姓名 | 柯华 |
教师编号 | 91023 |
性别 | 柯华 |
学校 | 哈尔滨工业大学 |
部门 | 材料科学与工程学院 |
学位 | 柯华 |
学历 | 柯华 |
职称 | 软件著作权666包写包过 |
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基本信息 科研培养 教学招生 论文专著 国内外合作 English 团队动态 ...en English 团队动态 新建主栏目 基本信息 名称 柯华,博士,教授/博导 哈尔滨工业大学材料学院教师 先后参与并主持国家自然科学基金重点与面上项目、国家科委重点与面上项目以及若干省部级项目和国际合作项目10余项。 与国内外知名研究机构中科院物理所、英国曼彻斯特大学、俄罗斯科学院约飞物理所具有合作关系。 工作经历 名称 时间 工作单位 任职 2006.02-至今 哈尔滨工业大学材料科学与工程学院 讲师、副教授、教授 2012.01-2013.01 英国曼彻斯特大学 访问学者合作教授:Philip Withers教授 2006.07-2010.06 哈尔滨工业大学物理学博士后流动站 博士后 教育经历 名称 2001.03-2006.02 哈尔滨工业大学 材料科学与工程学院 材料学 工学博士 1999.09-2001.07 哈尔滨工业大学 材料科学与工程学院 材料学 工学硕士 1994.09-1998.07 哈尔滨工业大学 材料科学与工程学院 金属材料及热处理 工学学士 主要任职 名称 科技部重点研发计划重点专项核心专家 工信部“新材料大数据创新联盟”常务理事单位代表 《现代技术陶瓷》编委 Journal of Advanced Ceramics期刊Associate Editorial Committee Materials期刊Topical Advisory Panel Current Chinese Science期刊Associate Editorial Committee 国家自然科学基金项目评审专家 教育部学位论文评审专家 内蒙古自治区自然科学基金项目评审专家 研究领域 名称 多铁性陶瓷材料制备及应用 铁电/压电陶瓷材料制备、器件搭建及应用 第一性原理计算、Monte-Carlo模拟、分子动力学模拟 团队成员 名称 课题组负责人 柯 华 教授/博导合作者 张洪军 副教授/硕导 张利伟 讲师/硕导 在读博士 研究方向 李方喆 多铁性织构陶瓷的制备及电学行为分析 曹 璐 多铁性材料有效哈密顿量的Monte-Carlo模拟 罗蕙佳代 多铁性材料的第一性原理计算 田晶鑫 层状多铁性织构陶瓷的微结构及本征缺陷 唐晓慧 层状多铁性织构陶瓷铁电极化调控及高温性能 Sohaib Ajmal (巴基斯坦) 稀土多铁性陶瓷的合成与制备 孙少杰 基于共格连续界面的磁电复合材料制备与性能 在读硕士 研究方向 王一欣 稀土高温压电材料的第一性原理计算 刘 斌 基于共格连续界面的磁电复合材料制备 李子昂 磁电复合材料的制备与表征 聂鹏程 铁电织构陶瓷的制备与表征 郭俊含 多铁性材料的湿化学合成与表征 杨志伟 多铁性材料的光-压电催化性能 已毕业学生 博士:徐加焕 张洪军 张利伟 硕士:王栋梁 王远斌 郑振兴 唐春柳 刘迎春 王猛 刘爽 应鹏展 周俊杰 罗蕙佳代 邢苗 吴春龙 张威威 本科生:龚伟明 陈林 潘鑫 谢立林 莫然 谢星驰 罗蕙佳代 李谢凝 尹智诚 袁诗然 李方喆 曹璐 田晶鑫 吴春龙 杜星颖 刘童 梁炜峰 王海娣 王禹泽 讲授课程 名称 本科生课程 量子力学基础 粉末冶金原理与工艺 研究生课程 先进功能陶瓷 纳米材料与纳米结构 招生信息 名称 课题组主要从事铁电/压电陶瓷、多铁陶瓷等电子功能材料的设计、开发与理论计算的研究,具体分为理论计算、性能表征分析、材料合成制备三个方面。 与国内外知名研究机构中科院物理所、英国曼彻斯特大学、俄罗斯科学院约飞物理技术研究所有密切的合作关系,博士生、硕士生和本科生根据个人意愿可赴国内外课题组进行联合培养、科研交流和学习。 报考本课题组学生基本要求: 博士生/硕士生: 招生名额:每年秋季学期/春季学期 博士研究生最多可招6名, 硕士研究生2-4名 对科学研究有浓厚的兴趣 有较好的数学和物理基础,具备一定的计算能力的学生优先录取 有进取心,性格开朗,富有创新精神和团队精神 优秀生源补贴:如能录取为学校工科基金博士生,课题组将额外补贴助研津贴1800元/月 本科生: 对科学研究有兴趣的本科同学可来课题组讨论、参观和学习交流。 诚挚地欢迎感兴趣的博士生、硕士生以及本科生加入研究团队,我们一起开创美好的未来! 主要发表论文 名称 ResearchGate主页 Huijiadai Luo; Lu Cao; Hua Ke(*); Guangtong Liu; Yu Zhou(*), Statistical singularity energy in ferroelectric phase transitions, Physical Review B, 2023, 108: L060101. Xiaohui Tang; Hongjun Zhang; Fangzhe Li; Dongliang Wang; Yong Huang; Hua Ke(*), High energy storage density under low electric fields in BiFeO3-based ceramics with max configurational entropy, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2023, 43: 6875. Jingxin Tian; Hongjun Zhang; Liwei Zhang; Dongliang Wang; Yong Huang; Elena Balashova; Boris Krichevtsov; Hua Ke(*), Effects of oxygen vacancies on electric properties of high valence ions Mo/Zr/Ti doped Bi0.85Nd0.15FeO3 ceramics with morphotropic phase boundary, Materials Today Communications, 2023, 35: 106277. Fangzhe Li; Hongjun Zhang(*); Huijiadai Luo; Miao Xing; Lu Cao; Chunlong Wu; Yongchun Zou; Dechang Jia(*); Yu Zhou; Yong Huang; Hua Ke(*), Dual-Channel Dielectric Tunability in Highly Textured BaTi0.99Fe0.01O3-δ Ceramics With Micro-Twin Boundary, Advanced Electronic Materials, 2023, 9: 2201243. Hongjun Zhang; Liwei Zhang; Huijiadai Luo; Lu Cao; Fangzhe Li; Dechang Jia; Hua Ke(*); Dong Li; Xiaoli Dong(*); Guangtong Liu; Yu Zhou, Dynamical electric and magnetic responses in the Bi0.85Nd0.15FeO3 ceramic with morphotropic phase boundary, Materials Today Physics, 2021, 21: 100559. Hua Ke(*); Liwei Zhang; Hongjun Zhang; Fangzhe Li; Huijiadai Luo; Lu Cao; Fuli Wang; Wen Wang(*); Dechang Jia; Yu Zhou, Electric/magnetic behaviors of Nd/Ti co-doped BiFeO3 ceramics with morphotropic phase boundary, Scripta Materialia, 2019, 164: 6-11. Liwei Zhang; Hua Ke(*); Hongjun Zhang; Fangzhe Li; Jinggeng Zhao; Huijiadai Luo; Lu Cao; Gang Zeng; Xiening Li; Wen Wang(*); Dechang Jia; Yu Zhou, Effects of morphotropic phase boundary on the electric behavior of Er/Ti co-doped BiFeO3 ceramics, Scripta Materialia, 2019, 158: 71-76. Hongjun Zhang; Hua Ke(*); Huijiadai Luo; Pengkang Guo; Bin Yang; Dechang Jia; Yu Zhou, Effects of spark plasma sintering on ferroelectricity of 0.8Bi3.15Nd0.85Ti3O12-0.2CoFe2O4 composite ceramic, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2018, 38(5): 2353-2359. Hongjun Zhang; Hua Ke(*); Gang Zeng; Dechang Jia; Yu Zhou(*), Two dielectric anomalies and impedances of the xCoFe2O4-(1-x)Bi3.15Nd0.85Ti3O12 (x= 0, 0.3, 0.5) ceramics with coherent interfaces, Scripta Materialia, 2017, 135: 80-83. Jiancun Rao(*); Yujin Wang; Wen Wang; Hua Ke; Yechen Li; Yang Zhao; Zhiliang Diao; Decahng Jia; Yu Zhou, Mechanism of superior luminescent and high-efficiency photocatalytic properties of Eu-doped calcium aluminate by low-cost self-propagating combustion synthesis technique, Scientific Reports, 2017, 7(1): 1-9. Hongjun Zhang; Hua Ke(*); Liwei Zhang; Wen Wang; Dechang Jia; Yu Zhou, Effect of magnetic CoFe2O4 component on sintering densification process of Bi3.15Nd0.85Ti3O12 ceramics, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2017, 37(5): 2115-2122. Hongjun Zhang; Hua Ke(*);Liwei Zhang; Wen Wang; Dechang Jia; Peng Miao; Yu Zhou, Ferroelectric properties of magnetoelectric CoFe2O4/Bi3.15Nd0.85Ti3O12 composite ceramics with coherent-lattice interfaces, Scripta Materialia, 2017, 127: 29-32. Hongjun Zhang; Hua Ke(*); Wen Wang; Dechang Jia; Yu Zhou(*), Crystallization behavior and multiferroic properties of Bi3.15Nd0.85Ti3O12/CoFe2O4 powders synthesized by sol-gel method, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2016, 99(7): 2334-2340. Hua Ke(*); Wen Wang; Yuanbin Wang; Hongjun Zhang; Dechang Jia; Yu Zhou; Xuekun Lu; Philip Withers, Dependence of dielectric behavior in BiFeO3 ceramics on intrinsic defects, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2012, 541: 94-98. Hua Ke*, Wen Wang, Yuanbin Wang, Jiahuan Xu, Dechang Jia, Zhe Lv, Yu Zhou, Factors controlling pure-phase multiferroic BiFeO3 powders synthesized by chemical co-precipitation, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2011, 509(5): 2192-2197. Hua Ke(*); Wen Wang; Zhenxing Zheng; Chunliu Tang; Dechang Jia; Zhe Lu; Yu Zhou, First-principles study of spontaneous polarization in SrBi2Ta2O9, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2010, 23(1): 015901. Jia-Huan Xu; Hua Ke; De-Chang Jia(*); Wen Wang; Yu Zhou, Microwave-dielectric and magnetic properties of Ta-doped BiFeO3 nanopowders, Philosophical Magazine Letters, 2009, 89(11): 701-710. Hua Ke(*); Wen Wang; Lin Chen; Jiahuan Xu; Dechang Jia; Zhe Lu; Yu Zhou, Crystallization process of lanthanum-substituted bismuth titanate synthesized by a facile sol-gel method, Journal of Sol-gel Science and Technology, 2010, 53(1): 135-140. De-Chang Jia(*); Jia-Huan Xu; Hua Ke; Wen Wang; Yu Zhou, Structure and multiferroic properties of BiFeO3 powders, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2009, 29(14): 3099-3103. Jia-Huan Xu; Hua Ke; De-Chang Jia(*); Wen Wang; Yu Zhou, Low-temperature synthesis of BiFeO3 nanopowders via a sol-gel method, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2009, 472(1-2): 473-477. Hua Ke(*); Yu Zhou; De-Chang Jia; Wen Wang; Xue-Qin Xu; Feng Ye, Crystallization and nanograin growth in SrBi2Ta2O9 synthesized by a novel sol-gel process, Journal of Sol-gel Science and Technology, 2005, 34(2): 131-136. 专著 名称 柯华,等《现代粉末冶金基础与技术》,哈工大出版社,37.8万字,2020入选“双一流”建设精品出版工程、“十三五”国家重点出版物出版规划项目、材料科学研究与工程技术系列图书 Hua Ke《Hybrid Perovskite Composite Materials: Design to Applications》,edited by Imran Khan et al., Elsevier Science Publishing Co. Inc.,Amsterdam,2020Chapter 9 "Compositional engineering of perovskite materials" 贾德昌, 宋桂明, 柯华, 王文, 段小明, 《无机非金属材料性能》, 科学出版社, 54.3万字, 2008 主要发明专利 名称 张洪军, 李方喆, 柯华, 罗蕙佳代, 曹璐, 唐晓慧. 一种测试小试样变电性能的辅助夹具, 2023.1, CN202010420648.X 张洪军, 唐晓慧, 柯华, 曹璐, 罗蕙佳代, 田晶鑫, 吴春龙. 一种具有核壳结构的高储能密度陶瓷块体及其制备方法, 2022.3, CN202010421698.X 柯华, 田晶鑫, 罗蕙佳代, 曹璐, 唐晓慧, 邢苗, 张洪军. 一种高纯高致密的A/B位多离子共掺杂铁酸铋基陶瓷及其制备方法, 2022.2, CN202010421696.0 张洪军, 吴春龙, 柯华, 李方喆, 田晶鑫, 唐晓慧, 罗蕙佳代, 曹璐. 一种层状结构的铁掺杂钛酸钡基磁电陶瓷的制备方法, 2021.9, CN201911003631.8 柯华, 罗蕙佳代, 张洪军, 张利伟, 李方喆, 周俊杰, 曹璐, 应鹏展, 刘爽, 李谢凝. 一种单相NBT基反铁电陶瓷及其制备方法, 2020.4, ZL201710074301.2 柯华, 李方喆, 张洪军, 罗蕙佳代, 周俊杰, 曹璐, 应鹏展, 张利伟, 刘爽, 李谢凝. 一种镶嵌结构的多铁性复相陶瓷的制备方法, 2019.5, ZL201710074964.4 柯华,张利伟,张洪军,王猛,罗蕙佳代,应鹏展. 一种高致密化多铁性(1-y)BiFeO3-yBi1-xRxFeO3复合陶瓷的制备方法, 2018.3, ZL201511029341.2 柯华,王猛,张洪军,张利伟,应鹏展,谢星驰,罗蕙佳代. 一种利用溶胶凝胶法制备SrMnO3陶瓷粉体的方法, 2017.10, ZL201510560733.5 柯华, 张洪军, 张利伟, 王猛, 应鹏展, 谢星驰, 罗蕙佳代. 一种高致密度Bi4-xNdxTi3O12铁电陶瓷的制备方法, 2016.5, ZL201510032959.8 柯华, 张洪军, 张利伟, 莫然. 一种包覆结构的磁电复相陶瓷的制备方法, 2014.12, ZL201310572199.0 柯华, 徐加焕, 贾德昌, 王文, 周玉. 一种(100)择优取向铁酸铋薄膜的制备方法, 2010.8, ZL200710144718.8 奖励 名称 徐加焕, *柯华, 贾德昌, 王文, 周玉, Low-Temperature Synthesis of BiFeO3 Nanopowders Via a Sol-Gel Method, 黑龙江省自然科学技术学术成果奖评审委员会, 2011黑龙江省自然科学技术学术成果, 三等奖, 2011 合作交流 名称 哈工大“暑期高水平专家共建课程”《低维功能材料实验技术及理论》合作机构:中国科学院物理研究所合作课题组:刘广同研究员(高迁移率二维系统中量子霍尔效应研究、低维体系的量子调控与量子输运性质研究) 哈工大“世界顶尖大学战略合作计划”先进材料三维成像技术合作开发项目合作机构:英国曼彻斯特大学合作课题组:Philip Withers教授(英国皇家科学院和工程院两院院士、英国女王奖得主) 教育部国际合作交流司“国际产学研用合作框架协议”合作机构:俄罗斯科学院约飞物理技术研究所外籍合作导师:Elena Balashova研究员(主任研究员) 中国钢研科技集团“悬赏征算项目”合作机构:中国钢研数字化研发中心 Work Experience 名称 2024.01-present Harbin Institute of Technology, Professor of Materials Science and Engineering 2013.01-2023.12 Harbin Institute of Technology, Associate Professor of Materials Science and Engineering 2011.12-2012.12 University of Manchester, Visiting Scholar, Materials Science and Engineering 2010.12-2011.11 Harbin Institute of Technology, Associate Professor of Materials Science and Engineering2006.02-2010.11 Harbin Institute of Technology, Lecturer of Materials Science and Engineering2006.07-2010.06 Harbin Institute of Technology, Postdoctoral Scholarship of Physics Education 名称 2001.03-2006.02 PhD. In Materials Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology1999.09-2001.07 M.S in Materials Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology1994.09-1998.07 B.E. in Metal Materials and Processes, Harbin Institute of Technology Introduction 名称 Dr. Hua Ke is a Professor at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering in Harbin Institute of Technology. His research interests are engaged to the design, development and theoretical calculations of electronic functional materials (ferroelectrics/piezoelectrics and multiferroics). He has more than 60 research papers in reputable international journals and 15 patents. He is the peer reviewer of more than 10 journals (J. Am. Ceram. Soc, J. Alloy. Compd, Appl. Surf. Sci., et al) and has been listed in Associate Editorial Committee of Journal of Advanced Ceramics in 2019. Research Interests 名称 Multiferroics Ferroelectrics/piezoelectrics First-principles calculations Monte-Carlo simulation Molecular dynamics simulation Sol-gel synthesis method Book 名称 Introduction of Modern Powder MetallurgyHua Ke, et al. (Harbin Institute of Technology Press 2020) Hybrid Perovskite Composite Materials: Design to ApplicationsChapter 9 "Compositional engineering of perovskite materials"Hua Ke (Elsevier 2020) Properties of Inorganic Nonmetallic MaterialsDechang Jia, Guiming Song, Hua Ke, Wen Wang and Xiaoming Duan (Science Press 2008) Selected Publications 名称 Link ResearchGate Huijiadai Luo; Lu Cao; Hua Ke(*); Guangtong Liu; Yu Zhou(*), Statistical singularity energy in ferroelectric phase transitions, Physical Review B, 2023, 108: L060101. Xiaohui Tang; Hongjun Zhang; Fangzhe Li; Dongliang Wang; Yong Huang; Hua Ke(*), High energy storage density under low electric fields in BiFeO3-based ceramics with max configurational entropy, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2023, 43: 6875. Jingxin Tian; Hongjun Zhang; Liwei Zhang; Dongliang Wang; Yong Huang; Elena Balashova; Boris Krichevtsov; Hua Ke(*), Effects of oxygen vacancies on electric properties of high valence ions Mo/Zr/Ti doped Bi0.85Nd0.15FeO3 ceramics with morphotropic phase boundary, Materials Today Communications, 2023, 35: 106277. Fangzhe Li; Hongjun Zhang(*); Huijiadai Luo; Miao Xing; Lu Cao; Chunlong Wu; Yongchun Zou; Dechang Jia(*); Yu Zhou; Yong Huang; Hua Ke(*), Dual-Channel Dielectric Tunability in Highly Textured BaTi0.99Fe0.01O3-δ Ceramics With Micro-Twin Boundary, Advanced Electronic Materials, 2023, 9: 2201243. Hongjun Zhang; Liwei Zhang; Huijiadai Luo; Lu Cao; Fangzhe Li; Dechang Jia; Hua Ke(*); Dong Li; Xiaoli Dong(*); Guangtong Liu; Yu Zhou, Dynamical electric and magnetic responses in the Bi0.85Nd0.15FeO3 ceramic with morphotropic phase boundary, Materials Today Physics, 2021, 21: 100559. Hua Ke(*); Liwei Zhang; Hongjun Zhang; Fangzhe Li; Huijiadai Luo; Lu Cao; Fuli Wang; Wen Wang(*); Dechang Jia; Yu Zhou, Electric/magnetic behaviors of Nd/Ti co-doped BiFeO3 ceramics with morphotropic phase boundary, Scripta Materialia, 2019, 164: 6-11. Liwei Zhang; Hua Ke(*); Hongjun Zhang; Fangzhe Li; Jinggeng Zhao; Huijiadai Luo; Lu Cao; Gang Zeng; Xiening Li; Wen Wang(*); Dechang Jia; Yu Zhou, Effects of morphotropic phase boundary on the electric behavior of Er/Ti co-doped BiFeO3 ceramics, Scripta Materialia, 2019, 158: 71-76. Hongjun Zhang; Hua Ke(*); Huijiadai Luo; Pengkang Guo; Bin Yang; Dechang Jia; Yu Zhou, Effects of spark plasma sintering on ferroelectricity of 0.8Bi3.15Nd0.85Ti3O12-0.2CoFe2O4 composite ceramic, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2018, 38(5): 2353-2359. Hongjun Zhang; Hua Ke(*); Gang Zeng; Dechang Jia; Yu Zhou(*), Two dielectric anomalies and impedances of the xCoFe2O4-(1-x)Bi3.15Nd0.85Ti3O12 (x= 0, 0.3, 0.5) ceramics with coherent interfaces, Scripta Materialia, 2017, 135: 80-83. Jiancun Rao(*); Yujin Wang; Wen Wang; Hua Ke; Yechen Li; Yang Zhao; Zhiliang Diao; Decahng Jia; Yu Zhou, Mechanism of superior luminescent and high-efficiency photocatalytic properties of Eu-doped calcium aluminate by low-cost self-propagating combustion synthesis technique, Scientific Reports, 2017, 7(1): 1-9. Hongjun Zhang; Hua Ke(*); Liwei Zhang; Wen Wang; Dechang Jia; Yu Zhou, Effect of magnetic CoFe2O4 component on sintering densification process of Bi3.15Nd0.85Ti3O12 ceramics, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2017, 37(5): 2115-2122. Hongjun Zhang; Hua Ke(*);Liwei Zhang; Wen Wang; Dechang Jia; Peng Miao; Yu Zhou, Ferroelectric properties of magnetoelectric CoFe2O4/Bi3.15Nd0.85Ti3O12 composite ceramics with coherent-lattice interfaces, Scripta Materialia, 2017, 127: 29-32. Hongjun Zhang; Hua Ke(*); Wen Wang; Dechang Jia; Yu Zhou(*), Crystallization behavior and multiferroic properties of Bi3.15Nd0.85Ti3O12/CoFe2O4 powders synthesized by sol-gel method, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2016, 99(7): 2334-2340. Hua Ke(*); Wen Wang; Yuanbin Wang; Hongjun Zhang; Dechang Jia; Yu Zhou; Xuekun Lu; Philip Withers, Dependence of dielectric behavior in BiFeO3 ceramics on intrinsic defects, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2012, 541: 94-98. Hua Ke*, Wen Wang, Yuanbin Wang, Jiahuan Xu, Dechang Jia, Zhe Lv, Yu Zhou, Factors controlling pure-phase multiferroic BiFeO3 powders synthesized by chemical co-precipitation, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2011, 509(5): 2192-2197. Hua Ke(*); Wen Wang; Zhenxing Zheng; Chunliu Tang; Dechang Jia; Zhe Lu; Yu Zhou, First-principles study of spontaneous polarization in SrBi2Ta2O9, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2010, 23(1): 015901. Jia-Huan Xu; Hua Ke; De-Chang Jia(*); Wen Wang; Yu Zhou, Microwave-dielectric and magnetic properties of Ta-doped BiFeO3 nanopowders, Philosophical Magazine Letters, 2009, 89(11): 701-710. Hua Ke(*); Wen Wang; Lin Chen; Jiahuan Xu; Dechang Jia; Zhe Lu; Yu Zhou, Crystallization process of lanthanum-substituted bismuth titanate synthesized by a facile sol-gel method, Journal of Sol-gel Science and Technology, 2010, 53(1): 135-140. 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