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姓名 胡颖
教师编号 91276
性别 胡颖
学校 哈尔滨工业大学
部门 生命科学和医学学部
学位 胡颖
学历 胡颖
职称 教授
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基本信息 Research Publicaitons Members Teaching Open positions Contact ... Open positions Contact 新建主栏目 Cancer Gene Function Group 名称 Ying Hu (胡颖) PhD, Professor The School of Life Science and Technology, Harbin Insitute of TechnologyPhone: 86-0451-86403992Email: huying@hit.edu.cnResearch Area:Biological functions of proto-oncogene and tumor suppressor Education Background 名称 2004.10-2009.09 PhD in Cancer Biology, University College London. 2002.09-2004.09 Mphil in Clinical Oncology, The Chinese University of HongKong. 1999.09-2002.07 M.S. in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Fudan University. 1994.09-1999.07 M.B. in Chemical Analysis, Shandong Medical University. Working experiences 名称 2012.4- Professor, Harbin Institute of Technology 2009.11-2012.1 Postdoctoral Molecular Biologist, University of Oxford 2009.6-2009.11 Researcher scientist, University of Oxford Research Interest 名称 Prof. Hu leads the tumor gene function study group with a focus on novel targets that modulate mechanisms of drug resistance and cancer metastasis, the leading reasons for the resultant mortality of patients with cancer. The group currently uses a combination of cellular and molecular strategies, animal tumor models and human samples to work on the following specific issues in the field: 1. The activation and function of oncogenes, as exampled by ASPP family proteins 2. The roles and mechanisms of long non coding RNA (lncRNA) in cancer 3. The interconnection between tumor cell and tumor microenvironment Research Funding 名称 1 哈尔滨工业大学人才引进科研启动经费,肿瘤发病机制以及生物治疗方法的研究,2014.01-2016.12 Harbin Institute of Technology talent introduction program funds; 2 深圳市博泰生物医学科技发展有限公司,抗原致敏DC-CIK细胞对肾癌A498细胞系的杀伤作用机制,2014.01-2016.06 Joint Fund with Shenzhen Botai Biomedical Technology Co. Ltd 3 国家自然科学基金委青年基金,2014.01-2016.12 The National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC); 4 教育部博士点基金,2014.01-2016.12 Doctoral Fund of Ministry of Education of China; 5 黑龙江省自然科学基金 ,2014.01-2015.12 The National Natural Science Foundation of Heilongjiang Province; 6. 哈尔滨市科技创新人才研究专项基金, 2014.07-2016.06 Harbin special fund for scientific and technological innovation; 7 哈工大理工医交叉学科基础研究培育计划, 2014.01-2015.12 Harbin Institute of Technology interdisplinary funds. 8 深圳科技与创新委员会基础研究项目, 2015.01-2017.12 Basic Research Program of Science and Innovation Commission Foundation of Shenzhen. Representative Publications 名称 1. Wenjie Ge#, Kunming Zhao#, Xingwen Wang, Huayi Li, Miao Yu, Mengmeng He, Xuting Xue, Yifu Zhu, Cheng Zhang, Yiwei Cheng, Shijian Jiang, Ying Hu*. iASPP is an antioxidative factor and drives cancer growth and drug resistance by competing with Nrf2 for Keap1 binding. Cancer Cell. 2017 Nov 13;32(5):561-573. Epub 2017 Oct 12. Featured article 2. Wenxin Zhang#, Junren Dai#, Guixue Hou, Hao Liu, Shanliang Zheng, Xingwen Wang, Qingyu Lin, Yi Zhang, Minqiao Lu, Yafan Gong, Zhiyuan Xiang, Yan Yu, Ying Hu *. SMURF2 predisposes cancer cell toward ferroptosis in GPX4-independent manners by promoting GSTP1 degradation. Mol Cell. 2023 Dec 7;83(23):4352-4369.e8. doi: 10.1016/j.molcel.2023.10.042. Epub 2023 Nov 27. 3. Qingyu Lin, Tong Liu, Xingwen Wang, Guixue Hou, Zhiyuan Xiang, Wenxin Zhang, Shanliang Zheng, Dong Zhao, Qibin Leng, Xiaoshi Zhang, Minqiao Lu, Tianqi Guan, Hao Liu, Ying Hu* Long noncoding RNA HITT coordinates with RGS2 to inhibit PD-L1 translation in T cell immunity. J Clin Invest. 2023 Apr 4;e162951. doi: 10.1172/JCI162951. Online ahead of print. 4. Zheng S, Zhao D, Hou G, Zhao S, Zhang W, Wang X, Li L, Lin L, Tang TS, Ying Hu*. iASPP suppresses Gp78-mediated TMCO1 degradation to maintain Ca2%2B homeostasis and control tumor growth and drug resistance. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2022 Feb 8;119(6):e2111380119. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2111380119. 5. Zheng S, Wang X, Zhao D, Liu H, Ying Hu*. Calcium homeostasis and cancer: insights from endoplasmic reticulum-centered organelle communications. Trends Cell Biol. 2022 Jul 29:S0962-8924(22)00174-X. doi: 10.1016/j.tcb.2022.07.004. Online ahead of print. 6. Zheng S, Wang X, Liu H, Zhao D, Lin Q, Jiang Q, Li L, Ying Hu*. iASPP suppression mediates terminal UPR and improves BRAF-inhibitor sensitivity of colon cancers. Cell Death Differ. Epub 2022 Nov 15. 7. Xingwen Wang, Li Li, Kunming Zhao, Qingyu Lin, Xuting Xue, Wenjie Ge, Hongjuan He, Dong Liu, Qiong Wu, Ying Hu*. A novel LncRNA HITT forms a regulatory loop with HIF-1α to modulate angiogenesis and tumor growth. Cell Death Differ. 2020 Apr;27(4):1431-1446. Epub 2019 Nov 7. CDDPress Monthly Top Picks 8. Kunming Zhao, Xingwen Wang, Xuting Xue, Li Li, Ying Hu*. A long non-coding RNA sensitizes genotoxic treatment by attenuating ATM activation and homologous recombination repair in cancers. PLos Biol. 2020 Mar 23;18(3):e3000666. 8. Wang X, Zheng S, Yang F, Zhang W, Zhao D, Xue X, Lin Q, He Y, Hu G, Ying Hu*. LncRNA HITT inhibits metastasis by attenuating Rab5-mediated endocytosis in lung adenocarcinoma. Mol Ther. 2022 Jan 8:S1525-0016(22)00014-4. doi: 0.1016/j.ymthe.2022.01.014. Online ahead of print. 10. Zhao D, Zheng S, Wang X, Liu H, Zhao K, Li L,Ying Hu*. iASPP is essential for HIF-1α stabilization to promote angiogenesis and glycolysis via attenuating VHL-mediated protein degradation. Oncogene. 2022 Feb 15. 11. Xingwen Wang, Yudong Wang, Li Li, Xuting Xue, Hui Xie, Huaxing Shi and Ying Hu*. A lncRNA coordinates with Ezh2 to inhibit HIF-1α transcription and suppress cancer cell adaption to hypoxia. Oncogene. 2020 Feb;39(9):1860-1874. Epub 2019 Nov 29. 12. Huayi Li#, Wenxin Zhang#, Kunming Zhao, Dong Zhao, Shanliang Zheng, Ying Hu*. A previously identified apoptosis inhibitor iASPP confers resistance to chemotherapeutic drugs by suppressing senescence in cancer cells. J Biol Chem. 2020 Mar 20;295(12):4049-4063. Epub 2020 Jan 31. 13. Xingwen Wang, Yi Zhang, Qingyu Lin, Kunming Zhao, Dantong Zhu, Ying Hu*. Mitochondria-localized lncRNA HITT inhibits fusion by attenuating formation of mitofusin-2 homotypic or heterotypic complexes. J Biol Chem. 2023 Feb;299(2):102825. doi: 10.1016/j.jbc.2022.102825. Epub 2022 Dec 23. Other Publicaitons 名称 1. Zhao K, Wang X, Zhao D, Lin Q, Zhang Y, Hu Ying*. lncRNA HITT Inhibits Lactate Production by Repressing PKM2 Oligomerization to Reduce Tumor Growth and Macrophage Polarization. Research (Wash D C). 2022 Jul 5;2022:9854904. doi: 10.34133/2022/9854904. eCollection 2022. 2. Huyi Li#, Xingwen Wang#, Cheng Zhang, Yiwei Cheng, Miao Yu, Wenjie Ge, Anyong Cai, Yao Zhang, Fengtong Han, Hu Ying*. HDAC1-induced epigenetic silencing of ASPP2 promotes cell motility, tumour growth and drug resistance in renal cell carcinoma. Cancer Lett. 2018 Jun 8;432:121-131. doi: 10.1016/j.canlet. 2018.06.009. 3. Wang Xingwen, Cheng Yiwei, Zhu Yifu, Li Huayi, Ge Wenjie, Wu Xiaoliang, Zhao Kunming, Yuan J, Li Z, Jiang S, Han Zhengbin, Jiang Qinghua, Wu Qiong, Liu Tao, Zhang Cheng*, Yu Miao*, Hu Ying*. Epigenetic Silencing of ASPP1 confers 5-FU resistance in Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma by preventing p53 activation.Int J Cancer. 2017 Oct 1;141(7):1422-1433. doi: 10.1002/ijc.30852. Epub 2017 Jul 10. 4. Kunming Zhao, Miao Yu, Yifu Zhu, Dong Liu, Qiong Wu, and Ying Hu*. EGR-1/ASPP1 inter-regulatory loop promotes apoptosis by inhibiting cyto-protective autophagy. Cell Death Dis. 2017 Jun 8;8(6):e2869. doi: 10.1038/cddis.2017.268. 5. Xingwen Wang, Miao Yu,Kunming Zhao, Mengmeng He,Wenjie Ge,Yuhui Sun,Yihua Wang, Haizhu Sun, Ying Hu*. Upregulation of MiR-205 under hypoxia promotes epithelial-mesenchymal transition by targeting ASPP2. Cell Death Dis. 2016 Dec 8;7(12):e2517. doi: 10.1038/cddis.2016.412. 6. Di J, Zhao G, Wang H, Wu Y, Zhao Z, Zhu B, Zhang Y, Zheng J, Liu Y, Ying Hu*. A p53/CPEB2 negative feedback loop regulates renal cancer cell proliferation and migration. J Genet Genomics. 2021 Jul 20;48(7):606-617. doi: 10.1016/j.jgg.2021.05.011. Epub 2021 Jul 2. 7. Ge W, Wang Y, Zheng S, Zhao D, Wang X, Zhang X, Ying Hu*. Nuclear iASPP determines cell fate by selectively inhibiting either p53 or NF-κB. Cell Death Discov. 2021 Jul 26;7(1):195. doi: 10.1038/s41420-021-00582-1. 8. Zhu D, Han F, Sun L, Agnihotri SK, Ying Hu*, Büeler H*. Loss of PTEN-Induced Kinase 1 Regulates Oncogenic Ras-Driven Tumor Growth By Inhibiting Mitochondrial Fission. Front Oncol. 2022 May 5;12:893396. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2022.893396. eCollection 2022.PMID: 35600352 9. Zhao K, Wang X, Ying Hu*. Identification of lncRNA-Protein Interactions by CLIP and RNA Pull-Down Assays. Methods Mol Biol. 2021;2348:231-242. doi: 10.1007/978-1-0716-1581-2_16. 10. Zinaida Dedeic#, Gopinath Sutendra#, Ying Hu#, Kathryn Ho Ki Chung, Elizabeth A. Slee, Michael J. White, Felix Zhou, Robert D. Goldin, David J. P. Ferguson, Debra McAndrew, Jurgen E. Schneider and Xin Lu. Cell autonomous role of iASPP deficiency in causing cardiocutaneous disorders. Cell death and differentiation, 2018 Jul;25(7):1289-1303. 11. Mario Notari#,Ying Hu#,Sofia Koch,Min Lu, Indrika Ratnayaka,Shan Zhong,Caroline Baer,Anna Pagotto,Robert Goldin,Victoria Salter,Eleonora Candi,Gerry Melino,and Xin Lu*. iASPP prevents premature cellular senescence and is required for normal epithelial stratification. Proc Natl Acad Sci. 2011. 108(40): 16645–16650. 12. Mario Notari,Ying Hu,Gopinath Sutendra, Zinaida Dedeic, Min Lu, Laurent Dupays, Arash Yavari, Carolyn Carr, Shan Zhong, Aaisha Opel, Andrew Tinker, Kieran Clarke, Hugh Watkins, David Ferguson, David Kelsell, Sofia de Noronha, Mary Sheppard, Mike Hollinshead, Timothy J Mohun and Xin Lu*. iASPP: A Novel Desmosome Regulator and its Deficiency Causes Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy. Proc Natl Acad Sci. 2015 Mar 3;112(9):E973-81. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1408111112. Epub 2015 Feb 17. 13. Min Lu, Hilde Breyssens,Victoria Salter,Shan Zhong,Ying Hu,Caroline Baer,Indrika Ratnayaka,Alex Sullivan,Nicholas R Brown,Stefan Knapp,Benedikt Kessler,Mark R Middleton,Christian Siebold,Yvonne Jones,Elena V Sviderskaya,Jonathan Cebon,Tom John,Otavia Caballero,Colin R Goding and Xin Lu*. Restoring p53 function in human melanoma cells by inhibiting mdm2 and cyclinB1/cdk1 phosphorylated nuclear iASPP. Cancer cell. 2013. 23(5):618-33. 14. Chong Chen, Hongqian Sang, Pengcheng Ding, Ye Sun, Manuela Mura, Ying Hu, Lev N. Kantorovich,* Flemming Besenbacher*, Miao Yu*, Xanthine quartets on Au(111), J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2018, 140, 54–57. 15. Zhenglin Li, Ying Hu, Zhaohua Miao, Han Xu, Chunxiao Li, Yan Zhao, Zhuo Li, Manli Chang, Zhuo Ma, Ye Sun,* Flemming Besenbacher,* Peng Huang,* and Miao Yu*, Dual-Stimuli Responsive Bismuth Nanoraspberries for Multimodal Imaging and Combined Cancer Therapy, Nano Letters, 2018, DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.8b02639. (ACS Highlight). Current Members 名称 Associated Professor 王星文(Xingwen Wang) Assistant Professor 郑善亮(Shanliang Zheng) Postdoctoral Fellow 王星文(Xingwen Wang) 郑善亮(Shanliang Zheng) 林庆宇 (Qingyu Lin) PhD students 张文馨 (Wenxin Zhang) 龚亚凡 (Yafan Gong) 向知渊 (Zhiyuan Xiang) 关天奇(Tianqi Guan) 陆闽侨(Minqiao Lu) 刘皓 (Hao Liu) 张艺 (Yi Zhang) 苏敏 (Min Su) 马江文 (Jiangwen Ma) 代俊仁 (Junren Dai) 魏禹桐 (Yutong Wei) Master Students 刘超然 (Chaoran Liu) 李博伦 (Bolun Li) 黄莉莎 (Lisha Huang) 张宁 (Ning Zhang) 韩秀臻 (Xiuzhen Han) 王洋 (Yang Wang) Bechlor Students 魏语涵 (Hanyu Wei) Technician 汪美祺 (Meiqi Wang) 李天宇 (Tianyu Li) Graduate and Undergraduate Alumni 名称 PhD Graduates: 葛文杰(Wenjie Ge)--2014.9-2018.07 王星文 (Xingwen Wang)--2015.9-2019.07 赵坤明 (Kunming Zhao)--2016.9-2020.07 底洁卉 (Jiehui Di)--2016.9-2021.07 郑善亮 (Shanliang Zheng)--2017.9-2022.04 赵东 (Dong Zhao)--2018.9-2022.07 朱丹彤(Dantong Zhu)--2017.9-2022.07 林庆宇 (Qingyu Lin) --2018.9-2023.04 Mater Graduates: 葛文杰(Wenjie Ge)--2012.9-2014.07 王星文 (Xingwen Wang)--2013.9-2015.07 蒋师键(Shijian Jiang)--2013.9-2015.07 赵坤明(Kunming Zhao)--2014.9-2016.07 罗楠(Nan Luo)--2014.9-2016.07 柳林(Lin Liu)--2015.9-2017.07 何朦朦(Mengmeng He)--2015.9-2017.07 李华一 (Huayi Li)--2016.9-2018.07 薛绪亭(Xuting Xue)--2016.9-2018.07 张文馨 (Wenxin Zhang)--2017.9-2019.07 冯焕章(Huanzhang Feng)--2017.9-2019.07 刘皓(Hao Liu) --2019.9-2021.07 王宇栋(Yudong Wang) --2019.9-2021.07 张淼淼(Miaomiao Zhang)--2019.9-2021.07 周天宇(Tianyu Zhou)--2020.9-2022.07 张艺 (Yi Zhang)--2020.9-2022.07 代俊仁 (Junren Dai) --2021.9-2023.07 Undergraduate Graduates 赵坤明 (Kunming Zhao)--2012.9-2013.07 罗楠 (Nan Luo)—2012.9-2013.07 何朦朦(Mengmeng He)--2014.9-2015.07 朱逸夫(Yifu Zhu)--2016.9-2017.07 王宇栋(Yudong Wang)--2018.9-2019.07 薛雷(Lei Xue)--2019.9-2020.07 王洋 (Yang Wang)--2022.9-2023.07 Lectures 名称 Undergraduate: 生物统计学 (Biostatistics) Master student: 生命科学研究进展前沿(Progress and Fronts of Research of Life Sciences) Undergraduate: 生物学基础与应用 International student: cancer Open positions 名称 1. 硕士招生: 每年计划招收硕士2名 ,研究方向: (1). 癌基因以及抑癌基因在肿瘤发生,发展过程中的作用。 (2). 癌基因以及抑癌基因在不同的刺激因子引发的细胞凋亡过程中的作用。 1-2 Master positions are available in the laboratory of Dr. Ying HU to study molecular and cellular mechanisms of carcinogenesis. The candidates with background in biology or medicine are highly encouraged to apply. If you are interested, please contact Dr. Ying HU at huying@hit.edu.cn 2. 博士招生: 每年计划招收博士生2-3名,研究方向: (1). 癌基因以及抑癌基因在肿瘤发生,发展过程中的作用。 (2). 癌基因以及抑癌基因在不同的刺激因子引发的细胞凋亡过程中的作用。 (3). 基础研究结果对肿瘤诊断和治疗方面的指导意义。 2-3 PhD positions are available in the laboratory of Dr. Ying HU to study molecular and cellular mechanisms of carcinogenesis. The candidates with background in biology or medicine are highly encouraged to apply. If you are interested, please contact Dr. Ying HU at huying@hit.edu.cn 3. 博士后 (postdoctoral research fellow): 计划招收博士后3-5名, 要求: 优先考虑具有分子细胞生物学博士背景的应聘者。 能够在PI的指导下展独立开展课题研究,并指导及帮助研究生; 能够阅读理解英文专业文献,掌握基本细胞生物学,生物化学,分子生物学实验技能。 有在SCI期刊上发表第一作者论文的经历。 在开展部分独立实验的同时,协助实验室的日常运转。 工作积极、善于交流、学风严谨且具有高度责任心和团队精神。 3-5 Postdoc positions are available to study molecular and cellular mechanisms of carcinogenesis in the lab. Candidates should be experienced in molecular biology and be able to design and perform experiments independently and effectively, with appropriate support. Desired experimental skills include sub-cloning into plasmids, cell culture and transfection of mammalian cells, analysis of mRNA and protein expression, immunohistochemistry and fluorescence microscopy. Prior experience with translational or posttranslational modulation of gene expression would be advantageous. Salary will be according to skills and experience in the areas relevant to the project. Applications including CV, publication list, description and results of previous research activities and the names and contact details of at least two references should be sent to huying@hit.edu.cn 4. 技术员/实验室管理 (Technician/Lab manager)计划招收技术员/实验室管理1-2名, 要求: 优先考虑具有生物学背景的应聘者。 负责实验室日常管理工作和秩序的维持工作; 有一定的组织能力,工作严谨认真,条理清晰,积极主动,有责任心; 具有良好的团队合作精神,沟通和协调管理能力。 在开展部分独立实验的同时,协助实验室的日常运转。 Address 名称 Mail Address: Room 420, Building 2E Life Science And Technology College Harbin Institute of Technology 2 Yikuang Street, Nangang District 150080 Harbin, P. R. China
