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姓名 马钢峰
教师编号 71938
性别 发明专利4999代写全部资料
学校 浙江工业大学
部门 计算机科学与技术学院、软件学院
学位 博士
学历 计算机科学与技术学院、软件学院
职称 助理研究员
联系方式 【发送到邮箱】
邮箱 【发送到邮箱】
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急速申请 包写包过 办事快、准、稳

个人简介 马钢峰,男,2023年毕业于浙江工业大学计算机学院,博士现为浙江工业大学计算机学院博士后主要从事人工智能,图神经网络、推荐系统等方面研究 科研成果 一. 发表的国外高水平期刊和会议论文:Gang-Feng Ma, Xu-Hua Yang*, Haixia Long, Yanbo Zhou, Xin-Li Xu. Robust social recommendation based on contrastive learning and dual-stage graph neural network. Neurocomputing, 2024. (中科院二区Top期刊,IF=6)Xu-Hua Yang, Gang-Feng Ma, Fang-Nan Ma, Lei Ye*, Yu-Di Zhang. Attribute network joint embedding based on global attention. Pattern Recognition Letters, 2023. (JCRQ2期刊,IF=5.1)Gang-Feng Ma, Xu-Hua Yang*, Yanbo Zhou, Lei Ye. Enhanced contrastive representation in network. Information Sciences, 2023, 640: 119042. (中科院一区Top期刊,IF=8.1)Gang-Feng Ma, Xu-Hua Yang*, Wei Ye, Xin-Li Xu, and Lei Ye. Network embedding based on high-degree penalty and adaptive negative sampling. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 2023, 1-26. (CCF B期刊,IF=4.8)Xu-Hua Yang*, Gang-Feng Ma, Xin Jin, Hai-Xia Long, Jie Xiao, and Lei Ye. Knowledge graph embedding and completion based on entity community and local importance. Applied Intelligence, 2023, 1-11. (中科院二区期刊,IF=5.3)Gang-Feng Ma, Xu-Hua Yang*, Yue Tong, Yanbo Zhou. Graph neural networks for preference social recommendation. Peerj Computer Science, 2023, 9: e1393. (JCRQ2期刊,IF=3.8)Xu-Hua Yang, Gang-Feng Ma, Xiang-Yu Zeng, Yuchao Pang, Yanbo Zhou*, Yu-Di Zhang, Lei Ye. Community Detection Based on Markov Similarity Enhancement. IEEE TCAS-II, 2023, 70(9):3664-3668. (中科院二区Top期刊,IF=4.4)Gang-Feng Ma, Xu-Hua Yang*, Lei Ye, Yu-Jiao Huang, and Peng Jiang. Graph Convolutional Network Based on Higher-Order Neighborhood Aggregation. ICONIP, 2021, 334-342. (CCF C会议)二. 授权的发明专利:一种基于多核图卷积网络的在线社交平台用户好友推荐方法,杨旭华,马钢峰,肖杰,许营坤,ZL 202010934119.1一种基于随机游走度惩罚机制的社交网络好友预测方法,杨旭华,马钢峰,许营坤,叶蕾,ZL 202010893847.2 科研项目 社会服务
