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姓名 11093梁菁
教师编号 42620
学校 电子科技大学
部门 发明专利包写包过 加急申请
学位 哲学博士学位,学院列表 01  信息与通信工程学院 02 
学历 版权登记666包过 代写全部资料
职称 软件著作权666包写包过
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信息与通信工程学院   导师代码: 11093 导师姓名: 梁菁 性    别: 女 特    称: 职    称: 教授 学    位: 哲学博士学位 属    性: 专职 电子邮件: liangjing@uestc.edu.cn 学术经历:   IEEE Senior Member. Vice Chair, IEEE DCOSS2016 Signal Processing and Information Theory track. TPC Co-Chair, IEEE ICC2015/13/12 Workshop on Radar and Sonar Networks. TPC Co-Chair, IEEE Globecom2012 Workshop on Radar and Sonar Networks. TPC Co-Chair, IEEE Chinacom2011 Wireless Communications and Networking Symposium. General Chair, the First International Workshop on compressive sensing for communications and networking 2010. Editor, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks. Reviewer, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications、IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems、IEEE Signal Processing Letters、International Journal of Sensor Networks, etc. 个人简介:   研究领域包括雷达传感网络(Radar Sensor Networks)、目标探测与识别、压缩传感 (Compressive Sensing) 和模糊逻辑控制(Fuzzy Logic Control)等. 2009年获美国德州大学阿灵顿分校 (University of Texas at Arlington) 电子工程专业博士学位;之后在该校担任研究助理教授 (Research Associate Professor)。参与美国海军雷达传感网络信号处理、美国空军森林中目标识别及无线信道建模、美国国家自然科学基金异构无线传感网络目标探测等项目。同时兼任美国德州大学阿灵顿分校Adjunct Assistant Professor,为研究生讲授Digital Communications、Wireless Communication Systems、Fuzzy Logic Systems课程。2010年底被电子科技大学聘为副教授。2010年以来在IEEE Trans on Vehicular Technology、 IEEE Trans on Parallel and Distributed Processing、 Pattern Recognition Letter等SCI检索国际知名期刊发表第一/通信作者论文16篇;在IEEE Infocom、Globecom、Milcom、ICC等信息与通信领域国际顶级会议上发表会议论文15篇。一作发明专利授权1项。讲授全英课程Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, Fuzzy Logic, 双语课程雷达传感器网络信号处理,本科课程通信原理与系统,均受师生好评。2012年获"四川省百人(青年)"称号, 2014年获电子科大"校百人(青年)"称号,并聘为研究员(正高级)。2016年初当选IEEE高级会员。 科研项目:   主持中央高校项目(2016-2017),预研基金(2015-2016),留学回国基金 (2014-2017), 国家自然科学基金青年项目(2012-2014), 教育部博士点基金新教师项目(2012-2014)等6项科研项目。欢迎同学们报考研究生。 研究成果:   Journal Papers 1. Jing Liang and Chengchen Mao, “Distributed Compressive Sensing in Heterogeneous Sensor Network” Signal Processing (Elsevier), 2015, DOI:10.1016/j.sigpro.2015.10.026. 2. Jing Liang, Yangyang Huo and Chengchen Mao, “Multitarget Detection in Heterogeneous Radar Sensor Network with Energy Constraint”, Signal Processing (Elsevier), 2015, DOI:10.1016/j.sigpro.2015.07.020. 3. Jing Liang, “Geolocation Aware Security in A Netcentric Small unmanned-Aerial-System for RF emitters,” Security and Communication Networks, 2015, 8(16): 2661~2670. 4. Yaoyue Hu and Jing Liang, “CFAR Decision Fusion Approaches in the Clustered Radar Sensor Networks using LEACH and HEED”, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 2015, pp.1-10. Article ID 987526. 5. Shitong Yuan and Jing Liang, “Energy efficient comparator for successive approximation register ADCs with application to encryption schemes in wireless communication”, Security and Communication Networks, 2015, 8(14): 2440-2446. 6. Weiwei Liu, Jing Liang and Ling Yang, “Multitarget Resolution and Performance for Radar Sensor Network (RSN)”, Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks, 2015, 27: 75-93. 7. Qilian Liang, Jian Ren, Jing Liang, “Security in big data”, Security and Communication Network, 2015, 8(14) : 2383-2385. 8. Jing Liang and Fangqi Zhu, “Fuzzy Logic Classifier Design for Air Targets Recognition Based on HRRPs”, Physical Communication, 2014, 13:205~210. 9. Yang Liu and Jing Liang, “Optimization for distributed Radar Sensor Network (RSN) and MIMO-RSN in flat fading channels”, Physical Communication, 2014, 13: 253-259. 10. Jing Liang and Qilian Liang, “Blind Speed Alleviation Using A Radar Sensor Network (RSN),” Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks, 2013, 18(1-2):1~15. 11. Ling Yang, Jing Liang and Weiwei Liu, “Graphical deployment strategies in radar sensor networks (RSN) for target detection,” EURASIP J. Wireless Comm. and Networking, 2013: 55 (2013). DOI:10.1186/1687-1499-2013-55. 12. Jing Liang and Qilian Liang, “Design and Analysis of Distributed Radar Sensor Networks,” IEEE Trans on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2011, 22(11): 1926~1933. 13. Jing Liang, Zinan Wang, Qilian Liang, “Adaptive Sensor Selection for Multitarget Detection in Heterogeneous Sensor Networks,” Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks, 2011, 12(3-4): 325~342. 14. Jing Liang and Qilian Liang, “Sense-Through-Foliage Target Detection Using UWB Radar Sensor Networks,” Pattern Recognition Letters (Elsevier), 2010, 31(11):1412~1421. 15. Jing Liang, Qilian Liang and Sherwood Samn, “A Propagation Environment Modeling in Foliage,” EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2010, Paper ID: 873070. 16. Jing Liang and Qilian Liang, “Outdoor Propagation Channel Modeling in Foliage Environment,” IEEE Trans on Vehicular Technology, 2010, 59(3):2243~2252. 17. Jing Liang and Qilian Liang, “Channel Selection Algorithms in Virtual MIMO Wireless Sensor Networks”, IEEE Trans on Vehicular Technology, 2009, 58(3): 2249~2257. Conference Papers 1. Chengchen Mao, Fangqi Zhu, Huaiyuan Liu and Jing Liang, "Signals Reconstruction in Heterogeneous Sensor Network with Distributed Compressive Sensing", IEEE International Conference on Communications Signal Processing and Systems (CSPS2015), Oct, Chengdu, pp. 1-8, Best Paper Award. 2. Yaoyue Hu, Huaiyuan Liu, Jing Liang, “Cluster-head Election using fuzzy Logic systems in radar sensor networks”, IEEE CSPS2015, Oct, Chengdu, pp. 1-8. 3. Fangqi Zhu, Huaiyuan Liu, and Jing Liang, “Soil Moisture Retrieval Using Fuzzy Logic Based on UWB Signals”, IEEE International Conference Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP2015), Oct, Nanjing, pp.1-5. 4. Chengchen Mao, Jing Liang and Guodong Zhao, “Performance for MIMO-RSN with Different Power Allocation Methods”, IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC2015) Workshop on radar and sonar networks (RSN), June, London, pp.2540-2544. 5. Yaoyue Hu, Jing Liang and Guodong Zhao, “Detection Performances in Radar Sensor Networks using LEACH and HEED”,IEEE ICC2015 RSN Workshop, June, London, pp. 2545-2549. 6. Ling Li and Jing Liang. “Decision Fusion Rules For Multiple Hypotheses Wireless Sensor Network”, IEEE International Conference On Communication Problem-Solving (ICCP2014), Dec, Beijing, pp. 350-353. 7. Ling Yang, Jing Liang and Weiwei Liu, “Radar Sensor (RS) Deployment for Multi-Target Detection”, IEEE WCSP2014, Oct, Hefei, pp. 1122-1125. 8. Yangyang Huo and Jing Liang, “The Optimal Energy Allocation Scheme for Decision Fusion in Heterogeneous Radar Sensor Networks”, IEEE WCSP2014, Oct, Hefei, pp. 1094-1098. 9. Fangqi Zhu and Jing Liang, “Air Targets Recognition Using a Fuzzy Logic Approach”, IEEE WCSP2014, Oct, Hefei, pp. 704-709. 10. Miao Liu, Fangqi Zhu and Jing Liang, “Channel Modeling based on Ultra-Wide Bandwidth (UWB) Radar in Soil Environment with different pH values”, IEEE WCSP2014, Oct, Hefei, pp. 417-422. 11. Liu Yang and Jing Liang, “Distributed radar sensor network (RSN) vs. MIMO-RSN,” IEEE ICC 2013 RSN Workshop, June, Budapest, pp.911-915. 12. Jing Liang, “Multitarget Detection Using High-Resolution Passive Radar Sensor Networks (HRPRSN),” IEEE ICC2012 RSN Workshop, June, Ottawa, pp.6421-6425, Best Paper Award. 13. Jing Liang and Qilian Liang, “RF Emitter Location Using A Network of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (SUAVs),” IEEE ICC2011, June, Kyoto, pp.1-6. 14. Jing Liang and Zinan Wang, “Adaptive Sensor Selection for Multitarget Detection in Heterogeneous Sensor Networks,” IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD2010), Aug, Yantai, pp.972-976。 15. Jing Liang, Qilian Liang, Sherwood Samn, and Ram Narayanan, “Sense-Through-Wall Channel Modeling Using UWB Noise Radar,” IEEE Global 2009 Communications Workshops, Dec, Honolulu, pp. 1-5. 16. Jing Liang and Qilian Liang, “UWB Radar Sensor Networks Detection of Targets in Foliage Using Short-Time Fourier Transform,” IEEE ICC 2009, June, Dresden, pp. 1-5. 17. Jing Liang and Qilian Liang, “A Graph Theoretical Algorithm for Virtual MIMO Channel Selection in Wireless Sensor Networks,” IEEE Military Communications Conference 2008 (HMILCOM200H8), Nov, San Diego, pp. 1-6. 18. Jing Liang and Qilian Liang, “Channel Selection Algorithms in Virtual MIMO Sensor Networks,” ACM MOBIHOC, The First ACM International Workshop on Heterogeneous Sensor and Actor Networks (HeterSanet 2008), May, Hong Kong, pp. 73-80. 19. Jing Liang, Qilian Liang, and Sherwood W. Samn, “Foliage Clutter Modeling Using the UWB Radar,” IEEE ICC 2008, May, Beijing, pp. 1937-1941. 20. Jing Liang, Qilian Liang, and Sherwood W. Samn, “A Differential Based Approach for Sense-Through-Foliage Target Detection Using UWB Radar Sensor Networks,” IEEE ICC 2008, May, Beijing, pp. 1952-1956. 21. Jing Liang and Qilian Liang, “Image Fusion on Radar Sensor Networks,” International Conference on Heterogeneous Networking for Quality, Reliability, Security and Robustness 2007(Qshine 2007), Workshop on Mobile Content Quality of Experience, Aug, Vancouver, pp. 1-4. 22. Jing Liang, Qilian Liang, and Zheng Zhou, “Radar Sensor Network Design and Optimization for Blind Speed Alleviation,” IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (HWCNC 2007H), March, Hong Kong, pp. 2643-2647. 23. Jing Liang and Qilian Liang, “SVD-QR-T FCM Approach for Virtual MIMO Channel Selection in Wireless Sensor Networks,” IEEE International Conference on Wireless Algorithms, Systems and Applications (WASA2007), Aug, Chicago, pp. 63-70. 24. Jing Liang and Qilian Liang, “Orthogonal Waveform Design and Performance Analysis in Radar Sensor Networks,” IEEE MILCOM 2006, Oct, Washington D.C., pp.1-6. 专业研究方向: 专业名称 研究方向 招生类别 081000信息与通信工程 08智能感知与信息系统,09机器学习与人工智能,10信号与信息智能处理 博士学术学位 085400电子信息 01不区分研究方向,02不区分研究方向(非全) 博士专业学位 081000信息与通信工程 08智能感知与信息系统,09机器学习与人工智能,10信号与信息智能处理 硕士学术学位
