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姓名 李炳熙
教师编号 89469
性别 李炳熙
学校 哈尔滨工业大学
部门 能源科学与工程学院
学位 李炳熙
学历 李炳熙
职称 教授
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基本信息 科学研究 论文专著 实验室成员 教育教学 我的新闻 ... 我的新闻 新建主栏目 基本信息 名称 李炳熙,男,1962年生,中共党员。哈尔滨工业大学,能源科学与工程学院,教授/博导。 1997年获得北海道大学工学博士。曾任能源科学与工程学院副院长,现任能源与环境工程研究所所长,主要从事能源有效利用、高效换热元件强化换热,生物质能利用等方面研究。主持国际科技合作专项、国家自然科学基金、国家大科学工程子课题等项目。出版著作1本,发表和录用SCI论文100余篇。 工作经历 名称 时间 工作经历 1987.07——1989.11 哈尔滨工业大学动力系,助教 1989.12——1992.11 哈尔滨工业大学动力系,讲师 1992.12——1997.11 日本北海道大学工学部,文部教官助手 1997.12——2000.10 哈尔滨工业大学能源科学与工程学院,副教授 2000.11——2001.05 日本北海道大学工学部(合作研究),访问教授 2000.07——现在 哈尔滨工业大学能源科学与工程学院,教授 2004.05——现在 哈尔滨工业大学,博士生导师 教育经历 名称 1987年7月,哈尔滨工业大学,动力系,工学硕士 1997年6月,日本北海道大学,机械学科,工学博士 荣誉称号 名称 黑龙江省自然科学二等奖,中低温热能高效利用机制(排序1) 主要任职 名称 曾任能源科学与工程学院副院长 现任能源与环境工程研究所所长 研究领域 名称 能源的有效利用:热泵技术,冷蓄水技术,热、冷、电联产等 高效换热元件强化换热 生物质能利用 科研项目 名称 企业项目,MH20210374,废水直进型溴化锂吸收式热泵机组关键技术研究,2021/05 ~ 2024/05,40万元,在研,主持 国家自然科学基金面上项目,51776049,土壤冻融过程水热迁移特性及机理研究,2018/01 ~ 2021/12,72.4万元,在研,主持 企业项目,MH20170379,300MW太阳能热电联产系统及与其它辅助供暖设施的组合优化设计及运维经济性分析,2017/07 ~ 2020/07,30万元,已结题,主持 企业项目,MH20160806,固体电蓄热机组系列产品技术服务,2016/12 ~ 2019/12,30万元,已结题,主持 国家自然科学基金面上项目,51476042,外胀式螺旋波纹管螺旋-脱涡耦合流动下强化换热机理研究,2015/01 ~ 2018/12,83万元,已结题,主持 国际科技合作项目,2009DFR60120,高性能核电系统强化换热技术与高效换热器研究,2009/07 ~ 2013/06,491万元,已结题,主持 哈尔滨市科技计划项目,JJ20090014,强化换热技术与高效换热器研究,2009/01 ~ 2011/12,60万元,已结题,主持 出版物 出版物名称 Biomass Gasification: Fundamentals, Experiments, and Simulation. 作者 Yaning Zhang, Bingxi Li. Editors. 出版时间 2019完成,2020出版 出版社 Nova Science Publishers 简单介绍 出版物名称 Book Chapter: Exergy of Sawdust. 作者 Yaning Zhang, Bingxi Li, Haochun Zhang, Hongtao Li, Yijun Zhao, Baocheng Jiang. 出版时间 2017. 出版社 Nova Science Publishers 简单介绍 Chapter 1 of Sawdust: Properties, Potential Uses and Hazards, Nova Science Publishers, 2017, 1-61. ISBN: 978-1-53612-485-9. https://www.novapublishers.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=62986 出版物名称 Book Chapter: Temperature Distribution and Water Migration in Unsaturated Soil. 作者 Bingxi Li, Yiran Hu, Fei Xu, Yaning Zhang, Shuang Liang, Wenyu Song, Zhongbin Fu 出版时间 2019 出版社 Nova Science Publishers 简单介绍 Chapter 3 of Unsaturated Soils: Behavior, Mechanics and Conditions. Available at: https://novapublishers.com/shop/unsaturated-soils-behavior-mechanics-and-conditions/ 近期主要论文 名称 [66] Wenke Zhao, Yaning Zhang*, Lei Li, Wentao Su, Guiyang Ma, Bingxi Li*. Thermal characteristics of porous concrete in a hydronic road heating system. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2021, 182: 116074. [65] Wenke Zhao, Lujie Wang, Yaning Zhang*, Xiaoya Cao, Wei Wang, Yi Liu, Bingxi Li. Snow melting on a road unit as affected by thermal fluids in different embedded pipes. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 2021, 46: 101221 [64] Wenke Zhao, Xin Chen, Yaning Zhang*, Wentao Su, Fei Xu, Bingxi Li*. Deicing performances of a road unit driven by a hydronic heating system in severely cold regions of China. Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 2021, 81: 838-850. [63] Fei Xu, Shuang Liang, Yaning Zhang*, Bingxi Li*, Yiran Hu. Numerical study of water-air distribution in unsaturated soil by using lattice Boltzmann method. Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 2021, 81: 573-587. [62] Wei Wang, Yongji Li, Yaning Zhang, Bingxi Li, Bengt Sunden, Numerical study of laminar flow and heat transfer in an interrupted microchannel heat sink with different shaped ribs, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2020, 140: 1259-1266. [61] Wei Wang, Kang Fu, Yaning Zhang, Yufei Tan, Bingxi Li, Bengt Sunden, Entropy study on the enhanced heat transfer mechanism of the coupling of detached and spiral vortex fields in spirally roughened tubes, Heat Transfer Engineering, 2020, 42(17): 1417-1431 [60] Yalin Cui, Wei Wang, Bingxi Li, Donghao Zuo, Numerical study on the thermal-hydraulic performance of a circular-arc-wavy helically coiled heat exchanger developed based on chaotic advection. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2020, 159: 120084. [59] Yalin Cui, Yaning Zhang, Wei Wang, Bingxi Li, Bengt Sunden, Unified Formula for the Field Synergy Principle, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals, 2020, 77: 287-298. [58] Yaning Zhang, Yunlei Cui, Shiyu Liu, Liangliang Fan, Nan Zhou, Peng Peng, Yunpu Wang, Feiqiang Guo, Min Min, Yanling Cheng, Yuhuan Liu, Hanwu Lei, Paul Chen, Bingxi Li, Roger Ruan*. Fast microwave-assisted pyrolysis of wastes for biofuels production - A review. Bioresource Technology, 2020, 297, 122480. [57] Yaning Zhang*, Cunfeng Ke, Wenming Fu, Yunlei Cui, Mirza Abdullah Rehan, Bingxi Li*. Simulation of microwave-assisted gasification of biomass: a review. Renewable Energy, 2020, 154: 488-496. [56] Yunlei Cui, Wenming Fu, Yaning Zhang*, Xiaoya Cao, Pingfei Xu, Mirza Abdullah Rehan, Bingxi Li. Experimental fluidization performances of silicon carbide in a fluidized bed. Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification, 2020, 154, 108016. [55] Rongchun Zhang, Yunlei Cui, Yaning Zhang*, Wenming Fu, Mirza Abdullah Rehan, Bingxi Li. Intensification of the fluidization performances of polypropylene by using microwave absorbent. Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification, 2020, 154, 108017. [54] Wenke Zhao, Yaning Zhang*, Lei Li, Wentao Su, Bingxi Li*, Zhongbin Fu. Snow melting on the road surface driven by a geothermal system in the severely cold region of China. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 2020, 40: 100781. [53] Wenke Zhao, Wentao Su, Lei Li, Yaning Zhang*, Bingxi Li. Optimization design of the road unit in a hydronic snow melting system with porous snow. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2020, 141 (5): 1509-1517. [52] Wenke Zhao, Lei Li, Wei Wang, Yaning Zhang*, Wentao Su, Xin Chen, Bingxi Li*. Thermal performances of porous snow by a hydronic heating system at different weather conditions. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2020, 141 (5): 1519-1528. [51] Wenke Zhao, Lei Li, Wei Wang, Yaning Zhang, Wentao Su, Xin Chen, Bingxi Li, Heating performance enhancement for a road unit by using sectorial-finned pipe, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2020, 141: 187-198. [50] Wenke Zhao, Xin Chen, Yaning Zhang*, Wentao Su, Bingxi Li*. Numerical study on thermal performances of bare, circular and rectangular finned pipes for road heating. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2020, 140: 1147-1157. [49] Wei Wang, Yongji Li, Yaning Zhang, Bingxi Li*, Bengt Sundén*. Analysis of laminar flow and heat transfer in an interrupted microchannel heat sink with different shaped ribs. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2020, 140: 1259-1266. [48] Yiran Hu, Donghao Zuo, Yaning Zhang*, Fei Xu, Bingxi Li*, Shuang Liang. Thermal performances of saturated porous soil during freezing process using lattice Boltzmann method. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2020, 141 (5), 1529-1541. [47] Yaning Zhang*, Liqing Li, Pingfei Xu, Bingxu Liu, Yong Shuai*, Bingxi Li*. Hydrogen production through biomass gasification in supercritical water: A review from exergy aspect. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2019, 44 (30): 15727-15736. [46] Fei Xu, Yaning Zhang*, Shuang Liang, Bingxi Li*, Yiran Hu, Model development for infiltration of unfrozen water in saturated frozen soil using lattice Boltzmann method. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 141: 748-756. [45] Yaning Zhang*, Cunfeng Ke, Yanan Gao, Shiyu Liu, Yaoyu Pan, Nan Zhou, Yunpu Wang, Liangliang Fan, Peng Peng, Bingxi Li*, Roger Ruan*. Syngas production from microwave-assisted air gasification of biomass: Part 2 model validation. Renewable Energy, 2019, 140: 625-632. [44] Cunfeng Ke, Yaning Zhang*, Yanan Gao, Yaoyu Pan, Bingxi Li*, Yunpu Wang, Roger Ruan*. Syngas production from microwave-assisted air gasification of biomass: Part 1 model development. Renewable Energy, 2019, 140: 772-778. [43] Yaning Zhang*, Pingfei Xu, Shuang Liang, Bingxu Liu, Yong Shuai*, Bingxi Li*. Exergy analysis of hydrogen production from steam gasification of biomass: A review. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2019, 44 (28): 14290-14302. [42] Fei Xu, Wenyu Song, Yaning Zhang*, Bingxi Li*, Yiran Hu, Yongsong Kim, Zhongbin Fu. Water content variations during unsaturated feet-scale soil freezing and thawing. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 2019, 162: 96-103. [41] Wei Wang, Yaning Zhang, Kwan-Soo Lee, Bingxi Li*. Optimal design of a double pipe heat exchanger based on the outward helically corrugated tube. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 135: 706-716. [40] Xiaoyan Gao, Fei Xu, Fubing Bao, Chengxu Tu, Yaning Zhang*, Yingying Wang, Yang Yang, Bingxi Li*. Simulation and optimization of rice husk gasification using intrinsic reaction rate based CFD model. Renewable Energy, 2019, 139: 611-620. [39] Huaizhi Han, Ruitian Yu, Bingxi Li*, Yaning Zhang, Wei Wang, Xin Chen. Multi-objective optimization of corrugated tube with loose-fit twisted tape using RSM and NSGA-II. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 131: 781-794. [38] Wei Wang, Yaning Zhang, Jian Liu, Bingxi Li*, Bengt Sundén*. Numerical investigation of entropy generation of turbulent flow in a novel outward corrugated tube. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018, 126: 836-84. [37] Wei Wang, Yaning Zhang, Jian Liu, Zan Wu, Bingxi Li*, Bengt Sundén*. Entropy generation analysis of fully-developed turbulent heat transfer flow in inward helically corrugated tubes. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, 2018, 73 (11): 788-805. [36] Wei Wang, Yaning Zhang, Yongji Li, Huaizhi Han, Bingxi Li*. Multi-objective optimization of turbulent heat transfer flow in novel outward helically corrugated tubes. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018, 138: 795-806. [35] Yaning Zhang, Liangliang Fan, Shiyu Liu, Nan Zhou, Kuan Ding, Peng Peng, Erik Anderson, Min Addy, Yanling Cheng, Yuhuan Liu, Bingxi Li, John Snyder, Paul Chen, Roger Ruan. Microwave-assisted co-pyrolysis of brown coal and corn stover for oil production. Bioresource Technology, 2018, 259: 461-464. [34] Xiaoyan Gao, Yaning Zhang, Fubing Bao, Bingxi Li, Yijun Zhao, Cunfeng Ke, Baocheng Jiang. CFD modeling of sawdust gasification in a lab-scale entrained flow reactor based on char intrinsic kinetics. Part 1: Model development. Chemical Engineering and Processing, 2018, 125: 280-289. [33] Yaning Zhang, Xiaoyan Gao, Fubing Bao, Bingxi Li, Yijun Zhao, Cunfeng Ke, Baocheng Jiang. CFD modeling of sawdust gasification in a lab-scale entrained flow reactor based on char intrinsic kinetics. Part 2: Parameter study and multi-objective optimization. Chemical Engineering and Processing, 2018, 125: 290-297. [32] Yaning Zhang, Shiyu Liu, Liangliang Fan, Nan Zhou, Muhammad Mubashar Omar, Peng Peng, Erik Anderson, Min Addy, Yanling Cheng, Yuhuan Liu, Bingxi Li, John Snyder, Paul Chen, Roger Ruan. Oil production from microwave-assisted pyrolysis of a low rank American brown coal. Energy Conversion and Management, 2018, 159: 76-84. [31] Fei Xu, Yaning Zhang, Guangri Jin, Bingxi Li, Yong-Song Kim, Gongnan Xie, Zhongbin Fu. Three phase heat and mass transfer model for unsaturated soil freezing process: Part 1 - model development. Open Physics, 2018, 16: 75-83. [30] Yaning Zhang, Fei Xu, Bingxi Li, Yong-Song Kim, Wenke Zhao, Gongnan Xie, Zhongbin Fu. Three phase heat and mass transfer model for unsaturated soil freezing process: Part 2 - model validation. Open Physics, 2018, 16: 84-92. [29] Yaning Zhang, Xiaoyan Gao, Bingxi Li, Hongtao Li, Wenke Zhao. Assessing the potential environmental impact of woody biomass using quantitative universal exergy. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, 176: 693-703. [28] Wei Wang, Yaning Zhang, Yongji Li, Huaizhi Han, Bingxi Li. Numerical study on fully-developed turbulent flow and heat transfer in inward corrugated tubes with double-objective optimization. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018, 120: 782-792. [27] Yaning Zhang, Qian Wang, Bingxi Li, Hongtao Li, Wenke Zhao. Is there a general relationship between the exergy and HHV for rice residues? Renewable energy, 2018, 117: 37-45. [26] Zhi Xu, Yaning Zhang, Bingxi Li, Chi-Chuan Wang, Qin Ma. Heat performances of a thermosyphon as affected by evaporator wettability and filling ratio. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018, 129: 665-673. [25] Wei Wang, Yaning Zhang, Bingxi Li, Yongji Li. Numerical investigation of tube-side fully developed turbulent flow and heat transfer in outward corrugated tubes. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018, 116: 115-126. [24] Zhi Xu, Yaning Zhang, Bingxi Li, Chi-Chuan Wang, Yongji Li. The influences of the inclination angle and evaporator wettability on the heat performance of a thermosyphon by simulation and experiment. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018, 116: 675-684. [23] Yaning Zhang, Xinmeng Fan, Bingxi Li, Hongtao Li. Assessing the potential environmental impact of fuel using exergy-cases of wheat straw and coal. International Journal of Exergy, 2017, 23 (1): 85-100. [22] Xing Huang, Jiarong Hong, Yaning Zhang, Yong Shuai, Yuan Yuan, Bingxi Li, Heping Tan. Exergy distribution characteristics of solar-thermal dissociation of NiFe2O4 in a solar reactor. Energy, 2017, 123: 131-138. [21] Yaning Zhang, Paul Chen, Shiyu Liu, Peng Peng, Min Min, Yanling Cheng, Erik Anderson, Nan Zhou, Liangliang Fan, Chenghui Liu, Guo Chen, Yuhuan Liu, Hanwu Lei, Bingxi Li, Roger Ruan. Effects of feedstock characteristics on microwave-assisted pyrolysis-a review. Bioresource Technology, 2017, 230: 143-151. [20] Wenyu Song, Yaning Zhang, Bingxi Li, Fei Xu, Zhongbin Fu. Macroscopic lattice Boltzmann model for heat and moisture transfer process with phase transformation in unsaturated porous media during freezing process. Open Physics, 2017, 15: 379-393. [19] Wei Wang, Yaning Zhang, Bingxi Li, Huaizhi Han, Xiaoyan Gao. Influence of geometrical parameters on turbulent flow and heat transfer characteristics in outward helically corrugated tubes. Energy Conversion and Management, 2017, 136: 294-306. [18] Yaning Zhang, Qin Ma, Bingxi Li, Xinmeng Fan, Zhongbin Fu. Application of an air source heat pump (ASHP) for heating in Harbin, the coldest provincial capital of China. Energy and Buildings, 2017, 138: 96-103.[17] Xiaoyan Gao, Yaning Zhang, Bingxi Li, Xiangyu Yu. Model development for biomass gasification in an entrained flow gasifier using intrinsic reaction rate submodel. Energy Conversion and Management, 2016, 108: 120-131. [16] Gao X, Zhang Y, Li B, et al. Determination of the intrinsic reactivities for carbon dioxide gasification of rice husk chars through using random pore model [J]. Bioresource Technology, 2016, 218: 1073–1081. [15] Xu Z, Zhang Y, Li B, et al. Modeling the phase change process for a two-phase closed thermosyphon by considering transient mass transfer time relaxation parameter [J]. International Journal of Heat & Mass Transfer, 2016, 101: 614-619. [14] Zhang Y, Zhao W, Li B, Zhang H, Jiang B, Ke C. Two equations for estimating the exergy of woody biomass based on the exergy of ash [J]. Energy, 2016, 106: 400-407. [13] Song W, Zhang Y, Li B, et al. A lattice Boltzmann model for heat and mass transfer phenomena with phase transformations in unsaturated soil during freezing process [J]. International Journal of Heat & Mass Transfer, 2016, 94: 29-38. [12] Feng Y, Hung T, Greg K, Zhang Y, Li B, Yang J. Thermoeconomic comparison between pure and mixture working fluids of organic Rankine cycles (ORCs) for low temperature waste heat recovery [J]. Energy Conversion & Management, 2015, 106: 859-872. [11] Feng Y, Zhang Y, Li B, Yang J, Shi Y. Comparison between regenerative organic Rankine cycle (RORC) and basic organic Rankine cycle (BORC) based on thermoeconomic multi-objective optimization considering exergy efficiency and levelized energy cost ( LEC ) [J]. Energy Conversion & Management, 2015, 96: 58-71. [10] Han H Z, Li B X, Wu H, Shao W. Multi-objective shape optimization of double pipe heat exchanger with inner corrugated tube using RSM method [J]. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2015, 90: 173-186. [9] Feng Y, Zhang Y, Li B, Yang J, Shi Y. Sensitivity analysis and thermoeconomic comparison of ORCs (organicRankine cycles) for low temperature waste heat recovery [J]. Energy, 2015, 82: 664–677. [8] Feng Y, Hung T C, Zhang Y, Li B, Yang J, Shi Y. 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