microscopy based on an annular beam with orbital angular momentum, Optics Letters, 2021, Vol. 46, No. 22. Guanyu Shang, Haoyu Li, Zhuochao Wang, Shah Nawaz Burokur,* Kuang Zhang,* Jian Liu, Qun Wu, Xuemei Ding, and Xumin Ding*,Transmission-Reflection-Integrated Multiplexed Janus Metasurface,ACS Applied Electronic Materials,2021, 3, 6. Guanyu Shang, Zhuochao Wang, Haoyu Li, Kuang Zhang , Qun Wu , Shah Nawaz Burokur, and Xumin Ding*, Metasurface Holography in the Microwave Regime,Metasurface Holography in the Microwave Regime.Photonics,8(5), 135 (2021) Guanyu Shang, Haoyu Li, Zhuochao Wang, Kuang Zhang, Shah Nawaz Burokur, Jian Liu, Qun Wu, Xuemei Ding, and Xumin Ding*,Coding metasurface holography with polarization-multiplexed functionality,Journal of Applied Physics,129, 035304 (2021) K Zhang*, Y Yuan, X Ding*, Haoyu Li, B Ratni, Q Wu, J Liu, SN Burokur*, J Tan,Polarization-Engineered Noninterleaved Metasurface for Integer and Fractional Orbital Angular Momentum Multiplexing,Laser & Photonics Reviews,15 (1), 2000351, (2021) Xiaoyu You,Yuhang Wang,Yifei Liu,Jian Liu,Kang Gu,A learning-based self-calibration for correcting lateral and axial field distortions in 3D surface topography measurement[J],Optics Letters,46(13),2021 Kang Gu , Yifei Li , Xiaoyu You , Yuhang Wang , Jianwei Cui , Xinwei Wang Chenguang Liu b, Jian Liu a,c,* ,Location tracking scanning method based on multi-focus in confocalcoordinate measurement system,Precision Engineering,71 (2021) 170–177 Li Haoyu,Qu Liying,Hua Zijie,Wang Xinwei,Zhao Weisong,Liu Jian,Deep Learning Based Fluorescence Microscopy Imaging Technologies and Applications,激光与光电子学进展,第58卷 第18期/2021年9月 Weisong Zhao, Shiqun Zhao, Liuju Li, Xiaoshuai Huang, Shijia Xing, Yulin Zhang, Guohua Qiu, Zhenqian Han, Yingxu Shang, De-en Sun, Chunyan Shan, Runlong Wu, Lusheng Gu, Shuwen Zhang, Riwang Chen, Jian Xiao, Yanquan Mo, Jianyong Wang, Wei Ji, Xing Chen, Baoquan Ding, Yanmei Liu, Heng Mao, Baoliang Song, Jiubin Tan, Jian Liu, Haoyu Li*,Sparse deconvolution improves the resolution of live-cell super-resolution fluorescence microscopy,Nature biotechnology,2020, 13 Wang, Zhuochao; Liu, Jian; Ding, Xumin et al.; Three-Dimensional Microwave Holography Based on Broadband Huygens' Metasurface. Physical Review Applied, 2020,13:014033 Guan, Chunsheng; Liu, Jian; Ding, Xumin et al.; Dual-polarized multiplexed meta-holograms utilizing coding metasurface. Advanced Photonics Research, 2020,09,11,3605-3613 Zhang, H ; Wang, WB; Liu, CG ; Liu, J; Pixel super-resolved lens-free on-chip microscopy based on dual laterally shifting modulation, Applied Optics. 2020,59(11): 3411-3416 You, XY ; Wang, YH ; Leach, R ; Gu, K ; Shi, YS ; Zhang, S ; Liu, J, et al. Width determination for deep grooves based on a variable point spread function imaging model. Applied Optics, 2020,Vol. 59, No. 12 :3560-3567 Gu, Kang; Wang, Yuhang; Li, Yifei et al. ; Composite scanning and position decoupling method of confocal profilometer for measuring large aperture optical surfaces. Optics Communications, 2020,473:125983 Liu, J ; Shi, YS; Zhang, S ; Wang, YH et al.; Round Robin Test for Height Valuation Methods. Measurement Science And Technology, 2020, Vol. 31, No. 12: 125010 Liu, J ; Liu, J; Liu, CG ; Wang, YH ; 3D dark-field confocal microscopy for subsurface defects detection. Optics Letters, 2020 45(3), 660-663 Li, Y; Liu, CG; Li, JX ; Wang, YH ; Liu, J, Adaptive and efficient Fourier ptychographic microscopy based on information entropy. Journal of Optics. 9 March 2020 Volume 22, Number 4: 045702 Ding,xumin;Wang,zhuochao;Hu guangwei; Liu, Jian; Zhang, Kuang; Li, haoyu; Badreddine Ratni; Shah Nawaz Burokur; Wu, qun; Tan, jiubin; Qiu, chengwei* Metasurface Holographic Image Projection based on Mathematical Properties of Fourier Transform. PhotoniX, 2020,1, 16 Liu, J., Zhao, W., Liu, C.*, Kong, C., Zhao, Y., Ding, X., & Tan, J. (2019). Accurate aberration correction in confocal microscopy based on modal sensorless method. Review of Scientific Instruments, 90(5), 053703.3. Liu, C., Liu, J.*, & Tan, J. (2019). Peak extraction in fluorophore-aided scattering microscopy. Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties, 2020,7(4), 045007. JIAN LIU, YIXUAN ZHAO, CHENG GUO, WEISONG ZHAO, YUTIAN, ZHANG , CHANGLIANG GUO*, AND HAOYU LI*, Robust autofocusing method for multi-wavelength lensless imaging, OPTICS EXPRESS, 2019, 27(17), 23815 He Zhang, Zhichao Bian, Shaowei Jiang, Jian Liu, Pengming Song, and Guoan Zheng. Field-portable quantitative lensless microscopy based on translated speckle illumination and sub-sampled ptychographic phase retrieval. Optics Letters,2019,8(44):1976-1979 Liu J, Kong C, Li Q, et al. Artifact-free, penetration-adjustable elliptical-mirror-based TIRF microscopy. Optics Express, 2018, 26(20): 26065-26079. Jian Liu,Yong Li,Weibo Wang , Jiubin Tan and Chenguang Liu. Accelerated and high-quality Fourier ptychographic method using a double truncated Wirtinger criteria. Optics express, 2018, 26(20): 26556-26565、Liu J, Zhang H, Liu C, et al. Consistent optical characterization on nano-layers. Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties, 2018. Weibo Wang, Biwei Wu, Pengfei Liu, Jian Liu, Jiubin Tan*. Calculations of second harmonic generation with radially polarized excitations by elliptical mirror focusing. Journal of Microscopy. 2018, 12758 Liang Li, Jian Liu*, Yan Liu, Chenguang Liu*, He Zhang, Xiaoyu You, Kang Gu, Yuhang Wang and Jiubin Tan, A promising solution to the limits of microscopes for smooth surfaces: fluorophore-aided scattering microscopy, Nanoscale, 2018, 10, 9484 (IF 7.223) Jian Liu, Xiaoyu You, Yuhang Wang, Chenguang Liu, and Jiubin Tan, "Correction of phase-delay distortion for α–β circular scanning," Appl. Opt.57, 4309-4315 (2018) Lina Liu, Dongyue Su, Xiaoman Liu, Lei Wang, Jie Zhan, Hui Xie, Xianghe Meng, Hao Zhang, Jian Liu and Xin Huang, Construction of biological hybrid microcapsules with defined permeability towards programmed release of biomacromolecules, Chem. Commun., 2017, 53, 11678--11681 (IF 6.8) Limin Ma, Zhengang L, Jiubin Tan, Jian Liu, Xuemei Ding, Nicola Black, Tianyi Li, John Gallop and Ling Hao,Transparent Conducting Graphene Hybrid Films To Improve Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) Shielding Performance of Graphene,ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2017, 9, 34221-34229. (IF 7.504) Liu J, Li Y, Wang W, et al. Stable and robust frequency domain position compensation strategy for Fourier ptychographic microscopy. Optics Express, 2017, 25(23): 28053-28067. Liu J, Li Y, Wang W, et al. Automatic, high-accuracy image registration in confocal microscopy. Applied Optics, 2017, 56(32): 8924-8930. C. Liu, Y. Liu, T. Zheng, J. Tan & J. Liu*, Monte Carlo based analysis of confocal peak extraction uncertainty, Measurement Science and Technology.2017, 28(10), 105016. W. Wang, B. Wu., P. Liu, J. Liu* & J. Tan, Position error correction in absolute surface measurement based on a multi-angle averaging method. Measurement Science and Technology.2017, 28(4), 045009. JIAN LIU, QIANG LI, MENGZHOU LI, SHAN GAO, CHENGUANG LIU, LIMIN ZOU AND JIUBIN TAN, Elliptical mirror-based TIRF microscopy with shadowless illumination and adjustable penetration depth, Opt. Lett. 2017, 42(13),2587-2590. J. LIU, X. YOU, Y. WANG, K. GU, C. LIU & J. TAN, The α-βcircular scanning with large range and low noise, Journal of Microscopy. 2017, 266(2): 107-114. W. Wang, C. Wang, J. Liu & J. Tan, Wide-Spectrum Microscope with a Long Working Distance Aspherical Objective Based on Obscuration Constraint, Sensors. 2016, 16(11): 1886. 刘俭,谷康,李梦周,谭久彬,光学显微三维测量解耦合准则,红外与激光工程,2017,46(3),0302001-1【封面】 Jian Liu, Mengzhou Li, Qiang Li and Jiubin Tan*, Decoupling criterion based on limited energy loss condition for groove measurement using optical scanning microscopes, Meas. Sci. Technol. 2016, 27 125014.【ISO 25178-700和国家标准采用】 Jian Liu, Yuhang Wang, Kang Gu, Xiaoyu You, Mengqian Zhang, Mengzhou Li, Weibo Wang and Jiubin Tan, Measuring profile of large hybrid aspherical diffractive infrared elements using confocal profilometer, Meas. Sci. Technol. 2016, 27 125011 (7pp). W. Wang, P. Liu, Y. Xing, J. Tan & J. Liu, Error correction for rotationally asymmetric surface deviation testing based on rotational shears, Applied optics. 2016, 55(26): 7428-7433. Liang Li, Yulin Yang, Ruiqing Fan, Jian Liu*, Yanxia Jiang, Bin Yang and Wenwu Cao, Decatungstate acid improves the photo-induced electron lifetime and retards the recombination in dye sensitized solar cells, Dalton Transactions 2016, 45, 14940. (IF 4.504) Weibo Wang, Kang Gu, Xiaoyu You, Jiubin Tan and Jian Liu*, Interference Confocal Microscope Integrated with Spatial Phase Shifter. Sensors 2016, 16, 1358. Jian Liu, Chenguang Liu, Jiubin Tan*, Bin Yang and Tony Wilson. Super-aperture metrology: overcoming a fundamental limit in imaging smooth highly curved surfaces. Journal of microscopy , 2016, 261(3):300-306.【英国皇家显微学会会刊,建刊175年纪念刊前封面】 Jiubin Tan, Chenguang Liu, Jian Liu*, Hongting Wang. Sinc2 fitting for height extraction in confocal scanning, Meas. Sci. Technol. 2016, 27 025006 (6pp).【ISO 25178-607国际标准收录,并给予高度评价】 Wang, H., Tan, J., Liu C., Liu J*, and Li Y. Wide-field profiling of smooth steep surfaces by structured illumination, Optics Communications, 05/2016; 366:241-247.【邀请论文】 Tan J., Wang H., Li M., and Liu J*. Three-dimensional optical transfer function in differential confocal microscopy. J Microscopy, 2015, 69(3): 570-585. Weibo W, Mengqian Z, Siwen Y, et al. Correction for mapping errors in non-null test of aspheric surface. Journal of the European Optical Society-Rapid publications, 2015, 10. Na Yong*, Hu, Bo, Yang, Qiu-Ling, Liu, Jian, Zhou, Li, Fan, Rui-Qing, Yang, Yu-Lin, CdS quantum dot sensitized p-type NiO as photocathode with integrated cobaloxime in photoelectrochemical cell for water splitting, Chinese Chemical Letters, 26(1), 141-144, 2015. Jiubin Tan, Chao Wang, Yuan Wang, Weibo Wang, Jian Liu*, Richard Leach and Ling Hao. Long working distance microscope with a low obscuration aspherical Schwarzschild objective. Opt. Lett. 2014, 39,6699-6702. J. Liu, Y. Wang, C. Liu, T. Wilson, H. Wang & J. Tan. Digital differential confocal microscopy based on spatial shift transformation. J Microscopy, 2014, 256, 126-132. Liu, Tao, Liu, Jian, Zhang, He, Tan, Jiubin. Efficient optimization of super-oscillatory lens and transfer function analysis in confocal scanning microscopy. Optics Communciations. 2014, 319(10):31-35. Jian Liu, Min Ai, Jiubin Tan, Rui Wang, Xinran Tan. Focusing of cylindrical-vector beams in elliptical mirror based system with high numerical aperture. Optics Communications, 2013, 305, 71-75. Jian Liu, Min Ai, He Zhang, Jiubin Tan. Focusing properties of elliptical mirror with an aperture angle greater than π. Optical Engineering, 2013, 53(6) 061606. Jian Liu, Min Ai, He Zhang, Chao Wang, and Jiubin Tan. Focusing of an elliptical mirror based system with aberrations. Journal of Optics 15.10 (2013): 105709. Jian Liu, Chao Wang, Weibo Wang, and Jiubin Tan. Mirror based microscope with a super-long working distance in wide spectrum imaging. Journal of Optics, 2013, 15(7), 075701; Liu, Tao, Zhang, He, Liu, Jian, Tan, Jiubin. Derivation of analytical coherent transfer function for a confocal microscope with arbitrary Toraldo filter. Journal of Modern Optics. 2013 60(21):1957-1960. Tao Liu, Jiubin Tan, Jian Liu, Hongting Wang. Modulation of a super-Gaussian optical needle by high-NA Fresnel zone plate. Optics Letters. 2013, 38(15): 2742-2745. Tao Liu, Jiubin Tan, Jian Liu, Hongting Wang. Vectorial design of super-oscillatory lens. Optics Express. 2013, 21(13): 15090-15101. Tao Liu, Jiubin Tan, Jian Liu, Jie Lin. Creation of subwavelength light needle, equidistant multi-focus, and uniform light tunnel. Journal of Modern Optics. 2013, 60(5): 378-381. Tao Liu, Jiubin Tan, Jian Liu. Tighter focusing of amplitude modulated radially polarized vector beams in ultra-high numerical aperture lens systems. Optics Communications. 2013, 294: 21-23. Tao Liu, Jiubin Tan, Jie Lin, Jian Liu. Generating super-Gaussian light needle of 0.36λ beam size and pure longitudinal polarization. Optial Engineering. 2013, 52(7): 1-5. Jian Liu, Cien Zhong, Jiubin Tan, Tong Wang, and Tony Wilson. Elliptical mirror based imaging with aperture angle greater than π/2. Optics Express, 2012, 20(17), 19206-19213. Jian Liu, Jiubin Tan, Tony Wilson, and Cien Zhong. Rigorous theory on elliptical mirror focusing for point scanning microscopy. Optics Express, 2012, 20(6), 6175-6184. Chenguang Zhao, Jiubin Tan, Jianbo Tang, Tao Liu, and Jian Liu. Confocal simultaneous phase-shifting interferometry. Applied Optics. 2011, (50)655-661. Jian Liu, Jiubin Tan, Tao Liu, Shang Wan, Ya Cao. Axial performance parameters developed for analytical design of center shaded filter in high aperture focusing system. Optics Communications 2010 (283) 4190-4193.【ISO 25178-607国际标准收录,并给予高度评价】 Jiubin Tan, Jian Liu*, YuhangWang. Differential confocal microscopy with a wide measuring range based on polychromatic illumination. Meas. Sci. Technol. 2010, 21, 054013. Jie Lin, Jian Liu, Jiubin Tan. Focus depth characteristics of lenses with long focal depth designed by a focal depth function, Optics Communications 283 (2010)3213–3217. Tao Liu, Jiubin Tan, Jian Liu. Spoke wheel filtering strategy for on-axis flattop shaping. Optics Express. 2010,18(3):2822-2835. Jie Lin, Jiubin Tan, Jian Liu, Shutian Liu. Rigorous electromagnetic analysis of two dimensional micro-axicon by boundary integral equations. Optics Express. 2009,17(3):1466-1471. Jian Liu, Jiubin Tan, Chenguang Zhao, Zhenggui Ge, Daqing Zhang. Phase-shift resolving confocal microscopy with high axial resolution, wide range and reflectance disturbance resistibility. Optics Express. 2009,17(18): 16281-16290. Jian Liu, Jiubin Tan, Hu Bin, Yuhang Wang. Improved differential confocal microscopy with ultrahigh signal-to-noise ratio and reflectance disturbance resistibility. Applied Optics. 2009,48(32): 6195-6201. Jian Liu, Jiubin Tan, Yanchao Wang. Synthetic Complex superresolving pupil filter based on double-beam phase modulation. Applied Optics. 2008,47(21): 3803-3807. Jian Liu, Jiubin Tan, Chenguang Zhao. Convex objective function based design method developed for minimizing side lobe. Applied Optics. 2008, 47(22):4061-4067. Jiubin Tan, Mingguang Shan, Chenguang Zhao, Jian Liu. Design and fabrication of diffractive micro-lens arrays with continuous relief for parallel laser direct writing. Applied Optics. 2008,47(10):1430-1433. Jiubin Tan,Zhengang Lu, Jian Liu, Peng Jin, Yanchao Wang. Analysis of fraunhofer diffractive characteristics of tilted metallic mesh for its effect on optical measurement. Measurement Science and Technology. 007,18(6):1703-1709. Jiubin Tan, Mingguang Shan, Jian Liu, Hui Zhang, Chengguang Zhao. Model analysis of effect of diffraction focus characteristics of microlens arrays on parallel laser direct writing quality. Optics Communications. 2007,277(2):237-240. Jian Liu, Jiubin Tan, Chenguang Zhao, Mingguang Shan, Dongfang Wang. Impact on diffraction efficiency of binary optical elements for spot exposure superposing ratio. Journal of Physics Conference Series. 2005,13:418-421. 个人新闻 新闻标题 央视《朝闻天下》“一线调研”专题报道哈工大仪器学院科技成果转化高质量落地 发布时间 2023-12-31 https://content-static.cctvnews.cctv.com/snow-book/video.html?item_id=4033152206331619376&t=1703980234923&toc_style_id=video_default&share_to=wechat&track_id=98493630-ab4c-4270-a0d1-9988ded010a6 新闻标题 首次!哈工大助力我国在标准化领域取得突破!【学习强国】 发布时间 2022-10-05 https://article.xuexi.cn/articles/index.html?art_id=16339200267384060226&item_id=16339200267384060226&study_style_id=feeds_opaque&pid=&ptype=-1&source=share&share_to=wx_single 新闻标题 首次!哈工大助力我国在标准化领域取得突破!【本文转自:人民日报客户端】 发布时间 2022-10-05 20:22 北京 https://mbd.baidu.com/newspage/data/landingsuper?rs=3801342464&ruk=lX0nAPrmuqR7mSGhO_23kw&isBdboxFrom=1&pageType=1&urlext=%7B%22cuid%22%3A%22g82oug8Yvi0-8SaUgPSC8guJvflCiv8zYaSeula4viKz0qqSB%22%7D&context=%7B%22nid%22%3A%22news_8939083912169838693%22,%22sourceFrom%22%3A%22bjh%22%7D 新闻标题 仪器学院刘俭教授受聘为ISO标准制定项目负责人 发布时间 2022年10月03日 http://news.hit.edu.cn/2022/1003/c1510a232253/page.htm 新闻标题 《光明日报》报道我校不断强化航天第一校“尖兵”作用发挥 加强基础研究的办学特色、经验和成果 发布时间 https://epaper.gmw.cn/gmrb/html/2022-06/07/nw.D110000gmrb_20220607_1-08.htm 新闻标题 我校牵头的国家重点研发计划“复杂微结构三维光学显微测量仪”项目正式启动 发布时间 http://news.hit.edu.cn/2022/0510/c1510a231240/page.htm 新闻标题 仪器学院在超构透镜全光运算系统研究方向取得重要进展 发布时间 http://news.hit.edu.cn/2022/0422/c420a231164/page.htm 新闻标题 【科技日报】计算显微成像算法使活细胞光显微分辨率达60纳米 发布时间 http://digitalpaper.stdaily.com/http_www.kjrb.com/kjrb/html/2021-11/25/content_525746.htm?div=-1 新闻标题 光学显微谱新篇 跨界应用开新局 发布时间 中国网首发 http://guoqing.china.com.cn/2023-05/15/content_85325203.htm 凤凰网科技 https://tech.ifeng.com/c/8Po2dBryLHL 人民网-人民日报APP(随机) https://wap.peopleapp.com/article/rmh35634554/rmh35634554 Personal Information 名称 Prof and Dean, Jian Liu School of Instrumentation Science and Engineering Harbin Institute of Tecnology, China Researches 名称 Optical Microscopy for Industrial metrology Biological Optical Microscopy with suppresolution Precise measurements and applied optics Educations 名称 Post Doctor, Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford PhD, Ultra-precision Optical & Electronic Instrument Engineering, Center,Harbin Institute of Technology MS, School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Harbin Institute of Technology BS, Department of Physics, Southwest Jiaotong University Committees 名称 Standing council member of Chinese Instrument and Control Society Council member of Chinese Society for Optical Engineering Chinese member of ISO TC213 Committee member, SAC/TC 240, China Editorial board member of Journal of Microscopy(RMS, UK) Adivisory board memer of Optics Communication (ELSEVIER, The Netherlands) Editorial board member of Surface Topography: Metrology & Properties (IOP, UK) Corresponding experts of Engineering, Chinese Academy of Engineering Awards 名称 First Class,Science and Technology Progress Award of Chinese Society for Measurement Courses 名称 Binary Optics Optical System Design Optical Microscopy Contact Information 名称 Prof Jian Liu Tel: 0451-86412041-814 E-mail: liujian@hit.edu.cn Post code: 150080 Address: |