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姓名 叶洋
教师编号 92237
性别 叶洋
学校 哈尔滨工业大学
部门 建筑与设计学院
学位 叶洋
学历 叶洋
职称 软件著作权666包写包过
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基本信息 科学研究 教育教学 团队与招生 English Version 新建主栏目 个人简介 名称 叶洋,工学博士,副教授,硕士研究生导师,美国加州伯克利大学访问学者,墨尔本大学访问学者。于2004年进入哈尔滨工业大学建筑学专业学习,于2016年获得博士学位后于哈尔滨工业大学建筑学院任教。 师从中国工程院院士、全国工程勘察设计大师梅洪元教授,主要研究方向为寒地人居环境品质设计。现任中国建筑学会寒地建筑学术委员会等多个学术组织的理事及委员。主持和参与包括国家自然科学基金在内的多项国家、省部级和重点实验室课题和参与多个科研项目。以建筑人居环境与行为感知、城市空间品质测度与评价为研究重点,注重跨学科领域的融合与创新,研究成果广泛发表于建筑学、城市规划、环境工程等SCI, SSCI, EI等检索期刊。投身教学科研工作一线,在教学上开拓线上教学等新型教学模式,参与慕课建,设积极探索国际化课程建设,讲授多门中英双语课程,获得多项教学成果奖励;指导学生在国内外专业竞赛中获多个奖项。目前任学院国际交流专项办公室主任,建筑基础教研室副主任,为学科学院深化改革和发展做出贡献。 工作经历 名称 2016.06-2019.06 哈尔滨工业大学建筑学院建筑系,讲师 2019.10-2020.12 哈尔滨工业大学建筑学院建筑系,讲师,硕导,建筑系主任助理 2020.12-至今 哈尔滨工业大学建筑学院建筑系,副教授,硕导,建筑系主任助理,设计基础教研室副主任 2022.08-2023.08 墨尔本大学 访问学者 教育经历 名称 2012.01-2016.06 哈尔滨工业大学建筑学院 建筑设计及其理论博士 2013.09-2014.10 美国加州大学伯克利分校(UCBerkeley)访问学者 2009.09-2012.01 哈尔滨工业大学建筑学院 建筑设计及其理论硕士 2004.09-2009.09 哈尔滨工业大学建筑学院 建筑学学士 社会兼职 名称 中国建筑学会寒地建筑学术委员会,理事 中国建筑学会计算性设计学术委员会,委员 获得荣誉 名称 2022年 黑龙江省住房与城乡建设厅科技进步奖一等奖 2021年 黑龙江省住房与城乡建设厅科技进步奖二等奖 2020年 哈尔滨工业大学先进个人称号获得者 2019年 黑龙江省应用技术研究与开发计划重大项目成果奖 2018年 哈尔滨工业大学建筑学院先进个人称号获得者 科研课题及人才计划项目 名称 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,基于街景图像的街道宜步行性测度与影响机制研究;主持人 中国博士后科学基金面上项目,基于微气候改善的寒地城市步行友好街区设计研究;主持人 国家科技部,基于街景数据分析的中美城市可步行性影响机制比较研究;主持人 中国工程院战略研究与咨询项目,寒地建筑的“双碳”发展战略研究;主要参与人 黑龙江省住房与城乡建设厅,寒地零碳公共建筑技术体系及关键技术研究;主要参与人 国家自然科学基金面上项目,信息技术驱动下的中小学教学模块体系及设计集成研究;主要参与人 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,基于安全促进的中小学校园环境“友好空间”模式与设计研究;主要参与人 黑龙江省应用技术研究与开发计划项目,风能太阳能在寒地超高层建筑顶部空间的综合利用技术研究;主要参与人 省级虚拟仿真实验教学项目,寒地城市环境色彩设计与评价虚拟仿真实验项目;主要参与人 黑龙江省社会科学研究规划年度项目,基于代际互助方式的东北寒地城市居家养老型居住模式研究;主要参与人 国家科技支撑计划,东北严寒地区绿色村镇建设综合技术集成示范;参与人 国家自然科学基金面上项目,低碳建造目标下的寒冷地区建筑围护体系节能设计研究;参与人 国家科技支撑计划, 村镇小康住宅关键技术研究;参与人 近年来代表论文 名称 Ye Y, Jia C, Winter S. Measuring Perceived Walkability at the City Scale Using Open Data[J]. Land, 2024, 13(2): 261. Ye Y*, Yang Y. A Review of Research on Urban Playability from a Social Justice Perspective[J]. Land, 2023, 12(5): 1027. Pan W, Li S, Ye Y, et al. Morphological Pattern of Building Clusters in Cold Regions: Evidence from Harbin[J]. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022, 19(24): 17083. 叶洋,贾超智. 基于街景图像的老城区生活街道步行空间特征对失序感知影响研究--以哈尔滨市安字片区为例[J]. 当代建筑, 2022(11):72-75. 叶洋, 梅洪元. 寒地城市中心区步行与公交出行的空间适宜性探析[J]. 建筑学报. 薛名辉,叶洋. 土木楼里话建筑——方院环廊中走出来的哈尔滨工业大学建筑教育[J]. 世界建筑 Yang Y, Chaozhi J, Tong Z, et al. Research on Pedestrian Space Disorder in Old City Living Streets: A Case Study on the Anzipian Area of Harbin[J]// Earth and Environmental Science. IOP Publishing, 2022, 1044(1): 012014. 叶洋, 费腾. 基于街景图像的街道空间步行品质评价研究[J]. 当代建筑, 2020(011). Ye Yang, Jia chaozhi, Mengxue, Review of Urban Spatial Quality Research in the context of New Data and New Technology Environment[C]//ISOCARP 国际城市与区域规划师学会年会,2021. Yang Y*. The Relationship Between Environment Characteristics and Old Citizen’s Physical Activates in Residential Area, Harbin, China[J]//Earth and Environmental Science. IOP Publishing, 2019, 401(1): 012015. Ye Y*. City for All Ages: Elderly Residents' Perceptions of Walkability Attributes in Residential Areas. [J]//Earth and Environmental Science. Ye Y*, Fei T, Mei H. Residents Perceptions of Walkability Attributes in MainlandChina: Reliability and Validity[J]//Earth and Environmental Science. Ye Y, Fei T, Mei H. The Relationship Between Walkability and EnvironmentCharacteristics in Cold Region Cities: Case Study in Harbin[C]// Earth and Environmental Science. 叶洋, 黄锰 . 基于提升行为品质的城市街道空间设计研究[J]. 城市建筑 叶洋, 梅洪元. 当代城市中心区空间环境与出行选择关系探析[J]. 城市建筑 Ye, Y.,Users’ Perceptions of Walkability Attributes in Cold Region Chinese Cities, 国际城市与区域规划师学会年会 Ye, Y., F Mei, H.What Makes People Walk More - Urban Center SpaceFeatures Related to Walkability in Harbin,China.亚洲建筑学会年会 Ye, Y., F Mei, H.The relationship betweeen charactieristics of urban centerspace and walkability, 第十届国际中国规划学会(IACP)年会 张宇,叶洋. 研究型大学建筑学专业本科生国际化培养模式研究—以哈尔滨工业大学建筑学院为例.全国高等学校建筑学学科专业指导委员会年会 学术专著 名称 宜居社区,叶洋,黑龙江科学技术出版社 高层建筑顶部空间创作研究,陈剑飞,谢嫒雯,叶洋,黑龙江科学技术出版社 工程实践项目 名称 办公建筑 国家技术转移郑州中心方案设计 大庆职工服务中心方案设计 辽宁省东戴河新区市民服务中心方案设计 辽宁省检察院方案设计 哈尔滨市安全生产宣传教育基地方案设计 大连市花园口行政中心办公楼方案设计方案设计 东北农业大学科技创新园区规划设计 哈尔滨工业大学城市水资源国家重点实验室方案设计 中共中央大庆党校建筑设计 体育建筑 普兰店体育中心方案设计 第十三届全国冬季运动会冰上项目场馆方案设计 东营奥体中心方案设计 盘锦市体育中心方案设计 博览建筑 洞庭湖博物馆方案设计 牡丹江博物馆方案设计 扎龙湿地保护区博物馆方案设计 龙江文化大世界方案设计 金牛山人类历史遗迹博物馆方案设计 鄂尔多斯城市规划展览馆方案设计 哈尔滨松北文化中心区域概念设计 教育建筑与城市设计 眉山市市民中心规划与建筑方案设计 银川市图书馆方案设计 长春金融专科新校区规划及建筑方案设计 营口大学园区规划与建筑方案设计 大连海洋大学新校区规划与建筑方案设计 辽宁省医学院校园规划与建筑方案设计 哈尔滨铁道技术职业学院新校区规划与建筑方案设计 讲授课程 名称 主干设计课: 设计基础、建筑设计基础1、2、建筑设计-1、建筑设计-3等 国际联合教学: 国际暑期学校、开放设计等 辅导类课程: 大一年度项目指导、霍普杯竞赛指导、谷雨杯竞赛指导、同济大学国际建造竞赛指导 指导学生获奖 名称 2022东南新人赛Top100 2021东南新人赛Top100 2020谷雨杯全国大学生可持续建筑设计竞赛 优秀奖 2019年“全国高校建筑设计教案和教学成果评选”优秀作业奖 2019年同济大学国际建造竞赛 二等奖 2018年同济大学国际建造竞赛 二等奖 2017 年“全国高校建筑设计教案和教学成果评选”优秀作业奖 2017年同济大学国际建造竞赛 二等奖 教学获奖 名称 2023年“卓越杯”青年教师教学竞赛 文科组一等奖第一名 2020年“卓越杯”青年教师教学竞赛 工科组二等奖第一名 2019年“全国高校建筑设计教案和教学成果评选”优秀教案奖 2017年“全国高校建筑设计教案和教学成果评选”优秀教案奖 研究团队 名称 创作研究院,又称寒地建筑研究所,成立于1995年,隶属于哈尔滨工业大学建筑学科,长期致力于建筑设计及其理论研究。团队由中国工程院院士梅洪元教授领衔,现有博士生导师4人、硕士生导师7人,已培养博士60余人、硕士300余人,为我国建筑行业输送了大量优秀人才。 创作研究院以学科发展为己任、以杰出人才培养为目标、以国际化联合教学为特色,依托哈工大的丰厚教学资源与学科交叉基础,坚持创作理论与设计实践结合、科学研究与工程应用并重,形成产学研一体化的优质平台。 主要研究领域包括: 1. 寒区城市建筑设计及理论 2. 公共建筑创作理论与实践(体育建筑、教育建筑、文化建筑等) 3. 地外建筑智慧设计与智能建造 4. 建筑绿色可持续与碳中和 5. 站域空间规划与设计 6. 健康人居与环境友好 7. 建筑交叉学科前沿科学问题(新能源、高性能材料、人工智能等) 团队成员 名称 梅洪元 教授、博导 个人主页:http://homepage.hit.edu.cn/meihongyuan 陈剑飞 教授级高级工程师、博导 个人主页:http://homepage.hit.edu.cn/chenjianfei 费腾 教授级高级工程师、博导 个人主页:http://homepage.hit.edu.cn/feiteng 张宇 副教授、博导 个人主页:http://homepage.hit.edu.cn/zhangyuarch 李铁军 教授级高级工程师、硕导 个人主页:http://homepage.hit.edu.cn/litiejun 毕冰实 副教授、硕导 个人主页:http://homepage.hit.edu.cn/bibingshi 叶洋 副教授、硕导 个人主页:http://homepage.hit.edu.cn/yeyang 孟雪 副教授、硕导 个人主页:http://homepage.hit.edu.cn/mengxue 潘文特 助理教授、硕导 个人主页:http://homepage.hit.edu.cn/panwente 侯昌印 高级工程师、硕导 个人主页:http://homepage.hit.edu.cn/houchangyin 刘鹏跃 高级工程师、硕导 个人主页:http://homepage.hit.edu.cn/liupengyue 史小蕾 助理研究员 个人主页:http://homepage.hit.edu.cn/shixiaolei 陈玉婷 助理研究员 个人主页:http://homepage.hit.edu.cn/chenyuting 安文 高级工程师 韩培 讲师、博士后 高枫 讲师、博士后 联系我们 名称 创作研究院负责人 潘老师 手机:13936333319(微信同号) 电话:0451-86281166 邮箱:panwente@hit.edu.cn 了解更多信息,请关注公众号:创作研究院! 招生信息 title 每年招收硕士研究生3名 研究方向:数据支撑下的城市空间品质测度与评价 该研究领域属于建筑学、城市设计与地理信息、公共健康、大数据分析等多学科领域的交叉研究领域,欢迎具有建筑学、城市规划学科背景,同时对地理信息、统计学、网络数据爬取及编程相关知识感兴趣的同学报考,能够使用GIS、SPSS、Python等软件优先。 A Brief Introduction 名称 Ye Yang, PhD, Associate Professor,master's supervisor, visiting scholar of the University of California,Berkeley. She entered the architecture major of Harbin Institute of technology in 2004 and taught in the school of architecture of Harbin Institute of technology after obtaining her doctor's degree in 2016. She studied with Professor Mei Hongyuan, a national engineering survey and design master and President of architectural Design and Research Institute of Harbin Institute of Technology. Her main research direction is cold region urban environment and architectural design. She is currently the director and member of many academic organizations including the academic committee of cold area architecture of China Architectural Society. She has presided over and participated in a number of national, provincial, ministerial and key laboratory scientific research projects, including the National Natural Science Foundation of China. Her research focuses on the perception of urban environment and behavior, the measurement and evaluation of urban spatial quality. Her research results have been published in CSSCI, EI and other retrieval journals in architecture, urban planning and environmental engineering fields. In terms of teaching, she focus on developing new teaching modes such as online teaching, participated in the construction of online MOOC courses, actively explored the construction of international courses, taught many Chinese and English bilingual courses, and won a number of teaching achievement awards; Guide students to win many awards in professional competitions at home and abroad. At present, she is the assistant director of the Department of architecture and the deputy director of the teaching and research office of architecture. Education Experience 名称 2004-2009, B.A in Architecture, Harbin Institute of Technology 2009-2012, M. Arch, Harbin Institute of Technology 2012-2016, PhD in Philosophy, School of Architecture, Harbin Institute of Technology 2013-2014, Visiting Scholar, College of Environmental Design, University of California, Berkeley Professional Experience 名称 2021 - present Associate professor School of Architecture, Harbin Institute of Technology 2019 - present Master's supervisor,Assistant director of Architecture Department School of Architecture, Harbin Institute of Technology 2016 - 2020 Lecturer School of Architecture, Harbin Institute of Technology Academic Visiting Experience title 09/13 – 10/14 Visiting PhD Researcher College of Environmental Design, University of California, Berkeley Host:Professor Robert Cervero 12/19 – 02/20 Visiting Scholar School of Design, University of Western Australia Host: Rene van Meeuwen, Romesh Goonewardene(Felix Lab) 09/22 – 09/23 Visiting Scholar Department of Infrastructure Engineering,University of Melbourne Host:Professor Stephan Winter Teaching Experience 名称 Architectural Design Studio 1&2 (Coordinator) for first year Architecture, Urban Planning& Landscape students Architectural Design Studio -3 (Coordinator) for third year Architecture students, topic: museum design International travel studio – undergraduate (Coordinator) Collaboration with UWA, for fourth year Architecture students International travel studio – postgraduate (Coordinator) for first year Master of Architecture students Awards and Honors 名称 2021: Science and Technology Award for urban and rural construction of Heilongjiang Province 2020: Winner of advanced individual title of Harbin Institute of Technology The second prize of 2020 "excellence Cup" young teachers' teaching competition of HIT 2019: Major project achievement award of applied technology research and development plan of Heilongjiang Province Excellent teaching plan award of "National College Architectural Design Teaching Plan and Teaching Achievement Selection" 2018: Winner of advanced individual title of Architecture School of Harbin University of Technology 2017: excellent teaching plan award of "National College Architectural Design Teaching Plan and Teaching Achievement Selection" Research Interests 名称 urban walkability, perception of urban environment, the measurement and evaluation of urban spatial quality Research Projects 名称 · Leader, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NFSC), CNY240,000 Research on the measurement and influence mechanism of street walkability based on street view images 2020-2023 · Leader, Foreign Experts Collaboration Foundation of National Foreign Affairs Committee, CNY 150,000 A comparative study on the impact mechanism of urban walkability between China and the United States based on street view data analysis, Collaborated project between HIT and MIT, 2021-2022 · Leader, China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, CNY 50,000 Study on the Design of Walking Friendly Blocks in Cold Cities Based on Microclimate Improvement, 2018-2020 · Key Researcher, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NFSC), CNY 600,000 Research on the teaching module and design integration of primary and secondary schools under the information technology-driven system,2019-2022 · Key Researcher, Research and Development Fund of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of China, CNY 200,000 Research on the technical system and key technologies of zero-carbon public buildings in cold regions, 2022-2024 · Key Researcher, Chinese Academy of Engineering Strategic Research and Consulting Fund Project, CNY 300,000 Research on the "Low Carbon" Development Strategy of Buildings in Cold Regions,2022-2023 Journal Papers 名称 · Ye Y, Jia C, Winter S. Measuring Perceived Walkability at the City Scale Using Open Data[J]. Land, 2024, 13(2): 261. https://doi.org/10.3390/land13020261 · Yang Ye, Yang Yuhan. A Review of Research on Urban Playability from a Social Justice Perspective[J]. Land, 2023, 12(5): 1027. https://doi.org/10.3390/land12051027 · Pan W, Li S, Ye Y, et al. Morphological Pattern of Building Clusters in Cold Regions: Evidence from Harbin[J]. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022, 19(24): 17083. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph192417083 · Ye, Yang. "Smart Cities with no brain: A case for urban design studies utilising open-source platforms." ASA 2022 (2022): 526. https://www.asaconference2022.com/_files/ugd/456bf3_6ffe5bd83c2742df904110a3239e2284.pdf · Ye Yang, Jia Chaozhi, Influence of Pedestrian Spatial Characteristics on Physical Disorder in Living Street of Old city: A Case Study on the Anzipian Area of Harbin [J] Contemporary Architecture, 2022(11) (in Chinese) · Ye Yang, Jia Chaozhi, et.al. Research on Pedestrian Space Disorder in Old City Living Streets: A Case Study on the Anzipian Area of Harbin[J]. Earth Environ. Sci. 2022 https://doi.org/10.1088/1755-1315/1044/1/012014 · Ye Yang, Survey of Urban Spatial Quality Research Under New Data and New Technology Environment[C]// 2021: 57th ISOCARP World Planning Congress: Planning Unlocked: New Times, Better Places, Stronger Communities Survey Of Urban Spatial Quality Research Under New Data And New Technology Environment (isocarp.org) · Ye Yang, Xu Qianli, Liu Hongzhi, sun Tongyu, et al Urban design from the perspective of safety [J] Contemporary Architecture, 2021 (12): 7-12(in Chinese) · Ye Yang, Fei Teng Research on Evaluation of Street Space Walking Quality Based on Street View Image [J] Contemporary Architecture, 2020 (11): 30-35(in Chinese) · Ye Yang. The Relationship Between Environment Characteristics and Old Citizen's Physical Activates in Residential Area, Harbin, China[J]. Earth Environ. Sci. 2019 https://doi.org/10.1088/1755-1315/401/1/012015 · Ye Yang, Fei Teng, Mei Hongyuan. The Relationship Between Walkability and Environment Characteristics in Cold Region Cities: Case Study in Harbin[J]. Earth Environ. Sci. 2017:012053. https://doi.org/10.1088/1755-1315/63/1/012053 · Ye Y, Fei T, Mei H. Residents’ perceptions of walkability attributes in mainland China: reliability and validity[C]// Earth and Environmental Science. IOP Publishing, 2017, 104(1): 012016. https://doi.org/10.1088/1755-1315/104/1/012016 · Ye Yang, Mei Hongyuan. Research on Walkability and Transit Adaptability in Cold Region Urban Center. [J]. Architectural Journal, 2016(S1):129-134. (in Chinese) · Ye Y, Huang Meng, Mei Hongyuan.What Makes People Walk More–Urban Center Space Features Related to Walkability in Harbin, China[C]// 2016:11th International Symposium on Architectural Interchanges in Asia http://www.aij.or.jp/jpn/symposium/2016/11th ISAIA _Final_program_book.pdf · Ye Yang, Huang Meng. Urban Street Space Design Based on Improvement of Behavior Quality[J]. Urbanism and Architecture, 2016(13):116-118. (in Chinese) · Ye Yang, Mei Hongyuan. Analysis of Relationship Between Space Environment and Choice of Transportation Mode in Urban Central Zone. [J]. Urbanism and Architecture, 2015(34):109-112. (in Chinese) · Ye Yang, Cao Wei. Evolution of Morphology Design in Modern Art Museum[J]. Urbanism and Architecture, 2012(4):129-130. (in Chinese) · Ye Yang Wang Wei Jin Zhenke. Discussion on the Development Philosophy of Modern Art Museum[J]. Urbanism and Architecture, 2011(8):117-118. (in Chinese) Editorial Board 名称 Guest Editor, Contemporary Architecture (digital version), 2016-present Reviewer, Transport Policy, 2022-present Reviewer, Computer, Environment and Urban system, 2023-present Reviewer, Contemporary Architecture (Chinese), 2016-present Reviewer, New Architecture (Chinese), 2018-present Design Work 名称 Office project: Daqing staff service center project(2013) Liaoning East Dai River New District Public Service Center(2012) Publicity and education base for safety production in Harbin Publicity and Education Bureau(2012) Dalian Garden Economic Zone Administrative Office Center(2010) Business building of Liaoning Provincial Inspection Institute(2010) Northeast Agricultural University planning for science and Technology Innovation Park(2010) State Key Laboratory of urban water resources, Harbin Municipal Institute of technology, Harbin(2010) Design of office building of Daqing Party School of the CPC Central Committee, (2009) Sports project: The thirteen National Winter Games ice stadium project design thirteenth Winter Games Organizing Committee(2012) Museum project: Mudanjiang Museum scheme design(2013) Zhalong Wetland Nature Reserve Museum(2013) Longjiang cultural world planning design(2012) Jinniu ancient human site museum(2011) Erdos City Planning Museum(2011) Regional conceptual design of Songbei Harbin cultural center(2010) Campus project: Planning and design of new campus of Changchun University(2013) Yingkou University Park Planning and monomer design(2012) Planning and monomer design of the new campus of Dalian Ocean University(2012) Planning program and monomer design of Liaoning Medical University(2011) Planning and design of new campus of Harbin Railway Technical College(2011) Commercial project: Haining leather Trade Center(2013) Contact 名称 Telephone Number:+86 18545804308 Email:yeyang@hit.edu.cn Address:No.66 Xidazhi Street, School of Architecture, HIT, Harbin, China Post Code:150006
