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姓名 杨畅
教师编号 92226
性别 杨畅
学校 哈尔滨工业大学
部门 数学学院
学位 杨畅
学历 杨畅
职称 副教授
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Basic Information Research Publications Teaching 新建主栏目 Education 名称 2008-2011 University of Lille Science and Technology, PHD 2006-2008 University of Lille Science and Technology, Master 2002-2006 University of Wuhan, Bachelor Work Experience 名称 2024 March, Institut de Mathématique de Toulouse, Visiting Professor 2022 April - Harbin Institute of Technology, Doctoral supervisor 2019 May University of Toulouse, Visiting Professor 2018 December - Harbin Institute of Technology, Associate Professor 2014-2018 Harbin Institute of Technology, Assistant Professor 2011-2013 University of Lyon, Post-Doc Research Topics 名称 Numerical resolution of kinetic equations Asymptotic preserving methods for elliptic equations Mathematical modeling and simulation for biology Scientific Projects 名称 动力学模型的数值模拟及并行计算的研究,国家自然科学基金(11401138),主持,2015-2017 关于高阶强异向性扩散方程渐近算法的研究,黑龙江省自然科学基金(LH2019A013), 主持,2019.07-2022.06 托卡马克偏滤器中等离子体的多尺度算法与数值模拟研究,国家自然科学基金(12371432),主持,2024-2027 Teaching Reform Projects 名称 研究性教学方法在《数值逼近》课程中的探索(SJGY20180155),黑龙江省教育厅,主持,2018.11-2020.09 大学数学教师混合教学策略与信念探究(SJGY20210273),黑龙江省高等教育教学改革项目,主持,2021.11-2023.10 Details of Serving as an Instructor 名称 Mathematical Reviews/MathSciNet Reviewer number: 159451 Books 名称 1. 杨畅,史晓冉,《数值逼近》,科学出版社,2017.11. (勘误表main.pdf) Journal Papers 名称 T. Chen, C. Yang*, L. M. Tine, Z. Guo, A new collision avoidance model with random batch resolution strategy. Accepted in Communications in Mathematical Sciences, 2024. L. X. Li, C. Yang*, Block preconditioning methods for asymptotic preserving scheme arising in anisotropic elliptic problems. Journal of Scientific Computing, 2024, 99:63. L. Zhang, C. Yang, Z. Guo, W. Yao* and D. Zhang, A multi-tasking novel variational model for image decolorization and denoising. Inverse Problems and Imaging, 2024, 18(1), 1–37. L. Li, C. Yang*, APFOS-Net: Asymptotic preserving scheme for anisotropic elliptic equations with deep neural network. Journal of Computational Physics, 2022, 453, 110958. C. Yang*, M. Mehrenberger, Highly accurate monotonicity-preserving Semi-Lagrangian scheme for Vlasov-Poisson Simulations, Journal of Computational Physics, 2021, 446, 110632.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcp.2021.110632 C. Yang*, L. M. Tine, Analysis and numerical simulations of a reaction-diffusion model with fixed active bodies,SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 2021, 81(4):1339-1360, DOI: 10.1137/20M1343385 C. Yang, F. Deluzet*, J. Narski , ON THE ACCURACY OF NUMERICAL METHODS FOR THE DISCRETIZATION OF ANISOTROPIC ELLIPTIC PROBLEMS, (https://arxiv.org/abs/1911.11482), preprint. C. Yang, F. Deluzet*, J. Naski, On the numerical resolution of anisotropic equations with high order differential operators arising in plasma physics, Journal of Computational Physics, 2019, 386, 502-523. C. Yang*, M. Wu, A singular parameterized finite volume method for the advection-diffusion equation in irregular geometries, Journal of Computational Mathematics, 2019, 37, 579-608. C. Yang*, J. Claustre, F. Deluzet, Iterative solvers for elliptic problems with arbitrary anisotropy strengths, Multiscale Modeling and Simulation: A SIAM Interdisciplinary Journal, 2018, 16(4), 1795–1823. C. Yang, L. M. Tine*, A Hybrid Finite Volume Method for Advection Equations and Its Applications in Population Dynamics, Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, 2017, 33, 1114–1142. Y. Zhang, S. Lou, X. Yang and C. Yang*, Spin-orbit-torque-induced magnetic domain wall motion in Ta/CoFe nanowires with sloped perpendicular magnetic anisotropy, Scientific Reports, 2017, 7, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-02208-y. C. Yang, F. Filbet*, Conservative and non-conservative methods based on Hermite weighted essentially-non-oscillatory reconstruction for Vlasov equations, Journal of Computational Physics, 2014, 279, 18-36. F. Filbet*, C. Yang, Numerical simulations of kinetic models for chemotaxis, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 2014, 36(3) , B348-B366. F. Filbet*, C. Yang, An inverse Lax-Wendroff method for boundary conditions of Boltzmann equations, Journal of Computational Physics, 2013, 245: 43-61. C. Besse, F. Deluzet, C. Negulescu, C. Yang*, Efficient Numerical Methods for Strongly Anisotropic Elliptic Equations, Journal of Scientific Computing, 2013, 55: 231-254. F. Filbet*, C. Negulescu, C. Yang, Numerical Study of a Nonlinear Heat Equation for Plasma Physics, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 2012, 89(8): 1060-1082. Conference Papers: 名称 E. Dalissier , C. Guichard, P. Havé, R. Masson* and C. Yang, ComPASS : a Tool for Distributed Parallel Finite Volume Discretizations on General Unstructured Polyhedral Meshes, ESAIM Proc., 2013, 43, 147-163. C. Besse, F. Deluzet, C.Yang*, Numerical Simulations of Ionospheric Dynamo Model in a Non-uniform Magnetic Field, AIP Conf. Proc, 2011, 1389, 1409-1411. Teaching Papers 名称 杨畅、孙杰宝、吴勃英,新工科背景下“数值逼近”课程教学改革探索,中国建设教育,2019年第6期,10-13. 杨畅、陈勇,《数值逼近》课程中实施课程思政的探索,高等教育现代化的实证研究,2019,241-246. 杨畅、孙杰宝、陈勇,新冠感染疫情背景下大学数学教师在线教学策略与信念探究,高教学刊,2024第1期,39-42. PhD Thesis 名称 Title: Analyse et mise en oeuvre des schémas numériques pour la physique des plasmas ionosphériques et de tokamaks (Analysis and implementation of numerical schemes for the physics of ionospheric and tokamak plasmas ), Lille, 2011,12. Award 名称 First price in The sixth teaching competition for young teachers of HIT in 2018 Courses 名称 Numerical Approximation, Third year undergraduate, 56 hours Projects: https://pan.hit.edu.cn/l/HQhN08 Optimization Methods, Graduate course, 32 hours Numerical Analysis, Graduate course, 32 hours High Performance Computing, Graduate course, 32 hours 研究生 学生名称 硕士研究生(每年招生计算数学方向硕士研究生1名) 简介 体育爱好 性别 硕士研究生: 2023.9-2026.6 徐春阳 2022.9-2025.6 何冯 2021.9-2023.6 张雨昕 2020.9-2022.6 谢瑞怡 哈尔滨工业大学“优秀硕士学位论文” 2019.9-2021.6 陈婷婷 2018.9-2020.6 宗丽滨 2017.9-2019.6 李攀攀 哈尔滨工业大学“优秀硕士研究生”(金奖) 博士研究生: 1. 2023.9- 马子晴
