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姓名 巫圣喜
教师编号 31853
学校 中南大学
部门 冶金与环境学院
学位 博士学位
学历 博士研究生毕业
职称 副教授
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个人简介 Shengxi Wu, Born in February 1991, male, from Sanming, Fujian Province, China, Ph. D. in engineering. Now working as a associate professor (from September 2021)  at the School of Metallurgy and Environment, Central South University.  基本信息: 男,1991年2月出生于福建省三明市,工学博士,现就职于中南大学冶金与环境学院,副教授。 Educational Background:  Jan. 2019, graduated from Beijing General Research Institute for Non-Ferrous Metals (supervisor: Professor Huang Xiaowei, Member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering) and University of Science and Technology Beijing (co-supervisor: Professor Zhang Lifeng). From March 2016 to April 2017,  visiting scholars in University of Florida (supervisor:  Brij Moudgil, Fellow of the American Academy of Engineering) and Florida Institute of Industry and Phosphate (Professor Patrick Zhang) .  May 2018, invited presentation in Beneficiation of Phosphates Ⅷ. 教育经历: 2013年09月- 2019年01月 北京有色金属研究总院, 工学博士, 导师:黄小卫院士; 2014年09月- 2019年01月 北京科技大学,联合培养博士,导师:张立峰教授; 2016年03约-2017年04月  佛罗里达大学(美国),公派联合培养博士,导师:Brij Moudgil (美国工程院院士)与 Patrick Zhang教授(佛罗里达工业与磷酸盐研究所); 2009年09月- 2013年06月 中南大学, 学士; Research areas: Hydrometallurgy of rare earths, rare metals (W, Mo, V, Ti), Ni, Co, Mn, Li and other critial metal elements. Focused on the leaching and separation of these elements from low grade ores, spent catalysts, spent batteries, and some other secondary resources.  So far, 15 patents,  more than 10 papers, working with more than ten projects including the U.S. department of energy (CMI) project, the Natural Science Foundation projects, etc. 研究领域:稀土及其他稀有金属(钨、钼、钒、钛)、镍钴锰锂及其他战略金属矿产资源的湿法冶金,主要研究从低品位矿物、二次资源等中有价金属的浸出、分离和化合物制备过程;授权专利约15篇,发表27篇相关文章,主持和参与近30项包括美国能源部项目、国家自然基金、企业技术开发与服务项目。 Membership: Member of the Chinese Society of Rare Earth, Member of Professional Committee of the Chemistry and Wet Process & the Environmental Economy and Policy of China Rare Earth Society (since May 2019); Reviewer of Chemical Engineering Journal, Journal of Cleaner Production, Hydrometallurgy, etc. 社会兼职:中国稀土学会 "化学与湿法专委会"及"环境济经与政策专委会"委员,中国稀土学会会员,Chemical Engineering Journal, Journal of Cleaner Production, Hydrometallurgy 等期刊审稿人; Proprietary technologies(成熟专利技术): (1) Deeply removal of fluorine from the acidic aqueous solution (has successfuly passed the continuous pilot operation in plant for LIB recycling); (1)硫酸盐溶液中深度除氟技术(已在锂电池回收企业实现工业化应用并稳定运行至今) (2)Selective separation of Ca2+ from the LIB leaching solution, aiming at elimiating the CaSO4 scaling issue during the impurities removal. (2)废旧三元锂电池酸浸出液中选择性萃取除钙技术,可直接消除P204萃取除杂过程存在的萃取槽硫酸钙结垢问题 (已在电池回收企业实现工业化应用)。 (3)Selective extraction of Li+ from the Na2SO4/K2SO4 solution, achieving <5ppm resuidal Li+ in raffanite and >30g/L Li+ in stripping solution。  (3)从硫酸钠/钾溶液(沉锂母液或卤水)中选择性萃取锂技术,可实现萃余液中锂小余5ppm,反萃液中锂大于30g/L(锂钠大于1000)(已在电池回收企业工业化应用,并正在进行含锂卤水的工业应用) (4)Selective extraction of Ni2+/Co2+/Mn2+ from concentrated Mg2+/Ca2+ solution with Ni2+/Co2+/Mn2+ <0.5ppm in raffanite. (4)高浓度硫酸镁(少量钙)溶液中镍钴锰的选择性萃取剂技术,萃余液中镍钴锰残留浓度低于0.5ppm,满足排放要求。(已在电池回收企业工业应用) (5) Efficient green recovery technology of rare earth from waste rare earth crystals (the yield of REE in laboratory is more than 98%); (5)废旧光学晶体中稀土高效绿色回收技术(实验室收率>98%) (6) High-selective wet separation and recovery technology of copper, nickel, zinc, chromium and iron from electroplating sludge (except calcium sulfate and sodium sulfate wastewater without heavy metals (nonhazardous wastes) and all heavy metals are recycled with high quality); (6)电镀污泥中铜、镍、锌、铬及铁资源的全回收技术(仅产生不含重金属的硫酸钙固体和硫酸钠废水) (7)Preparation of Na3PO4 and iron concentrate by alkali conversion of FePO4 residue produced by LFP recycling. (7)废旧磷酸铁锂电池回收副产磷酸铁渣制备磷副产品与铁精矿技术,直接制备高纯磷酸钠和铁精矿副产品。 Recent Papers:[1] Shengxi Wu, Liangshi Wang*, Longsheng Zhao, Patrick Zhang, Hassan El-Shall, Brij Moudgil, Xiaowei Huang*, Lifeng Zhang. Recovery of rare earth elements from phosphate rock by hydrometallurgical processes – A critical review[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 335:774-800.[2] Shengxi Wu, Liangshi Wang*, Patrick Zhang, Hassan El-Shall, Brij Moudgil, Xiaowei Huang*, Longsheng Zhao, Lifeng Zhang, Zongyu Feng. Simultaneous recovery of rare earths and uranium from wet process phosphoric acid using solvent extraction with D2EHPA[J]. Hydrometallurgy, 2018. 109–116.[3] Shengxi Wu, Longsheng Zhao, Liangshi Wang*, Xiaowei Huang, Jinshi Dong, Zongyu Feng, Dali Cui. Dissolution Behaviors of Rare Earth Elements in Phosphoric Acid Solutions [J]. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, Vol.28, No.11. [4] Shengxi Wu, Longsheng Zhao, Liangshi Wang*, Xiaowei Huang*, Yunhan Zhang, Zongyu Feng, Dali Cui. Precipitation-Dissolution Equilibrium of Rare Earth Elements in H3PO4-Ca(H2PO4)2 Solutions[J]. Journal of Rare Earths, Volume 37, Issue 5, May 2019, Pages 520-527. [5] Shengxi Wu, Longsheng Zhao*, Liangshi Wang*, Xiaowei Huang, Yunhan Zhang, Jinshi Dong, Zongyu Feng, Dali Cui. Recovery of Rare Earth Elements from phosphate rocks by Phosphoric Acid Leaching and Heating Precipitation: Towards Green Process[J].Journal of Rare Earths, Volume 37, Issue 6, June 2019, Pages 652-658. [6] Dong Jinshi, Xu Yang, Wang Liangshi, Huan Xiaowei, Long Zhiqi, Wu Shengxi. Thermodynamics and kinetics of lutetium extraction with HEH(EHP) in hydrochloric acid medium[J]. Journal of Rare Earths, 2016, 34(3):300-307.[7] He, Dongmei, Li Zeng, Guiqing Zhang, Qinggang Li, Wenjuan Guan, Zuoying Cao*, Shengxi Wu*. Mechanism of Nickel Extraction from Sulfuric Acid Medium by Synthesized Α-Aminophosphonate Derivative. Applied Organometallic Chemistry, no. 0: e5082.(IF=3.259)[8] He, Dongmei, Li Zeng, Guiqing Zhang, Wenjuan Guan, Zuoying Cao*, Qinggang Li, Shengxi Wu*.Extraction behavior and mechanism of nickel in chloride solution using a cleaner extractant.Journal of Cleaner Production,  [9]Zhihua Li, Jin Lu, Shengxi Wu, Guiqing Zhang, Wenjuan Guan, Li Zeng, Qinggang Li, and Zuoying Cao. Sustainable Extraction and Complete Separation of Tungsten from Ammonium Molybdate Solution by Primary Amine N1923. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2020 8 (18), 6914-6923.  [10] 刘泽芳, 刘永畅, 巫圣喜, 张贵清, 曹佐英, 曾理, 关文娟, 李青刚.草酸盐沉淀法制备不同形貌粒度的La2O3粉体[J].中国稀土学报:1-14. (in Chinese) [11] Jiawei Du, Jia Li, Dongmei He, Miaoyang Xu, Guiqing Zhang, Zuoying Cao*, Shengxi Wu, **. Green separation and recovery of molybdenum from tungstate solution achieved by using a recyclable vulcanizing agent[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020.278 (2021) 123930. [12] Li ZENG, Man WANG, Chao XIAO, Sheng-xi WU*, Gui-qing ZHANG, Wen-juan GUAN, Qing-gang LI, Zuo-ying CAO. Enhancement of CaMoO4 calcine decomposition and recovery of calcium resource by HCl cycle leaching[J],Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2021-09-10 17:27:22. Runing projects (主持的在研项目): [1] Deeply removal of fluorine from the acidic aqueous solution, in progress; (1) 硫酸盐溶液中深度除氟技术开发项目,在研,已顺利实现工业化应用(100万元); [2]  The mechanism of dilute acid preleaching and impurity removal of uranium-rare-earth niobium concentrate by sulfuric acid enhanced roasting-leaching extraction and separation, National Natural Science Foundation of China (U2067201), in progress; (2)复杂铀-稀土矿选冶深度融合清洁提取新方法基础研究(U2067201)子课题四-铀-稀土-铌精矿的稀酸预浸除杂-硫酸强化焙烧-浸出萃取分离过程机理(子课题负责人),在研(65万元); [3]  Technology of rare earth recovery from phosphogypsum containing rare earth,in progress; (3)含稀土磷石膏中稀土与石膏资源回收项目(横向课题),在研(60万元); [4]  Development and application of stable preparation technology of high performance superfine cerium oxide powder, in progress; (4)高性能超细氧化铈抛光粉制备技术开发项目(子课题负责人),在研(20万元); [5]  Enforcing mechanism of rare earth phase reconstruction during alkali decomposition of spent optical crystals, successfully finished; (5)废旧光学晶体中稀土高效回收项目(双一流学科发展的创新驱动项目),已结题(10万元); [6]  The process regulation of induced crystallization and precipitation of rare earths in wet-process phosphoric acid and the directional solidification and separation of impurities,in progress; (6)湿法磷酸中稀土的诱导晶化沉淀过程调控与杂质的定向固化分离, 在研(30万元); [7] Improving the filtration performance of leaching slurry originated from Ni-Sn raw materials, in progress. (7)镍锡料酸溶渣过滤性能优化技术开发项目(横向课题),在研,已顺利实现工业化应用(20万元); 废旧三元料优先提锂、高氟溶液中氟萃取回收、硫酸钠尾液中锂选择性萃取、废旧磷酸铁锂回收磷酸铁渣综合利用、光伏玻璃/废铝电解质中锂提取等技术开发与服务项目。 研究生招生方向:稀有金属(主要为稀土、钨、钼、钒、钛)、新能源金属(镍、钴、锰、锂)、锌、铜等相关湿法冶金; Graduate students recruitment:    Hydrometallurgy of rare metal elements (majorly for rare earth elements, tungsten, molybdenum, vandium, titanium),  metal elements from the spent lithium ion battery (LIB), zinc, copper etc. (both from minerals and second resources) 联系方式:电话:15811342063,邮箱:csuwushengxi@126.com/shengxiwu@csu.edu.cn; Contact: TEl:15811342063, E-mail:csuwushengxi@126.com/shengxiwu@csu.edu.cn; 教育经历 [1]   2016.3-2017.4 佛罗里达大学(美国)与佛罗里达工业与磷酸盐研究所  |  冶金工程 博士联合培养 [2]   2014.9-2019.1 北京科技大学(联合培养)  |  冶金工程  |  博士学位  |  博士研究生毕业 [3]   2013.9-2019.1 北京有色金属研究总院  |  冶金工程  |  博士学位  |  博士研究生毕业 [4]   2009.9-2013.6 中南大学  |  冶金工程  |  学士学位  |  大学本科毕业 工作经历 [1]   2021.9-至今 中南大学  |  副教授  |  在职 [2]   2019.3-2021.9 中南大学  |  冶金与环境学院  |  讲师 研究方向 [1]  稀土湿法冶金 [2]  稀土功能材料制备 [3]  稀有金属冶金与资源循环
