姓名 | 连菲 |
教师编号 | 91482 |
性别 | 连菲 |
学校 | 哈尔滨工业大学 |
部门 | 建筑与设计学院 |
学位 | 连菲 |
学历 | 连菲 |
职称 | 教授 |
联系方式 | 【了解更多】 |
邮箱 | 【了解更多】 |
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OVERVIEW RESEARCH TEACHING OUTPUTS 新建主栏目 基本信息 Overview 名称 连菲博士,哈尔滨工业大学教授、博士生导师。目前任哈尔滨工业大学建筑计划与设计研究所 副所长、建筑学院建筑系 副主任;兼任澳大利亚墨尔本弗洛里神经科学优化虚拟环境生活实验室 合作研究员。曾赴美国德州农工大学的健康系统设计中心作访问学者、日本千叶工业大学作客座研究员;曾赴西班牙塞维利亚大学、美国明尼苏达大学教学合作与研究。 致力于包容性空间环境、循证设计、建筑策划等领域的研究,尤其在认知障碍人群的支持性环境方面具有深入研究。主持国家自然科学基金项目2项、教育部高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金项目1项、哈尔滨工业大学科研创新基金项目1项;作为骨干成员参与国家自然科学基金项目4项、欧盟依拉莫斯项目(ERASMUS+LPEB) 1项等 。在《建筑学报》、《世界建筑》等期刊以及国际研讨会发表学术论文40余篇;参与编写《建筑设计资料集》(第六分册);参与编写2021、2022年度中国《无障碍环境蓝皮书》;参与城市设计、建筑设计、建筑策划等工程项目10余项。 讲授国家级一流课程;主持教育部产学合作项目1项;指导学生获得2023 UIA国际大学生设计竞赛一等奖、2016 ICCC国际建筑设计竞赛一等奖(美国)、2018谷雨杯大学生设计竞赛特等奖、UIA-PHG国际设计竞赛荣誉奖(美国)、Evolo国际设计竞赛荣誉奖(美国),以及指导其他国际设计竞赛、全国设计竞赛及优秀学生作业的二等奖、三等奖共计20余项。 Dr. Fei Lian, has been a Professor at School of Architecture and Design of Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT), available for Master and PhD candidate supervision. She is the Vice Director of the Institute of Architectural Planning and Design and the Deputy Chair of Architecture Department. Dr. Lian was also invited as a visiting scholar at Center for Health Systems & Design of Texas A&M University, US from 2013-2014. In 2016 she joined in an Erasmus+ teaching program and had been collaborating with professionals at University of Seville, Spain. In 2018 she had been working at Chiba Institute of Technology, Japan for three weeks as a visiting collaborator. Dr. Lian’s research interests follow three main themes: inclusive physical environment, evidence-based design, and architectural programming, especially focus on supportive and healing environments for people with cognitive impairment. She is in charge of 2 research projects funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), 1 Ministry of Education funded project, and 1 project funded by the University. Also, as a chief partner, she takes part in 4 General Programs funded by NSFC. She has authored and co-authored more than 50 papers in peer reviewed journals and international conferences. She participated in compiling a section of “Standards for Architectural Design Data” (Volume 6). She also co-authored 2 reports of “Blue Book of Accessible Environment” (2021, 2022). As an advisor, she has instructed students to win the 1st prize of 2023 UIA International Student Competition, the 1st prize of 2016 ICCC International Student Design Competition, the Special Award of National College Student Design Competition, the honorable mention of 2015 UIA-PHG International Student Competition, the honorable mention of 2015 eVolo Skyscraper Competition, and other prizes of design competitions totaled more than 20 items. 主要学术任职 Duty of academic organizations 名称 2023年~至今,国际设计与健康学会亚洲分会,理事; 2023年~至今,联合国国际老龄组织-积极老龄化和老年友好城市项目中国专家委员会,委员; 2021年~至今,中国建筑学会环境行为学术委员会,常务委员、秘书长; 2020年~至今,中国人工智能学会可拓学专业委员会,常务委员、副秘书长; 2023年~至今,中国建筑学会建筑策划与后评估专业委员会,委员; 2021年~至今,中国建筑学会适老性建筑学术委员会,委员; 2023年~至今,弗洛里神经科学优化虚拟环境生活实验室(澳大利亚墨尔本),合作研究员; 2017年~至今,广东工业大学可拓学与创新方法研究所兼职研究员。 2023~present, Board member, the Asia Chapter of the International Academy of Design & Health (IADH) 2023~present, Board member, Chinese Expert Committee on Active Ageing and Age-Friendly Cities, United Nations International Institute on Ageing (UN-INIA) 2021~present, General Secretary General , Committee on Environment-Behavior, the Architectural Society of China (CEB-ASC) 2021~present, Deputy Secretary General , Extension Engineering Specialized Committee, Chinese Association Of Artificial Intelligence 2020~present, Fellow, Committee on Ageing Architecture, the Architectural Society of China 2023~present, Co-researcher, Neuroscience Optimised Virtual Environments Living Lab (NOVELL), Melbourne, Australia 2017~present, Adjunct researcher, Institution of Extennics and Innovation Methodology, Guangdong University of Technology, China 工作与研究经历 Academic experience 名称 2024~至今, 哈尔滨工业大学,教授; 哈尔滨工业大学建筑与设计学院建筑系,副主任; 2023~至今, 哈尔滨工业大学建筑学院建筑系,副主任; 2018.01~02, 日本千叶工业大学,客座研究员; 2017~至今, 哈尔滨工业大学,副教授; 哈尔滨工业大学建筑计划与设计研究所,副所长; 2013~2014, 美国德州农工大学健康系统设计中心,访问学者; 2011~2017, 哈尔滨工业大学,讲师; 哈尔滨工业大学建筑计划与设计研究所,所长助理; 2024~present, Professor, Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT) Deputy Chair, Architecture Department, School of Architecture and Design, HIT 2023~present, Deputy Chair, Architecture Department, School of Architecture, HIT 2018.01~02, Visiting Collaborator, Chiba Institute of Technology, Japan 2017~present, Associate Professor, Harbin Institute of Technology Vice Director, Institute of Architectural Planning and Design, HIT 2013~2014, Visiting Scholar, Center for Health Systems & Design,Texas A&M University, US 2011~2017, Lecturer, Harbin Institute of Technology Assistant Director, Institute of Architectural Planning and Design, HIT 学习经历 Education 名称 2005.09~2010.06,哈尔滨工业大学,建筑学硕士学位 & 工学博士学位; 2000.09~2005.07,哈尔滨工业大学,建筑学学士学位。 2000~2005, Bachelor of Architecture, Harbin Institute of Technology, China. 2005~2010, Master of Architecture & Ph.D, Harbin Institute of Technology, China 研究领域 Research Fields 名称 包容性空间环境;循证设计;建筑策划 Inclusive physical environment, Evidence-based design, Architectural programming 科研项目 Research Programs 项目名称 认知友好社区室外环境的变量体系、作用机制与改造建设响应研究(The study on variable system, mechanism of action, and support for renovation of outdoor environments in cognitive-friendly communities) 项目来源 国家自然科学基金面上项目(NSFC: National Natural Science Foundation of China) 开始时间 2023-01-01 结束时间 2026-12-31 项目经费 54 担任角色 负责 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 进行中 简单介绍 2050年我国每36人中就有1位认知障碍者,延长其独立生活时间能够节省医疗、社会服务和经济资源。社区室外环境清晰性、辨识性弱等认知不友好问题是影响该人群生活出行的关键。本项目围绕人与环境交互开展实证研究,成果能广泛用于城镇社区更新改造的决策、设计、建设、监管全过程以及行业标准的制定,直接解决环境建设的实际需求,回应了认知障碍人群的民生问题。At least 1 in every 36 Chinese will have cognitive impairment in 2050, prolonging whose independent living time can save medical, social services and economic resources. The cognitive-unfriendly characteristics of outdoor environment in neighborhood such as week legibility and distinctiveness are the key to affecting being out for them population. This research, focusing on the interaction between human and environment, delivers empirical study. The outcomes of research can be widely applied in the whole process of decision-making, design, construction and supervision of urban community renewal, and the development of industrial standards. The research contributes solutions to environmental renewal, which leads to supporting the livelihood of people with cognitive impairment. 项目名称 社区医养结合设施可拓空间模型与疗愈环境设计研究(Extension-space Model and healing environment design on medical-nursing facilities in the community) 项目来源 国家自然科学基金青年项目(NSFC: National Natural Science Foundation of China)) 开始时间 2019.01 结束时间 2021.12 项目经费 22万元 担任角色 负责 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 我国老年人口数量大、空巢现象加剧、失能失智老人医护服务与原居安老双重需求并存的特征,对养老设施提出:碎片服务向整合照料、“养”向“护”、城市集中向社区分散、功能环境向疗愈环境、以管理为中心向以人为中心的五个转变需求。基于此,本项目以社区医养结合设施为研究对象,探索基于可拓方法的可拓空间模型构建、基于能力修复理念的疗愈环境设计导则体系两个内容,为满足老年人变化的健康服务需求和延长失能失智老人原居安老时间提出建筑解决之道;为新老社区该设施的建设或改造,提供设计工具;为该设施的开发决策与政府监管提供参考。The aging of population in China is characterized by large quantity, increased Empty Nests, and coexist demands of medical nursing and ageing in place from the senior with disability or dementia. Five transitions about senior facilities are emerged as a result. They are turning service segments to integrated caring, turning caring-service delivery to nursing-service delivery, turning centralization to decentralization, turning function environment to healing environment, and turning management-centered to human centered. Therefore this project is focused on medical-nursing facility in communities, researching on extension-space model basing on extension methods and healing environment design strategy system basing on ability-restoration concept. Cross-discipline research, literature analysis and facility survey combined research, and expert review are used in this research. The significances of this research are as follows. The first, it provides a solution strategy in architectural environment for health service demand from the elderly and the senior with disability or dementia staying ageing in place as long as possible. The second, it provides a space design tool and environmental design strategies for constructing or reconstructing this type of facility. The third, it provides references for making development decisions and government supervision. 项目名称 居家养老模式下独立生活老年人居住系统构建研究 项目来源 国家自然科学基金面上项目 开始时间 2017 结束时间 2020 项目经费 62万元 担任角色 参与 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 项目名称 俄罗斯、阿塞拜疆、中国建筑能源与环境远程开放教育 项目来源 欧盟依拉莫斯项目(ERASMUS+LPEB) 开始时间 2015 结束时间 2018 项目经费 60万元 担任角色 参与 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 项目名称 基于可拓建筑策划理论的养老设施智能建筑策划研究 项目来源 2013年度高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金 开始时间 2014 结束时间 2016 项目经费 5万元 担任角色 负责 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 项目名称 寒地可持续型住宅设计系列课程教学体系研究 项目来源 黑龙江省高等教育教学改革项目 开始时间 2013 结束时间 2015 项目经费 担任角色 参与 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 项目名称 面向可拓建筑策划与设计的可拓数据挖掘及其计算机实现研究 项目来源 面向可拓建筑策划与设计的可拓数据挖掘及其计算机实现研究 开始时间 2012 结束时间 2015 项目经费 40万元 担任角色 参与 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 项目名称 可拓建筑策划与设计的基本理论及其应用方法研究 项目来源 可拓建筑策划与设计的基本理论及其应用方法研究 开始时间 2007 结束时间 2009 项目经费 25万元 担任角色 参与 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 指导设计竞赛获奖 Competition Awards as a Design Tutor 名称 The 1st Prize. Zheyuan Zhao, Jiayu Sun, Yutong Sun, Haibo Sun. The 28th UIA International Student Competition. 2023.06. 优秀奖。洪宇涵。时代进步下城市在扩张和更新中的建筑类型走向消除替代还是多样保留。《中国建筑教育》“清润奖”大学生论文竞赛。2020.10。 二等奖。哈尔滨工业大学大一年度项目。社区活动场地的老年人社会支持环境调查研究。杨子熠、吉泳芳、丁百灵、王欢。2020.08。 特等奖。郭雅鑫、徐馨月、于泽峰、周徐意。 “X”聚落 。谷雨杯全国大学生可持续建筑设计竞赛。2018. 西安。 三等奖。谢莹粲、冯雪、陈国晋、安晓会。閛。谷雨杯全国大学生可持续建筑设计竞赛。2018. 西安。 三等奖。姜冰川、刘艳超、杨岳、李佳怡。同在树下。谷雨杯全国大学生可持续建筑设计竞赛。2018. 西安。 优秀奖。张杰、冯晶、覃彤、朱映恺。碎壁纳空。谷雨杯全国大学生可持续建筑设计竞赛。2018. 西安。 数字技术奖。王砚晗、徐铎轩、曹宇慧、陈若曦。缝·隙。谷雨杯全国大学生可持续建筑设计竞赛。2018. 西安。 优秀作业。干云妮,夏晔。层的自我宣言。全国高等学校建筑学学科专业指导委员会。2017.深圳。(薛名辉,连菲) 二等奖。周露晴 ,张岩, 童炜扬 ,王博宇。Commu-City。2017中国建筑院校境外交流优秀作业。2017,03. 西安。(连菲,朱莹,Javior Caro) 三等奖。依浏, 智东怡 ,方欣杨 ,杨雪。Activation Code。2017中国建筑院校境外交流优秀作业。2017,03. 西安。(连菲,朱莹,Javior Caro) 优秀毕业设计。盛子沣。哈尔滨工业大学。2016年。(邹广天,连菲) 三等奖。夏晔,周峰,闫羽鸿,李志颖。候鸟之家——全生命周期的绿色生态建筑。谷雨杯全国大学生可持续建筑设计竞赛。2016,09. 北京。(全国高等学校建筑学学科专业指导委员会、北京谷雨时代教育科技有限公司)(连菲,罗鹏) 二等奖。白思瑶,吴桐,庄昌明,Kelly。Pop-City。2016中国建筑院校境外交流优秀作业。2016,03. 哈尔滨。(连菲,唐家骏,Javior Caro) 三等奖。李志斌, 葛斐然, 潘思傲。City Green Wall。2016中国建筑院校境外交流优秀作业。2016,03. 哈尔滨。(连菲,唐家骏,Javior Caro) The 1st Prize. Zhou Keting, Xu Rui, Bai Xueshan, Dong Danni. Elderly Vertical Community. The Integrated Communities: A Society for all Ages student design competition(2016-ICCC-international Student design competition). International Council for Caring Communities(ICCC). 2016 Honorable Mention. Shi Yuqing, Hu Yifei, Zhang Juntong, Sheng Zifeng, He Yanan. Air Monument: Atmosphere Database. 2015 Skyscraper Competition (Evolo). MARCH - 26 - 2015 Honorable Mention. Wu Tong, Zhang Zhilan, Gao zhuoran. Floating: Floating Medical Station. 2015 UIA-PHG International Student Competition. May-24-2015 二等奖。王鼎明, 朱浩嶙, 李宗民, 孙嘉琦。脉脉乡承——渔村:脉络重建更新计划。2015 Revit 杯全国大学生可持续建筑设计竞赛。2015.06.26。 优秀奖。胡一非,施雨晴,于文君,李焱,盛子沣。旧营新生——基于老年人在地性的旧街区保护与更新。2015 Revit 杯全国大学生可持续建筑设计竞赛。2015.06。 讲授课程 Courses 名称 讲授的理论课程(Lecture Series): 建筑科学研究方法与论文写作:循证设计专题(研究生课程) Research Methods and Thesis Writing in Architectural Science: Topics in Evidence-based Design (Graduate Program) 循证设计的理论与方法(研究生课程) Theory and Methodology of Evidence-based Design (Graduate Program) 建筑与文化专题(本科生专业核心课) Architecture and Civilization (Undergraduate Program) 现当代建筑赏析(本科生文化素质核心课/全校任选) Basis of Modern and Cotemporary Architecture (Undergraduate Program) 城市的影像书写(本科生文化素质核心课/全校任选 Image Narration Of City (Undergraduate Program) 承担的设计类课程(Design Studios): 建筑设计5(专业主干课) Architecture Design-5 (Undergraduate Program) 开放设计 (专业主干课) Joint-workshop (Undergraduate Program) 毕业设计 (本科生) Capstone Project (Undergraduate Program) 创新创业课程(Workshop for Creation): 多学科融通型境外国际设计竞赛指导(全校任选) Multi-disciplinary Workshop of International Design Competition 讲授的MOOC (Open Online Course): 建筑设计的空间基础认知:尺规之图(中国大学MOOC) The Basic Perception of Space in Architecture Design: Manual Plotting 论文期刊 Papers 论文标题 无障碍社区建设的国际经验与启示 (Reflections on International Experience in Promoting Accessible Communities) 作者 向立群,廖攀,连菲* (Xiang Liqun, Liao Pan, Lian Fei*) 发表时间 2023 期刊名称 《世界建筑》(《World Architecture》) 期卷 09 简单介绍 首先结合无障碍社区研究进展,界定“无障碍社区”的概念;其次,以澳大利亚、美国华盛顿 州、中国香港为例,从国家及地区政策回应与建设基金设置、社区支持体系构建、社区无障碍环境更新 改造出发,梳理了无障碍社区的国际建设经验;进而结合我国无障碍社区建设的现状,从政策资金联 动、机制保障和开放建设方面,提出了我国无障碍社区建设的思考。This paper first defines the concept of accessible communities. Then, the experience of Australia, Washington State of the USA, and Hong Kong SAR in promoting accessible communities are summarised from several aspects, namely, policies in relation to accessible communities, funding set up for building and renovating communities, the construction of the community-based supporting systems, and renovations of communities' accessible environment. In response to the current situation of promoting China's accessible communities, the paper combines international experience and reflects on the formation of related laws and regulations, funding sources and construction and management mechanisms. 论文标题 认知友好社区空间环境的国际研究进展——认知障碍人群 自立生活视角下的综述与思考(International Research Advances in Physical Environment of Cognitive-Friendly Communities: A Review and Reflection from the Perspective of Independent Living for People with Cognitive Impairment) 作者 连菲*,李慧(Lian Fei*, Li Hui) 发表时间 2023 期刊名称 《世界建筑》(《World Architecture》) 期卷 06 简单介绍 本文基于系统的文献研究方法,梳理了认知障碍人群与社区空间环境交互方面的国际研究进展, 归纳了人与环境的交互特征以及支持认知障碍人群在社区自立生活的空间环境系统构成,并提出了未来 实证研究的重点方向。Based on systematic literature research methods, this paper reviews the progress of international research on the interaction between people with cognitive impairment and the neighbourhood environment, summarises the interaction characteristics between human and environment as well as the composition of the physical environment system that supports people with cognitive impairment to live independently in the community,and proposes key directions for future empirical research. 论文标题 感官障碍人群包容性城市空间环境研究综述(A Review of Research on Inclusive Urban Physical Environment for People with Sensory Impairments) 作者 任毓瑶, 连菲*(Ren Yuyao Lian Fei*) 发表时间 2023 期刊名称 《新建筑》(《New Architecture》) 期卷 06 简单介绍 我国感官障碍人群占残疾人总数的比例近半数,由于针对感官障碍人群包容性环境的建设与实证研究较为薄弱,严重影响了该人群的生活自主性与幸福 感。基于感官代偿原理,以文献研究的方法,总结了感官障碍人群主体特征、感官代偿途径与感知原理,归纳了感官代偿环境在视觉、听觉、触觉、嗅觉及多感官 五方面的要素与特征,为后续开展包容性环境实证研究与设计实践奠定基础。People with sensory impairments account for nearly half of the total number of people with disabilities in China, and the construction and empirical studies of inclusive environments for people with sensory impairments are both somewhat weak, which severely affects the autonomy and well-being of these people. Based on the principle of sensory substitution, this literature study summarizes the characteristics of people with sensory impairments, sensory substitution ways, and perception principles, and concludes the elements and characteristics of a friendly environment for people with sensory impairments in the areas of vision, hearing, touch, smell and multisensory, laying the foundation for subsequent empirical research and design practice in inclusive environments. 论文标题 香港无障碍环境建设经验与借鉴 (Lessons Learned from Promoting the Accessible Environment in Hong Kong) 作者 向立群, 连菲, 陆永康 (Xiang Liqun, Lian Fei, Luk Calvin WH) 发表时间 2020 期刊名称 《世界建筑》(《World Architecture》) 期卷 11 简单介绍 This paper outlines the evolution of disability and environmental design concepts, analyses the mechanism of promoting the accessible environment in Hong Kong. Taking the Central Library and the West Kowloon as examples, the achievements of promoting the accessible environment and how mainland China can learn from Hong Kong’s experiences are also illustrated. 论文标题 老年人照护设施的社会心理支持性环境研究综述 (Psychosocially Supportive Environment in Caring Facilities for the Elderly:A Systematic Literature Review) 作者 赵童, 连菲 (Zhao Tong, Lian Fei) 发表时间 2020 期刊名称 《建筑创作》(《Archicreation》) 期卷 04 简单介绍 Severe negative emotions and lack of social support can threaten the health of the elderly. Creating a psychosocially supportive environment through health-promoting environmental elements in the physical environment of care facilities for elderly can improve the health and well-being of the elderly. Based on a systematic literature review, this paper proposes environmental design goals and environmental features from three aspects: social support, emotional support and sense of coherence support, and analyzes the limitations of the mechanism of psychosocially supportive environment. 论文标题 永远的临时性——埃里克·欧文·莫斯的建筑试验 作者 连菲, 向立群(Lian Fei, Xiang Liqun) 发表时间 2019 期刊名称 《世界建筑》(《World Architecture》) 期卷 08 简单介绍 论文标题 老年人照护设施环境评价工具比较研究 (A Comparative Study on Assessment Tools of Caring Environments for the Elderly) 作者 连菲, 慕竞仪 (LIAN Fei, MU Jingyi) 发表时间 2019 期刊名称 《建筑学报》(《Architectural Journal》) 期卷 S1 简单介绍 This paper conducts a comparative study on ten assessment tools of caring environments for the elderly, building on a rigorous literature review. The tool’s aims and scopes, work teams, evaluation domains, assessment architectural elements, instrument’s form and the methodology adopted therein, and development methodologies are analyzed and reviewed. Also it offers advices on tool-choice, tool-application, and developing a new tool. 论文标题 英国失智友好社区:政策、设计与案例 (Strategies, Design and Projects on Dementia-Friendly Communities in the United Kingdom) 作者 连菲,向立群,苗畅 (Lian Fei, Xiang Liqun, Miao Chang) 发表时间 2019 期刊名称 《世界建筑》(《World Architecture》) 期卷 02 简单介绍 According to dementia friendly communities in the United Kingdom, the authors analyze home-based support system for the adults with dementia in three aspects: policies and strategies supported adults with dementia living at home, advances of research on the design of dementia-friendly community and dwellings, and practice projects of dementia-friendly community. This paper explores routes and methods of developing home-based care model for people with dementia in China. 论文标题 环境行为研究视角下的美国研究型设计发展脉络(The Development on Design as Research in the View of Environment-Behavior Research in the United States) 作者 连菲*, 宋祎琳(Lian Fei*, Song Yilin) 发表时间 2017 期刊名称 《建筑学报》(《Architectural Journal》) 期卷 03 简单介绍 This paper conceptualizes the design philosophy of "design as research" as the process to acquire new knowledge from environment-behavior research. It reviews the combination of research and design in different developing phases by studying several hallmark events of the development of architectural design in the United States. Based on a model of knowledge of architectural design on three levels, it elaborates on the substantial content of design as research, intended to provide reference for the scientific and research-based transformation of contemporary architectural design in China. 论文标题 记忆照护设施的空间设计策略与导则(The Strategies and Guidelines for Spatial Design of Memory Care Units) 作者 连菲, 邹广天, 陈旸(Lian Fei, Zou Guangtian, Chen Yang) 发表时间 2016 期刊名称 《建筑学报》(《Architectural Journal》) 期卷 10 简单介绍 Building on the literature review of rigorous empirical studies of Western scholarship on the design of memory care units in the past thirty years, this paper elaborates on the process and social context of its development. Focusing on long-term care facilities for the elderly with dementia, it links spatial design with dementia therapeutic goals aiming at dementia-friendly environments, concluding with design strategies for prospective Chinese practice. 论文标题 亚历杭德罗·阿拉维纳的设计整合力——UC创新中心与圣爱德华大学学生公寓比较分析(Design's Power of Synthesis in Alejandro Aravena’s Works:Comparison of UC Innovation Center and St Edward's University Dorms) 作者 连菲, 向立群, 邹广天*(Lian Fei, Xiang Liqun, Zou Guangtian*) 发表时间 2016 期刊名称 《世界建筑》(《World Architecture》) 期卷 06 简单介绍 UC Innovation Center and St Edward's University Dorms designed by Alejandro Aravena are selected to be the research objects. This paper explores the similarities of the two campus buildings in five aspects: layouts, spaces, forms, techniques, and materials. This aims at pointing out the characters and disciplines of design’s power of synthesis in Aravena’s works. 论文标题 Design as research: A new trend in architectural design in the United States 作者 F. Lian*, Y. Song 发表时间 2016 期刊名称 The EAAE/ARCC International Conference 2016(Lisbon) 期卷 简单介绍 论文标题 Men-friendly Society: Mixed-Community Mode for High-density Cities in Ageing Society Explored by the First Prize Team Work of ICCC Competition 作者 Fei Lian*, Keting Zhou 发表时间 2017 期刊名称 UIA 2017 Seoul World Architects Congress 期卷 简单介绍 China as well as many other developing countries has not prepared well for the rapidly aging population. With the trend of global ageing becoming evermore prominent, ICCC Competition was established by the International Council for Caring Communities’ (ICCC) to encourage designers from all over the world to explore innovative design solutions. By focusing on the design strategies from the first prize team work of ICCC Competition, this paper proposes that the future Chinese residence mode should be formed following the philosophy “nature and inaction” from Lao Zi. The environment is considered to be friendly to anyone in the community but not only for the elderly. This paper conducts an exploration on mixed-community mode for high-density cities in ageing society on three aspects, which are design-philosophy transformation from old-friendly design to men-friendly design, design-concept transformation from small community to big society, architectural form transformation from low-rise community in uptown to high-rise building in downtown. Although the outcomes proposed in this paper are hypothetic, the findings are relevant to all countries or regions with high-density population and short-land resource like China. It provides a possible solution on ageing problems on architecture aspect in the future. 论文标题 Making the urban environment dementia-therapeutic: design guidelines in neighborhoods 作者 Fei Lian*, Yang Chen, Yuanhong Ma, Minghui Xue 发表时间 2016 期刊名称 The 11th International Symposium on Architectural Interchange in Asia(Sendai) 期卷 简单介绍 The majority of people with dementia live in the community. Therefore, the neighborhood environment plays an essential role on the repair of physical, cognitive and social problems. However, design guidelines in relation to the outdoor environment have been less strongly advocated than similar guidelines for dementia care facilities. Moreover, most of literatures on outdoor-environment design focus on accessibility, wayfinding, and safe for adults with dementia, few of them addresses on therapeutic role of the neighborhoods. To explore the issues for designing a therapeutic neighborhood environment for people with dementia, this paper surveys and reviews the scientific research on indoor and outdoor therapeutic design of dementia care facilities. By drawing parallels with the community environment this paper proposes several design guidelines for creating a therapeutic neighborhood for people with dementia to use and enjoy. By focusing on designing urban areas that support physical activities, mental health and social exchange, the findings are relevant to all members of society for designing better environment for people with dementia to use and enjoy their local neighborhoods. However, the outcomes proposed in this paper are hypothetic. For further tasks, empirical research is imperative to test the resulting extrapolations. 论文标题 美国建筑策划理论与实践发展评述 作者 连菲, 邹广天 发表时间 2016 期刊名称 《中外建筑》 期卷 06 简单介绍 论文标题 化解矛盾, 寻求创新——可拓建筑策划理论探析 作者 连菲, 邹广天 发表时间 2010 期刊名称 新建筑 期卷 03 简单介绍 出版物 Chapters/Books/Monographs 出版物名称 "中国城市无障碍社区发展报告", 析出自《无障碍环境蓝皮书: 中国无障碍环境发展报告(2021)》(“A Report on the Development of Accessible Communities in Urban China” , a chapter of ) 作者 向立群,李慧,连菲*(主编:凌亢;副主编:孙计领、张蕾、易莹莹)Xiang Liqun, Li Hui, Lian Fei* 出版时间 2022 出版社 社会科学文献出版社 简单介绍 城市无障碍社区建设是无障碍环境建设重要的组成环节,本报告从城市无障碍社区的含义及内容出发,分析了我国城市无障碍社区发展的现状,总结了发达国家及地区营造无障碍社区的经验。进而从建设管理及监督反馈机制的监理、培育,以及明确法规、开放建设方面,为推动我国城市无障碍社区的发展提出了相应建议。The development of accessible communities forms an important part in the construction of the accessible environment in urban China. The authors first define the concept and clarify the content of the accessible community, following which current situations regarding the development of accessible communities in urban China are described. Then, the authors summarise experiences of making communities accessible in developed countries and regions. At last, suggestions of developing accessible communities in urban China are proposed. 出版物名称 “中国城市无障碍社区发展报告”,析出自《无障碍环境蓝皮书: 中国无障碍环境发展报告(2021)》("Digital Development of Accessible Community-Services", a chapter of ) 作者 连菲*,向立群,黄亚男(主编:凌亢;副主编:孙计领、白先春)Lian Fei*, Xiang Liqun, Huang Yanan 出版时间 2023 出版社 社会科学文献出版社 简单介绍 社区服务承载了全体居民充分享有生活便利与社会参与的重要功能,数字化技术与社区服务相结合能够推动实体设施包容无碍与软性服务全面覆盖,使我国城乡社区服务数字化发展包容、惠及全体居民。本报告从社区服务无障碍的内涵出发,分析了我国社区服务数字化发展现状,总结了发达国家及地区在社区服务数字化的建设经验,进而从建立整体建设架构、制定标准规范、平台互联互通、资源盘活存量四个方面,为推动我国城乡社区服务数字化发展提出了相应建议。Community service bears the important function that all residents fully enjoy the convenience of life and social participation. The combination of digital technology and community service can promote the inclusion of physical facilities and the comprehensive coverage of soft services, so that the digital development of urban and rural community services in China is inclusive and benefits all residents. This report starting from the connotation of community service accessibility, analyzes the current situation of the development of community service digital, and summarizes the developed countries and regions in the construction of digital community service experience, from Establish an overall construction framework, Develop standards and specifications, Platform Connectivity, Revitalize stock resources of four aspects, in order to put forward the corresponding Suggestions about promoting our country's digital development of urban and rural community service. 出版物名称 “福利建筑——老年日间照料中心”,析出自《建筑设计资料集6》(第3版) 作者 邹广天, 连菲, 张蕾, 姜乃煊 出版时间 2017, 11 出版社 中国建筑工业出版社 简单介绍 研究生培养 名称 李慧,认知友好社区室外空间环境建设研究,硕士学位论文,2023. 任毓瑶,基于感官代偿的大学校园外部空间环境设计研究,硕士学位论文,2023. 杨文彬,街道步行空间的认知友好环境评估工具构建研究,硕士学位论文,2021. 涵茹,认知症照料设施环境评价工具(C-EAT)构建研究,硕士学位论文,2021. 赵童,社区老年人服务设施社会心理支持性设计研究,硕士学位论文,2020. 张帝(Ahamat Mahamat Zen-al- Abidine),法国建筑师克罗德·巴夯的倾斜功能理论研究,硕士学位论文,2019. 苗畅,面向认知症人群住宅空间环境支持性设计研究,硕士学位论文,2019. |