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姓名 吴杰
教师编号 73882
性别 发明专利4999代写全部资料
学校 浙江工业大学
部门 经济学院
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个人资料 单位: 经济学院 单位: 经济学院 职务: 国贸系主任 研究方向: 贸易自由化、全球价值链、数字经济 {"data":[{"fieldValue":"贸易自由化、全球价值链、数字经济"}]} 联系电话: 电子邮箱: wujie91@zjut.edu.cn 办公地址: 屏峰校区博A105,个人资料 单位: 经济学院 单位: 经济学院 职务: 国贸系主任 研究方向: 贸易自由化、全球价值链、数字经济 {"data":[{"fieldValue":"贸易自由化、全球价值链、数字经济"}]} 联系电话: 电子邮箱: wujie91@zjut.edu.cn 办公地址: 屏峰校区博A105,个人简介 吴杰,浙江工业大学经济学院,副教授,硕士生导师,毕业于韩国忠南国立大学,国际贸易学博士,浙江大学博士后。研究方向包括贸易自由化、全球价值链、数字经济等。在World Economy, Journal of World Trade,Emerging Markets Finance and Trade,Asian-Pacific Economic Literature等国内外知名SSCI期刊发表学术论文近20篇。主持国家社科后期、教育部课题、省社科、软科学、博士后面上项目等课题8项。团队公众号:国贸SharingMeeting 教学与课程 研究生课程:《应用经济学研究方法》、《一带一路发展》本科生课程:《计量经济学》、《回归分析与Stata应用》 、《贸易大数据分析与软件应用》   育人成果 2023 年指导学生课题获得“大学生创新创业训练计划”国家级立项2021年10月指导学生参加第七届浙江省大学生经济管理案例竞赛获省三等奖2021年指导学生课题获得“大学生创新创业训练计划”国家级立项 科研项目 1. 主持国家社科后期项目“数字贸易规则、数字化转型与提升全球价值链分工位势研究(23FJLB016)”, 2023/09-2025/12,在研  2. 主持教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目“数字经济产业链“链主企业”的培育机制、溢出效应与路径优化研究(23YJA790082)”, 2023/09-2026/08,在研 3. 主持教育部人文社会科学青年基金项目“全球价值链下贸易壁垒累积效应的形成、测度及中国应对策略研究(20YJC790147)”, 2019/09-2022/09,结题4. 主持2022年度省软科学研究计划一般项目“数字化转型提升浙江制造企业创新绩效的动力机制与实现路径研究(2021C35G2020236)”2022.01~2023.12,在研5.  主持浙江省社科规划项目“突发自然灾害引发的流动性风险跨市场传染及对策研究(21YJRC07-2YB)”,2020.11-2023.11,在研6. 主持中国博士后科学基金面上项目“数字化转型驱动我国制造企业创新绩效提升的机制、效应及政策研究(2021M702821)”,2022.01~2023.12,在研7. 主持浙江省商务厅对策类课题项目《新冠肺炎疫情下全球价值链重构与浙江应对策略研究(2020ZSY03)》2020.06-2020.12,结题,优秀成果奖8.  主持浙江省社会科学界联合会研究课题《Corporate sector restructuring, Productivity growth and the Role of Foreign-owned enterprises in China (2019STZX28N)》, 2019/1-2019/6, 已结题9.  参与国家社科基金面上项目,《逆全球化背景下贸易成本对我国出口产品质量的影响机理与提升策略研究 (19BJL115)》, 2020/01-2023.12, 在研10. 参与国家自然科学基金青年项目,《考虑全球价值链攀升的中国低碳创新扩散机制及应对策略研究 (71803068)》,2019/01-2021/12,结题11. 参与国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目《内生创新与全球价值链攀升:中韩制造业比较研究 (71911540483)》,2019/07-2021/06,结题12.参与韩国国家研究基金委项目《An Empirical Study on the Effects of Chinese TBT on the Korea-China Trade (2017S1A5A2A03068293)》,2017/11-2018/11,结题。 科研成果   Jie Wu, Zechu Luo, Jacob Wood (2023), How do digital trade rules affect global value chain trade in services?—Analysis of preferential trade agreements, The World Economy, publishing (SSCI) First AuthorJie Wu, Jacob Wood, Zechu Luo, Shenglan Chen (2022), How does the WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism Work for WTO members? A Comparative Analysis of Developed and Developing Countries, The Singapore Economic Review, publishing (SSCI) First AuthorJie Wu, Jacob Wood, Keunyeob Oh, Yilin Li, Md Iqbal Bhuyan (2022), Impact of TBT and SPS Measures on Domestic Value-added Exports: Evidence from the United States, Asian-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics,DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/16081625.2022.2077779, (SSCI) First Author  Jie Wu, Chan-Guk Huh, Jacob Wood (2021), Globally Chained Economies, Unwitting Victims of the US-China Trade War, Asian-Pacific Economic Literature,35(2): 60-76, (SSCI) First Author Jie Wu, Jacob Wood, Kenyeob Oh, Haejin Jang (2021), Evaluating the Cumulative Impact of the US–China Trade War along Global Value Chains, The World Economy, 44(12): 3516-3533, (SSCI) First Author.Jie Wu, Jacob Wood, Xianhai Huang(2021), How does GVC Reconstruction Affect Economic Growth and Employment? Analysis of USA-China Decoupling, Asian-Pacific Economic Literature,35(1):67-81,(SSCI) First AuthorJacob Wood, Yilin Li, Jie Wu (2021),“An Analysis of the Trends and Determinants of Intra-Industry Trade Between China and Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Member Countries” The Singapore Economic Review, 66(03):743-766,(SSCI) Corresponding author. Jacob Wood & Jie Wu (2020),“The Sustainability of the WTO Dispute Settlement System: Does it work for Developing Countries?”, Journal of World Trade, 54(4): 531–566. (SSCI) Corresponding author. Jacob Wood, Jie Wu, Keunyeob Oh, Do technical barriers to trade restrict exports? Evidence from South Korea, Korea and the World Economy,2020. (KCI)Jacob Wood, Jie Wu, Yilin Li, Jungsuk Kim (2019), “The impact of TBT and SPS measures on Japanese and Korean exports to China”,Sustainability, Vol.11, No.21, pp.1-23. (SSCI)Chan-Guk Huh & Jie Wu (2017), “Do Hallyu (Korean Wave) Exports Promote Korea’s Consumer Goods Exports?”, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, Vol. 53, No. 6, pp. 1388-1404. (SSCI)Jie Wu, Chan-Guk Huh(2018),“The Effects of Tariff Reduction on Total Factor Productivity: Analysis using Firm level Data of Chinese Manufacturing Sector”, Journal of International Trade and Industry Studies,Vol. 23, No. 3, pp. 29-63. (KCI) First AuthorJie Wu, Chan-Guk Huh(2018),“The Effects of Tariff Reduction on Total Factor Productivity in the Korean Manufacturing Sector: A Plant-Level Analysis”, Journal of Korean Economic Studies, Vol. 36, No. 3, pp. 5-40. (KCI) First Author Jacob Wood, Jie Wu, Yilin Li, Jungsuk Kim (2017), “TBT and SPS impacts on Korean exports to China: empirical analysis using the PPML method”, Asian-Pacific Economic Literature, Vol.31, No.2, pp.96-114. (SSCI)Jacob Wood, Jie Wu, Yilin Li, Haejin Jang (2017), “The economic impact of SPS measures on Agricultural exports to China: An empirical analysis using the PPML method”, Social Sciences, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 1-18. (SCOPUS)Jie Wu, Chan-Guk Huh, Fulai Sun (2016), “The Linkage between based Estimates of Hallyu Effects and Consumer Goods Exports of Korea”, Journal of Korean Economic Studies, Vol. 34, No. 4, pp. 91-119. (KCI) First Author Chan-Guk Huh & Jie Wu (2015), “Linkage between US monetary policy and emerging economies: the case of Korea’s financial market and monetary policy”, International Journal of Economic Sciences, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 1-18. (ESCI) 书及章节1.        Jie Wu, Jacob Wood, Haejin Jang (2021),  An Assessment of Trade Facilitation Impacts on China’s Outward Foreign Direct Investment to ASEAN Countries, one chapter for book 《Business, Industry and Trade in the Tropics》, published by Routledge.  所获奖励浙江工业大学第三届教学创新大赛,一等奖经济学院“我最喜爱的老师”,20222022年获第五界留韩经济学会优秀论文奖韩国教育部BK21 PLUS工程卓越研究人才奖,2021浙江省商务厅国际经济贸易研究优秀成果二等奖,20212021.10月获第四界留韩经济学会青年学者优秀论文奖浙江省商务厅对策类课题优秀成果二等奖,20202018年韩国忠南国立大学“最优秀毕业生校长奖”浙江省经济学会2018年会“优秀论文奖”2017年度“国家优秀自费留学生奖学金”获得者,2018韩国国际通商学会和韩国技术标准院2017贸易技术壁垒论文大赛“最优秀论文奖”韩国贸易学会第四届国际会议“杰出论文奖”,2017。 社会服务
