姓名 | 汪馗 |
教师编号 | 31761 |
性别 | 学位:博士学位 |
学校 | 中南大学 |
部门 | 职务:系支部书记 |
学位 | 毕业院校:斯特拉斯堡大学 |
学历 | 博士研究生毕业 |
职称 | 教授 |
联系方式 | 【了解更多】 |
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个人简介 个人简介 汪馗,中南大学, 交通运输工程学院 博士,教授,博士生导师,法国国家副教授资格证书 (MCF, sections 33 and 60) 地址:湖南省长沙市天心区韶山南路22号中南大学铁道校区交通运输工程学院,邮编410075 邮箱:kui.wang@csu.edu.cn;kui.wang@outlook.com (欢迎交设、力学、机械、土木、材料等专业报考硕士博士研究生) 教育经历 2009-2013: 博士, 斯特拉斯堡大学, 法国 2007-2009: 硕士, 斯特拉斯堡大学, 法国 2003-2007 :本科, 武汉理工大学 工作经历 2017- 至今:中南大学,交通运输工程学院 2015-2017:卡塔尔环境与能源研究所,卡塔尔 2013-2015:卢森堡科学技术研究所, 卢森堡 社会兼职 学术兼职: 国际先进材料与制造工程学会(SAMPE)协会理事 欧洲冲击力学组织(DYMAT) 成员 欧洲力学协会 (EUROMECH) 成员 法国材料力学协会 (MECAMAT) 成员 法国力学协会 (AFM) 成员 法国复合材料协会(AMAC) 成员 学术服务: Transportation Safety and Environment, Editor Shock and Vibration, Guest Editor 期刊审稿: Advanced Materials; Composites Part A; Composites Part B; Composites science and technology; Composite Structures; Composites conmmunications; Acta materialia, Acta Mechanica; Journal of Engineering and Technology Research; Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology; Polymer Engineering and Science; Journal of Polymers and the Environment; Journal of Applied Polymer Science; Materials Today Communications; Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials; Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials; ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces; ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering;Transport in Porous Media; Polymer Testing; Computational Materials Science; Construction and Building Materials;Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences; Materials Technology: Advanced Performance Materials ... 科研方向 轨道交通材料与结构一体化创新设计制造; 轨道交通材料与结构全生命周期服役安全; 3D打印技术与产品设计评价; 材料结构多尺度设计; 冲击动力学与极端力学; 再制造技术与资源再利用; 乘用车内环境健康指数建立与评价; 燃油车排放监测与评价。 科研项目: 2020-2023:湖湘青年英才项目,湖南省科学技术厅,50万,主持 2020-2022:回收多相复合材料的植物纤维填充修复方法及其对力学性能的作用机理,自然科学基金,25万,主持 2019-2021:中央高校基本科研业务费,创新驱动,56万, 主持 2018-2021:独立轮橡胶材料的特性及其耐久性研究,国家重点研发计划,20万,主持 2018-2022:轨道列车高性能复合材料的研发,中央高校基本科研业务费,120万,主持 2015-2017:设计,制造和表征具有机械柔韧性和热机械强度的废水处理和海水淡化薄膜,约500万,卡塔尔基金会资助,主要负责人 2016-2016:聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯/增强玻璃长纤维/纳米橡胶结构复合材料成型工艺及其热机械性能研究,约37万,卢森堡研究所开放基金,主持 2013-2016:增塑聚乳酸复合材料的可回收性研究,约 600万,卢森堡国家研究基金资助,主要参与 2012-2015:高密度聚乙烯/天然纤维复合材料的热机械性能及形变失效机理研究,约120万,卢森堡国家研究基金资助,主要参与 2009-2012:回收复合材料在汽车保险杠中的应用, 约 700万,法国环境和能源管理局和法国阿尔萨斯省资助, 主要参与 2010-2012:汽车用聚合物基纳米黏土纳米材料的热机械性能研究,约 730万 ,欧盟研究资金资助,主要参与 2009-2011:建筑用聚酰胺/纤维素生物复合材料的热机械性能研究,约 220万,SOPREMA 资助,主要参与 讲授课程 车辆结构强度与动力学 列车牵引与制动 (英语) 工程图学测绘 结构力学(中英文) 英语科技论文写作(研究生) 冲击动力学(研究生) 轨道交通装备智能制造关键技术(研究生) 认知实习 生产实习 学术成果 期刊论文: (91) Reversible energy absorbing behaviors of shape-memory thin-walled structures, Engineering Structures, 2023 (JCR Q1) (90) 3D printed continuous fiber reinforced composite lightweight structures: A review and outlook, Composites Part B: Engineering, 2023 (JCR Q1) (89) Improving the mechanical properties of 3D printed recycled polypropylene‐based composites through adjusting printing temperature, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2023 (JCR Q2) (88) Study on the Cell Magnification Equivalent Method in Out-of-Plane Compression Simulations of Aluminum Honeycomb, Sustainability, 2023 (JCR Q2) (87) A novel dual-nozzle 3D printing method for continuous fiber reinforced composite cellular structures, Composites Communications, 2023 (JCR Q1) (86) Effects of loading rate and temperature on crushing behaviors of 3D printed multi-cell composite tubes, Thin-Walled Structures, 2023 (JCR Q1) (85) Effect of heat‐treatment on compressive response of 3D printed continuous carbon fiber reinforced composites under different loading directions, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2023 (JCR Q2) (84) Quasi-static penetration property of 3D printed woven-like ramie fiber reinforced biocomposites, Composite Structures, 2023 (JCR Q1) (83) Materials selection of 3D printed polyamide-based composites at different strain rates: A case study of automobile front bumpers, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2022 (JCR Q2) (82) Investigation on the mechanical properties of 3D printed hybrid continuous fiber-filled composite considering influence of interfaces, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2022 (JCR Q2) (81) Study on intralaminar crack propagation mechanisms in single-and multi-layer 2D woven composite laminate, Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 2022 (JCR Q1) (80) Diseño bioinspirado en la palma de coco de Panamá para estructuras de absorción de energía, I+ D Tecnológico, 2022 (79) Investigation on dynamic strength of 3D‐printed continuous ramie fiber reinforced biocomposites at various strain rates using machine learning methods, Polymer Composites, 2022 (JCR Q2) (78) Investigations of quasi‐static indentation properties of 3D printed polyamide/continuous Kevlar/continuous carbon fiber composites, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2022 (JCR Q2) (77) A heat‐press‐treatment method for 3D printed thin‐walled composite structures with improved interfacial and compressive properties, Polymer Composites, 2022 (JCR Q2) (76) Compressive property and shape memory effect of 3D printed continuous ramie fiber reinforced biocomposite corrugated structures, Smart Materials and Structures, 2022 (JCR Q2) (75) Geometric limitations of 3D printed continuous flax-fiber reinforced biocomposites cellular lattice structures, Composites Part C: Open Access, 100313, 2022 (74) A hybrid MCDM-based optimization method for cutting-type energy-absorbing structures of subway vehicles, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 65 (8), 1-20, 2022 (JCR Q1) (73) Tailoring interfacial properties of 3D-printed continuous natural fiber reinforced polypropylene composites through parameter optimization using machine learning methods, Materials Today Communications 32, 103985,2022 (JCR Q3) (72) On impact behaviors of 3D concave structures with negative Poisson’s ratio, Composite Structures, 115999, 2022 (JCR Q1) (71) Shape memory performance of PETG 4D printed parts under compression in cold, warm, and hot programming, Smart Materials and Structures 31 (8), 085002, 2022 (JCR Q2) (70) Investigations of quasi-static indentation properties of 3D printed Polyamide/continuous Kevlar/continuous carbon fiber composites, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2022 (JCR Q2) (69) Investigation on dynamic strength of 3D-printed continuous ramie fiber reinforced biocomposites at various strain rates using machine learning methods, Polymer Composites, 2022 (JCR Q2) (68) Contributions of interfaces on the mechanical behavior of 3D printed continuous fiber reinforced composites, Construction and Building Materials, 2022 (JCR Q1) (67) Effects of printing direction on quasi‐static and dynamic compressive behavior of 3D printed short fiber reinforced polyamide‐based composites, Polymers for Advanced Technologies, 2022 (JCR Q2) (66) Application of machine learning methods on dynamic strength analysis for additive manufactured polypropylene-based composites, Polymer Testing, 2022 (JCR Q1) (65) An integrated prediction model for processing related yield strength of extrusion-based additive manufactured polymers, Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 2022 (JCR Q1) (64) On crashworthiness behaviors of 3D printed multi-cell filled thin-walled structures, Engineering Structures, 2022 (JCR Q1) (63) The crack propagation and dynamic impact responses of tempered laminated glass used in high-speed trains, Engineering Failure Analysis, 2022 (JCR Q2) (62) Progressive collapse behaviors and mechanisms of 3D printed thin-walled composite structures under multi-conditional loading, thin walled structures, 2022 (JCR Q1) (61) Passenger overall comfort in high-speed railway environments based on EEG: Assessment and degradation mechanism, Building and Environment, 2022 (JCR Q1) (60) Interfacial behaviors of continuous carbon fiber reinforced polymers manufactured by fused filament fabrication: A review and prospect,International Journal of Material Forming, 2022 (JCR Q2) (59) A modified cellular automaton model for simulating ion dynamics in a Li-ion battery electrode, Energy Equipment and Systems, 2021 (58) On the Directional Elastic Modulus of the TPMS Structures and a Novel Hybridization Method to Control Anisotropy, Materials & Design, 2021 (JCR Q1) (57) Mechanical performance and damage behavior of delaminated composite laminates subject to different modes of loading, Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 2021 (JCR Q2) (56) The effect of loading rate on the interfacial behavior of overmolded hybrid fiber reinforced polypropylene composites, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2021 (JCR Q2) (55) Compressive behaviors of 3D printed polypropylene-based composites at low and high strain rates, Polymer Testing, 2021 (JCR Q1) (54) Interfacial and mechanical properties of continuous ramie fiber reinforced biocomposites fabricated by in-situ impregnated 3D printing, Industrial Crops and Products, 2021 (JCR Q1) (53) Curvature tunes wrinkling in shells, International Journal of Engineering Science, 2021 (JCR Q1) (52) Study on intralaminar crack propagation in single-layer 2D woven composite laminate, Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 2021 (JCR Q1) (51) Heat-treatment effects on dimensional stability and mechanical properties of 3D printed continuous carbon fiber-reinforced composites, Composites Part A, 2021 (JCR Q1) (50) Hygrothermal aging effects on the mechanical properties of 3D printed composites with different stacking sequence of continuous glass fiber layers, Polymer Testing, 2021 (JCR Q1) (49) Mechanical properties improvement of shape memory polymers by designing the microstructure of multi-phase heterogeneous materials, Computational Materials Science, 2021 (JCR Q1) (48) Simultaneous reinforcement of both rigidity and energy absorption of polyamide-based composites with hybrid continuous fibers by 3D printing, Composite Structures, 2021 (JCR Q1) (47) A process-structure-performance modeling for thermoplastic polymers via material extrusion additive manufacturing, Additive Manufacturing, 2021 (JCR Q1) (46) Investigation of the Ballistic Performance of GFRP Laminate under 150 m/s High-Velocity Impact: Simulation and Experiment, Polymers, 2021 (JCR Q1) (45) Energy Consumption Analysis and Multiple-Criteria Evaluation of High-Speed Trains with Different Marshaled Forms in China, Science of the Total Environment, 2021(JCR Q1) (44) A hierarchical prediction scheme for effective properties of fuzzy fiber reinforced composites with two-scale interphases: Based on three-phase bridging model, Mechanics of Materials, 2021 (JCR Q1) (43) New insights into the synergistic influence of voids and interphase characteristics on effective properties of unidirectional composites, Composite Structures, 2021 (JCR Q1) (42) Large deformation of hyperelastic thick-walled vessels under combined extension-torsion-pressure: analytical solution and FEM,Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines, 2020 (JCR Q2) (41) Materials Selection of 3D-printed C ontinuous Carbon Fiber Reinforced Composites Considering Multiple Criteria, Materials & Design, 2020 (JCR Q1) (40) Effects of infill characteristics and strain rate on the deformation and failure properties of additively manufactured polyamide-based composite structures, Results in Physics, 2020(JCR Q1) (39) Effects of Scanning Strategy and Printing Temperature on the Compressive Behaviors of 3D Printed Polyamide-Based Composites, Polymers, 2020 (JCR Q1) (38) Computational modeling of degradation process on the mechanical performance of PLA/Mg composite, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications, 2020(JCR Q3) (37) Tailorable rigidity and energy-absorption capability of 3D printed continuous carbon fiber reinforced polyamide composites, Composites Science and Technology, 2020 (JCR Q1) (36) Modeling the mechanical response of polymers and nano-filled polymers: Effects of porosity and fillers content, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2020 (JCR Q2) (35) Numerical investigation of smart auxetic 3D meta-structures based on shape memory polymers via topology optimization, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 2020 (JCR Q1) (34) Visco-hyperelastic Swelling and Mechanical Behavior of Tough pH-sensitive Hydrogels: Theory Development and Numerical Implementation, International Journal of Engineering Science, 2020 (JCR Q1) (33) Developing A Beam Formulation for Semi-crystalline Two-Way Shape-Memory-Polymers, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 2020 (JCR Q1) (32) Flexure Behaviors of ABS-based Composites Containing Carbon and Kevlar Fibers by Material Extrusion 3D Printing, Polymers, 2019 (JCR Q1) (31) Combined numerical and experimental investigation of degradation for PLA/Mg biodegradable composite, ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering, 2019 (JCR Q1) (30) Wrinkling and smoothing of a soft shell, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2019 (JCR Q1) (29) Constitutive Modeling of the Tensile Behavior of Recycled Polypropylene Based Composites, Materials, 2019 (JCR Q2) (28) Molecular Dynamics Study on the Tribological Properties of Phosphorene/Polyethylene Composites, Coatings 9(5):342, 2019 (JCR Q2) (27) A Flexible Ti3C2Tx (MXene)/Paper Membrane for Efficient Oil/Water Separation, RSC Advances,2019 (JCR Q2) (26) Mechanical behavior and texture evolution of aluminum alloys subjected to strain path changes: Experiments and modeling, Materials Science and Engineering: A ,2019 (JCR Q1) (25) Synergistic reinforcement of polyamide-based composites by combination of short and continuous carbon fibers via fused filament fabrication, Composite Structures 207, 232-239,2019 (JCR Q1) (24) Investigation of the fracture behaviors of windshield laminated glass used in high-speed trains, Composite Structures 207, 29-40, 2019 (JCR Q1) (23) A Novel Architecture for Carbon Nanotube Membranes towards Fast and Efficient Oil/water Separation, Scientific Reports 8 (1), 7418 (JCR Q1) (22) Fast and efficient separation of seawater algae using a low-fouling micro/nano-composite membrane, Desalination 433, 108-112, 2018 (JCR Q1) (21) Engineering the Surface and Mechanical Properties of Water Desalination Membranes Using Ultralong Carbon Nanotubes, Membranes 8 (4), 106,2018 (JCR Q2) (20) Investigation of the impact response of PMMA-based nano-rubbers under various temperatures, Journal of Polymer Research, 2018 (JCR Q3) (19) A windable and stretchable three-dimensional all-inorganic membrane for efficient oil/water separation, Scientific Reports, 7, Article number: 16081, 2017 (JCR Q1) (18) A flexible, robust and antifouling asymmetric membrane based on ultra-long ceramic/polymeric fibers for high-efficiency separation of oil/water emulsions, Nanoscale 9, 9018-9025, 2017. (JCR Q1). (17) A composite approach for modeling deformation behaviors of thermoplastic polyurethane considering soft-hard domains transformation,International Journal of Material Forming, 1-8, 2017. (JCR Q2) (16) Mechanical properties of water desalination and wastewater treatment membranes, Desalination 401, 190-205, 2017. (JCR Q1) (15) Renewable biocomposites based on cellulose fibers and dimer fatty acid polyamide: Experiments and modeling of the stress–strain behavior. Polymer Engineering & Science 57 (1), 95-104, 2017. (JCR Q2) (14) Elastic and yield behaviors of recycled polypropylene-based composites: Experimental and modeling study, Composites Part B: Engineering 99, 132-153, 2016. (JCR Q1) (13) Specimen Geometry Effect on the Deformation Mechanisms of Polypropylene-Based Composites Under Impact Loading at Different Temperatures, Journal of Dynamic Behavior of Materials 2 (1), 101-111, 2016. (12) Time-resolved small-angle X-ray scattering study of void fraction evolution in high-density polyethylene during stress unloading and strain recovery. Polymer International 64 (11), 1513-1521, 2015. (JCR Q2) (11) Strain-induced deformation mechanisms of polylactide plasticized with acrylated poly (ethylene glycol) obtained by reactive extrusion, Polymer International 64 (11), 1544-1554, 2015. (JCR Q2) (10) Strain rate sensitivity of polypropylene based particulate composites, Revue des composites et des matériaux avancés 131, 131, 2015. (9) Polyaniline as potential radical scavenger for ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene, Synthetic Metals 198, 196-202, 2014 (JCR Q2) (8) Dynamic behavior and flame retardancy of HDPE/hemp short fiber composites: effect of coupling agent and fiber loading, Composite Structures 113, 74-82, 2014 (JCR Q1) (7) Impact response of recycled polypropylene-based composites under a wide range of temperature: effect of filler content and recycling, Composites Science and Technology 95, 89-99, 2014 (JCR Q1) (6) Effect of talc content on the degradation of re-extruded polypropylene/talc composites, Polymer degradation and stability 98 (7), 1275-1286, 2013. (JCR Q1) (5) Micromechanical modeling of the elastic behavior of polypropylene based organoclay nanocomposites under a wide range of temperatures and strain rates/frequencies, Mechanics of Materials 64, 56-68, 2013. (JCR Q1) (4) Analysis of thermomechanical reprocessing effects on polypropylene/ethylene octene copolymer blends, Polymer degradation and stability 97 (8), 1475-1484, 2012 (JCR Q1) (3) Experimental investigation and micromechanical modeling of high strain rate compressive yield stress of a melt mixing polypropylene organoclay nanocomposite, Mechanics of Materials 52, 58-68, 2012. (JCR Q1) (2) Dynamic behaviour of a melt mixing polypropylene organoclay nanocomposites, Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology 134, 010905, 2012. (JCR Q3) (1) High strain rate behaviour of renewable biocomposites based on dimer fatty acid polyamides and cellulose fibres, Composites Science and Technology 71 (5), 674-682, 2011 (JCR Q1) 国际会议报告及论文: (31) Jin Wang, Kui Wang*, Xiaobo Luo, Song Yao, Yong Peng, Structural sensitivity analysis and multi-objective optimization of a novel tri-axial auxetic lattice structure, 12th International Conference on Structural Integrity and Failure, 5-8 Dec. 2021, Melbourne, Australia; (30) Kui Wang, Progressive Collapse Behaviors and Mechanisms of Composite Thin-walled Structures Under Multi-conditional Loading, SAMPE China 2021 International Conference, Beijing, China, 06-09 July 2021; (29) Jin Wang, Xiaobo Luo, Kui Wang*, Song Yao, Axial compressive behavior of 3D printed novel auxetic lattice structures, ICCS24 Proceedings, Porto, Portugal, 14-16 June 2021; (28) Ruijun Cai, Ping Cheng, Yong Peng, Kui Wang*, Developing 3D printable continuous natural fiber reinforced polypropylene composites: Parameter optimization using experimental and machine learning methods. 2nd International Conference on Additive Fabrication of Composites, Lorient, France, 23-24 November 2021. (27) Ping Cheng*, Kui Wang, Yong Peng, Antoine le Duigou, Song Yao, Effect of layup configuration on quasi-static penetration property to 3D printed ramie-fiber reinforced biocomposites. 2nd International Conference on Additive Fabrication of Composites, Lorient, France, 23-24 November 2021. (26) Shixian Li, Kui Wang*, Yanni Rao, Yong Peng, Guangjun Gao, Mechanical characterization of novel 3D printed composites with hybrid continuous fibers. 23rd International Conference on Composite Structures & 6th International Conference on Mechanics of Composites, Porto, Portugal, 1-4 September 2020. (25) Jin Wang, Yisen Liu, Kui Wang*, Honghao Zhang, Yong Peng, Song Yao, Experimental investigation on axial crushing behavior of thin-walled structures made by FDM. 23rd International Conference on Composite Structures & 6th International Conference on Mechanics of Composites, Porto, Portugal, 1-4 September 2020. (24) XuanzhenChen,YongPeng*,KuiWang,GuangjunGao. Study on symmetrical scarf of CFRP laminates subjected to tensile loading. 22th International Conference of Composites Structures, Wuhan, China, 31 Oct-3 Nov 2019. (23) FengyanChen,YongPeng*,KuiWang,GuangjunGao. Study on high-velocity impact of CFRP laminates with different lay-up: experiments and modeling. 22th International Conference of Composites Structures, Wuhan, China, 31 Oct-3 Nov 2019. (22) Yiyun Wu, Yong Peng, Kui Wang*, Guangjun Gao, Designable rigidity and energy-absorption capability of 3D printed continuous carbon fiber reinforced polyamide composites. 22th International Conference of Composites Structures, Wuhan, China, 31 Oct-3 Nov 2019. (21) Y. Yang, T. Wang, K. Wang, F. Xu*, Curvature effect on wrinking and restabilization of highly stretched elastic shells, Engineering Mechanics Institute International Conference 2018, Shanghai, China, Nov. 2-4th 2018 (20) Y. Peng, W. Ma, S. Wang, K. Wang*, Impact behaviors of tempered glass and PVB laminated windshield for high-speed trains, 1st International Conference on Theoretical, Analytical and Computational Methods for Composite Materials and Composite Structures (ICOMP 2018), Wuhan, China, May 23-25 2018 (19) RM Boumbimba, M Coulibaly, K Wang, Investigation of the impact response of PMMA based nano-rubber over a large range of temperatures and strain rates, International Conference on Engineering, Applied Sciences and System Modeling (iceassm2017), April 18-21 2017, Accra, Ghana. (18) RM Boumbimba, M Reulier, E Hablot, K Wang, N Bahlouli, S Ahzi, L Avérous, Modelling of compressive high strain rate behavior of biocomposite: application to dimer fatty acid-based polyamides with cellulose fibres, International Workshop DynEcoComp Dynamic behaviour of green composites, September 27-29 2016, ISAE-ENSMA, Poitiers, France. (17) K Wang, M Khaleel, YM Manawi, V Kochkodan, MA Hussien, MK Khraisheh, A Benamor, Mechanical behavior of a fillerreinforced membrane for water treatment, 2nd International Conference on Desalination and Environment, January 23-26 2016, Doha, Qatar. (16) K Wang, RM Boumbimba, N Bahlouli, S Ahzi, R Muller, Dynamic mechanical characterization and modelling of polypropylene based organoclay nanocomposite, 11th International Conference on the Mechanical and Physical Behaviour of Materials under Dynamic Loading, September 7-11 2015, Lugano, Switzerland. (15) RM Boumbimba, K Wang, F Addiego, M Arnaud, P Gerard, D Ruch, Influence of fibre aqueous-based sizing treatments and of the matrix intrinsic reinforcement on the damage mechanisms of novel laminated acrylic thermoplastic composites, 18th International Conference on Composite Structures, June 15-18 2015, Lisbon, Portugal. (14) N Bahlouli, K Wang, RM Boumbimba, C Wagner-Kocher, S Ahzi, Quasistatic to dynamic behavior of particulate composites for different temperatures, SEM 2015 Annual Conference and Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, June 8-11 2015, Hilton Orange County/Costa Mesa, Costa Mesa, CA, U.S. (13) B Brüster, F Addiego, K Wang, S André, V Toniazzo, JM Raquez, P Dubois, Chain orientation and phase transformation competition in PLA and plasticized PLA during tensile testing, 6th International Conference on Polymer Behaviour (ICPB6), September 22-26 2014, University of Vienna, Austria. (12) K Wang, N Bahlouli, F Addiego, S Ahzi, Y Remond, R Muller, Effect of recycling on polypropylene/ethylene octene rubber blends and polypropylene / talc composites used in automotive applications, Russian-French Symposium on composite materials, July 10-13 2012, Saint Petersburg, Russia. (11) K Wang, N Barth, S Ahzi, R Matadi, N Bahlouli, Y Remond, On the micromechanical modeling of the thermomechanical behavior of semicrystalline polymers and polymer nanocomposites, Russian-French Symposium on composite materials, July 10-13 2012, Saint Petersburg, Russia. (10) S Ahzi, K Wang, M Baniassad, N Bahlouli, R Matadi, Y Remond, H Garmestani, J Gracio, On the micromechanical modeling of the effective properties of polymer nanocomposites: statistical and classical approaches, 15th international conference on deformation, yield and fracture of polymers, April 1-5 2012, Rolduc Abbey, Kerkrade, Netherlands. (9) N Bahlouli, Y Rémond, K Wang, R Matadi, S Ahzi, Dynamic behavior of virgin and recycled PP/EPR and PP/EPDM/Talc materials for car bumpers, 18th International Conference on Composite Materials, August 21-26 2011, Jeju island, Korea. (8) R Matadi, N Bahlouli, K Wang, S Ahzi, Constitutive micromechanical model for the dynamic behavior of thermoplastics, 3rd International Conference on Impact Loading of Lightweight Structures, 28th June–1st july 2011, Valenciennes, France. (7) R Matadi, N Bahlouli, K Wang, S Ahzi, Y Rémond, R Muller, Polymer/organoclay nanocomposites: processing, 27th World Congress of the Polymer Processing Society (PPS), May 10-14 2011, Marrakech, Morocco. (6) S Ahzi, N Bahlouli, K Wang, R Matadi, Micromechanical Modeling of the Dynamic Behavior of Amorphous and Crystalline Polymers, 2011 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition, 27th February–3rd March 2011, San Diego, California, U.S. (5) S Ahzi, N Bahloui, K Wang, R Matadi, R Muller, Mechanical Behavior of Melt Mixing Polypropylene Organoclay Nanocomposites, 2011 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition, 27th February–3rd March 2011, San Diego, California, U.S. (4) R Matadi, K Wang, N Bahlouli, F Addiego, S Ahzi, Y Rémond, Modeling of the dynamic behavior of organoclay nanocomposites ,19th DYMAT Technical Meeting, December 1-3 2010, Strasbourg, France. (3) K Wang, R Matadi, N Bahlouli, F Addiego, S Ahzi, Y Rémond, Experimental identification of dynamic behavior of exfoliated polypropylene based organoclay nanocomposites for a wide range of temperatures, 19th DYMAT Technical Meeting, December 1-3 2010, Strasbourg, France. (2) K.Wang, RM Boumbimba, N Bahlouli, S Ahzi, R Muller, M Bouquey, Dynamic behaviour of a melt mixing polypropylene organoclay nanocomposites, 1st DYMAT Student Camp, October 5-7 2010, Guéthary, France. (1) K Wang, R Matadi, N Balhouli, S Ahzi, Y Remond, M Bouquey, R Muller, polypropylene based organoclay nanocomposites: stiffness and yield stress predictions, 3rd International Conference on Advanced Nano Materials, September 12-15 2010, Agadir, Morocco. 国内会议报告及论文: (14) 王琎,向江洋,汪馗*,姚松,彭勇,饶燕妮,打印策略对尼龙基复合材料压缩性能的影响研究,第十三届全国 MTS 材料试验学术会议,2020.10,成都 (14) 吴依韵, 彭勇, 谢训, 汪馗, 高广军, 短碳纤维与连续碳纤维对3D打印制尼龙基复合材料的协同增强作用, 2018年全国固体力学学术会议, 2018.11, 哈尔滨 (13) 汪馗,Nadia Bahlouli,赵安东,Said Ahzi, 机械回收聚丙烯基复合材料力学行为研究, 2018年全国固体力学学术会议, 2018.11, 哈尔滨 (12) 李诗弦, 饶燕妮, 彭勇, 汪馗 , FDM制CF/KF协同增强ABS基复合材料力学性能研究,2019中国力学大学,2019.08,杭州 (11) 赵安东,饶燕妮,彭勇,汪馗,胞元材料及密度对点阵结构力学性能影响研究,2019中国力学大学,2019.08,杭州 (10) K Wang, YM Manawi, V Kochkodan, MA Hussien, MK Khraisheh, A Benamor, Mechanical behavior of a novel nanocomposite polysulphone – carbon nanotubes membrane for water treatment, Qatar Foundation Annual Research Conference, March 22-23 2016, Doha, Qatar. (9) K Wang, R Matadi , C Bernard, N Bahlouli, PM Correia, S Ahzi, Y Rémond. Influence du taux de charge et de la température sur le comportement mécanique de composites particulaires :du statique au dynamique, JST Transition statique – dynamique dans les matériaux et structures composites, November 5th, 2014, ONERA, Chatillon, France. (8) F Addiego, K Wang, B Kaouache, V Toniazzo, D Ruch, Effet du taux de fibre et de l’agent de couplage sur le comportement en compression dynamique de composites HDPE / fibres courtes de chanvre, 25ème fois le DEPOS (DEformation des POlymères Solides), March 26-28 2014, presqu?le de Giens, France. (7) K Wang, F Addiego, G Kfoury, F Hassouna, V Toniazzo, D Ruch, Mécanismes de déformation en traction du polylactide (PLA) non modifié et plastifié par extrusion réactive, 25ème fois le DEPOS (DEformation des POlymères Solides), March 26-28 2014, presqu?le de Giens, France. (6) N Bahlouli, K Wang, S Ahzi, Y Rémond, F Addiego, Effects du recyclage sur le polypropylene charges, Mécanique des matériaux biosourcés, January 20 - 24 2014, Aussois, France. (5) K Wang, F Addiego, N Bahlouli, S Ahzi, Y Rémond, V Toniazzo, D Ruch, Effect of recycling on the mechanical properties of polypropylene/EPR/talc composites used in automotive applications, 39ème Journées d’Etudes des Polymères (JEPO 39), October 16-21 2011, Val Joly, Eppe-Sauvage, France. (4) R Matadi, E Hablot, K Wang, N Bahlouli, S Ahzi, L Averous, Analyse du comportement mécanique de biocomposites, à base de polyamides biosourcés et de fibres de cellulose, à haut taux de deformation, GDR week à l’Ecole des Mines de Saint-étienne, March 28-31 2011, France. (3) K Wang, F Addiego, N Bahlouli, S Ahzi, Y Rémond, V Toniazzo, D Ruch, Effect of recycling on the mechanical properties of polypropylene/EPR/talc composites used in automotive applications, 11ème Journée Scientifique GFP Grand-Est, June 22 2011, Luxembourg. (2) N Bahlouli, K Wang, JG Sieffert, S Ahzi, Comportement thermomécanique dynamique de polymères multiphasés, Matériaux 2010, October 18 - 22 2010, Nantes, France. (1) K Wang, N Bahlouli, S Ahzi, Chargement thermomécanique des polymères sous sollicitation dynamique, Journée Mécamat, May 20 2010, Paris, France. 书籍: (3) 李雄兵,姚松,高广军,彭勇,汪馗,David K.Hsu,英语科技论文撰写,中南大学出版社,2020年 (2) R Matadi,M Coulibaly,K Wang,Investigation of the Impact Response of PMMA-Based Nano-rubbers Over a Large Range of Temperatures and Strain Rates,In book: Data-Driven Modeling for Sustainable Engineering,January 2020 (1) K Wang, AA Abdala, N Hilal, MK Khraisheh, Chapter 13 Mechanical Characterization of Membranes. In handbook “Membrane Characterization by Hilal et al”, Elsevier 2017, ISBN: 9780444637765 中国专利: (1):一种3D打印机防流料装置和打印方法,ZL201911053466.7, 2020 (2): 一种3D打印自适应压紧进料机构和打印方法,ZL201911054874.4, 2020 (3): 一种动车组车载转向架防冰装置,ZL202020323897.2, 2020 美国专利: (2): Z Liu, K Wang, J Saththasivam, D El-Masri, N Hilal, Multi-layered membrane for oil/water separation, US Patent App. 16/499,856, 2020 (1): K Wang, V Kochkodan, MK Khraisheh, Y Manawi, MA Atieh, Outstanding oil removal using polysulphone nanocomposite membrane reinforced with ultra-high aspect ratio carbon nanotubes. US Patent Provisional Number: 62370207, 2016 学术奖励 本科生竞赛获奖: 2020:第15届全国大学生交通运输科技大赛,国家一等奖,2020 2020:第13届节能减排大赛,国家二等奖, 2020 研究生获奖: 2021:硕士研究生蔡瑞军获钢联物流奖学金 2021:硕士研究生陈莹获国家硕士研究生奖学金 2021:硕士研究生龙红梅获比亚迪奖学金 2020:硕士研究生鲁月获国家硕士研究生奖学金 2020:硕士研究生谢训获中南大学校长(创新)奖学金 2020:硕士研究生李诗弦获鑫恒奖学金 2019:硕士研究生吴依韵获国家硕士研究生奖学金 科研获奖: 2020:湖湘青年英才 2012:中国国家优秀学生奖学金 (法国约25人,全球约500人) 2012:Mechanics of Materials 2012 年全年排名前 25 位下载次数最多的文章 其他获奖: 2021:中南大学十佳青年 2021:新基业教育基金优秀班导师奖 工作经历 [1] 2013.6-2015.2 卢森堡科学与技术研究所 |