姓名 | 程振波 |
教师编号 | 73439 |
性别 | 发明专利4999代写全部资料 |
学校 | 浙江工业大学 |
部门 | 发明专利包写包过 加急申请 |
学位 | 博士 |
学历 | 版权登记666包过 代写全部资料 |
职称 | 副教授 |
联系方式 | 【发送到邮箱】 |
邮箱 | 【发送到邮箱】 |
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软件产品登记测试 软件著作权666元代写全部资料 实用新型专利1875代写全部资料 集群智慧云企服 / 知识产权申请大平台 微信客服在线:543646 急速申请 包写包过 办事快、准、稳 |
个人简介 程振波,博士、自动化学会智能自动化专业委员会副主任、浙江省“151”人才第3层次。主持或参与了863计划重点课题、国家自然科学基金项目、浙江省科技厅等各类项目10余项。已在《中国科学-生命科学》、《中国科学-信息科学》、《PLOS Computational Biology》等国内外重要期刊、会议发表学术论文 30 余篇、授权国家发明专利3项、软件著作权8项,参编专著2部,主编教材1本。主要研究方向为脑启发的智能算法。 教学与课程 已开设课程包括:算法分析与设计(https://space.bilibili.com/506281474/channel/detail?cid=154729)、编译原理、模式识别与机器学习(研究生)、数据库原理、Python编程、算法理论(研究生)等。“算法分析与设计”课程入选2021年度浙江省一流课程。 育人成果 至今,已指导毕业硕士研究生24人、博士研究生1人。毕业生的主要去向如:工行软件开发、阿里巴巴、公务员和浙江中控信息技术有限公司等。已毕业硕士生: 余嘉豪(2023) 张皓鑫(2022,与肖刚教授联合指导) 丁浩楠(2022,与叶永伟副教授联合指导) 王亚明(2022,与肖刚教授联合指导) 姜红鑫(2022,与肖刚教授联合指导) 李 琴(2023) 孟航程(2022,与肖刚教授联合指导) 刘星光(2022) 沈正园 (2020) 杨 俊 (2020,与肖刚教授联合指导) 胡鑫懿 (2020,与肖刚教授联合指导) 张雷雷 (2020) 林怀迪 (2020,与肖刚教授联合指导) 王 康 (2020,与肖刚教授联合指导) 唐文庆 (2019,与肖刚教授联合指导) 伍能和 (2019,与肖刚教授联合指导) 娄公辉 (2019,与肖刚教授联合指导) 高晶莹 (2019) 朱天奇 (2018,与肖刚教授联合指导) 周华康 (2018,与肖刚教授联合指导) 邵腾飞 (2017) 李轶 (2016,与肖刚教授联合指导) 冯敏 (2015,与肖刚教授联合指导) 黄珊珊 (2014,与肖刚教授联合指导) 科研项目 在研项目1、浙江省“尖兵领雁+X”研发攻关计划, 2024C01208, 复杂产品全流程供应链生产性服务平台关键技术研究及应用-电梯产品供应链与服务链融合的生产性服务平台关键技术研究及应用, 2024- 01-2025-12, 300万元, 主持2、浙江省“尖兵”“领雁”研发攻关计划项目, 2023C01215, 电梯产品多维度价值链协同服务关键技术与平台研发, 2023-01-2025-12, 200万元,排名2结题项目12. 云制造模式下基于混合模型与深度强化学习的知识图谱构建及其数据治理体系研究,国家自然科学基金,2020.01.01~2023.12.31,62万,排名211. 生物式水质监测系统,企业委托,2021.06-2021.12,19万,负责人10. 电梯智能群控系统,企业委托,2019.04-2019.11,30万,负责人9. 基于遥感技术的流域水质分析技术与监控方法,浙江省科技厅,2016.07.01-2018.07.31, 15万元, 负责人8. 智能+生物式水质预警系统研发,企业委托,2017.05-2017.07, 17万,负责人7. 基于鱼类群体行为模型的水质监测系统开发,企业委托,2015.11-2017.11, 18万元, 负责人6. 管理信息实时监测系统软件框架, 海军某单位,2013.10-2014.10, 15万元, 负责人5. 基于贝叶斯再励学习的抑郁症患者决策的理论模型,浙江自然科学基金,2011.01-2013.12,9万元, 排名34. 目标导向与Cache 导向混合决策模型的理论、方法与应用研究, 国家自然科学青年基金, 2010.1-2013.12, 21万元, 排名23. 机器人模块化体系结构总体设计,国家863计划重点课题,2007.1-2011.11, 230万元, 排名32. 大规模功能柱集群递归神经网络模型的理论、方法与应用研究,国家自然科学基金,2007.01-2010.12,30万元,排名21. 面向USB技术的图像信息融合研究, 浙江省科技厅项目,2005.1-2008.12, 15万元,负责人 科研成果 论文(* 表示通讯作者):[32] Yang, J., Cheng Zhenbo*, et al.; Engineering design optimization using reinforcement learning with episodic controllers. Cogn. Comput. Syst. 1– 11 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1049/ccs2.12063.[31] HuaiDi Lin, ZhenYuan Shen, HuaKang Zhou, XingGuang Liu, Leilei Zhang, Gang Xiao, Zhenbo Cheng*, KNN-Q Learning Algorithm of Bitrate Adaptation for Video Streaming over HTTP, Information Communication Technologies Conference (ICTC), 2020[30] Z Cheng*, Z Shen, T Zhu, H Lin, L Zhan, Water Quality Modeling and Prediction Method Based on Sparse Recurrent Neural Network, Chinese Intelligent Automation Conference, 2019[29] Xuesong Xu, Gang Xiao, Gonghui Lou, Jiawei Lu, Jun Yang, Zhenbo Cheng*, Flexible parametric FEA modeling for product family based on script fragment grammar, Computers in Industry, 111, 2019/10[28]张雷雷; 高晶莹; 李曲; 程振波*, 年级和性别对计算机专业学生就业意向的影响, 计算机教育,05,2018[27] Zhenbo Cheng, Jingying Gao, Leilei Zhang, Gang Xiao. Hongjing Mao, Strategies Using Recent Feedback Lead to Matching or Maximising Behaviours. Judgement and Decision Making, 13 (2), 212, 2018[26] Zhang Z, Cheng Z(co-first), Lin Z, Nie C, Yang T, A neural network model for the orbitofrontal cortex and task space acquisition during reinforcement learning. PLOS Comput Biol 14(1): e1005925, 2018[25] G Xiao, T Shao, T Zhu, Y Li, J Mao, Z Cheng*, Attention Region Based Approach for Tracking Individuals in a Small School of Fish for Water Quality Monitoring, Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition, 756-760,2016[24] Zhenbo Cheng, Tianming Yang, Modeling the Task State Representation by the Orbitofrontal Cortex with a Reservoir Network, International Conference on Cognitive Neurodynamics, 2015[23] Gang Xiao, Yi Li, Tengfei Shao, Zhenbo Cheng*,Prediction of Individual Fish Trajectory from Its Neighbors’ Movement By a Recurrent Neural Network, International Symposium on Neural Networks, Jeju, South Korea, October 15-18, 2015[22] Xiao G, Cheng ZB*, Huang SS, Li Y, Mao JF, et al. (2015) A Delaunay Triangle Network Based Model of Fish Shoaling Behavior for Water Quality Monitor. J Environ Anal Toxicol S7:001. doi:10.4172/2161-0525.S7-001.[21] Cheng Z, Deng Z, Hu X, Zhang B, Yang T. Efficient reinforcement learning of a reservoir network model of parametric working memory achieved with a cluster population winner-take-all readout mechanism. J Neurophysiol. 2015 Oct 7:jn.00378.2015. doi: 10.1152/jn.00378.2015.[20] Xiao G, Feng M, Cheng ZB*, Zhao M, Mao J, Mirowski L. Water quality monitoring using abnormal tail-beat frequency of crucian carp. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. 2015 Jan;111:185-91. doi: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2014.09.028.[19] Yangbo, Cheng Zhenbo, Deng Zhidong, Sparse ESN with a leaky integrator for matching decision-making problems (in Chinese), Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing, 2012, 34(1):6-11.[18] Cheng Zhenbo, Zhang Yu, Deng Zhidong. A stochastic policy search model for matching behavior. SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences, 2011, 54(7):1430-1443.[17] Cheng Zhenbo, Chen Wenfeng, Ran Tian, et al. A bayesian framework for crowding effect. Chinese Control and Decision Conference, 2010, 642-647.[16] Cheng Zhenbo, Deng Zhidong. A dynamical policy search model for matching law. Proceedings 2010 IEEE 5th International Conference on Bio-Inspired Computing: Theories and Applications, 2010, 127-131.[15] Cheng Zhenbo, Liang Ming, Deng Zhidong. Optimal strategy for concurrent variable interval reinforcement schedule. Chinese Control and Decision Conference, 2010, 642-647.[14] Zhenbo Cheng, Zhidong Deng, and Bo Yang. Computational neuronal model of simple Bayesian decision-making (in Chinese). Science in China Series C - Life Sciences, vol.39, no.8, 783-792, 2009.[13] Cheng Zhenbo, Deng Zhidong. Algorithm of matching law based on optimal policy search model (in Chinese). Journal of Southeast University (Natural Science Edition), 2009, s1:146-151.[12] Zhang Fei, Xiao Gang, Cheng Zhenbo *. Research on verification method of electronic signature based on time-stamp service (in Chinese), Journal of Zhejiang University of Technology,2009.06.[11] Deng Zhidong, Yu Shiliang, Cheng Zhenbo. General-purpose distributed virtual reality development platform based on high level architecture (in Chinese), Journal of System Simulation, 2008, 20(12): 3160-3164.[10] Cheng Zhen-bo, Xiao Gang, Zhang Fei. Design and implementation on digital stamp system for public document (in Chinese), Journal of Zhejiang University of Technology, 2008.12.[9] Cheng Zhen-bo, Xiao Gang, Gao Fei, Zhang Yuan-ming, Tong Guo-jun. Dynamic Organization Approach to Customized Products (in Chinese), Computer Engineering and Applications ,2006.12.[8] Ding Zhong-xiao, Xiao Gang, Cheng Zhen-bo, Liao Feng-feng. The analysis of the automobile safety-detection flow based on the annular-island mode (in Chinese), Journal of Zhejiang University of Technology ,2005.02.[7] Ye wen-dong, Xiao Gang, Cheng Zhen-bo, ZHANG Yuan-ming. Research on iris location’s method (in Chinese), Journal of Zhejiang University of Technology, 2004.12.[6] Xiao Gang, Wang Chang-jian, Cheng Zhen-bo *, Zhang Yuan-ming, Shan Ji-hong. Study on Product Configuration Model and Arithmetic Based on the Relation Matrix (in Chinese). Mechanical Science and Technology, 2004.09[5] Fang Zhiming, Xiao Gang, Cheng Zhenbo*, Shan Jihong. Product Dynamic Exhibiting System Based on VRML and the Research on Its Key Technologies (in Chinese). Computer Engineering and Applications, 2004.06.[4]Xiao, Gang, Zhenbo Cheng, Jihong Shan, YuanMing Zhang, and Changjian Wang. Research about design platform for mass customization based on library of customization resource. In Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design, 2004. Proceedings. The 8th International Conference on, vol. 1, pp. 111-114. IEEE, 2004.[3] Cheng ZhenBo, Xiao Gang, Shan JiHong, Fang ZhiMing, Zhang YuanMing, WANG ChangJian. On Design Platform for Mass Customization Based on Virtual Techniques (in Chinese), Mechanical Science and Technology, 2003.05.[2] Xiao Gang; Cheng Zhenbo; Shan Jihong; Wang Changjian; Zhang Yuanming, Study on design by customers for parametric product, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Frontiers of Design and Manufacturing (ICFDM'2002), p216-218, 2002.[1] Xiao Gang; Sun Yi; Shan Jihong; Cheng Zhenbo, Study on design method for mass customization for mechanical and electrical products, Zhongguo Jixie Gongcheng/China Mechanical Engineering, v13, n18, p1548, 2002 等共计30多篇,大部分被SCI或EI收录。 教材:2. 程振波、李曲、王春平,《算法设计与分析Python》,清华大学出版社,20181. 肖钢、古辉、程振波、张元鸣,《实用软件文档写作》,清华大学出版社,2005 专著:2. 肖刚、程振波、毛家发. 《鱼类行为语义模型与水质预警》,科学技术出版社,20181.邓志东, 程振波. 我国助老助残机器人产业与技术发展现状的调研报告//.张钹,王田苗等《机器人发展战略研究报告(历程、技术、产业、标准与政策)》, 兵器工业出版社,2009 科研成果及专利:奖励:5.“基于视觉感知的生物式水质异常预警关键技术及其在智慧水务中应用”,2021年度中国商业联合会科学技术奖一等奖,排名24.“面向MC的客户定制设计平台开发研究”, 浙江省科技进步奖,三等奖,2006,排名33. “万能截断机研制”, 浙江省高校优秀科研成果奖,三等奖, 2004, 排名42. “新世纪 151 人才工程”, 浙江省高校优秀科研成果奖,三等奖, 2003, 排名41. “Research of Custom Design for Products Based on Internet”, 浙江省自然科学优秀论文奖,三等奖,2000, 排名3 专利和软件著作权:授权14.程振波;沈正圆;张雷雷;林怀迪;高晶莹;一种基于群集递归神经网络的图像分类方法(发明专利,ZL2019106383626)13. 程振波;周华康;肖刚;朱天奇;唐文庆;高晶莹;张雷雷; DASH标准下的基于KNN-Q学习的视频片段获取优化方法(发明专利,ZL 201710694985.6,已转让)12. 程振波;朱天奇;肖刚;黄初冬;周华康;唐文庆;高晶莹; 一种基于状态池网络的水质指标预测方法(发明专利,ZL 201710717555.1)11. 程振波,邵腾飞,肖刚,黄斌,高晶莹,朱天奇,李轶,陈明明,基于视觉注意力模型的鱼群个体目标跟踪方法. (发明专利,ZL201610938465.0)10. 程振波,肖刚,邵腾飞,黄斌,高晶莹,朱天奇,陈明明,李轶,一种基于鱼类活性分析的水质毒性检测方法. (发明专利,ZL201610937528.0)9. 肖刚,冯敏,李轶,邵腾飞,程振波, 一种应用于在线水质监测的水环境模拟与控制装置. (实用新型专利,授权201420799262.4)8. 张政, 倪侃, 俞琛冰, 潘行建, 程振波, 基于目标跟踪的动态手势自动识别系统(软件著作权,授权2018SR517093)7. 程振波, 邵腾飞, 朱天奇, 李轶;基于计算机视觉的鱼群目标实时跟踪系统(软件著作权,授权2017SR022717)6. 程振波,朱天奇,肖刚,黄初冬,面向河长制的河流水质管理系统(软件著作权,授权2017SR578493)5. 程振波,李轶,邵腾飞,基于计算机视觉的鱼群群聚性行为分析系统(软件著作权,授权2015SR088708)4. 程振波,邵腾飞,朱天奇,李轶,水质检测系统,(软件著作权,授权2016SR035656)3. 肖刚,冯敏,程振波,基于计算机视觉的单尾鱼行为分析系统,(软件著作权,授权2014SR003823)2. 肖刚,程振波,电子签章系统V1.0,(软件著作权,授权2008SR17531)1. 肖刚,程振波,周涛明, 童国俊,定时器产品客户定制设计平台软件,(软件著作权,授权2005SR02891) |